bool BlenderSync::object_is_mesh(BL::Object& b_ob) { BL::ID b_ob_data =; if(!b_ob_data) { return false; } if(b_ob.type() == BL::Object::type_CURVE) { /* Skip exporting curves without faces, overhead can be * significant if there are many for path animation. */ BL::Curve b_curve(; return (b_curve.bevel_object() || b_curve.extrude() != 0.0f || b_curve.bevel_depth() != 0.0f || b_curve.dimensions() == BL::Curve::dimensions_2D || b_ob.modifiers.length()); } else { return (b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Mesh) || b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Curve) || b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_MetaBall)); } }
static bool object_render_hide(BL::Object b_ob, bool top_level, bool parent_hide, bool& hide_triangles) { /* check if we should render or hide particle emitter */ BL::Object::particle_systems_iterator b_psys; bool hair_present = false; bool show_emitter = false; bool hide = false; for(b_ob.particle_systems.begin(b_psys); b_psys != b_ob.particle_systems.end(); ++b_psys) { if((b_psys->settings().render_type() == BL::ParticleSettings::render_type_PATH) && (b_psys->settings().type()==BL::ParticleSettings::type_HAIR)) hair_present = true; if(b_psys->settings().use_render_emitter()) { hide = false; show_emitter = true; } } /* duplicators hidden by default, except dupliframes which duplicate self */ if(b_ob.is_duplicator()) if(top_level || b_ob.dupli_type() != BL::Object::dupli_type_FRAMES) hide = true; /* hide original object for duplis */ BL::Object parent = b_ob.parent(); if(parent && object_render_hide_original(parent.dupli_type())) if(parent_hide) hide = true; hide_triangles = (hair_present && !show_emitter); return hide && !show_emitter; }
void BlenderSync::sync_camera_motion(BL::RenderSettings& b_render, BL::Object& b_ob, int width, int height, float motion_time) { if(!b_ob) return; Camera *cam = scene->camera; BL::Array<float, 16> b_ob_matrix; b_engine.camera_model_matrix(b_ob, b_ob_matrix); Transform tfm = get_transform(b_ob_matrix); tfm = blender_camera_matrix(tfm, cam->type, cam->panorama_type); if(tfm != cam->matrix) { VLOG(1) << "Camera " << << " motion detected."; if(motion_time == -1.0f) { cam->motion.pre = tfm; cam->use_motion = true; } else if(motion_time == 1.0f) { cam-> = tfm; cam->use_motion = true; } } if(cam->type == CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) { BlenderCamera bcam; float aspectratio, sensor_size; blender_camera_init(&bcam, b_render); blender_camera_from_object(&bcam, b_engine, b_ob); blender_camera_viewplane(&bcam, width, height, NULL, &aspectratio, &sensor_size); /* TODO(sergey): De-duplicate calculation with camera sync. */ float fov = 2.0f * atanf((0.5f * sensor_size) / bcam.lens / aspectratio); if(fov != cam->fov) { VLOG(1) << "Camera " << << " FOV change detected."; if(motion_time == -1.0f) { cam->fov_pre = fov; cam->use_perspective_motion = true; } else if(motion_time == 1.0f) { cam->fov_post = fov; cam->use_perspective_motion = true; } } } }
bool BlenderSync::object_is_mesh(BL::Object& b_ob) { BL::ID b_ob_data =; return (b_ob_data && (b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Mesh) || b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Curve) || b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_MetaBall))); }
CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Utilities */ bool BlenderSync::BKE_object_is_modified(BL::Object& b_ob) { /* test if we can instance or if the object is modified */ if(b_ob.type() == BL::Object::type_META) { /* multi-user and dupli metaballs are fused, can't instance */ return true; } else if(ccl::BKE_object_is_modified(b_ob, b_scene, preview)) { /* modifiers */ return true; } else { /* object level material links */ BL::Object::material_slots_iterator slot; for(b_ob.material_slots.begin(slot); slot != b_ob.material_slots.end(); ++slot) if(slot->link() == BL::MaterialSlot::link_OBJECT) return true; } return false; }
void BlenderSession::bake(BL::Object b_object, const string& pass_type, BL::BakePixel pixel_array, int num_pixels, int depth, float result[]) { ShaderEvalType shader_type = get_shader_type(pass_type); size_t object_index = ~0; int tri_offset = 0; if(shader_type == SHADER_EVAL_UV) { /* force UV to be available */ Pass::add(PASS_UV, scene->film->passes); } if(is_light_pass(shader_type)) { /* force use_light_pass to be true */ Pass::add(PASS_LIGHT, scene->film->passes); } /* create device and update scene */ scene->film->tag_update(scene); scene->integrator->tag_update(scene); /* update scene */ sync->sync_camera(b_render, b_engine.camera_override(), width, height); sync->sync_data(b_v3d, b_engine.camera_override(), &python_thread_state); /* get buffer parameters */ SessionParams session_params = BlenderSync::get_session_params(b_engine, b_userpref, b_scene, background); BufferParams buffer_params = BlenderSync::get_buffer_params(b_render, b_scene, b_v3d, b_rv3d, scene->camera, width, height); /* set number of samples */ session->tile_manager.set_samples(session_params.samples); session->reset(buffer_params, session_params.samples); session->update_scene(); /* find object index. todo: is arbitrary - copied from mesh_displace.cpp */ for(size_t i = 0; i < scene->objects.size(); i++) { if(strcmp(scene->objects[i]->name.c_str(), == 0) { object_index = i; tri_offset = scene->objects[i]->mesh->tri_offset; break; } } /* when used, non-instanced convention: object = ~object */ int object = ~object_index; BakeData *bake_data = scene->bake_init(object, tri_offset, num_pixels); populate_bake_data(bake_data, pixel_array, num_pixels); scene->bake(shader_type, bake_data, result); /* free all memory used (host and device), so we wouldn't leave render * engine with extra memory allocated */ session->device_free(); delete sync; sync = NULL; }
