bool GeneralComp::compare(GeneralComp::ComparisonOperation operation, AnyAtomicType::Ptr first, AnyAtomicType::Ptr second, Collation* collation, DynamicContext *context, bool xpath1compat, const LocationInfo *info) { // The magnitude relationship between two atomic values is determined as follows: // 1) If either atomic value has the dynamic type xdt:untypedAtomic, that value is cast to a required type, // which is determined as follows: // - If the dynamic type of the other atomic value is a numeric type, the required type is xs:double. // - If the dynamic type of the other atomic value is xdt:untypedAtomic, the required type is xs:string. // - Otherwise, the required type is the dynamic type of the other atomic value. // If the cast to the required type fails, a dynamic error is raised. // 2) If XPath 1.0 compatibility mode is true, and at least one of the atomic values has a numeric type, // then both atomic values are cast to to the type xs:double. // 3) After any necessary casting, the atomic values are compared using one of the value comparison operators // eq, ne, lt, le, gt, or ge, depending on whether the general comparison operator was // =, !=, <, <=, >, or >=. The values have the required magnitude relationship if the result of this // value comparison is true. if(first->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::UNTYPED_ATOMIC) { if (second->isNumericValue()) { first = first->castAs(AnyAtomicType::DOUBLE, context); } else if(second->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::UNTYPED_ATOMIC) { first = first->castAs(AnyAtomicType::STRING, context); } else { first = first->castAs(second->getPrimitiveTypeIndex(), second->getTypeURI(), second->getTypeName(), context); } } if(second->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::UNTYPED_ATOMIC) { if(first->isNumericValue()) { second = second->castAs(AnyAtomicType::DOUBLE, context); } else if(first->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::UNTYPED_ATOMIC) { second = second->castAs(AnyAtomicType::STRING, context); } else { second = second->castAs(first->getPrimitiveTypeIndex(), first->getTypeURI(), first->getTypeName(), context); } } if(xpath1compat && (first->isNumericValue() || second->isNumericValue())) { first = first->castAs(AnyAtomicType::DOUBLE, context); second = second->castAs(AnyAtomicType::DOUBLE, context); } bool result = false; switch(operation) { case GeneralComp::EQUAL: result = Equals::equals(first,second,collation,context,info); break; case GeneralComp::NOT_EQUAL: result = NotEquals::not_equals(first,second,collation,context,info); break; case GeneralComp::LESS_THAN: result = LessThan::less_than(first,second,collation,context,info); break; case GeneralComp::LESS_THAN_EQUAL: result = LessThanEqual::less_than_equal(first,second,collation,context,info); break; case GeneralComp::GREATER_THAN: result = GreaterThan::greater_than(first,second,collation,context,info); break; case GeneralComp::GREATER_THAN_EQUAL: result = GreaterThanEqual::greater_than_equal(first,second,collation,context,info); break; default: assert(false); } return result; }
Item::Ptr Divide::execute(const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &atom1, const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &atom2, DynamicContext *context) const { if(atom1 == NULLRCP || atom2 == NULLRCP) return 0; if(atom1->isNumericValue()) { if(atom2->isNumericValue()) { return (const Item::Ptr)((Numeric*)(const AnyAtomicType*)atom1)->divide((const Numeric::Ptr )atom2, context); } else { XQThrow(XPath2ErrorException,X("Divide::createSequence"), X("An attempt to divide a numeric type by a non-numeric type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); } } if(atom1->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::DAY_TIME_DURATION || atom1->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::YEAR_MONTH_DURATION) { const ATDurationOrDerived* duration = (const ATDurationOrDerived*)atom1.get(); if(atom2->isNumericValue()) { return (const Item::Ptr)duration->divide((const Numeric *)atom2.get(), context); } else if(atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::DAY_TIME_DURATION || atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::YEAR_MONTH_DURATION) { return (const Item::Ptr)duration->divide((const ATDurationOrDerived*)atom2.get(), context); } else { XQThrow(XPath2ErrorException,X("Divide::createSequence"), X("An attempt to divide an xs:duration by an invalid type has occured [err:XPTY0004]")); } } else { XQThrow(XPath2ErrorException,X("Divide::createSequence"), X("The operator div has been called on invalid operand types [err:XPTY0004]")); } return 0; }
Item::Ptr Multiply::execute(const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &atom1, const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &atom2, DynamicContext *context) const { if(atom1.isNull() || atom2.isNull()) return 0; // xs:double * xs:duration (only xdt:dayTimeDuration and xdt:yearMonthDuration) if(atom1->isNumericValue() && (atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::DAY_TIME_DURATION || atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::YEAR_MONTH_DURATION)) { return ((const ATDurationOrDerived*)atom2.get())->multiply((const Numeric*)atom1.get(), context); } // xs:duration * xs:double (only xdt:dayTimeDuration and xdt:yearMonthDuration) if(atom2->isNumericValue() && (atom1->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::DAY_TIME_DURATION || atom1->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() == AnyAtomicType::YEAR_MONTH_DURATION)) { return ((const ATDurationOrDerived*)atom1.get())->multiply((const Numeric*)atom2.get(), context); } // numeric * numeric if(atom1->isNumericValue()) { if(atom2->isNumericValue()) { return ((const Numeric*)atom1.get())->multiply((const Numeric*)atom2.get(), context); } else { XQThrow(XPath2ErrorException,X("Multiply::createSequence"), X("An attempt to multiply a non numeric type to a numeric type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); } } XQThrow(XPath2ErrorException,X("Multiply::createSequence"), X("The operator * has been called on invalid operand types [err:XPTY0004]")); }
