Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> InterpreterDraft6::filterPreempted(const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& enabledTransitions) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> filteredTransitions; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { Node<std::string> t = enabledTransitions[i]; if (!isTargetless(t)) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < filteredTransitions.size(); j++) { if (j == i) continue; Node<std::string> t2 = filteredTransitions[j]; if (isPreemptingTransition(t2, t)) { #if 0 std::cout << "#####" << std::endl << "Transition " << std::endl << t2 << std::endl << " preempts " << std::endl << t << std::endl << "#####" << std::endl; #endif goto LOOP; } } } #if 0 std::cout << "----" << "Enabling Transition " << std::endl << t << std::endl; #endif filteredTransitions.push_back(t); LOOP: ; } return filteredTransitions; }
virtual Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> doEvaluate(const DOM::Node<std::string>& /* context */, const Arabica::XPath::ExecutionContext<std::string>& executionContext) const { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> set; set.push_back(executionContext.currentNode()); return set; } // doEvaluate
virtual void execute(const DOM::Node<string_type, string_adaptor>& node, ExecutionContext<string_type, string_adaptor>& context) const { ParamPasser<string_type, string_adaptor> passer(*this, node, context); if(!SortableT::has_sort() && select_ == 0) { if(node.hasChildNodes()) context.stylesheet().applyTemplates(node.getChildNodes(), context, mode_); return; } Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<string_type, string_adaptor> nodes; if(select_ == 0) for(DOM::Node<string_type, string_adaptor> n = node.getFirstChild(); n != 0; n = n.getNextSibling()) nodes.push_back(n); else { Arabica::XPath::XPathValue<string_type, string_adaptor> value = select_->evaluate(node, context.xpathContext()); if(value.type() != Arabica::XPath::NODE_SET) throw std::runtime_error("apply-templates select expression is not a node-set"); nodes = value.asNodeSet(); } this->sort(node, nodes, context); context.stylesheet().applyTemplates(nodes, context, mode_); } // execute
void InterpreterDraft6::microstep(const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& enabledTransitions) { #if VERBOSE std::cout << "Transitions: "; for (int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { std::cout << ((Element<std::string>)getSourceState(enabledTransitions[i])).getAttribute("id") << " -> " << std::endl; NodeSet<std::string> targetSet = getTargetStates(enabledTransitions[i]); for (int j = 0; j < targetSet.size(); j++) { std::cout << " " << ((Element<std::string>)targetSet[j]).getAttribute("id") << std::endl; } } std::cout << std::endl; #endif // --- MONITOR: beforeMicroStep ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeMicroStep(shared_from_this()); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeMicroStep) } exitStates(enabledTransitions); monIter_t monIter; for (int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { Element<std::string> transition(enabledTransitions[i]); // --- MONITOR: beforeTakingTransitions ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeTakingTransition(shared_from_this(), transition, (i + 1 < enabledTransitions.size())); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeTakingTransitions) } executeContent(transition); // --- MONITOR: afterTakingTransitions ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->afterTakingTransition(shared_from_this(), transition, (i + 1 < enabledTransitions.size())); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(afterTakingTransitions) } } enterStates(enabledTransitions); // --- MONITOR: afterMicroStep ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->afterMicroStep(shared_from_this()); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(afterMicroStep) } }
void beforeCompletion(uscxml::Interpreter interpreter) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> config = interpreter.getConfiguration(); if (config.size() == 1 && boost::iequals(ATTR(config[0], "id"), "pass")) { std::cout << "TEST SUCCEEDED" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } std::cout << "TEST FAILED" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
// setup / fetch the documents initial transitions NodeSet<std::string> InterpreterDraft6::getDocumentInitialTransitions() { NodeSet<std::string> initialTransitions; if (_userDefinedStartConfiguration.size() > 0) { // we emulate entering a given configuration by creating a pseudo deep history Element<std::string> initHistory = _document.createElementNS(_nsInfo.nsURL, "history"); _nsInfo.setPrefix(initHistory); initHistory.setAttribute("id", UUID::getUUID()); initHistory.setAttribute("type", "deep"); _scxml.insertBefore(initHistory, _scxml.getFirstChild()); std::string histId = ATTR(initHistory, "id"); NodeSet<std::string> histStates; for (int i = 0; i < _userDefinedStartConfiguration.size(); i++) { histStates.push_back(getState(_userDefinedStartConfiguration[i])); } _historyValue[histId] = histStates; Element<std::string> initialElem = _document.createElementNS(_nsInfo.nsURL, "initial"); _nsInfo.setPrefix(initialElem); initialElem.setAttribute("generated", "true"); Element<std::string> transitionElem = _document.createElementNS(_nsInfo.nsURL, "transition"); _nsInfo.setPrefix(transitionElem); transitionElem.setAttribute("target", histId); initialElem.appendChild(transitionElem); _scxml.appendChild(initialElem); initialTransitions.push_back(transitionElem); } else { // try to get initial transition from initial element initialTransitions = _xpath.evaluate("/" + _nsInfo.xpathPrefix + "initial/" + _nsInfo.xpathPrefix + "transition", _scxml).asNodeSet(); if (initialTransitions.size() == 0) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> initialStates; // fetch per draft initialStates = getInitialStates(); assert(initialStates.size() > 0); for (int i = 0; i < initialStates.size(); i++) { Element<std::string> initialElem = _document.createElementNS(_nsInfo.nsURL, "initial"); _nsInfo.setPrefix(initialElem); initialElem.setAttribute("generated", "true"); Element<std::string> transitionElem = _document.createElementNS(_nsInfo.nsURL, "transition"); _nsInfo.setPrefix(transitionElem); transitionElem.setAttribute("target", ATTR(initialStates[i], "id")); initialElem.appendChild(transitionElem); _scxml.appendChild(initialElem); initialTransitions.push_back(transitionElem); } } } return initialTransitions; }
void sort(const DOM::Node<std::string>& node, Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& nodes, ExecutionContext& context) const { if(!sort_) { if(!nodes.forward()) nodes.to_document_order(); return; } sort_->set_context(node, context); std::stable_sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), SortP(*sort_)); } // sort