void BlenderSync::sync_object(BL::Object b_parent, int b_index, BL::Object b_ob, Transform& tfm, uint visibility) { /* light is handled separately */ if(object_is_light(b_ob)) { sync_light(b_parent, b_index, b_ob, tfm); return; } /* only interested in object that we can create meshes from */ if(!object_is_mesh(b_ob)) return; /* test if we need to sync */ ObjectKey key(b_parent, b_index, b_ob); Object *object; bool object_updated = false; if(object_map.sync(&object, b_ob, b_parent, key)) object_updated = true; /* mesh sync */ object->mesh = sync_mesh(b_ob, object_updated); /* object sync */ if(object_updated || (object->mesh && object->mesh->need_update)) { object->name =; object->tfm = tfm; object->visibility = object_ray_visibility(b_ob) & visibility; if( != object->visibility &= object_ray_visibility(b_parent); object->tag_update(scene); } }
void BlenderSync::sync_object(BL::Object b_parent, int b_index, BL::Object b_ob, Transform& tfm, uint layer_flag) { /* light is handled separately */ if(object_is_light(b_ob)) { sync_light(b_parent, b_index, b_ob, tfm); return; } /* only interested in object that we can create meshes from */ if(!object_is_mesh(b_ob)) return; /* test if we need to sync */ ObjectKey key(b_parent, b_index, b_ob); Object *object; bool object_updated = false; if(object_map.sync(&object, b_ob, b_parent, key)) object_updated = true; /* holdout? */ bool holdout = (layer_flag & render_layer.holdout_layer) != 0; /* mesh sync */ object->mesh = sync_mesh(b_ob, holdout, object_updated); /* object sync */ if(object_updated || (object->mesh && object->mesh->need_update)) { object->name =; object->pass_id = b_ob.pass_index(); object->tfm = tfm; /* visibility flags for both parent */ object->visibility = object_ray_visibility(b_ob) & PATH_RAY_ALL; if( != object->visibility &= object_ray_visibility(b_parent); /* camera flag is not actually used, instead is tested against render layer flags */ if(object->visibility & PATH_RAY_CAMERA) { object->visibility |= layer_flag << PATH_RAY_LAYER_SHIFT; object->visibility &= ~PATH_RAY_CAMERA; } object->tag_update(scene); } }
static void create_subd_mesh(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, BL::Object& b_ob, BL::Mesh& b_mesh, const vector<Shader*>& used_shaders, float dicing_rate, int max_subdivisions) { BL::SubsurfModifier subsurf_mod(b_ob.modifiers[b_ob.modifiers.length()-1]); bool subdivide_uvs = subsurf_mod.use_subsurf_uv(); create_mesh(scene, mesh, b_mesh, used_shaders, true, subdivide_uvs); /* export creases */ size_t num_creases = 0; BL::Mesh::edges_iterator e; for(b_mesh.edges.begin(e); e != b_mesh.edges.end(); ++e) { if(e->crease() != 0.0f) { num_creases++; } } mesh->subd_creases.resize(num_creases); Mesh::SubdEdgeCrease* crease = mesh->; for(b_mesh.edges.begin(e); e != b_mesh.edges.end(); ++e) { if(e->crease() != 0.0f) { crease->v[0] = e->vertices()[0]; crease->v[1] = e->vertices()[1]; crease->crease = e->crease(); crease++; } } /* set subd params */ if(!mesh->subd_params) { mesh->subd_params = new SubdParams(mesh); } SubdParams& sdparams = *mesh->subd_params; PointerRNA cobj = RNA_pointer_get(&b_ob.ptr, "cycles"); sdparams.dicing_rate = max(0.1f, RNA_float_get(&cobj, "dicing_rate") * dicing_rate); sdparams.max_level = max_subdivisions; scene->camera->update(); = scene->camera; sdparams.objecttoworld = get_transform(b_ob.matrix_world()); }
static float blender_camera_focal_distance(BL::Object b_ob, BL::Camera b_camera) { BL::Object b_dof_object = b_camera.dof_object(); if(!b_dof_object) return b_camera.dof_distance(); /* for dof object, return distance along camera Z direction */ Transform obmat = transform_clear_scale(get_transform(b_ob.matrix_world())); Transform dofmat = get_transform(b_dof_object.matrix_world()); Transform mat = transform_inverse(obmat) * dofmat; return fabsf(transform_get_column(&mat, 3).z); }
void BlenderSync::sync_camera_motion(BL::Object b_ob, int motion) { Camera *cam = scene->camera; Transform tfm = get_transform(b_ob.matrix_world()); tfm = blender_camera_matrix(tfm, cam->type); if(tfm != cam->matrix) { if(motion == -1) cam->motion.pre = tfm; else cam-> = tfm; cam->use_motion = true; } }
/* TODO(sergey): Not really optimal, consider approaches based on k-DOP in order * to reduce number of objects which are wrongly considered visible. */ static bool object_boundbox_clip(Scene *scene, BL::Object& b_ob, Transform& tfm, float margin) { Camera *cam = scene->camera; Transform& worldtondc = cam->worldtondc; BL::Array<float, 24> boundbox = b_ob.bound_box(); float3 bb_min = make_float3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), bb_max = make_float3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); bool all_behind = true; for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { float3 p = make_float3(boundbox[3 * i + 0], boundbox[3 * i + 1], boundbox[3 * i + 2]); p = transform_point(&tfm, p); float4 b = make_float4(p.x, p.y, p.z, 1.0f); float4 c = make_float4(dot(worldtondc.x, b), dot(worldtondc.y, b), dot(worldtondc.z, b), dot(worldtondc.w, b)); p = float4_to_float3(c / c.w); if(c.z < 0.0f) { p.x = 1.0f - p.x; p.y = 1.0f - p.y; } if(c.z >= -margin) { all_behind = false; } bb_min = min(bb_min, p); bb_max = max(bb_max, p); } if(!all_behind) { if(bb_min.x >= 1.0f + margin || bb_min.y >= 1.0f + margin || bb_max.x <= -margin || bb_max.y <= -margin) { return true; } return false; } return true; }
OCT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sync hair data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BlenderSync::sync_hair(Mesh *mesh, BL::Mesh b_mesh, BL::Object b_ob, bool motion, int time_index) { if(!motion) { mesh->hair_points.clear(); mesh->vert_per_hair.clear(); mesh->hair_thickness.clear(); mesh->hair_mat_indices.clear(); mesh->hair_uvs.clear(); } if(b_ob.mode() == b_ob.mode_PARTICLE_EDIT) return; fill_mesh_hair_data(mesh, &b_mesh, &b_ob); } //sync_hair()
