コード例 #1
ファイル: wxstedit.cpp プロジェクト: brkpt/luaplus51-all
void wxStEditApp::OnSTEShellEvent(wxSTEditorEvent& event)
    // handle the event and for this example we just write it back
    wxSTEditorShell* shell = wxDynamicCast(event.GetEventObject(), wxSTEditorShell);
    wxString val = event.GetString();
    shell->AppendText(_("\nText Entered : '") + val + wxT("'\n"));

    // very simple mechanism to parse the line to do things, you may prefer
    //   using wxPython or wxLua and running the string as is.
    wxString token(val.BeforeFirst(wxT(' ')).Lower());

    if (val.Lower().Strip(wxString::both) == wxT("quit"))
        wxCommandEvent quitEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxID_OK);
    else if (token == wxT("setmaxhistorylines"))
        wxString num = val.AfterFirst(wxT(' '));
        long n = 0;
        if (num.ToLong(&n))
            shell->AppendText(wxString::Format(_("The maximum number of history lines is set to %d.\n"), n));
            shell->AppendText(_("ERR: Expected number, eg. SetMaxHistoryLines 10\n"));
    else if (token == wxT("setmaxlines"))
        wxString num1 = val.AfterFirst(wxT(' ')).Strip(wxString::both);
        wxString num2 = num1.AfterFirst(wxT(' ')).Strip(wxString::both);
        num1 = num1.BeforeFirst(wxT(' ')).Strip(wxString::both);

        long n1 = 0, n2 = 2000;
        if (num1.ToLong(&n1) && (num2.IsEmpty() || num2.ToLong(&n2)))

            shell->SetMaxLines(n1, n2);
            shell->AppendText(wxString::Format(_("The maximum number of displayed lines is set to\n  %d with an overflow of %d lines before deleting up to max lines.\n"), n1, n2));
            shell->AppendText(_("ERR: Expected number, eg. SetMaxLines 10 [2000]\n"));
