void EntityEditor::getGoalInfo(const std::string& id) { Eris::Account* account = EmberServices::getSingleton().getServerService().getAccount(); Atlas::Objects::Operation::Generic get; std::list<std::string> parents; parents.emplace_back("commune"); get->setParents(parents); get->setTo(mEntity.getId()); //By setting it TO an entity and FROM our avatar we'll make the server deliver it as //if it came from the entity itself (the server rewrites the FROM to be of the entity). get->setFrom(mWorld.getAvatar()->getEmberEntity().getId()); //By setting a serial number we tell the server to "relay" the operation. This means that any //response operation from the target entity will be sent back to us. get->setSerialno(Eris::getNewSerialno()); Atlas::Message::MapType goalMap; goalMap["id"] = id; Atlas::Objects::Entity::Anonymous getArg; getArg->setAttr("goal_info", goalMap); get->setArgs1(getArg); Eris::Connection* connection = account->getConnection(); connection->getResponder()->await(get->getSerialno(), this, &EntityEditor::operationGetGoalInfoResult); connection->send(get); }
void ConnectedAdapter::eat(Eris::Entity* entity) { try { Atlas::Objects::Entity::Anonymous what; what->setId(entity->getId()); Atlas::Objects::Operation::Generic op; op->setType("eat", -1); op->setFrom(mAvatar.getEntity()->getId()); op->setArgs1(what); S_LOG_INFO("Eating entity with id " << entity->getId() << ", named " << entity->getName()); mConnection.send(op); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { S_LOG_WARNING("Got error on eating entity." << ex); } }