static void BM_Find(benchmark::State& st, Container c, GenInputs gen) { auto in = gen(st.range(0)); c.insert(in.begin(), in.end()); benchmark::DoNotOptimize(&(*c.begin())); const auto end = + in.size(); while (st.KeepRunning()) { for (auto it =; it != end; ++it) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(&(*c.find(*it))); } benchmark::ClobberMemory(); } }
static void bm_rank(benchmark::State& state) { const auto br = gen_binary_relation(/*max_size=*/1'000'000, /*max_object=*/object_id(100'000), /*max_label=*/label_id(state.range(0))); while (state.KeepRunning()) { auto const max_object = gen_object(br); auto const max_label = gen_label(br); DoNotOptimize(br.rank(max_object, max_label)); } }
void BM_InsertValueRehash(benchmark::State& st, Container c, GenInputs gen) { auto in = gen(st.range(0)); const auto end = in.end(); while (st.KeepRunning()) { c.clear(); c.rehash(16); for (auto it = in.begin(); it != end; ++it) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(&(*c.insert(*it).first)); } benchmark::ClobberMemory(); } }
void BM_SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorSolveHarmonicOscillator3D( benchmark::State& state) { // NOLINT(runtime/references) Length q_error; Speed v_error; while (state.KeepRunning()) { SolveHarmonicOscillatorAndComputeError3D(state, q_error, v_error, integrator()); } std::stringstream ss; ss << q_error << ", " << v_error; state.SetLabel(ss.str()); }
/* * Measure the time it takes for android_lookupEventFormat_len */ static void BM_lookupEventFormat(benchmark::State& state) { prechargeEventMap(); std::unordered_set<uint32_t>::const_iterator it = set.begin(); while (state.KeepRunning()) { size_t len; android_lookupEventFormat_len(map, &len, (*it)); ++it; if (it == set.end()) it = set.begin(); } }
static void API_renderStill_reuse_map_switch_styles(::benchmark::State& state) { RenderBenchmark bench; HeadlessFrontend frontend { { 1000, 1000 }, 1, bench.fileSource, bench.threadPool }; Map map { frontend, MapObserver::nullObserver(), frontend.getSize(), 1, bench.fileSource, bench.threadPool, MapMode::Still }; while (state.KeepRunning()) { prepare(map, { "{}" }); frontend.render(map); prepare(map); frontend.render(map); } }
static void AUDIT_handleReply(benchmark::State& state) { auto reply = getMockReply(kBenchmarkMessages[0]); while (state.KeepRunning()) { auto ec = std::make_shared<AuditEventContext>(); // Perform the parsing. handleAuditReply(reply, ec); } free((void*)reply.message); }
static void DATABASE_store_large(benchmark::State& state) { // Serialize the example result set into a string. std::string content; auto qd = getExampleQueryData(20, 100); serializeQueryDataJSON(qd, content); while (state.KeepRunning()) { setDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "benchmark", content); } // All benchmarks will share a single database handle. deleteDatabaseValue(kPersistentSettings, "benchmark"); }
static void Base58Encode(benchmark::State& state) { unsigned char buff[32] = { 17, 79, 8, 99, 150, 189, 208, 162, 22, 23, 203, 163, 36, 58, 147, 227, 139, 2, 215, 100, 91, 38, 11, 141, 253, 40, 117, 21, 16, 90, 200, 24 }; unsigned char* b = buff; while (state.KeepRunning()) { EncodeBase58(b, b + 32); } }
static void literal(::benchmark::State& state) { root_logger_t root({}); logger_facade<root_logger_t> logger(root); while (state.KeepRunning()) { logger.log(0, "[::] - esafronov [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] 'GET /p**n.png HTTP/1.0' 200 2326"); } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); }
static void Base58Encode(benchmark::State& state) { static const std::array<unsigned char, 32> buff = { { 17, 79, 8, 99, 150, 189, 208, 162, 22, 23, 203, 163, 36, 58, 147, 227, 139, 2, 215, 100, 91, 38, 11, 141, 253, 40, 117, 21, 16, 90, 200, 24 } }; while (state.KeepRunning()) { EncodeBase58(, + buff.size()); } }
