bool FB::SimpleStreamHelper::onStreamCompleted( FB::StreamCompletedEvent *evt, FB::BrowserStream * ) { if (!evt->success) { if (callback) callback(false, FB::HeaderMap(), boost::shared_array<uint8_t>(), received); callback.clear(); return false; } if (!data) { data = boost::shared_array<uint8_t>(new uint8_t[received]); int i = 0; for (BlockList::const_iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it) { size_t offset(i * blockSize); size_t len(received - offset); if (len > blockSize) len = blockSize; std::copy(it->get(), it->get()+len, data.get()+offset); ++i; } // Free all the old blocks blocks.clear(); } if (callback) callback(true, parse_http_headers(stream->getHeaders()), data, received); callback.clear(); return true; }
bool FB::SimpleStreamHelper::onStreamCompleted( FB::StreamCompletedEvent *evt, FB::BrowserStream *stream ) { if (!evt->success) { if (callback) callback(false, FB::HeaderMap(), boost::shared_array<uint8_t>(), received); callback.clear(); self.reset(); return false; } if (!data) { data = boost::shared_array<uint8_t>(new uint8_t[received]); int i = 0; for (BlockList::const_iterator it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it) { size_t offset(i * blockSize); size_t len(received - offset); if (len > blockSize) len = blockSize; std::copy(it->get(), it->get()+len, data.get()+offset); ++i; } // Free all the old blocks blocks.clear(); } if (callback && stream) { std::multimap<std::string, std::string> headers; headers = parse_http_headers(stream->getHeaders()); callback(true, headers, data, received); } callback.clear(); self.reset(); return false; // Always return false to make sure the browserhost knows to let go of the object }
/*! Set up the event recorder by defining the fault boundaries (in terms of block IDs). */ void EventRecorder::init(SimFramework *_sim) { VCSimulation *sim = static_cast<VCSimulation*>(_sim); std::string file_name = sim->getEventsFile().c_str(); BlockList::const_iterator it; if (!sim->isRootNode()) return;; assertThrow(eFile, "Failed to open events file: " + file_name); eFile << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2); // SETTING FID BOUNDS, ID OF THE FIRST AND THE LAST BLOCK FaultID prev_fid = UNDEFINED_FAULT_ID; BlockID start_block_id = UNDEFINED_BLOCK_ID; for(it=sim->begin();it!=sim->end();++it) { if(it->getFaultID() != prev_fid) { if (start_block_id != UNDEFINED_BLOCK_ID) { faultBlockIDs.push_back(std::make_pair(start_block_id, it->getBlockID()-1)); } start_block_id = it->getBlockID(); prev_fid = it->getFaultID(); } } faultBlockIDs.push_back(std::make_pair(start_block_id, sim->numGlobalBlocks()-1)); assertThrow(start_block_id!=UNDEFINED_BLOCK_ID, "Could not find any blocks in simulation."); }
BasicBlock::EdgeList::const_iterator BasicBlock::get_edge(BlockList::const_iterator b) const { for (EdgePointerVector::const_iterator edge = out_edges.begin(); edge != out_edges.end(); ++edge) { if ((*edge)->tail == b) return *edge; } assertM(false, "No edge from " << label() << " to " << b->label()); return EdgeList::const_iterator(); }
void GreensFuncCalcStandard::InnerCalcStandard(Simulation *sim, const BlockID &bnum, GreensValsSparseMatrix &ssh, GreensValsSparseMatrix &snorm) { Block source_block = sim->getBlock(bnum); BlockIDList target_blocks; BlockIDList::const_iterator bit; BlockList::const_iterator it; double stress_values[2]; // Get a list of block IDs we want to calculate the Greens function for for (it=sim->begin(); it!=sim->end(); ++it) target_blocks.push_back(it->getBlockID()); // Convert the strains to Greens values and record them for (bit=target_blocks.begin(); bit!=target_blocks.end(); ++bit) { Block target_block = sim->getBlock(*bit); target_block.get_rake_and_normal_stress_due_to_block(stress_values, sim->getGreensSampleDistance(), source_block); ssh[bnum][*bit] = stress_values[0]; snorm[bnum][*bit] = stress_values[1]; } }