CSQLiteAddressbook::CSQLiteAddressbook(CGUID id, const wxString& strName, const wxString& strDBFile) : m_id(id) , m_is_ok(false) , m_nSortOrder(C_SORT_SN) , m_bSortAsc(true) , m_conn_pool(connection_pool_size) , m_strName(strName) , m_strPath(strDBFile) , m_bMarkedForDeletion(false) { try { for (int i = 0; i < connection_pool_size; ++i) { soci::session& session = m_conn_pool.at(i); session.open(soci::sqlite3, strDBFile.ToStdString()); session << "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON"; } initSchema(); } catch (const soci_error& e) { m_strLastError = e.what(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { m_strLastError = e.what(); } }
std::string stf::wx2std(const wxString& wxs) { #if (wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0) || defined(MODULE_ONLY)) return wxs.ToStdString(); #else return std::string(wxs.mb_str()); #endif }
void JGridTable::SetValue(const int row, const int col, const wxString & value) { if (row < GetNumberRows()) { if (col < table_[row].size()) { table_[row][col] = value.ToStdString(); } } }
void PrintContinuityEditorView::DoSetPrintContinuity(int which_sheet, const wxString& number, const wxString& cont) { std::map<int, std::pair<std::string, std::string>> data{ { which_sheet, { number.ToStdString(), cont.ToStdString() } } }; auto cmd = static_cast<CalChartDoc*>(GetDocument())->Create_SetPrintableContinuity(data); GetDocument()->GetCommandProcessor()->Submit(cmd.release()); }
void clean_dir(const wxString& dir) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; fs::path path(dir.ToStdString()); fs::directory_iterator end_dir_it; for (fs::directory_iterator it(path); it != end_dir_it; ++it) { if (fs::is_directory(it->path())) continue; fs::remove_all(it->path()); } }
bool GdaJson::hasName(const json_spirit::Object& obj, const wxString& name) { std::string std_name(name.ToStdString()); for (json_spirit::Object::const_iterator i=obj.begin(); i!=obj.end(); ++i) { if (i->name_ == std_name) return true; } return false; }
TileMapImporter::TileMapImporter(const wxString &filePath) : m_filePath(filePath), m_map(new Tmx::Map()) { m_map->ParseFile(filePath.ToStdString()); if(m_map->HasError()) { throw std::runtime_error("Error when loading the .tmx file"); } }
ValueCurveButton::ValueCurveButton(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString& name) : wxBitmapButton(parent, id, bitmap, pos, size, style, validator, name) { _vc = new ValueCurve(name.ToStdString()); }
static void HttpGet(const wxString& url, std::shared_ptr<wxString>& str) { CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.ToStdString().c_str()); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, HttpGet_WriteStr); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, reinterpret_cast<wxString *>(str.get())); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, ua.ToStdString().c_str()); //curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10L); // 10 sek CURLcode result = curl_easy_perform(curl); if (result != CURLE_OK) { //wxLogError("Błąd połączenia z URL %s (%s)", url.c_str(), curl_easy_strerror(result)); } curl_easy_cleanup(curl); }
SectionInfo::SectionInfo(const wxString& _name) { name = _name.ToStdString(); memset(&shdr, 0, sizeof(Elf64_Shdr)); section_num = sections_list.Add(this); shdr.sh_offset = section_offs; shdr.sh_name = section_name_offs; section_name_offs += name.length() + 1; }
bool OCP_DataStreamInput_Thread::OpenComPortPhysical(const wxString &com_name, int baud_rate) { try { m_serial.setPort(com_name.ToStdString()); m_serial.setBaudrate(baud_rate); m_serial.open(); m_serial.setTimeout(250, 250, 0, 250, 0); } catch (std::exception &e) { //std::cerr << "Unhandled Exception while opening serial port: " << e.what() << std::endl; } return m_serial.isOpen(); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sets the texture to display // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FlatTexCanvas::setTexture(const wxString& tex) { texname_ = tex; if (tex.empty() || tex == "-") texture_ = 0; else texture_ = MapEditor::textureManager() .flat(tex.ToStdString(), Game::configuration().featureSupported(Game::Feature::MixTexFlats)) .gl_id; Refresh(); }