virtual void execute(const DOM::Node<std::string>& node, ExecutionContext& context) const { Arabica::XPath::XPathValue<std::string> value = select_->evaluate(node, context.xpathContext()); if(value.type() != Arabica::XPath::NODE_SET) { context.sink().characters(value.asString()); return; } Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> nodes = value.asNodeSet(); for(Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>::const_iterator n = nodes.begin(), e = nodes.end(); n != e; ++n) copy(*n, context); } // execute
Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> nodeSetUnion(const std::string& keyClarkName, const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> nodes, const Arabica::XPath::ExecutionContext<std::string>& executionContext) const { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> results; for(Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>::const_iterator n = nodes.begin(), ne = nodes.end(); n != ne; ++n) { std::string id = Arabica::XPath::impl::nodeStringValue<std::string, Arabica::default_string_adaptor<std::string> >(*n); results.push_back(keys_.lookup(keyClarkName, id, executionContext)); } // for ... results.to_document_order(); return results; } // nodeSetUnion
Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> InterpreterDraft6::selectTransitions(const std::string& event) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> enabledTransitions; NodeSet<std::string> states; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _configuration.size(); i++) { if (isAtomic(_configuration[i])) states.push_back(_configuration[i]); } states.to_document_order(); #if 0 std::cout << "Atomic states: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) { std::cout << states[i] << std::endl << "----" << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif unsigned int index = 0; while(states.size() > index) { bool foundTransition = false; NodeSet<std::string> transitions = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "transition", states[index]); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < transitions.size(); k++) { if (isEnabledTransition(transitions[k], event)) { enabledTransitions.push_back(transitions[k]); foundTransition = true; goto LOOP; } } if (!foundTransition) { Node<std::string> parent = states[index].getParentNode(); if (parent) { states.push_back(parent); } } LOOP: index++; } enabledTransitions = filterPreempted(enabledTransitions); #if 0 std::cout << "Enabled transitions: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { std::cout << DOMUtils::xPathForNode(enabledTransitions[i]) << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif return enabledTransitions; }
Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> InterpreterDraft6::selectEventlessTransitions() { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> enabledTransitions; NodeSet<std::string> states; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _configuration.size(); i++) { if (isAtomic(_configuration[i])) states.push_back(_configuration[i]); } states.to_document_order(); #if 0 std::cout << "Atomic States: "; for (int i = 0; i < atomicStates.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(atomicStates[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif unsigned int index = 0; while(states.size() > index) { bool foundTransition = false; NodeSet<std::string> transitions = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "transition", states[index]); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < transitions.size(); k++) { if (!HAS_ATTR(transitions[k], "event") && hasConditionMatch(transitions[k])) { enabledTransitions.push_back(transitions[k]); foundTransition = true; goto LOOP; } } if (!foundTransition) { Node<std::string> parent = states[index].getParentNode(); if (parent) { states.push_back(parent); } } LOOP: index++; } #if 0 std::cout << "Enabled eventless transitions: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { std::cout << enabledTransitions[i] << std::endl << "----" << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif enabledTransitions = filterPreempted(enabledTransitions); return enabledTransitions; }
virtual void beforeEnteringStates(uscxml::Interpreter* interpreter, const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& statesToEnter) { std::cout << "Entering states: "; for (int i = 0; i < statesToEnter.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(statesToEnter[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; }
NistXmlTestset::NistXmlTestset(const std::string &file) : logger_(logkw::channel = "NistXmlTestset") { Arabica::SAX2DOM::Parser<std::string> domParser; Arabica::SAX::InputSource<std::string> is(file); Arabica::SAX::CatchErrorHandler<std::string> errh; domParser.setErrorHandler(errh); domParser.parse(is); if(errh.errorsReported()) BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger_, error) << errh.errors(); Arabica::DOM::Document<std::string> doc = domParser.getDocument(); if(doc == 0) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger_, error) << "Error parsing input file: " << file; exit(1); } doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); Arabica::XPath::XPath<std::string> xp; Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> docnodes = xp.compile("/mteval/srcset/doc").evaluateAsNodeSet(doc.getDocumentElement()); docnodes.to_document_order(); BOOST_FOREACH(Arabica::DOM::Node<std::string> n, docnodes) documents_.push_back(boost::make_shared<NistXmlDocument>(n)); outdoc_ = static_cast<Arabica::DOM::Document<std::string> >(doc.cloneNode(true)); Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string> srcset = static_cast<Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string> >( xp.compile("/mteval/srcset").evaluateAsNodeSet(outdoc_.getDocumentElement())[0]); Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string> tstset = outdoc_.createElement("tstset"); int docno = 0; while(srcset.hasChildNodes()) { Arabica::DOM::Node<std::string> n = srcset.removeChild(srcset.getFirstChild()); tstset.appendChild(n); if(n.getNodeType() == Arabica::DOM::Node<std::string>::ELEMENT_NODE && n.getNodeName() == "doc") documents_[docno++]->setOutputNode(n); } tstset.setAttribute("setid", srcset.getAttribute("setid")); tstset.setAttribute("srclang", srcset.getAttribute("srclang")); tstset.setAttribute("trglang", "TRGLANG"); tstset.setAttribute("sysid", "SYSID"); srcset.getParentNode().replaceChild(tstset, srcset); }
Node<std::string> InterpreterDraft6::findLCPA(const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& states) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> ancestors = getProperAncestors(states[0], Node<std::string>()); Node<std::string> ancestor; for (int i = 0; i < ancestors.size(); i++) { if (!isParallel(ancestors[i])) continue; for (int j = 0; j < states.size(); j++) { if (!isDescendant(states[j], ancestors[i]) && (states[j] != ancestors[i])) goto NEXT_ANCESTOR; } ancestor = ancestors[i]; break; NEXT_ANCESTOR: ; } return ancestor; }