static void bm_nth_element_obj_maj(benchmark::State& state) { const auto br = gen_binary_relation(/*max_size=*/1'000'000, /*max_object=*/object_id(100'000), /*max_label=*/label_id(state.range(0))); while (state.KeepRunning()) { auto obj_start = gen_object(br); auto lab_range = gen_label_range(br); DoNotOptimize(br.nth_element(obj_start, lab_range.first, lab_range.second, 42, brwt::obj_major)); } }
static void PrevectorResize(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { prevector<28, T> t0; prevector<28, T> t1; for (auto x = 0; x < 1000; ++x) { t0.resize(28); t0.resize(0); t1.resize(29); t1.resize(0); } } }
static void Parse_Filter(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { parse(R"FILTER(["==", "foo", "bar"])FILTER"); } } static void Parse_EvaluateFilter(benchmark::State& state) { const style::Filter filter = parse(R"FILTER(["==", "foo", "bar"])FILTER"); const PropertyMap properties = { { "foo", std::string("bar") } }; while (state.KeepRunning()) { filter(FeatureType::Unknown, {}, [&] (const std::string& key) -> optional<Value> { auto it = properties.find(key); if (it == properties.end()) return {}; return it->second; }); } } BENCHMARK(Parse_Filter); BENCHMARK(Parse_EvaluateFilter);
void BM_DecodePi(benchmark::State& state) { // NOLINT(runtime/references) bool correct = true; state.PauseTiming(); std::vector<uint8_t> input_digits = Digits(); std::vector<uint8_t> expected_bytes = Bytes(); state.ResumeTiming(); while (state.KeepRunning()) { HexDecode(&state, &correct, input_digits, expected_bytes); } std::stringstream ss; ss << correct; state.SetLabel(ss.str()); }
static void bm_count_distinct_labels(benchmark::State& state) { const auto br = gen_binary_relation(/*max_size=*/1'000'000, /*max_object=*/object_id(100'000), /*max_label=*/label_id(state.range(0))); while (state.KeepRunning()) { const auto obj_range = gen_object_range(br); const auto lab_range = gen_label_range(br); DoNotOptimize(br.count_distinct_labels(obj_range.first, obj_range.second, lab_range.first, lab_range.second)); } }
static void literal_with_args(::benchmark::State& state) { root_logger_t root({}); logger_facade<root_logger_t> logger(root); while (state.KeepRunning()) { logger.log(0, "{} - {} [{}] 'GET {} HTTP/1.0' {} {}", "[::]", "esafronov", "10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700", "/p**n.png", 200, 2326); } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); }
static void BM_UNALIGNED(benchmark::State& state) { const int n{35}; while (state.KeepRunning()) { state.PauseTiming(); il::Array<float> v{n, 0.0f, il::align, 32, 16}; state.ResumeTiming(); for (il::int_t i{0}; i < v.size(); ++i) { v[i] = (v[i] / 5.3f) * (v[i] * v[i] + v[i]) - (12.5f / (v[i] + 0.3f)) + (v[i] / (14.3f / (v[i] + 1.4f))) - (v[i] / 23.0f) + (14.8f / (2.4f + v[i])); } } }
void BM_EmplaceDuplicate(benchmark::State& st, Container c, GenInputs gen) { auto in = gen(st.range(0)); const auto end = in.end(); c.insert(in.begin(), in.end()); benchmark::DoNotOptimize(&c); benchmark::DoNotOptimize(&in); while (st.KeepRunning()) { for (auto it = in.begin(); it != end; ++it) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(&(*c.emplace(*it).first)); } benchmark::ClobberMemory(); } }
static void BM_any_5_function(benchmark::State& state) { Any a{0}; int const N = state.range(0); while (state.KeepRunning()) { for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(a.f1()); benchmark::DoNotOptimize(a.f2()); benchmark::DoNotOptimize(a.f3()); benchmark::DoNotOptimize(a.f4()); benchmark::DoNotOptimize(a.f5()); } } }
BENCHMARK_F(CrowdedDistance, BM_CalcCrowdingByIndices)(benchmark::State& state) { auto pop = population; while (state.KeepRunning()) { int numOfObjectives = population[0]->getOutput().size(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfObjectives; ++i) { std::vector<int> v; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < population.size(); ++j) v.push_back(j); auto func = [&pop,&i](const int & lhs, const int & rhs) { return pop[lhs]->getOutput()[i] > pop[rhs]->getOutput()[i]; }; std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), func); } } }