bool RebrandingHelper::ShouldRename(wxString scope) const { if (rename.find(scope) != rename.end()) return true; for(auto & it : renameRegex) { if (std::regex_match(scope.ToStdString(), it.first)) return true; } return false; }
/** * Exporting OGR layer in project to another datasource name * This function will be called by OnOKClick (When user clicks OK) */ void ExportDataDlg::ExportOGRLayer(wxString& ds_name, bool is_update) { // Exporting layer in multi-layer cases will not use OGRTable anymore, // we will use OGRDataAdapter to get ogr layer by layer name OGRTable* tbl = dynamic_cast<OGRTable*>(project_p->GetTableInt()); if (!tbl) { // DBFTable case, try to read into wxString msg = "Only OGR datasource can be exported now."; throw GdaException(msg.mb_str()); } OGRLayerProxy* layer = tbl->GetOGRLayer(); layer->T_Export(ds_format.ToStdString(), ds_name.ToStdString(), layer_name.ToStdString(), is_update); int prog_n_max = project_p->GetNumRecords(); wxProgressDialog prog_dlg("Export data source progress dialog", "Exporting data...", prog_n_max, // range this, wxPD_CAN_ABORT|wxPD_AUTO_HIDE|wxPD_APP_MODAL); bool cont = true; while (layer->export_progress < prog_n_max) { wxSleep(1); cont = prog_dlg.Update(layer->export_progress); if (!cont ) { layer->T_StopExport(); return; } if (layer->export_progress == -1){ ostringstream msg; msg << "Exporting to data source (" << ds_name.ToStdString() << ") failed." << "\n\nDetails:" << layer->error_message.str(); throw GdaException(msg.str().c_str()); } } }
wxString RebrandingHelper::GetNewName(wxString scope) const { if (rename.find(scope) != rename.end()) return rename.find(scope)->second; for(auto & it : renameRegex) { if (std::regex_match(scope.ToStdString(), it.first)) return it.second; } return ""; }
bool RebrandingHelper::ShouldDelete(wxString scope) const { if (deletions.find(scope) != deletions.end()) return true; for(auto & regex : deletionsRegex) { if (std::regex_match(scope.ToStdString(), regex)) return true; } return false; }
u32 CompilePPUProgram::GetBranchValue(const wxString& branch) { for(u32 i=0; i<m_branches.GetCount(); ++i) { if(branch.ToStdString() != m_branches[i].m_name) continue; if(m_branches[i].m_pos >= 0) return m_text_addr + m_branches[i].m_pos * 4; return m_branches[i].m_addr; } return 0; }
bool MapDocument::DoOpenDocument(const wxString& file) { try { MapHandlerManager().Load(file.ToStdString(), map); } catch (const char* str) { wxMessageBox(str, _("Error")); return false; } return true; }
void LogMessageQueue::DoLogRecord(wxLogLevel level, const wxString& msg, const wxLogRecordInfo& info){ //Discard verbose output, they should only be output to a file if(level >= wxLOG_Info) return; std::string out = msg.ToStdString(); try{ message_queue eq(open_only, "error"); eq.send(out.data(), out.size(), 5); } catch(std::exception &ex){ wxLogError("%s", ex.what()); } }
void xLightsFrame::SetChoicebook(wxChoicebook* cb, const wxString& PageName) { RenderableEffect *reff = effectManager.GetEffect(PageName.ToStdString()); if (reff != nullptr) { for(size_t i=0; i<cb->GetPageCount(); i++) { if (cb->GetPageText(i) == reff->ToolTip()) { cb->ChangeSelection(i); return; } } } }
bool GdaJson::findValue(const json_spirit::Object& input, json_spirit::Value& output, const wxString& name) { std::string std_name(name.ToStdString()); const json_spirit::Object o=input; for (json_spirit::Object::const_iterator i=o.begin(); i!=o.end(); ++i) { if (i->name_ == std_name) { output = i->value_; return true; } } return false; }
wxString GdaJson::getStrValFromObj(const json_spirit::Object& obj, const wxString& name) { std::string std_name(name.ToStdString()); for (json_spirit::Object::const_iterator i=obj.begin(); i!=obj.end(); ++i) { if (i->name_ == std_name) { if (i->value_.type() == json_spirit::str_type) { return wxString(i->value_.get_str()); } return ""; } } return ""; }