void BlenderSync::sync_camera_motion(BL::Object b_ob, float motion_time) { Camera *cam = scene->camera; BL::Array<float, 16> b_ob_matrix; b_engine.camera_model_matrix(b_ob, b_ob_matrix); Transform tfm = get_transform(b_ob_matrix); tfm = blender_camera_matrix(tfm, cam->type); if(tfm != cam->matrix) { VLOG(1) << "Camera " << << " motion detected."; if(motion_time == -1.0f) { cam->motion.pre = tfm; cam->use_motion = true; } else if(motion_time == 1.0f) { cam-> = tfm; cam->use_motion = true; } } }
bool BlenderObjectCulling::test(Scene *scene, BL::Object& b_ob, Transform& tfm) { if(!use_camera_cull_ && !use_distance_cull_) { return false; } /* Compute world space bounding box corners. */ float3 bb[8]; BL::Array<float, 24> boundbox = b_ob.bound_box(); for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { float3 p = make_float3(boundbox[3 * i + 0], boundbox[3 * i + 1], boundbox[3 * i + 2]); bb[i] = transform_point(&tfm, p); } bool camera_culled = use_camera_cull_ && test_camera(scene, bb); bool distance_culled = use_distance_cull_ && test_distance(scene, bb); return ((camera_culled && distance_culled) || (camera_culled && !use_distance_cull_) || (distance_culled && !use_camera_cull_)); }
/* TODO(sergey): Not really optimal, consider approaches based on k-DOP in order * to reduce number of objects which are wrongly considered visible. */ static bool object_boundbox_clip(Scene *scene, BL::Object b_ob, Transform& tfm, float margin) { Camera *cam = scene->camera; Transform& worldtondc = cam->worldtondc; BL::Array<float, 24> boundbox = b_ob.bound_box(); float3 bb_min = make_float3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX), bb_max = make_float3(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX); bool all_behind = true; for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { float3 p = make_float3(boundbox[3 * i + 0], boundbox[3 * i + 1], boundbox[3 * i + 2]); p = transform_point(&tfm, p); p = transform_point(&worldtondc, p); if(p.z >= -margin) { all_behind = false; } p /= p.z; bb_min = min(bb_min, p); bb_max = max(bb_max, p); } if(!all_behind) { if(bb_min.x >= 1.0f + margin || bb_min.y >= 1.0f + margin || bb_max.x <= -margin || bb_max.y <= -margin) { return true; } return false; } return true; }
static void create_subd_mesh(Scene *scene, Mesh *mesh, BL::Object& b_ob, BL::Mesh& b_mesh, PointerRNA *cmesh, const vector<Shader*>& used_shaders, float dicing_rate, int max_subdivisions) { Mesh basemesh; create_mesh(scene, &basemesh, b_mesh, used_shaders); SubdParams sdparams(mesh, 0, true, false); sdparams.dicing_rate = max(0.1f, RNA_float_get(cmesh, "dicing_rate") * dicing_rate); sdparams.max_level = max_subdivisions; scene->camera->update(); = scene->camera; sdparams.objecttoworld = get_transform(b_ob.matrix_world()); /* tesselate */ DiagSplit dsplit(sdparams); basemesh.tessellate(&dsplit); }
void BlenderSync::sync_curves( Mesh *mesh, BL::Mesh &b_mesh, BL::Object &b_ob, bool motion, int motion_step) { if (!motion) { /* Clear stored curve data */ mesh->curve_keys.clear(); mesh->curve_radius.clear(); mesh->curve_first_key.clear(); mesh->curve_shader.clear(); mesh->curve_attributes.clear(); } /* obtain general settings */ const bool use_curves = scene->curve_system_manager->use_curves; if (!(use_curves && b_ob.mode() != b_ob.mode_PARTICLE_EDIT && b_ob.mode() != b_ob.mode_EDIT)) { if (!motion) mesh->compute_bounds(); return; } const int primitive = scene->curve_system_manager->primitive; const int triangle_method = scene->curve_system_manager->triangle_method; const int resolution = scene->curve_system_manager->resolution; const size_t vert_num = mesh->verts.size(); const size_t tri_num = mesh->num_triangles(); int used_res = 1; /* extract particle hair data - should be combined with connecting to mesh later*/ ParticleCurveData CData; ObtainCacheParticleData(mesh, &b_mesh, &b_ob, &CData, !preview); /* add hair geometry to mesh */ if (primitive == CURVE_TRIANGLES) { if (triangle_method == CURVE_CAMERA_TRIANGLES) { /* obtain camera parameters */ float3 RotCam; Camera *camera = scene->camera; Transform &ctfm = camera->matrix; if (camera->type == CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC) { RotCam = -make_float3(ctfm.x.z, ctfm.y.z, ctfm.z.z); } else { Transform tfm = get_transform(b_ob.matrix_world()); Transform itfm = transform_quick_inverse(tfm); RotCam = transform_point(&itfm, make_float3(ctfm.x.w, ctfm.y.w, ctfm.z.w)); } bool is_ortho = camera->type == CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC; ExportCurveTrianglePlanes(mesh, &CData, RotCam, is_ortho); } else { ExportCurveTriangleGeometry(mesh, &CData, resolution); used_res = resolution; } } else { if (motion) ExportCurveSegmentsMotion(mesh, &CData, motion_step); else ExportCurveSegments(scene, mesh, &CData); } /* generated coordinates from first key. we should ideally get this from * blender to handle deforming objects */ if (!motion) { if (mesh->need_attribute(scene, ATTR_STD_GENERATED)) { float3 loc, size; mesh_texture_space(b_mesh, loc, size); if (primitive == CURVE_TRIANGLES) { Attribute *attr_generated = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_GENERATED); float3 *generated = attr_generated->data_float3(); for (size_t i = vert_num; i < mesh->verts.size(); i++) generated[i] = mesh->verts[i] * size - loc; } else { Attribute *attr_generated = mesh->curve_attributes.add(ATTR_STD_GENERATED); float3 *generated = attr_generated->data_float3(); for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh->num_curves(); i++) { float3 co = mesh->curve_keys[mesh->get_curve(i).first_key]; generated[i] = co * size - loc; } } } } /* create vertex color attributes */ if (!motion) { BL::Mesh::vertex_colors_iterator l; int vcol_num = 0; for (b_mesh.vertex_colors.begin(l); l != b_mesh.vertex_colors.end(); ++l, vcol_num++) { if (!mesh->need_attribute(scene, ustring(l->name().c_str()))) continue; ObtainCacheParticleVcol(mesh, &b_mesh, &b_ob, &CData, !preview, vcol_num); if (primitive == CURVE_TRIANGLES) { Attribute *attr_vcol = mesh->attributes.add( ustring(l->name().c_str()), TypeDesc::TypeColor, ATTR_ELEMENT_CORNER_BYTE); uchar4 *cdata = attr_vcol->data_uchar4(); ExportCurveTriangleVcol(&CData, tri_num * 3, used_res, cdata); } else { Attribute *attr_vcol = mesh->curve_attributes.add( ustring(l->name().c_str()), TypeDesc::TypeColor, ATTR_ELEMENT_CURVE); float3 *fdata = attr_vcol->data_float3(); if (fdata) { size_t i = 0; /* Encode vertex color using the sRGB curve. */ for (size_t curve = 0; curve < CData.curve_vcol.size(); curve++) { fdata[i++] = color_srgb_to_linear_v3(CData.curve_vcol[curve]); } } } } } /* create UV attributes */ if (!motion) { BL::Mesh::uv_layers_iterator l; int uv_num = 0; for (b_mesh.uv_layers.begin(l); l != b_mesh.uv_layers.end(); ++l, uv_num++) { bool active_render = l->active_render(); AttributeStandard std = (active_render) ? ATTR_STD_UV : ATTR_STD_NONE; ustring name = ustring(l->name().c_str()); /* UV map */ if (mesh->need_attribute(scene, name) || mesh->need_attribute(scene, std)) { Attribute *attr_uv; ObtainCacheParticleUV(mesh, &b_mesh, &b_ob, &CData, !preview, uv_num); if (primitive == CURVE_TRIANGLES) { if (active_render) attr_uv = mesh->attributes.add(std, name); else attr_uv = mesh->attributes.add(name, TypeFloat2, ATTR_ELEMENT_CORNER); float2 *uv = attr_uv->data_float2(); ExportCurveTriangleUV(&CData, tri_num * 3, used_res, uv); } else { if (active_render) attr_uv = mesh->curve_attributes.add(std, name); else attr_uv = mesh->curve_attributes.add(name, TypeFloat2, ATTR_ELEMENT_CURVE); float2 *uv = attr_uv->data_float2(); if (uv) { size_t i = 0; for (size_t curve = 0; curve < CData.curve_uv.size(); curve++) { uv[i++] = CData.curve_uv[curve]; } } } } } } mesh->compute_bounds(); }
static void blender_camera_from_object(BlenderCamera *bcam, BL::RenderEngine& b_engine, BL::Object& b_ob, bool skip_panorama = false) { BL::ID b_ob_data =; if(b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Camera)) { BL::Camera b_camera(b_ob_data); PointerRNA ccamera = RNA_pointer_get(&b_camera.ptr, "cycles"); bcam->nearclip = b_camera.clip_start(); bcam->farclip = b_camera.clip_end(); switch(b_camera.type()) { case BL::Camera::type_ORTHO: bcam->type = CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC; break; case BL::Camera::type_PANO: if(!skip_panorama) bcam->type = CAMERA_PANORAMA; else bcam->type = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; break; case BL::Camera::type_PERSP: default: bcam->type = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; break; } switch(RNA_enum_get(&ccamera, "panorama_type")) { case 1: bcam->panorama_type = PANORAMA_FISHEYE_EQUIDISTANT; break; case 2: bcam->panorama_type = PANORAMA_FISHEYE_EQUISOLID; break; case 3: bcam->panorama_type = PANORAMA_MIRRORBALL; break; case 0: default: bcam->panorama_type = PANORAMA_EQUIRECTANGULAR; break; } bcam->fisheye_fov = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "fisheye_fov"); bcam->fisheye_lens = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "fisheye_lens"); bcam->latitude_min = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "latitude_min"); bcam->latitude_max = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "latitude_max"); bcam->longitude_min = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "longitude_min"); bcam->longitude_max = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "longitude_max"); bcam->ortho_scale = b_camera.ortho_scale(); bcam->lens = b_camera.lens(); /* allow f/stop number to change aperture_size but still * give manual control over aperture radius */ int aperture_type = RNA_enum_get(&ccamera, "aperture_type"); if(aperture_type == 1) { float fstop = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "aperture_fstop"); fstop = max(fstop, 1e-5f); if(bcam->type == CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC) bcam->aperturesize = 1.0f/(2.0f*fstop); else bcam->aperturesize = (bcam->lens*1e-3f)/(2.0f*fstop); } else bcam->aperturesize = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "aperture_size"); bcam->apertureblades = RNA_int_get(&ccamera, "aperture_blades"); bcam->aperturerotation = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "aperture_rotation"); bcam->focaldistance = blender_camera_focal_distance(b_engine, b_ob, b_camera); bcam->aperture_ratio = RNA_float_get(&ccamera, "aperture_ratio"); bcam->shift.x = b_engine.camera_shift_x(b_ob); bcam->shift.y = b_camera.shift_y(); bcam->sensor_width = b_camera.sensor_width(); bcam->sensor_height = b_camera.sensor_height(); if(b_camera.sensor_fit() == BL::Camera::sensor_fit_AUTO) bcam->sensor_fit = BlenderCamera::AUTO; else if(b_camera.sensor_fit() == BL::Camera::sensor_fit_HORIZONTAL) bcam->sensor_fit = BlenderCamera::HORIZONTAL; else bcam->sensor_fit = BlenderCamera::VERTICAL; } else { /* from lamp not implemented yet */ } }
void BlenderSync::sync_mesh_motion(BL::Depsgraph &b_depsgraph, BL::Object &b_ob, Object *object, float motion_time) { /* ensure we only sync instanced meshes once */ Mesh *mesh = object->mesh; if (mesh_motion_synced.find(mesh) != mesh_motion_synced.end()) return; mesh_motion_synced.insert(mesh); /* ensure we only motion sync meshes that also had mesh synced, to avoid * unnecessary work and to ensure that its attributes were clear */ if (mesh_synced.find(mesh) == mesh_synced.end()) return; /* Find time matching motion step required by mesh. */ int motion_step = mesh->motion_step(motion_time); if (motion_step < 0) { return; } /* skip empty meshes */ const size_t numverts = mesh->verts.size(); const size_t numkeys = mesh->curve_keys.size(); if (!numverts && !numkeys) return; /* skip objects without deforming modifiers. this is not totally reliable, * would need a more extensive check to see which objects are animated */ BL::Mesh b_mesh(PointerRNA_NULL); /* fluid motion is exported immediate with mesh, skip here */ BL::DomainFluidSettings b_fluid_domain = object_fluid_domain_find(b_ob); if (b_fluid_domain) return; if (ccl::BKE_object_is_deform_modified(b_ob, b_scene, preview)) { /* get derived mesh */ b_mesh = object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_depsgraph, false, Mesh::SUBDIVISION_NONE); } if (!b_mesh) { /* if we have no motion blur on this frame, but on other frames, copy */ if (numverts) { /* triangles */ Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (attr_mP) { Attribute *attr_mN = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL); Attribute *attr_N = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_VERTEX_NORMAL); float3 *P = &mesh->verts[0]; float3 *N = (attr_N) ? attr_N->data_float3() : NULL; memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + motion_step * numverts, P, sizeof(float3) * numverts); if (attr_mN) memcpy(attr_mN->data_float3() + motion_step * numverts, N, sizeof(float3) * numverts); } } if (numkeys) { /* curves */ Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->curve_attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (attr_mP) { float3 *keys = &mesh->curve_keys[0]; memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + motion_step * numkeys, keys, sizeof(float3) * numkeys); } } return; } /* TODO(sergey): Perform preliminary check for number of verticies. */ if (numverts) { /* Find attributes. */ Attribute *attr_mP = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); Attribute *attr_mN = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL); Attribute *attr_N = mesh->attributes.find(ATTR_STD_VERTEX_NORMAL); bool new_attribute = false; /* Add new attributes if they don't exist already. */ if (!attr_mP) { attr_mP = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (attr_N) attr_mN = mesh->attributes.add(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL); new_attribute = true; } /* Load vertex data from mesh. */ float3 *mP = attr_mP->data_float3() + motion_step * numverts; float3 *mN = (attr_mN) ? attr_mN->data_float3() + motion_step * numverts : NULL; /* NOTE: We don't copy more that existing amount of vertices to prevent * possible memory corruption. */ BL::Mesh::vertices_iterator v; int i = 0; for (b_mesh.vertices.begin(v); v != b_mesh.vertices.end() && i < numverts; ++v, ++i) { mP[i] = get_float3(v->co()); if (mN) mN[i] = get_float3(v->normal()); } if (new_attribute) { /* In case of new attribute, we verify if there really was any motion. */ if (b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts || memcmp(mP, &mesh->verts[0], sizeof(float3) * numverts) == 0) { /* no motion, remove attributes again */ if (b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts) { VLOG(1) << "Topology differs, disabling motion blur for object " <<; } else { VLOG(1) << "No actual deformation motion for object " <<; } mesh->attributes.remove(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION); if (attr_mN) mesh->attributes.remove(ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL); } else if (motion_step > 0) { VLOG(1) << "Filling deformation motion for object " <<; /* motion, fill up previous steps that we might have skipped because * they had no motion, but we need them anyway now */ float3 *P = &mesh->verts[0]; float3 *N = (attr_N) ? attr_N->data_float3() : NULL; for (int step = 0; step < motion_step; step++) { memcpy(attr_mP->data_float3() + step * numverts, P, sizeof(float3) * numverts); if (attr_mN) memcpy(attr_mN->data_float3() + step * numverts, N, sizeof(float3) * numverts); } } } else { if (b_mesh.vertices.length() != numverts) { VLOG(1) << "Topology differs, discarding motion blur for object " << << " at time " << motion_step; memcpy(mP, &mesh->verts[0], sizeof(float3) * numverts); if (mN != NULL) { memcpy(mN, attr_N->data_float3(), sizeof(float3) * numverts); } } } } /* hair motion */ if (numkeys) sync_curves(mesh, b_mesh, b_ob, true, motion_step); /* free derived mesh */ free_object_to_mesh(b_data, b_ob, b_mesh); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fill the Octane Camera properties from Blender data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BlenderSync::load_camera_from_object(Camera* cam, BL::Object b_ob, int width, int height, float2& offset, bool skip_panorama) { BL::ID b_ob_data =; if(b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Camera)) { BL::Camera b_camera(b_ob_data); PointerRNA oct_camera = RNA_pointer_get(&b_camera.ptr, "octane"); switch(b_camera.type()) { case BL::Camera::type_ORTHO: cam->type = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; cam->ortho = true; break; case BL::Camera::type_PANO: if(!skip_panorama) cam->type = CAMERA_PANORAMA; else cam->type = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; cam->ortho = false; break; case BL::Camera::type_PERSP: default: cam->type = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; cam->ortho = false; break; } cam->near_clip_depth = b_camera.clip_start(); cam->far_clip_depth = b_camera.clip_end(); cam->set_focal_depth(b_ob, b_camera); get_cam_settings(cam, oct_camera); cam->lens_shift_x = b_camera.shift_x() / cam->zoom; cam->lens_shift_y = b_camera.shift_y() / cam->zoom; cam->sensorwidth = b_camera.sensor_width(); cam->sensorheight = b_camera.sensor_height(); cam->offset_x = offset.x * 2.0f / cam->zoom; cam->offset_y = offset.y * 2.0f / cam->zoom; if(b_camera.sensor_fit() == BL::Camera::sensor_fit_AUTO) cam->sensor_fit = Camera::AUTO; else if(b_camera.sensor_fit() == BL::Camera::sensor_fit_HORIZONTAL) cam->sensor_fit = Camera::HORIZONTAL; else cam->sensor_fit = Camera::VERTICAL; if(cam->ortho) { float ortho_scale; get_camera_ortho_scale(cam, b_camera, width, height, &ortho_scale); cam->fov = ortho_scale * cam->zoom; } else { float sensor_size; get_camera_sensor_size(cam, width, height, &sensor_size); cam->fov = 2.0f * atanf((0.5f * sensor_size * cam->zoom) / b_camera.lens()) *180.0f / M_PI_F; } // Position cam->eye_point.x = cam->matrix.x.w; cam->eye_point.y = cam->matrix.y.w; cam->eye_point.z = cam->matrix.z.w; float3 dir = transform_direction(&cam->matrix, make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f)); cam->look_at.x = cam->eye_point.x + dir.x; cam->look_at.y = cam->eye_point.y + dir.y; cam->look_at.z = cam->eye_point.z + dir.z; cam->up = normalize(transform_direction(&cam->matrix, make_float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f))); } else { //TODO: Implement it for Lamp } } //camera_from_object()