virtual std::string doEvaluate(const DOM::Node<std::string>& context, const Arabica::XPath::ExecutionContext<std::string>& executionContext) const { DOM::Node<std::string> node; if(baseT::argCount() == 0) node = context; else { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> ns = baseT::argAsNodeSet(0, context, executionContext); if(ns.size() == 0) return ""; node =; } // if ... std::ostringstream os; os << node.underlying_impl(); return os.str(); } // doEvaluate
void printConfig(const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& config) { std::string seperator; std::cerr << "Config: {"; for (int i = 0; i < config.size(); i++) { std::cerr << seperator << ATTR_CAST(config[i], "id"); seperator = ", "; } std::cerr << "}" << std::endl; }
std::list<Breakpoint> getQualifiedTransBreakpoints(Interpreter interpreter, const Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string>& transition, Breakpoint breakpointTemplate) { std::list<Breakpoint> breakpoints; Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string> source(interpreter.getImpl()->getSourceState(transition)); Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> targets = interpreter.getImpl()->getTargetStates(transition); for (size_t j = 0; j < targets.size(); j++) { Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string> target(targets[j]); Breakpoint bp = breakpointTemplate; // copy base as template bp.element = transition; bp.transSourceId = ATTR(source, "id"); bp.transTargetId = ATTR(target, "id"); bp.subject = Breakpoint::TRANSITION; breakpoints.push_back(bp); } return breakpoints; }
virtual void beforeExitingStates(uscxml::Interpreter* interpreter, const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& statesToExit) { std::cout << "Configuration: "; for (int i = 0; i < interpreter->getConfiguration().size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(interpreter->getConfiguration()[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Exiting states: "; for (int i = 0; i < statesToExit.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(statesToExit[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; }
virtual void onStableConfiguration(uscxml::Interpreter* interpreter) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> configuration = interpreter->getConfiguration(); uscxml::Data reply; reply.compound["sessionToken"] = uscxml::Data(interpreter->getName()); std::string seperator; for (size_t i = 0; i < configuration.size(); i++) { if (uscxml::Interpreter::isAtomic(configuration[i])) reply.compound["nextConfiguration"].array.push_back(uscxml::Data(ATTR(configuration[i], "id"), uscxml::Data::VERBATIM)); } std::cout << "---- reply:" << std::endl; std::cout << reply << std::endl; std::stringstream replyString; replyString << reply; struct evbuffer *databuf = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_add(databuf, replyString.str().c_str(), replyString.str().length()); evhttp_send_reply(_interpreters[interpreter->getName()].second, 200, "OK", databuf); evbuffer_free(databuf); }
void InterpreterDraft6::exitInterpreter() { #if VERBOSE std::cout << "Exiting interpreter " << _name << std::endl; #endif NodeSet<std::string> statesToExit = _configuration; statesToExit.forward(false); statesToExit.sort(); for (int i = 0; i < statesToExit.size(); i++) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> onExitElems = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "onexit", statesToExit[i]); for (int j = 0; j < onExitElems.size(); j++) { executeContent(onExitElems[j]); } Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> invokeElems = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "invoke", statesToExit[i]); // TODO: we ought to cancel all remaining invokers just to be sure with the persist extension for (int j = 0; j < invokeElems.size(); j++) { cancelInvoke(invokeElems[j]); } if (isFinal(statesToExit[i]) && parentIsScxmlState(statesToExit[i])) { returnDoneEvent(statesToExit[i]); } } _configuration = NodeSet<std::string>(); }
void load_document(const std::string& location, Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& nodes) const { SAX2DOM::Parser<std::string> domParser; SAX::CatchErrorHandler<std::string> eh; domParser.setErrorHandler(eh); Arabica::io::URI base(baseURI_); Arabica::io::URI absolute(base, location); SAX::InputSource<std::string> is(absolute.as_string()); domParser.parse(is); if(!eh.errorsReported()) nodes.push_back(domParser.getDocument()); else std::cerr << eh.errors() << std::endl; } // load_document
void InterpreterDraft6::exitStates(const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& enabledTransitions) { NodeSet<std::string> statesToExit; monIter_t monIter; #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": Enabled exit transitions: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { std::cout << enabledTransitions[i] << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif for (int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { Element<std::string> t = ((Element<std::string>)enabledTransitions[i]); if (!isTargetless(t)) { Node<std::string> ancestor; Node<std::string> source = getSourceState(t); // std::cout << t << std::endl << TAGNAME(t) << std::endl; NodeSet<std::string> tStates = getTargetStates(t); bool isInternal = (HAS_ATTR(t, "type") && iequals(ATTR(t, "type"), "internal")); // external is default bool allDescendants = true; for (int j = 0; j < tStates.size(); j++) { if (!isDescendant(tStates[j], source)) { allDescendants = false; break; } } if (isInternal && allDescendants && isCompound(source)) { ancestor = source; } else { NodeSet<std::string> tmpStates; tmpStates.push_back(source); tmpStates.insert(tmpStates.end(), tStates.begin(), tStates.end()); #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": tmpStates: "; for (int i = 0; i < tmpStates.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(tmpStates[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif ancestor = findLCCA(tmpStates); } #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": Ancestor: " << ATTR(ancestor, "id") << std::endl;; #endif for (int j = 0; j < _configuration.size(); j++) { if (isDescendant(_configuration[j], ancestor)) statesToExit.push_back(_configuration[j]); } } } // remove statesToExit from _statesToInvoke std::list<Node<std::string> > tmp; for (int i = 0; i < _statesToInvoke.size(); i++) { if (!isMember(_statesToInvoke[i], statesToExit)) { tmp.push_back(_statesToInvoke[i]); } } _statesToInvoke = NodeSet<std::string>(); _statesToInvoke.insert(_statesToInvoke.