[[gnu::noinline]] void bm(benchmark::State& state, rt_dim_pair_t d){ auto r = mitrax::random_vector< T >(d.point_count()); while(state.KeepRunning()){ Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > m( size_t(d.cols()), size_t(d.rows()) ); std::copy(r.begin(), r.end(),; benchmark::DoNotOptimize(m); } }
static void cpp14formatter(::benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { constexpr auto formatter = blackhole::detail::formatter< blackhole::detail::literal_count("{} - {} [{}] 'GET {} HTTP/1.0' {} {}") >("{} - {} [{}] 'GET {} HTTP/1.0' {} {}"); fmt::MemoryWriter wr; formatter.format(wr, "[::]", "esafronov", "10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700", "/p**n.png", 200, 2326); } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); }
static void BM_ImageSegmentation(benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { state.PauseTiming(); const int num_imgs = 36; DataSetReader dsr(std::string(ASSETS_PATH) + "/squirrel"); auto ds = dsr.load(num_imgs); state.ResumeTiming(); for (auto idx = 0; idx < num_imgs; ++idx) { ds->getCamera(idx).setMask(Binarize( ds->getCamera(idx).getImage(), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 30))); } } }
void BM_reverse(benchmark::State& state) { const auto len = static_cast<size_t>(state.range_x()); char *t = new char[len]; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) t[i] = rand_r(&seed) % std::numeric_limits<char>::max(); while (state.KeepRunning()) { reverse(t); benchmark::DoNotOptimize(t[0]); } delete[] t; }
BENCHMARK_DEFINE_F(threaded_t, facade)(::benchmark::State& state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { logger.log(0, "{} - {} [{}] 'GET {} HTTP/1.0' {} {}", "[::]", "esafronov", "10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700", "/p**n.png", 200, 2326, attribute_list{ {"key#6", {42}}, {"key#7", {3.1415}}, {"key#8", {"value"}} } ); } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); }
static void DeserializeBlockTest(benchmark::State& state) { CDataStream stream((const char*)block_bench::block413567, (const char*)&block_bench::block413567[sizeof(block_bench::block413567)], SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); char a = '\0'; stream.write(&a, 1); // Prevent compaction while (state.KeepRunning()) { CBlock block; stream >> block; assert(stream.Rewind(sizeof(block_bench::block413567))); } }
static void SQL_virtual_table_internal_long(benchmark::State& state) { Registry::add<BenchmarkLongTablePlugin>("table", "long_benchmark"); PluginResponse res; Registry::call("table", "long_benchmark", {{"action", "columns"}}, res); // Attach a sample virtual table. auto dbc = SQLiteDBManager::get(); attachTableInternal("long_benchmark", columnDefinition(res), dbc->db()); while (state.KeepRunning()) { QueryData results; queryInternal("select * from long_benchmark", results, dbc->db()); } }
static void BM_CeresJacobian2(benchmark::State &state) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { double jac[9]; double vector[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}; double bivector[3] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}; double vec_ip_biv[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; const double *parameters[2] = {&vector[0], &bivector[0]}; double *jacobians[2] = {jac, nullptr}; ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<InnerProductVectorBivectorFunctor2, 3, 3, 3>( new InnerProductVectorBivectorFunctor2()) .Evaluate(parameters, &vec_ip_biv[0], jacobians); } }
static void bm_lower_bound(benchmark::State& state) { const auto br = gen_binary_relation(/*max_size=*/1'000'000, /*max_object=*/object_id(100'000), /*max_label=*/label_id(state.range(0))); while (state.KeepRunning()) { const auto lab_range = gen_label_range(br); auto start = gen_pair(br); start.label = clamp(start.label, lab_range.first, lab_range.second); DoNotOptimize(br.lower_bound(start, lab_range.first, lab_range.second, brwt::obj_major)); } }