bool BlenderSync::object_is_light(BL::Object& b_ob) { BL::ID b_ob_data =; return (b_ob_data && b_ob_data.is_a(&RNA_Lamp)); }
void BlenderSync::sync_object(BL::Object b_parent, int b_index, BL::Object b_ob, Transform& tfm, uint layer_flag, int motion) { /* light is handled separately */ if(object_is_light(b_ob)) { if(!motion) sync_light(b_parent, b_index, b_ob, tfm); return; } /* only interested in object that we can create meshes from */ if(!object_is_mesh(b_ob)) return; /* key to lookup object */ ObjectKey key(b_parent, b_index, b_ob); Object *object; /* motion vector case */ if(motion) { object = object_map.find(key); if(object) { if(tfm != object->tfm) { if(motion == -1) object->motion.pre = tfm; else object-> = tfm; object->use_motion = true; } sync_mesh_motion(b_ob, object->mesh, motion); } return; } /* test if we need to sync */ bool object_updated = false; if(object_map.sync(&object, b_ob, b_parent, key)) object_updated = true; bool use_holdout = (layer_flag & render_layer.holdout_layer) != 0; /* mesh sync */ object->mesh = sync_mesh(b_ob, object_updated); if(use_holdout != object->use_holdout) { object->use_holdout = use_holdout; scene->object_manager->tag_update(scene); } /* object sync */ if(object_updated || (object->mesh && object->mesh->need_update)) { object->name =; object->pass_id = b_ob.pass_index(); object->tfm = tfm; object->motion.pre = tfm; object-> = tfm; object->use_motion = false; /* visibility flags for both parent */ object->visibility = object_ray_visibility(b_ob) & PATH_RAY_ALL; if( != object->visibility &= object_ray_visibility(b_parent); /* camera flag is not actually used, instead is tested against render layer flags */ if(object->visibility & PATH_RAY_CAMERA) { object->visibility |= layer_flag << PATH_RAY_LAYER_SHIFT; object->visibility &= ~PATH_RAY_CAMERA; } object->tag_update(scene); } }
static bool object_render_hide_duplis(BL::Object b_ob) { BL::Object parent = b_ob.parent(); return (parent && object_render_hide_original(b_ob.type(), parent.dupli_type())); }
void BlenderSync::sync_light(BL::Object& b_parent, int persistent_id[OBJECT_PERSISTENT_ID_SIZE], BL::Object& b_ob, BL::DupliObject& b_dupli_ob, Transform& tfm, bool *use_portal) { /* test if we need to sync */ Light *light; ObjectKey key(b_parent, persistent_id, b_ob); if(!light_map.sync(&light, b_ob, b_parent, key)) { if(light->is_portal) *use_portal = true; return; } BL::Lamp b_lamp(; /* type */ switch(b_lamp.type()) { case BL::Lamp::type_POINT: { BL::PointLamp b_point_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_point_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_POINT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_SPOT: { BL::SpotLamp b_spot_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_spot_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_SPOT; light->spot_angle = b_spot_lamp.spot_size(); light->spot_smooth = b_spot_lamp.spot_blend(); break; } case BL::Lamp::type_HEMI: { light->type = LIGHT_DISTANT; light->size = 0.0f; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_SUN: { BL::SunLamp b_sun_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_sun_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_DISTANT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_AREA: { BL::AreaLamp b_area_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = 1.0f; light->axisu = transform_get_column(&tfm, 0); light->axisv = transform_get_column(&tfm, 1); light->sizeu = b_area_lamp.size(); if(b_area_lamp.shape() == BL::AreaLamp::shape_RECTANGLE) light->sizev = b_area_lamp.size_y(); else light->sizev = light->sizeu; light->type = LIGHT_AREA; break; } } /* location and (inverted!) direction */ light->co = transform_get_column(&tfm, 3); light->dir = -transform_get_column(&tfm, 2); light->tfm = tfm; /* shader */ vector<Shader*> used_shaders; find_shader(b_lamp, used_shaders, scene->default_light); light->shader = used_shaders[0]; /* shadow */ PointerRNA cscene = RNA_pointer_get(&b_scene.ptr, "cycles"); PointerRNA clamp = RNA_pointer_get(&b_lamp.ptr, "cycles"); light->cast_shadow = get_boolean(clamp, "cast_shadow"); light->use_mis = get_boolean(clamp, "use_multiple_importance_sampling"); int samples = get_int(clamp, "samples"); if(get_boolean(cscene, "use_square_samples")) light->samples = samples * samples; else light->samples = samples; light->max_bounces = get_int(clamp, "max_bounces"); if(b_dupli_ob) { light->random_id = b_dupli_ob.random_id(); } else { light->random_id = hash_int_2d(hash_string(, 0); } if(light->type == LIGHT_AREA) light->is_portal = get_boolean(clamp, "is_portal"); else light->is_portal = false; if(light->is_portal) *use_portal = true; /* visibility */ uint visibility = object_ray_visibility(b_ob); light->use_diffuse = (visibility & PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE) != 0; light->use_glossy = (visibility & PATH_RAY_GLOSSY) != 0; light->use_transmission = (visibility & PATH_RAY_TRANSMIT) != 0; light->use_scatter = (visibility & PATH_RAY_VOLUME_SCATTER) != 0; /* tag */ light->tag_update(scene); }