void CompilePPUProgram::SetSp(const wxString& name, u32 addr, bool create) { if(create) { m_branches.Move(new Branch(name, -1, addr)); return; } GetBranch(name); for(u32 i=0; i<m_branches.GetCount(); ++i) { if(name.ToStdString() != m_branches[i].m_name) continue; m_branches[i].m_addr = addr; } }
void MainWindow::OnNameItemTree(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxTreeItemId itemId = tree->GetSelection(); NodeTree *itemData = itemId .IsOk() ? (NodeTree *)tree->GetItemData(itemId ):NULL; static wxString s_text; s_text = wxGetTextFromUser(wxT("New name:"), wxT("Change Name Item Tree"),s_text, this); char text[100]; strcpy(text,(const char*)s_text.mb_str(wxConvUTF8)); if(!s_text.empty() && itemData->menus.menu_world) { tree->SetItemText(itemId, s_text); itemData->getSimu()->setName(s_text.ToStdString()); } else if ( !s_text.empty() && itemData->pointer.positionableentity) { itemData->pointer.positionableentity->setName(text); tree->SetItemText(itemId, s_text); } }
/** ComplxFrame * * Constructor */ ComplxFrame::ComplxFrame(long decimal, long disassemble, long stack_size, long true_traps, long interrupts, long highlight, wxString address_str, wxString state_file, wxArrayString files) : ComplxFrameDecl(NULL), console(NULL), memoryView(NULL) { InitImages(); menuStateTrueTraps->Check(true_traps == 1); menuStateInterrupts->Check(interrupts == 1); menuViewInstructionHighlighting->Check(highlight != 0); menuViewUnsignedDecimal->Check(decimal == 1); this->stack_size = stack_size; OnInit(); if (!address_str.IsEmpty()) { int addr; lc3_calculate(state, address_str.ToStdString(), addr); state.pc = addr; } if (!state_file.IsEmpty()) DoLoadMachine(wxFileName(state_file)); if (files.size() > 0) DoLoadFile(wxFileName(files[0])); memoryView = new MemoryView(); memory->SetView(memoryView); memory->SetDisassembleLevel(disassemble > 2 ? 2 : disassemble); memory->SetUnsignedMode(decimal > 1 ? 0 : decimal); memory->SetHighlight(highlight > 1 ? 1 : highlight); int widths[3] = {-7, -3, -3}; int styles[3] = {wxSB_NORMAL, wxSB_NORMAL, wxSB_NORMAL}; statusBar->SetStatusWidths(3, widths); statusBar->SetStatusStyles(3, styles); UpdateMemory(); UpdateStatus(); Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_RUNTHREAD_COMPLETED, wxThreadEventHandler(ComplxFrame::OnRunComplete)); Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_RUNTHREAD_UPDATE, wxThreadEventHandler(ComplxFrame::OnRunUpdate)); Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_RUNTHREAD_IO, wxThreadEventHandler(ComplxFrame::OnIo)); Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_RUNTHREAD_NOIO, wxThreadEventHandler(ComplxFrame::OnNoIo)); Connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_RUNTHREAD_OUTPUT, wxThreadEventHandler(ComplxFrame::OnOutput)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SIconButton class constructor // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIconButton::SIconButton(wxWindow* parent, Icons::Type icon_type, const wxString& icon, const wxString& tooltip) : wxBitmapButton{ parent, -1, wxNullBitmap } { // Create icon auto bmp = Icons::getIcon(icon_type, icon.ToStdString(), UI::scaleFactor() > 1.); // Scale icon if required auto size = UI::scalePx(16); if (bmp.GetWidth() != size) { auto img = bmp.ConvertToImage(); img.Rescale(size, size, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BICUBIC); bmp = wxBitmap(img); } // Set button image and tooltip SetBitmap(bmp); if (!tooltip.empty()) SetToolTip(tooltip); }
bool DirProperty::ValidateValue(wxVariant& value, wxPGValidationInfo& validationinfo) const { const wxString dir = value.GetString(); namespace fs = boost::filesystem; return fs::exists(fs::path(dir.ToStdString())); }
void PlotXY::SaveToFile(const wxString& path) { plotLua_->saveToFile(path.ToStdString()); }
void PlotXY::ExportToCSV(const wxString& filepath) { plotLua_->saveCSV(filepath.ToStdString()); }
/** process_str * * Unescapes and removes quotes from string (see lc3_parser.cpp if you change this) */ std::string process_str(wxString str, int& error) { return process_str(str.ToStdString(), error); }