/** * Setup a detector cache for randomly picking IDs from the first * instrument in the ExperimentInfo list. * @param workspace The input workspace */ void FakeMD::setupDetectorCache(const API::IMDEventWorkspace &workspace) { try { auto inst = workspace.getExperimentInfo(0)->getInstrument(); m_detIDs = inst->getDetectorIDs(true); // true=skip monitors size_t max = m_detIDs.size() - 1; m_uniformDist = boost::uniform_int<size_t>(0, max); // Includes max } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { } }
/** * Setup a detector cache for randomly picking IDs from the first * instrument in the ExperimentInfo list. * @param ws :: The input workspace */ void FakeMDEventData::setupDetectorCache(const API::IMDEventWorkspace &ws) { try { Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr inst = ws.getExperimentInfo(0)->getInstrument(); m_detIDs = inst->getDetectorIDs(true); // true=skip monitors size_t max = m_detIDs.size() - 1; m_uniformDist = boost::uniform_int<size_t>(0, max); // Includes max } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { g_log.information("Cannot retrieve instrument from input workspace, " "detector information will be garbage."); } }
/** * Create an output event workspace filled with data simulated with the fitting * function. * @param baseName :: The base name for the workspace * @param inputWorkspace :: The input workspace. * @param values :: The calculated values * @param outputWorkspacePropertyName :: The property name */ boost::shared_ptr<API::Workspace> FitMD::createEventOutputWorkspace( const std::string &baseName, const API::IMDEventWorkspace &inputWorkspace, const API::FunctionValues &values, const std::string &outputWorkspacePropertyName) { auto outputWS = MDEventFactory::CreateMDWorkspace(inputWorkspace.getNumDims(), "MDEvent"); // Add events // TODO: Generalize to ND (the current framework is a bit limiting) auto mdWS = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< DataObjects::MDEventWorkspace<DataObjects::MDEvent<4>, 4>>(outputWS); if (!mdWS) { return boost::shared_ptr<API::Workspace>(); } // Bins extents and meta data for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::IMDDimension> inputDim = inputWorkspace.getDimension(i); Geometry::MDHistoDimensionBuilder builder; builder.setName(inputDim->getName()); builder.setId(inputDim->getDimensionId()); builder.setUnits(inputDim->getUnits()); builder.setNumBins(inputDim->getNBins()); builder.setMin(inputDim->getMinimum()); builder.setMax(inputDim->getMaximum()); builder.setFrameName(inputDim->getMDFrame().name()); outputWS->addDimension(builder.create()); } // Run information outputWS->copyExperimentInfos(inputWorkspace); // Coordinates outputWS->setCoordinateSystem(inputWorkspace.getSpecialCoordinateSystem()); // Set sensible defaults for splitting behaviour BoxController_sptr bc = outputWS->getBoxController(); bc->setSplitInto(3); bc->setSplitThreshold(3000); outputWS->initialize(); outputWS->splitBox(); auto inputIter = inputWorkspace.createIterator(); size_t resultValueIndex(0); const float errorSq = 0.0; do { const size_t numEvents = inputIter->getNumEvents(); const float signal = static_cast<float>(values.getCalculated(resultValueIndex)); for (size_t i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i) { coord_t centers[4] = { inputIter->getInnerPosition(i, 0), inputIter->getInnerPosition(i, 1), inputIter->getInnerPosition(i, 2), inputIter->getInnerPosition(i, 3)}; mdWS->addEvent(MDEvent<4>(signal, errorSq, inputIter->getInnerRunIndex(i), inputIter->getInnerDetectorID(i), centers)); } ++resultValueIndex; } while (inputIter->next()); delete inputIter; // This splits up all the boxes according to split thresholds and sizes. auto threadScheduler = new Kernel::ThreadSchedulerFIFO(); Kernel::ThreadPool threadPool(threadScheduler); outputWS->splitAllIfNeeded(threadScheduler); threadPool.joinAll(); outputWS->refreshCache(); // Store it if (!outputWorkspacePropertyName.empty()) { declareProperty( new API::WorkspaceProperty<API::IMDEventWorkspace>( outputWorkspacePropertyName, "", Direction::Output), "Name of the output Workspace holding resulting simulated spectrum"); m_manager->setPropertyValue(outputWorkspacePropertyName, baseName + "Workspace"); m_manager->setProperty(outputWorkspacePropertyName, outputWS); } return outputWS; }