void BlenderSync::sync_light(BL::Object b_parent, int b_index, BL::Object b_ob, Transform& tfm) { /* test if we need to sync */ Light *light; ObjectKey key(b_parent, b_index, b_ob); if(!light_map.sync(&light, b_ob, b_parent, key)) return; BL::Lamp b_lamp(; /* type */ switch(b_lamp.type()) { case BL::Lamp::type_POINT: { BL::PointLamp b_point_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_point_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_POINT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_SPOT: { BL::SpotLamp b_spot_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_spot_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_POINT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_HEMI: { light->type = LIGHT_DISTANT; light->size = 0.0f; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_SUN: { BL::SunLamp b_sun_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_sun_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_DISTANT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_AREA: { BL::AreaLamp b_area_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = 1.0f; light->axisu = make_float3(tfm.x.x, tfm.y.x, tfm.z.x); light->axisv = make_float3(tfm.x.y, tfm.y.y, tfm.z.y); light->sizeu = b_area_lamp.size(); if(b_area_lamp.shape() == BL::AreaLamp::shape_RECTANGLE) light->sizev = b_area_lamp.size_y(); else light->sizev = light->sizeu; light->type = LIGHT_AREA; break; } } /* location and (inverted!) direction */ light->co = make_float3(tfm.x.w, tfm.y.w, tfm.z.w); light->dir = -make_float3(tfm.x.z, tfm.y.z, tfm.z.z); /* shader */ vector<uint> used_shaders; find_shader(b_lamp, used_shaders, scene->default_light); if(used_shaders.size() == 0) used_shaders.push_back(scene->default_light); light->shader = used_shaders[0]; /* shadow */ PointerRNA clamp = RNA_pointer_get(&b_lamp.ptr, "cycles"); light->cast_shadow = get_boolean(clamp, "cast_shadow"); /* tag */ light->tag_update(scene); }
Object *BlenderSync::sync_object(BL::Depsgraph &b_depsgraph, BL::ViewLayer &b_view_layer, BL::DepsgraphObjectInstance &b_instance, float motion_time, bool show_self, bool show_particles, BlenderObjectCulling &culling, bool *use_portal) { const bool is_instance = b_instance.is_instance(); BL::Object b_ob = b_instance.object(); BL::Object b_parent = is_instance ? b_instance.parent() : b_instance.object(); BL::Object b_ob_instance = is_instance ? b_instance.instance_object() : b_ob; const bool motion = motion_time != 0.0f; /*const*/ Transform tfm = get_transform(b_ob.matrix_world()); int *persistent_id = NULL; BL::Array<int, OBJECT_PERSISTENT_ID_SIZE> persistent_id_array; if (is_instance) { persistent_id_array = b_instance.persistent_id(); persistent_id =; } /* light is handled separately */ if (!motion && object_is_light(b_ob)) { /* TODO: don't use lights for excluded layers used as mask layer, * when dynamic overrides are back. */ #if 0 if (!((layer_flag & view_layer.holdout_layer) && (layer_flag & view_layer.exclude_layer))) #endif { sync_light(b_parent, persistent_id, b_ob, b_ob_instance, is_instance ? b_instance.random_id() : 0, tfm, use_portal); } return NULL; } /* only interested in object that we can create meshes from */ if (!object_is_mesh(b_ob)) { return NULL; } /* Perform object culling. */ if (culling.test(scene, b_ob, tfm)) { return NULL; } /* Visibility flags for both parent and child. */ PointerRNA cobject = RNA_pointer_get(&b_ob.ptr, "cycles"); bool use_holdout = get_boolean(cobject, "is_holdout") || b_parent.holdout_get(PointerRNA_NULL, b_view_layer); uint visibility = object_ray_visibility(b_ob) & PATH_RAY_ALL_VISIBILITY; if ( != { visibility &= object_ray_visibility(b_parent); } /* TODO: make holdout objects on excluded layer invisible for non-camera rays. */ #if 0 if (use_holdout && (layer_flag & view_layer.exclude_layer)) { visibility &= ~(PATH_RAY_ALL_VISIBILITY - PATH_RAY_CAMERA); } #endif /* Clear camera visibility for indirect only objects. */ bool use_indirect_only = b_parent.indirect_only_get(PointerRNA_NULL, b_view_layer); if (use_indirect_only) { visibility &= ~PATH_RAY_CAMERA; } /* Don't export completely invisible objects. */ if (visibility == 0) { return NULL; } /* key to lookup object */ ObjectKey key(b_parent, persistent_id, b_ob_instance); Object *object; /* motion vector case */ if (motion) { object = object_map.find(key); if (object && object->use_motion()) { /* Set transform at matching motion time step. */ int time_index = object->motion_step(motion_time); if (time_index >= 0) { object->motion[time_index] = tfm; } /* mesh deformation */ if (object->mesh) sync_mesh_motion(b_depsgraph, b_ob, object, motion_time); } return object; } /* test if we need to sync */ bool object_updated = false; if (object_map.sync(&object, b_ob, b_parent, key)) object_updated = true; /* mesh sync */ object->mesh = sync_mesh( b_depsgraph, b_ob, b_ob_instance, object_updated, show_self, show_particles); /* special case not tracked by object update flags */ /* holdout */ if (use_holdout != object->use_holdout) { object->use_holdout = use_holdout; scene->object_manager->tag_update(scene); object_updated = true; } if (visibility != object->visibility) { object->visibility = visibility; object_updated = true; } bool is_shadow_catcher = get_boolean(cobject, "is_shadow_catcher"); if (is_shadow_catcher != object->is_shadow_catcher) { object->is_shadow_catcher = is_shadow_catcher; object_updated = true; } /* sync the asset name for Cryptomatte */ BL::Object parent = b_ob.parent(); ustring parent_name; if (parent) { while (parent.parent()) { parent = parent.parent(); } parent_name =; } else { parent_name =; } if (object->asset_name != parent_name) { object->asset_name = parent_name; object_updated = true; } /* object sync * transform comparison should not be needed, but duplis don't work perfect * in the depsgraph and may not signal changes, so this is a workaround */ if (object_updated || (object->mesh && object->mesh->need_update) || tfm != object->tfm) { object->name =; object->pass_id = b_ob.pass_index(); object->tfm = tfm; object->motion.clear(); /* motion blur */ Scene::MotionType need_motion = scene->need_motion(); if (need_motion != Scene::MOTION_NONE && object->mesh) { Mesh *mesh = object->mesh; mesh->use_motion_blur = false; mesh->motion_steps = 0; uint motion_steps; if (need_motion == Scene::MOTION_BLUR) { motion_steps = object_motion_steps(b_parent, b_ob); mesh->motion_steps = motion_steps; if (motion_steps && object_use_deform_motion(b_parent, b_ob)) { mesh->use_motion_blur = true; } } else { motion_steps = 3; mesh->motion_steps = motion_steps; } object->motion.clear(); object->motion.resize(motion_steps, transform_empty()); if (motion_steps) { object->motion[motion_steps / 2] = tfm; for (size_t step = 0; step < motion_steps; step++) { motion_times.insert(object->motion_time(step)); } } } /* dupli texture coordinates and random_id */ if (is_instance) { object->dupli_generated = 0.5f * get_float3(b_instance.orco()) - make_float3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); object->dupli_uv = get_float2(b_instance.uv()); object->random_id = b_instance.random_id(); } else { object->dupli_generated = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); object->dupli_uv = make_float2(0.0f, 0.0f); object->random_id = hash_int_2d(hash_string(object->name.c_str()), 0); } object->tag_update(scene); } if (is_instance) { /* Sync possible particle data. */ sync_dupli_particle(b_parent, b_instance, object); } return object; }
void BlenderSync::sync_light(BL::Object b_parent, int persistent_id[OBJECT_PERSISTENT_ID_SIZE], BL::Object b_ob, Transform& tfm) { /* test if we need to sync */ Light *light; ObjectKey key(b_parent, persistent_id, b_ob); if(!light_map.sync(&light, b_ob, b_parent, key)) return; BL::Lamp b_lamp(; /* type */ switch(b_lamp.type()) { case BL::Lamp::type_POINT: { BL::PointLamp b_point_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_point_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_POINT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_SPOT: { BL::SpotLamp b_spot_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_spot_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_SPOT; light->spot_angle = b_spot_lamp.spot_size(); light->spot_smooth = b_spot_lamp.spot_blend(); break; } case BL::Lamp::type_HEMI: { light->type = LIGHT_DISTANT; light->size = 0.0f; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_SUN: { BL::SunLamp b_sun_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = b_sun_lamp.shadow_soft_size(); light->type = LIGHT_DISTANT; break; } case BL::Lamp::type_AREA: { BL::AreaLamp b_area_lamp(b_lamp); light->size = 1.0f; light->axisu = transform_get_column(&tfm, 0); light->axisv = transform_get_column(&tfm, 1); light->sizeu = b_area_lamp.size(); if(b_area_lamp.shape() == BL::AreaLamp::shape_RECTANGLE) light->sizev = b_area_lamp.size_y(); else light->sizev = light->sizeu; light->type = LIGHT_AREA; break; } } /* location and (inverted!) direction */ light->co = transform_get_column(&tfm, 3); light->dir = -transform_get_column(&tfm, 2); /* shader */ vector<uint> used_shaders; find_shader(b_lamp, used_shaders, scene->default_light); if(used_shaders.size() == 0) used_shaders.push_back(scene->default_light); light->shader = used_shaders[0]; /* shadow */ PointerRNA clamp = RNA_pointer_get(&b_lamp.ptr, "cycles"); light->cast_shadow = get_boolean(clamp, "cast_shadow"); light->use_mis = get_boolean(clamp, "use_multiple_importance_sampling"); light->samples = get_int(clamp, "samples"); /* tag */ light->tag_update(scene); }
void BlenderSession::bake(BL::Object b_object, const string& pass_type, const int object_id, BL::BakePixel pixel_array, const size_t num_pixels, const int /*depth*/, float result[]) { ShaderEvalType shader_type = get_shader_type(pass_type); size_t object_index = OBJECT_NONE; int tri_offset = 0; /* Set baking flag in advance, so kernel loading can check if we need * any baking capabilities. */ scene->bake_manager->set_baking(true); /* ensure kernels are loaded before we do any scene updates */ session->load_kernels(); if(session->progress.get_cancel()) return; if(shader_type == SHADER_EVAL_UV) { /* force UV to be available */ Pass::add(PASS_UV, scene->film->passes); } if(BakeManager::is_light_pass(shader_type)) { /* force use_light_pass to be true */ Pass::add(PASS_LIGHT, scene->film->passes); } /* create device and update scene */ scene->film->tag_update(scene); scene->integrator->tag_update(scene); /* update scene */ sync->sync_camera(b_render, b_engine.camera_override(), width, height); sync->sync_data(b_render, b_v3d, b_engine.camera_override(), width, height, &python_thread_state, b_rlay_name.c_str()); /* get buffer parameters */ SessionParams session_params = BlenderSync::get_session_params(b_engine, b_userpref, b_scene, background); BufferParams buffer_params = BlenderSync::get_buffer_params(b_render, b_v3d, b_rv3d, scene->camera, width, height); scene->bake_manager->set_shader_limit((size_t)b_engine.tile_x(), (size_t)b_engine.tile_y()); /* set number of samples */ session->tile_manager.set_samples(session_params.samples); session->reset(buffer_params, session_params.samples); session->update_scene(); /* find object index. todo: is arbitrary - copied from mesh_displace.cpp */ for(size_t i = 0; i < scene->objects.size(); i++) { if(strcmp(scene->objects[i]->name.c_str(), == 0) { object_index = i; tri_offset = scene->objects[i]->mesh->tri_offset; break; } } /* when used, non-instanced convention: object = ~object */ int object = ~object_index; BakeData *bake_data = scene->bake_manager->init(object, tri_offset, num_pixels); populate_bake_data(bake_data, object_id, pixel_array, num_pixels); /* set number of samples */ session->tile_manager.set_samples(session_params.samples); session->reset(buffer_params, session_params.samples); session->update_scene(); session->progress.set_update_callback(function_bind(&BlenderSession::update_bake_progress, this)); scene->bake_manager->bake(scene->device, &scene->dscene, scene, session->progress, shader_type, bake_data, result); /* free all memory used (host and device), so we wouldn't leave render * engine with extra memory allocated */ session->device_free(); delete sync; sync = NULL; }