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); statesToExit.forward(false); statesToExit.sort(); #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": States to exit: "; for (int i = 0; i < statesToExit.size(); i++) { std::cout << LOCALNAME(statesToExit[i]) << ":" << ATTR(statesToExit[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif for (int i = 0; i < statesToExit.size(); i++) { NodeSet<std::string> histories = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "history", statesToExit[i]); for (int j = 0; j < histories.size(); j++) { Element<std::string> historyElem = (Element<std::string>)histories[j]; std::string historyType = (historyElem.hasAttribute("type") ? historyElem.getAttribute("type") : "shallow"); NodeSet<std::string> historyNodes; for (int k = 0; k < _configuration.size(); k++) { if (iequals(historyType, "deep")) { if (isAtomic(_configuration[k]) && isDescendant(_configuration[k], statesToExit[i])) historyNodes.push_back(_configuration[k]); } else { if (_configuration[k].getParentNode() == statesToExit[i]) historyNodes.push_back(_configuration[k]); } } _historyValue[historyElem.getAttribute("id")] = historyNodes; #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": History node " << ATTR(historyElem, "id") << " contains: "; for (int i = 0; i < historyNodes.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(historyNodes[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif } } for (int i = 0; i < statesToExit.size(); i++) { // --- MONITOR: beforeExitingState ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeExitingState(shared_from_this(), Element<std::string>(statesToExit[i]), (i + 1 < statesToExit.size())); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeExitingState) } NodeSet<std::string> onExits = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "onExit", statesToExit[i]); for (int j = 0; j < onExits.size(); j++) { Element<std::string> onExitElem = (Element<std::string>)onExits[j]; executeContent(onExitElem); } // --- MONITOR: afterExitingState ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->afterExitingState(shared_from_this(), Element<std::string>(statesToExit[i]), (i + 1 < statesToExit.size())); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(afterExitingState) } NodeSet<std::string> invokes = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "invoke", statesToExit[i]); for (int j = 0; j < invokes.size(); j++) { Element<std::string> invokeElem = (Element<std::string>)invokes[j]; if (HAS_ATTR(invokeElem, "persist") && DOMUtils::attributeIsTrue(ATTR(invokeElem, "persist"))) { // extension for flattened SCXML documents, we will need an explicit uninvoke element } else { cancelInvoke(invokeElem); } } // remove statesToExit[i] from _configuration - test409 tmp.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < _configuration.size(); j++) { if (_configuration[j] != statesToExit[i]) { tmp.push_back(_configuration[j]); } } _configuration = NodeSet<std::string>(); _configuration.insert(_configuration.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } }
void InterpreterDraft6::addStatesToEnter(const Node<std::string>& state, Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& statesToEnter, Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& statesForDefaultEntry) { std::string stateId = ((Element<std::string>)state).getAttribute("id"); #if VERBOSE std::cout << "Adding state to enter: " << stateId << std::endl; #endif if (isHistory(state)) { if (_historyValue.find(stateId) != _historyValue.end()) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> historyValue = _historyValue[stateId]; #if VERBOSE std::cout << "History State " << ATTR(state, "id") << ": "; for (int i = 0; i < historyValue.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(historyValue[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif for (int i = 0; i < historyValue.size(); i++) { addStatesToEnter(historyValue[i], statesToEnter, statesForDefaultEntry); NodeSet<std::string> ancestors = getProperAncestors(historyValue[i], state); #if VERBOSE std::cout << "Proper Ancestors: "; for (int i = 0; i < ancestors.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(ancestors[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif for (int j = 0; j < ancestors.size(); j++) { statesToEnter.push_back(ancestors[j]); } } } else { NodeSet<std::string> transitions = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "transition", state); for (int i = 0; i < transitions.size(); i++) { NodeSet<std::string> targets = getTargetStates(transitions[i]); for (int j = 0; j < targets.size(); j++) { addStatesToEnter(targets[j], statesToEnter, statesForDefaultEntry); // Modifications from chris nuernberger NodeSet<std::string> ancestors = getProperAncestors(targets[j], state); for (int k = 0; k < ancestors.size(); k++) { statesToEnter.push_back(ancestors[k]); } } } } } else { statesToEnter.push_back(state); if (isCompound(state)) { statesForDefaultEntry.push_back(state); NodeSet<std::string> tStates = getInitialStates(state); for (int i = 0; i < tStates.size(); i++) { addStatesToEnter(tStates[i], statesToEnter, statesForDefaultEntry); } // addStatesToEnter(getInitialState(state), statesToEnter, statesForDefaultEntry); // NodeSet<std::string> tStates = getTargetStates(getInitialState(state)); } else if(isParallel(state)) { NodeSet<std::string> childStates = getChildStates(state); for (int i = 0; i < childStates.size(); i++) { addStatesToEnter(childStates[i], statesToEnter, statesForDefaultEntry); } } } }
void ChartToTex::writeTex(std::ostream& stream) { _keepInvalidTransitions = true; if (_start == NULL) { interpret(); } bool wroteRowStart = false; std::string seperator; for (std::map<std::string, GlobalState*>::iterator stateIter = _globalConf.begin(); stateIter != _globalConf.end(); stateIter++) { assert(_indexToState.find(stateIter->second->index) == _indexToState.end()); _indexToState[stateIter->second->index] = stateIter->second; } stream << "% " << _sourceURL.asString() << std::endl; stream << "%<*provideCommand>" << std::endl; stream << "\\providecommand{\\globalStateListCell}[2][c]{%" << std::endl; stream << " \\begin{tabular}[#1]{@{}l@{}}#2\\end{tabular}}" << std::endl; stream << "%</provideCommand>" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; // stream << "\\begin{table}[H]" << std::endl; // stream << "\\centering" << std::endl; // stream << "\\begin{tabular}{r | l | L{12em} | l}" << std::endl; stream << "\\begin{longtable}{| r | l | l | l |}" << std::endl; for (std::map<unsigned long, GlobalState*>::iterator stateIter = _indexToState.begin(); stateIter != _indexToState.end(); stateIter++) { GlobalState* currState = stateIter->second; stream << "\\hline" << std::endl; if (!wroteRowStart) { stream << "%<*tableRows>" << std::endl; wroteRowStart = true; } stream << "%<*globalState" << currState->index << ">" << std::endl; // state index stream << "\\tikzmark{statename_" << currState->index << "}" << "$\\widetilde{s}(" << currState->index << ")$ & "; // members in active configuration FlatStateIdentifier flatId(currState->stateId); stream << "\\globalStateListCell[t]{"; stream << "\\tikzmark{active_" << currState->index << "}"; stream << "$\\widetilde{s}_a(" << currState->index << ")$: " << stateListToTex(flatId.getFlatActive(), flatId.getActive().size() == 0) << "\\\\"; // already visited states stream << "\\tikzmark{visited_" << currState->index << "}"; stream << "$\\widetilde{s}_d(" << currState->index << ")$: " << stateListToTex(flatId.getFlatVisited(), flatId.getVisited().size() == 0) << "\\\\"; // history assignments stream << "\\tikzmark{history_" << currState->index << "}"; stream << "$\\widetilde{s}_h(" << currState->index << ")$: " << stateListToTex(flatId.getFlatHistory(), flatId.getHistory().size() == 0) << "} & "; // all transitions std::set<std::string> origTransitions; for (std::list<GlobalTransition*>::iterator transIter = stateIter->second->sortedOutgoing.begin(); transIter != stateIter->second->sortedOutgoing.end(); transIter++) { GlobalTransition* currTrans = *transIter; Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> members = currTrans->getTransitions(); for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) { Element<std::string> transElem(members[i]); if (HAS_ATTR(transElem, "priority")) { origTransitions.insert(ATTR(transElem, "priority")); } else { origTransitions.insert("initial"); } } } if (origTransitions.size() > 0) { stream << "$\\{ "; seperator = ""; for (std::set<std::string>::reverse_iterator transIter = origTransitions.rbegin(); transIter != origTransitions.rend(); transIter++) { stream << seperator << "t_{" << *transIter << "}"; seperator = ", "; } stream << " \\}$"; } else { stream << "$\\emptyset$"; } stream << "\\tikzmark{transitions_" << currState->index << "}"; stream << " & \\\\ \\hline" << std::endl; if (stateIter->second->sortedOutgoing.size() > 0) { stream << "$\\widetilde{\\mathcal{T}}(" << currState->index << ")$" << std::endl; size_t ecIndex = 0; for (std::list<GlobalTransition*>::iterator transIter = stateIter->second->sortedOutgoing.begin(); transIter != stateIter->second->sortedOutgoing.end(); transIter++, ecIndex++) { GlobalTransition* currTrans = *transIter; stream << "& "; stream << "\\tikzmark{trans_set" << currState->index << "_" << ecIndex << "}"; if (!currTrans->isValid) stream << "\\sout{"; Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> members = currTrans->getTransitions(); if (members.size() > 0) { stream << "$\\{ "; seperator = ""; for (size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) { Element<std::string> transElem(members[i]); if (HAS_ATTR(transElem, "priority")) { stream << seperator << "t_{" << ATTR(transElem, "priority") << "}"; } else { stream << seperator << "t_{initial}"; } seperator = ", "; } stream << " \\}$"; } else { stream << "$\\emptyset$"; } // stream << "& \\sout{$\\{ t_2, t_0 \\}$}, & \\emph{$Inv_4$: nested source states} \\\\" << std::endl; // stream << "& $\\{ t_2 \\}$ & & $\\widetilde{s}(2)$ \\\\" << std::endl; // stream << "& $\\{ t_0 \\}$ & & $\\widetilde{s}(4)$ \\\\" << std::endl; if (!currTrans->isValid) { #if 1 stream << " } & \\emph{"; switch(currTrans->invalidReason) { case GlobalTransition::NO_COMMON_EVENT: stream << "$Inv_1$: "; break; case GlobalTransition::MIXES_EVENT_SPONTANEOUS: stream << "$Inv_2$: "; break; case GlobalTransition::SAME_SOURCE_STATE: stream << "$Inv_3$: "; break; case GlobalTransition::CHILD_ENABLED: stream << "$Inv_4$: "; break; case GlobalTransition::PREEMPTING_MEMBERS: stream << "$Inv_5$: "; break; case GlobalTransition::UNCONDITIONAL_MATCH: stream << "$Opt_1$: "; break; case GlobalTransition::UNCONDITIONAL_SUPERSET: stream << "$Opt_2$: "; break; } stream << currTrans->invalidMsg << "} "; #endif stream << "\\tikzmark{exec_content" << currState->index << "_" << ecIndex << "}"; stream << " & "; } else { stream << " & "; std::stringstream execContentSS; seperator = ""; for (std::list<GlobalTransition::Action>::iterator actionIter = currTrans->actions.begin(); actionIter != currTrans->actions.end(); actionIter++) { Element<std::string> execContent; if (actionIter->onEntry) execContent = actionIter->onEntry; if (actionIter->raiseDone) execContent = actionIter->raiseDone; if (actionIter->onExit) execContent = actionIter->onExit; if (actionIter->transition) execContent = actionIter->transition; if (execContent) { if (HAS_ATTR(execContent, "line_start") && HAS_ATTR(execContent, "line_end")) { size_t lineStart = strTo<size_t>(ATTR(execContent, "line_start")); size_t lineEnd = strTo<size_t>(ATTR(execContent, "line_end")); lineStart++; lineEnd--; if (lineStart == lineEnd) { execContentSS << seperator << "l_{" << lineStart << "}"; } else { execContentSS << seperator << "l_{" << lineStart << "-" << lineEnd << "}"; } } seperator = ", "; } } if (execContentSS.str().size() > 0) { stream << "$\\mathcal{X} := (" << execContentSS.str() << ")$"; } else { stream << "$\\emptyset$"; } stream << "\\tikzmark{exec_content" << currState->index << "_" << ecIndex << "}"; stream << " & $\\widetilde{s}(" << _globalConf[currTrans->destination]->index << ")$ "; stream << "\\tikzmark{target" << currState->index << "_" << ecIndex << "}"; } stream << "\\\\" << std::endl; } if (stateIter->second->sortedOutgoing.size() == 0) { stream << " & & & \\\\" << std::endl; } stream << "\\hline" << std::endl; } stream << "%</globalState" << currState->index << ">" << std::endl; } if (wroteRowStart) { stream << "%</tableRows>" << std::endl; } // stream << "\\end{tabular}" << std::endl; // stream << "\\end{table}" << std::endl << std::endl; stream << "\\end{longtable}" << std::endl << std::endl; }
// a macrostep InterpreterState InterpreterDraft6::step(bool blocking) { try { monIter_t monIter; NodeSet<std::string> enabledTransitions; // setup document and interpreter if (!_isInitialized) init(); // if we failed return false if (!_isInitialized) return INIT_FAILED; // run initial transitions if (!_stable) { stabilize(); // we might only need a single step if (!_running) goto EXIT_INTERPRETER; return INITIALIZED; } if (!_running) return FINISHED; // read an external event and react if (blocking) { // wait until an event becomes available while(_externalQueue.isEmpty()) { _condVar.wait(_mutex); } } else { // return immediately if external queue is empty if (_externalQueue.isEmpty()) return NOTHING_TODO; } _currEvent = _externalQueue.pop(); #if VERBOSE std::cout << "Received externalEvent event " << << std::endl; if (_running && == "unblock.and.die") { std::cout << "Still running " << this << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Aborting " << this << std::endl; } #endif _currEvent.eventType = Event::EXTERNAL; // make sure it is set to external // when we were blocking on destructor invocation if (!