コード例 #1
double LogisticRegressionFunction<MatType>::Evaluate(
                  const arma::mat& parameters,
                  const size_t begin,
                  const size_t batchSize) const
  // Calculating the regularization term.
  const double regularization = lambda *
      (batchSize / (2.0 * predictors.n_cols)) *
      arma::dot(parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1),
                parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1));

  // Calculating the hypothesis that has to be passed to the sigmoid function.
  const arma::rowvec exponents = parameters(0, 0) +
      parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1) *
      predictors.cols(begin, begin + batchSize - 1);
  // Calculating the sigmoid function values.
  const arma::rowvec sigmoid = 1.0 / (1.0 + arma::exp(-exponents));

  // Iterating for the given batch size from a given point
  double result = 0.0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < batchSize; ++i)
    if (responses[i + begin] == 1)
      result += log(sigmoid[i]);
      result += log(1.0 - sigmoid[i]);

  // Invert the result, because it's a minimization.
  return -result + regularization;
コード例 #2
void LogisticRegressionFunction<MatType>::Gradient(
    const arma::mat& parameters,
    arma::mat& gradient) const
  // Regularization term.
  arma::mat regularization;
  regularization = lambda * parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1);

  const arma::rowvec sigmoids = (1 / (1 + arma::exp(-parameters(0, 0)
      - parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1) * predictors)));

  gradient[0] = -arma::accu(responses - sigmoids);
  gradient.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1) = (sigmoids - responses) *
      predictors.t() + regularization;
コード例 #3
double LogisticRegressionFunction<MatType>::Evaluate(
    const arma::mat& parameters) const
  // The objective function is the log-likelihood function (w is the parameters
  // vector for the model; y is the responses; x is the predictors; sig() is the
  // sigmoid function):
  //   f(w) = sum(y log(sig(w'x)) + (1 - y) log(sig(1 - w'x))).
  // We want to minimize this function.  L2-regularization is just lambda
  // multiplied by the squared l2-norm of the parameters then divided by two.

  // For the regularization, we ignore the first term, which is the intercept
  // term and take every term except the last one in the decision variable.
  const double regularization = 0.5 * lambda *
      arma::dot(parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1),
      parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1));

  // Calculate vectors of sigmoids.  The intercept term is parameters(0, 0) and
  // does not need to be multiplied by any of the predictors.
  const arma::rowvec exponents = parameters(0, 0) +
    parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1) * predictors;
  const arma::rowvec sigmoid = 1.0 / (1.0 + arma::exp(-exponents));

  // Assemble full objective function.  Often the objective function and the
  // regularization as given are divided by the number of features, but this
  // doesn't actually affect the optimization result, so we'll just ignore those
  // terms for computational efficiency.
  double result = 0.0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < responses.n_elem; ++i)
    if (responses[i] == 1)
      result += log(sigmoid[i]);
      result += log(1.0 - sigmoid[i]);

  // Invert the result, because it's a minimization.
  return -result + regularization;
コード例 #4
void LogisticRegressionFunction<MatType>::Gradient(
                const arma::mat& parameters,
                const size_t begin,
                GradType& gradient,
                const size_t batchSize) const
  // Regularization term.
  arma::mat regularization;
  regularization = lambda * parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1)
      / predictors.n_cols * batchSize;

  const arma::rowvec exponents = parameters(0, 0) +
      parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1) *
      predictors.cols(begin, begin + batchSize - 1);
  // Calculating the sigmoid function values.
  const arma::rowvec sigmoids = 1.0 / (1.0 + arma::exp(-exponents));

  gradient.set_size(parameters.n_rows, parameters.n_cols);
  gradient[0] = -arma::accu(responses.subvec(begin, begin + batchSize - 1) -
  gradient.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1) =
      arma::sum((responses.subvec(begin, begin + batchSize - 1) - sigmoids) *
      -predictors.cols(begin, begin + batchSize - 1).t(), 0) + regularization;
コード例 #5
void LogisticRegressionFunction<MatType>::PartialGradient(
    const arma::mat& parameters,
    const size_t j,
    arma::sp_mat& gradient) const
  const arma::rowvec diffs = responses - (1 / (1 + arma::exp(-parameters(0, 0)
      - parameters.tail_cols(parameters.n_elem - 1) * predictors)));


  if (j == 0)
    gradient[j] = -arma::accu(diffs);
    gradient[j] = arma::dot(-predictors.row(j - 1), diffs) + lambda *
      parameters(0, j);