/*static*/ bool GreaterThanEqual::greater_than_equal(const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &arg1, const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &arg2, Collation* collation, DynamicContext* context, const LocationInfo *info) { // A ge B numeric numeric op:numeric-greater-than(A, B) or op:numeric-equal(A, B) // A ge B xs:boolean xs:boolean fn:not(op:boolean-less-than(A, B)) // A ge B xs:string xs:string op:numeric-greater-than(fn:compare(A, B), -1) // A ge B xs:date xs:date fn:not(op:date-less-than(A, B)) // A ge B xs:time xs:time fn:not(op:time-less-than(A, B)) // A ge B xs:dateTime xs:dateTime fn:not(op:datetime-less-than(A, B)) // A ge B xdt:yearMonthDuration xdt:yearMonthDuration fn:not(op:yearMonthDuration-less-than(A, B)) // A ge B xdt:dayTimeDuration xdt:dayTimeDuration fn:not(op:dayTimeDuration-less-than(A, B)) // numeric values need a special comparison, for the others we can just rely on LessThan if(arg1->isNumericValue() && arg2->isNumericValue()) { if(((Numeric*)arg1.get())->getState() == Numeric::NaN || ((Numeric*)arg2.get())->getState() == Numeric::NaN) return false; } return !LessThan::less_than(arg1,arg2,collation,context, info); }
/*static*/ bool GreaterThan::greater_than(const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &atom1, const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &atom2, Collation* collation, DynamicContext* context, const LocationInfo *info) { try { // take care of Numeric types first if(atom1->isNumericValue()) { if(atom2->isNumericValue()) { return ((Numeric*)(const AnyAtomicType*)atom1)->greaterThan((const Numeric::Ptr )atom2, context); } else { XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An attempt to compare a numeric type to a non numeric type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); } } switch(atom1->getPrimitiveTypeIndex()) { case AnyAtomicType::BOOLEAN: { // op:boolean-greater-than(A, B) if(atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() != AnyAtomicType::BOOLEAN) XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An attempt to compare a boolean type to a non boolean type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); return ((const ATBooleanOrDerived*)atom1.get())->compare((const ATBooleanOrDerived*)atom2.get(), context) > 0; } case AnyAtomicType::STRING: case AnyAtomicType::ANY_URI: { // use function compare if(atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() != AnyAtomicType::STRING && atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() != AnyAtomicType::ANY_URI) XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An attempt to compare a string type to a non string type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); // if the function returns 1, then atom1 is greater return collation->compare(atom1->asString(context),atom2->asString(context))>0; } case AnyAtomicType::DATE: { // op:date-greater-than(A, B) if(atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() != AnyAtomicType::DATE) XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An attempt to compare a date type to a non date type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); return ((ATDateOrDerived*)atom1.get())->compare((const ATDateOrDerived::Ptr )atom2, context) > 0; } case AnyAtomicType::TIME: { // op:time-greater-than(A, B) if(atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() != AnyAtomicType::TIME) XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An attempt to compare a time type to a non time type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); return ((ATTimeOrDerived*)atom1.get())->compare((const ATTimeOrDerived::Ptr )atom2, context) > 0; } case AnyAtomicType::DATE_TIME: { // op:datetime-greater-than(A, B) if(atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() != AnyAtomicType::DATE_TIME) XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An attempt to compare a dateTime type to a non dateTime type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); return ((ATDateTimeOrDerived*)atom1.get())->compare((const ATDateTimeOrDerived::Ptr)atom2, context) > 0; } case AnyAtomicType::DAY_TIME_DURATION: { if(atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() != AnyAtomicType::DAY_TIME_DURATION) XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An attempt to compare a duration type to a non duration type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); return ((const ATDurationOrDerived*)atom1.get())->compare((const ATDurationOrDerived*)atom2.get(), context) > 0; } case AnyAtomicType::YEAR_MONTH_DURATION: { if(atom2->getPrimitiveTypeIndex() != AnyAtomicType::YEAR_MONTH_DURATION) XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An attempt to compare a duration type to a non duration type has occurred [err:XPTY0004]")); return ((const ATDurationOrDerived*)atom1.get())->compare((const ATDurationOrDerived*)atom2.get(), context) > 0; } default: XQThrow2(XPath2ErrorException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("Unexpected data type in operator 'gt' [err:XPTY0004]")); } XQThrow2(FunctionException,X("GreaterThan::greater_than"), X("An equality operator is not defined for the provided arguments [err:XPTY0004]")); } catch(XQException &e) { if(e.getXQueryLine() == 0) e.setXQueryPosition(info); throw; } }
static inline bool isEmptyOrNaN(const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &si) { return si.isNull() || (si->isNumericValue() && ((Numeric*)si.get())->isNaN()); }