_running) { goto EXIT_INTERPRETER; return INTERRUPTED; } // --- MONITOR: beforeProcessingEvent ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeProcessingEvent(shared_from_this(), _currEvent); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeProcessingEvent) } if (iequals(, "cancel.invoke." + _sessionId)) return INTERRUPTED; try { _dataModel.setEvent(_currEvent); } catch (Event e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error while setting external event:" << std::endl << e << std::endl << _currEvent; } for (std::map<std::string, Invoker>::iterator invokeIter = _invokers.begin(); invokeIter != _invokers.end(); invokeIter++) { if (iequals(invokeIter->first, _currEvent.invokeid)) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> finalizes = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "finalize", invokeIter->second.getElement()); for (int k = 0; k < finalizes.size(); k++) { Element<std::string> finalizeElem = Element<std::string>(finalizes[k]); executeContent(finalizeElem); } } if (HAS_ATTR(invokeIter->second.getElement(), "autoforward") && DOMUtils::attributeIsTrue(ATTR(invokeIter->second.getElement(), "autoforward"))) { try { // do not autoforward to invokers that send to #_parent from the SCXML IO Processor! // Yes do so, see test229! // if (!boost::equals(_currEvent.getOriginType(), "")) invokeIter->second.send(_currEvent); } catch(...) { LOG(ERROR) << "Exception caught while sending event to invoker " << invokeIter->first; } } } // run internal processing until we reach a stable configuration again enabledTransitions = selectTransitions(; if (!enabledTransitions.empty()) { // test 403b enabledTransitions.to_document_order(); microstep(enabledTransitions); } stabilize(); return PROCESSED; EXIT_INTERPRETER: if (!_running) { // --- MONITOR: beforeCompletion ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeCompletion(shared_from_this()); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeCompletion) } exitInterpreter(); if (_sendQueue) { std::map<std::string, std::pair<InterpreterImpl*, SendRequest> >::iterator sendIter = _sendIds.begin(); while(sendIter != _sendIds.end()) { _sendQueue->cancelEvent(sendIter->first); sendIter++; } } // --- MONITOR: afterCompletion ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->afterCompletion(shared_from_this()); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(afterCompletion) } return FINISHED; } assert(hasLegalConfiguration()); _mutex.unlock(); // remove datamodel if(_dataModel) _dataModel = DataModel(); return PROCESSED; } catch (boost::bad_weak_ptr e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unclean shutdown " << std::endl << std::endl; return INTERRUPTED; } // set datamodel to null from this thread if(_dataModel) _dataModel = DataModel(); }
void InterpreterDraft6::mainEventLoop() { monIter_t monIter; while(_running) { NodeSet<std::string> enabledTransitions; _stable = false; // Here we handle eventless transitions and transitions // triggered by internal events until machine is stable while(_running && !_stable) { #if VERBOSE std::cout << "Configuration: "; for (int i = 0; i < _configuration.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(_configuration[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif enabledTransitions = selectEventlessTransitions(); if (enabledTransitions.size() == 0) { if (_internalQueue.size() == 0) { _stable = true; } else { _currEvent = _internalQueue.front(); _internalQueue.pop_front(); #if VERBOSE std::cout << "Received internal event " << << std::endl; #endif // --- MONITOR: beforeProcessingEvent ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeProcessingEvent(shared_from_this(), _currEvent); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeProcessingEvent) } if (_dataModel) _dataModel.setEvent(_currEvent); enabledTransitions = selectTransitions(; } } if (!enabledTransitions.empty()) { // test 403b enabledTransitions.to_document_order(); microstep(enabledTransitions); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _statesToInvoke.size(); i++) { NodeSet<std::string> invokes = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "invoke", _statesToInvoke[i]); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < invokes.size(); j++) { if (!HAS_ATTR(invokes[j], "persist") || !DOMUtils::attributeIsTrue(ATTR(invokes[j], "persist"))) { invoke(invokes[j]); } } } _statesToInvoke = NodeSet<std::string>(); if (!_internalQueue.empty()) continue; // assume that we have a legal configuration as soon as the internal queue is empty assert(hasLegalConfiguration()); monIter = _monitors.begin(); // --- MONITOR: onStableConfiguration ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->onStableConfiguration(shared_from_this()); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(onStableConfiguration) } _mutex.unlock(); // whenever we have a stable configuration, run the mainThread hooks with 200fps while(_externalQueue.isEmpty() && _thread == NULL) { runOnMainThread(200); } _mutex.lock(); while(_externalQueue.isEmpty()) { _condVar.wait(_mutex); } _currEvent = _externalQueue.pop(); #if VERBOSE std::cout << "Received externalEvent event " << << std::endl; if (_running && == "unblock.and.die") { std::cout << "Still running " << this << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Aborting " << this << std::endl; } #endif _currEvent.eventType = Event::EXTERNAL; // make sure it is set to external if (!_running) goto EXIT_INTERPRETER; // --- MONITOR: beforeProcessingEvent ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeProcessingEvent(shared_from_this(), _currEvent); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeProcessingEvent) } if (_dataModel && iequals(, "cancel.invoke." + _sessionId)) break; if (_dataModel) { try { _dataModel.setEvent(_currEvent); } catch (Event e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error while setting external event:" << std::endl << e << std::endl << _currEvent; } } for (std::map<std::string, Invoker>::iterator invokeIter = _invokers.begin(); invokeIter != _invokers.end(); invokeIter++) { if (iequals(invokeIter->first, _currEvent.invokeid)) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> finalizes = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "finalize", invokeIter->second.getElement()); for (int k = 0; k < finalizes.size(); k++) { Element<std::string> finalizeElem = Element<std::string>(finalizes[k]); executeContent(finalizeElem); } } if (HAS_ATTR(invokeIter->second.getElement(), "autoforward") && DOMUtils::attributeIsTrue(ATTR(invokeIter->second.getElement(), "autoforward"))) { try { // do not autoforward to invokers that send to #_parent from the SCXML IO Processor! // Yes do so, see test229! // if (!boost::equals(_currEvent.getOriginType(), "")) invokeIter->second.send(_currEvent); } catch(...) { LOG(ERROR) << "Exception caught while sending event to invoker " << invokeIter->first; } } } enabledTransitions = selectTransitions(; if (!enabledTransitions.empty()) { // test 403b enabledTransitions.to_document_order(); microstep(enabledTransitions); } } EXIT_INTERPRETER: // --- MONITOR: beforeCompletion ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeCompletion(shared_from_this()); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeCompletion) } exitInterpreter(); if (_sendQueue) { std::map<std::string, std::pair<InterpreterImpl*, SendRequest> >::iterator sendIter = _sendIds.begin(); while(sendIter != _sendIds.end()) { _sendQueue->cancelEvent(sendIter->first); sendIter++; } } // --- MONITOR: afterCompletion ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->afterCompletion(shared_from_this()); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(afterCompletion) } }
void RespondElement::enterElement(const Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string>& node) { // try to get the request id if (!HAS_ATTR(node, "to")) { LOG(ERROR) << "Respond element requires to attribute"; return; } if (HAS_ATTR(node, "to") && !_interpreter->getDataModel()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Respond element with to requires datamodel"; return; } std::string requestId = _interpreter->getDataModel().evalAsString(ATTR(node, "to")); // try to get the request object InterpreterHTTPServlet* servlet = _interpreter->getHTTPServlet(); tthread::lock_guard<tthread::recursive_mutex> lock(servlet->getMutex()); if (servlet->getRequests().find(requestId) == servlet->getRequests().end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "No matching HTTP request for respond element"; return; } assert(servlet->getRequests().find(requestId) != servlet->getRequests().end()); HTTPServer::Request httpReq = servlet->getRequests()[requestId]; assert(httpReq.evhttpReq != NULL); HTTPServer::Reply httpReply(httpReq); servlet->getRequests().erase(requestId); // get the status or default to 200 std::string statusStr = (HAS_ATTR(node, "status") ? ATTR(node, "status") : "200"); if (!isNumeric(statusStr.c_str(), 10)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Respond element with non-numeric status " << statusStr; return; } httpReply.status = strTo<int>(statusStr);; // extract the content Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> contents = InterpreterImpl::filterChildElements(_interpreter->getNameSpaceInfo().getXMLPrefixForNS(getNamespace()) + "content", node); if (contents.size() > 0) { Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string> contentElem = Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string>(contents[0]); if (HAS_ATTR(contentElem, "expr")) { // -- content is evaluated string from datamodel ------ if (_interpreter->getDataModel()) { try { Data contentData = _interpreter->getDataModel().getStringAsData(ATTR(contentElem, "expr")); if (contentData.atom.length() > 0) { httpReply.content = contentData.atom; httpReply.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"; } else if (contentData.binary) { httpReply.content = std::string(contentData.binary.getData(), contentData.binary.getSize()); httpReply.headers["Content-Type"] = contentData.binary.getMimeType(); } else if (contentData.node) { std::stringstream ss; ss << contentData.node; httpReply.content = ss.str();; httpReply.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml"; } else { httpReply.content = Data::toJSON(contentData); httpReply.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; } } catch (Event e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error with expr in content child of Respond element:" << std::endl << e << std::endl; return; } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "content element has expr attribute but no datamodel is specified."; return; } } else if (HAS_ATTR(contentElem, "file") || HAS_ATTR(contentElem, "fileexpr")) { // -- content is from file ------ URL file; if (HAS_ATTR(contentElem, "fileexpr")) { if (_interpreter->getDataModel()) { try { file = "file://" + _interpreter->getDataModel().evalAsString(ATTR(contentElem, "fileexpr")); } catch (Event e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error with fileexpr in content child of Respond element:" << std::endl << e << std::endl; return; } } } else { file = "file://" + ATTR(contentElem, "fileexpr"); } if (file) { httpReply.content = file.getInContent(); size_t lastDot; if ((lastDot = file.path().find_last_of(".")) != std::string::npos) { std::string extension = file.path().substr(lastDot + 1); std::string mimeType = URL::getMimeType(extension); if (mimeType.length() > 0) { httpReply.headers["Content-Type"] = mimeType; } } } } else if (contents[0].hasChildNodes()) { // -- content embedded as child nodes ------ httpReply.content = contents[0].getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "content element does not specify any content."; return; } } // process headers Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> headers = InterpreterImpl::filterChildElements(_interpreter->getNameSpaceInfo().getXMLPrefixForNS(getNamespace()) + "header", node); for (int i = 0; i < headers.size(); i++) { Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string> headerElem = Arabica::DOM::Element<std::string>(headers[i]); std::string name; if (HAS_ATTR(headerElem, "name")) { name = ATTR(headerElem, "name"); } else if(HAS_ATTR(headerElem, "nameexpr")) { if (_interpreter->getDataModel()) { try { name = _interpreter->getDataModel().evalAsString(ATTR(headerElem, "nameexpr")); } catch (Event e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error with nameexpr in header child of Respond element:" << std::endl << e << std::endl; return; } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "header element has nameexpr attribute but no datamodel is specified."; return; } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "header element has no name or nameexpr attribute."; return; } std::string value; if (HAS_ATTR(headerElem, "value")) { value = ATTR(headerElem, "value"); } else if(HAS_ATTR(headerElem, "valueexpr")) { if (_interpreter->getDataModel()) { try { value = _interpreter->getDataModel().evalAsString(ATTR(headerElem, "valueexpr")); } catch (Event e) { LOG(ERROR) << "Syntax error with valueexpr in header child of Respond element:" << std::endl << e << std::endl; return; } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "header element has valueexpr attribute but no datamodel is specified."; return; } } else { LOG(ERROR) << "header element has no value or valueexpr attribute."; return; } httpReply.headers[name] = value; } // send the reply HTTPServer::reply(httpReply); servlet->getRequests().erase(requestId); }
void InterpreterDraft6::enterStates(const Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string>& enabledTransitions) { NodeSet<std::string> statesToEnter; NodeSet<std::string> statesForDefaultEntry; monIter_t monIter; #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": Enabled enter transitions: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { std::cout << "\t" << enabledTransitions[i] << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif for (int i = 0; i < enabledTransitions.size(); i++) { Element<std::string> transition = ((Element<std::string>)enabledTransitions[i]); if (!isTargetless(transition)) { std::string transitionType = (iequals(transition.getAttribute("type"), "internal") ? "internal" : "external"); NodeSet<std::string> tStates = getTargetStates(transition); #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": Target States: "; for (int i = 0; i < tStates.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(tStates[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif Node<std::string> ancestor; Node<std::string> source = getSourceState(transition); #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": Source States: " << ATTR(source, "id") << std::endl; #endif assert(source); bool allDescendants = true; for (int j = 0; j < tStates.size(); j++) { if (!isDescendant(tStates[j], source)) { allDescendants = false; break; } } if (iequals(transitionType, "internal") && isCompound(source) && allDescendants) { ancestor = source; } else { NodeSet<std::string> tmpStates; tmpStates.push_back(source); tmpStates.insert(tmpStates.end(), tStates.begin(), tStates.end()); ancestor = findLCCA(tmpStates); } #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": Ancestor: " << ATTR(ancestor, "id") << std::endl; #endif for (int j = 0; j < tStates.size(); j++) { addStatesToEnter(tStates[j], statesToEnter, statesForDefaultEntry); } #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": States to enter: "; for (int i = 0; i < statesToEnter.size(); i++) { std::cout << LOCALNAME(statesToEnter[i]) << ":" << ATTR(statesToEnter[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif for (int j = 0; j < tStates.size(); j++) { NodeSet<std::string> ancestors = getProperAncestors(tStates[j], ancestor); #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": Proper Ancestors of " << ATTR(tStates[j], "id") << " and " << ATTR(ancestor, "id") << ": "; for (int i = 0; i < ancestors.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(ancestors[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif for (int k = 0; k < ancestors.size(); k++) { statesToEnter.push_back(ancestors[k]); if(isParallel(ancestors[k])) { NodeSet<std::string> childs = getChildStates(ancestors[k]); for (int l = 0; l < childs.size(); l++) { bool someIsDescendant = false; for (int m = 0; m < statesToEnter.size(); m++) { if (isDescendant(statesToEnter[m], childs[l])) { someIsDescendant = true; break; } } if (!someIsDescendant) { addStatesToEnter(childs[l], statesToEnter, statesForDefaultEntry); } } } } } } } statesToEnter.to_document_order(); #if VERBOSE std::cout << _name << ": States to enter: "; for (int i = 0; i < statesToEnter.size(); i++) { std::cout << ATTR(statesToEnter[i], "id") << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif for (int i = 0; i < statesToEnter.size(); i++) { Element<std::string> stateElem = (Element<std::string>)statesToEnter[i]; // extension for flattened interpreters for (unsigned int k = 0; k < statesToEnter.size(); k++) { NodeSet<std::string> invokes = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "invoke", statesToEnter[k]); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < invokes.size(); j++) { if (HAS_ATTR(invokes[j], "persist") && DOMUtils::attributeIsTrue(ATTR(invokes[j], "persist"))) { invoke(invokes[j]); } } } // --- MONITOR: beforeEnteringState ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->beforeEnteringState(shared_from_this(), stateElem, (i + 1 < statesToEnter.size())); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(beforeEnteringState) } // extension for flattened SCXML documents, we will need an explicit uninvoke element NodeSet<std::string> uninvokes = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "uninvoke", statesToEnter[i]); for (int j = 0; j < uninvokes.size(); j++) { Element<std::string> uninvokeElem = (Element<std::string>)uninvokes[j]; cancelInvoke(uninvokeElem); } _configuration.push_back(stateElem); _statesToInvoke.push_back(stateElem); // if (_binding == LATE && stateElem.getAttribute("isFirstEntry").size() > 0) { if (_binding == LATE && !isMember(stateElem, _alreadyEntered)) { NodeSet<std::string> dataModelElems = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "datamodel", stateElem); if(dataModelElems.size() > 0 && _dataModel) { Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> dataElems = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "data", dataModelElems[0]); for (int j = 0; j < dataElems.size(); j++) { if (dataElems[j].getNodeType() == Node_base::ELEMENT_NODE) initializeData(Element<std::string>(dataElems[j])); } } _alreadyEntered.push_back(stateElem); // stateElem.setAttribute("isFirstEntry", ""); } // execute onentry executable content NodeSet<std::string> onEntryElems = filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "onEntry", stateElem); executeContent(onEntryElems, false); // --- MONITOR: afterEnteringState ------------------------------ for(monIter_t monIter = _monitors.begin(); monIter != _monitors.end(); monIter++) { try { (*monIter)->afterEnteringState(shared_from_this(), stateElem, (i + 1 < statesToEnter.size())); } USCXML_MONITOR_CATCH_BLOCK(afterEnteringState) } if (isMember(stateElem, statesForDefaultEntry)) { // execute initial transition content for compound states Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> transitions = _xpath.evaluate("" + _nsInfo.xpathPrefix + "initial/" + _nsInfo.xpathPrefix + "transition", stateElem).asNodeSet(); for (int j = 0; j < transitions.size(); j++) { executeContent(transitions[j]); } } if (isFinal(stateElem)) { internalDoneSend(stateElem); Element<std::string> parent = (Element<std::string>)stateElem.getParentNode(); if (isParallel(parent.getParentNode())) { Element<std::string> grandParent = (Element<std::string>)parent.getParentNode(); Arabica::XPath::NodeSet<std::string> childs = getChildStates(grandParent); bool inFinalState = true; for (int j = 0; j < childs.size(); j++) { if (!isInFinalState(childs[j])) { inFinalState = false; break; } } if (inFinalState) { internalDoneSend(parent); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < _configuration.size(); i++) { Element<std::string> stateElem = (Element<std::string>)_configuration[i]; if (isFinal(stateElem) && parentIsScxmlState(stateElem)) { _running = false; _done = true; } } }