double BTagWeight::getBScaleFactor(const JetPointer jet, double uncertaintyFactor) const { const boost::array<double, 14> SFb_error = { { 0.0295675, 0.0295095, 0.0210867, 0.0219349, 0.0227033, 0.0204062, 0.0185857, 0.0256242, 0.0383341, 0.0409675, 0.0420284, 0.0541299, 0.0578761, 0.0655432 } }; const boost::array<double, 14> ptbins = { { 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120, 160, 210, 260, 320, 400, 500 } }; double SFb(0); double sf_error(0); //these numbers are for CSVM only double pt = jet->pt(); if (pt < 30) { SFb = 0.6981 * (1. + 0.414063 * 30) / (1. + 0.300155 * 30); sf_error = 0.12; } else if (pt > 670) { SFb = 0.6981 * (1. + 0.414063 * 670) / (1. + 0.300155 * 670); //use twice the uncertainty sf_error = 2 * SFb_error[SFb_error.size() - 1]; } else { SFb = 0.6981 * (1. + 0.414063 * pt) / (1. + 0.300155 * pt); unsigned int ptbin(0); for (unsigned int bin = 0; bin < ptbins.size() + 1; ++bin) { double upperCut = bin + 1 < ptbins.size() ? + 1) : 670.; double lowerCut =; if (pt > lowerCut && pt <= upperCut) { ptbin = bin; break; } } sf_error =; } SFb += sf_error * Globals::BJetSystematic * uncertaintyFactor; return SFb; }
double BTagWeight::getBScaleFactor(const Jet& jet, double uncertaintyFactor) const { const boost::array<double, 16> SFb_error = { {0.0554504, 0.0209663, 0.0207019, 0.0230073, 0.0208719, 0.0200453, 0.0264232, 0.0240102, 0.0229375, 0.0184615, 0.0216242, 0.0248119, 0.0465748, 0.0474666, 0.0718173, 0.0717567 } }; const boost::array<double, 16> ptbins = { {20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,100, 120, 160, 210, 260, 320, 400, 500, 600 } }; double SFb(0); double sf_error(0); //these numbers are for CSVM only double pt = getSmearedJetPtScale(jet, 0)*; if (pt < 20) { SFb = 0.726981*((1.+(0.253238*20))/(1.+(0.188389*20))); sf_error = 0.12; } else if (pt > 800) { SFb = 0.726981*((1.+(0.253238*800))/(1.+(0.188389*800))); //use twice the uncertainty sf_error = 2 * SFb_error[SFb_error.size() - 1]; } else { SFb = 0.726981*((1.+(0.253238*pt))/(1.+(0.188389*pt))); unsigned int ptbin(0); for (unsigned int bin = 0; bin < ptbins.size() + 1; ++bin) { double upperCut = bin + 1 < ptbins.size() ? + 1) : 800.; double lowerCut =; if (pt > lowerCut && pt <= upperCut) { ptbin = bin; break; } } sf_error =; } SFb += sf_error * BJetSystematic_ * uncertaintyFactor; return SFb; }
void receiver (int index) { try { const NodeId receiver_id = (index); std::cout << "Receiver " << receiver_id << " starting..." << std::endl; LocalClientConnectionRef conn = net->open (receiver_id, channel); while (true) { const ParcelRef parcel = conn->receive (); std::cout << "I (" << receiver_id << ") heard that sender " << parcel->envelope ().sender () << " slept for " << parcel->message().get<int>() << " milliseconds" << std::endl; } } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception [receiver]: " << e.what () << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Unknown exception." << std::endl; } }
void sender (int index) { try { const NodeId sender_id = (index); std::cout << "Sender " << sender_id << " starting..." << std::endl; LocalClientConnectionRef conn = net->open (sender_id, channel); boost::mt19937 gen (index); boost::uniform_int<> dist (350, 750); boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937 &, boost::uniform_int<> > rnd (gen, dist); while (true) { const int pause = rnd(); std::cout << "I (" << sender_id << ") shall sleep for " << pause << " ms." << std::endl; boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::milliseconds (pause)); conn->send (receiver_id, channel, Message::build<int>(pause)); } } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cout << "Exception [sender]: " << e.what () << std::endl; } catch (...) { std::cout << "Unknown exception." << std::endl; } }
void HistogramManager::prepareForSeenDataTypes( const boost::array<bool, DataType::NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES>& seenDataTypes) { this->seenDataTypes = seenDataTypes; for (unsigned type = 0; type < DataType::NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES; ++type) { if ( { const std::string filename = assembleFilename((DataType::value) type); boost::shared_ptr<TFile> file(new TFile(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE")); file->SetCompressionLevel(7); = file; collection1D[""].at(type) = TH1CollectionRef(new TH1Collection()); collection2D[""].at(type) = TH2CollectionRef(new TH2Collection()); } } }
void read_callback(const boost::system::error_code& e, std::size_t size) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lk(mtx); for(unsigned int i=0;i<size;i++){ unsigned char c =; if(flag_receive_datas){ switch(state_num){ case 0: case 1: if(c == 0xaa) state_num++; else state_num = 0; break; case 2: if(c == 0x02) state_num++; else state_num = 0; break; case 3: result = c<<8; state_num++; break; case 4: result |= c; state_num++; break; default: state_num = 0; } if(state_num == 5){ //printf("%d\r\n", result); val[val_pointer++] = result; if(val_pointer == 640) val_pointer = 0; sample_num++; #ifdef FILE_SAVE ptime now = second_clock::local_time(); ofs << to_iso_string(now) << "," << result << std::endl; #endif /* FILE_SAVE */ } }else{ state_num = 0; } } port.async_read_some( buffer(rbuf), boost::bind(&read_callback, _1, _2 )); }
value_type *const getcvals(const unsigned int b) { return; }
void setcvals(const unsigned int b, value_type *const cval) { = cval; }
explicit Expansion(const point_type& _u) : u(_u), vals(new value_type [FAC*nnodes]) { this->zero(); for (unsigned int b=0; b<nboxes; ++b) = NULL; }
double BTagWeight::getBScaleFactor(const Jet& jet, std::string MCSampleTag, double uncertaintyFactor) const { double SFb(0); double sf_error(0); //these numbers are for CSVM only double pt = getSmearedJetPtScale(jet, 0)*; double eta = jet.eta(); if (MCSampleTag == "Summer12") { // 2012 btag scale factors // From, // which is linked from const boost::array<double, 16> SFb_error = { { 0.0415707, 0.0204209, 0.0223227, 0.0206655, 0.0199325, 0.0174121, 0.0202332, 0.0182446, 0.0159777, 0.0218531, 0.0204688, 0.0265191, 0.0313175, 0.0415417, 0.0740446, 0.0596716 } }; //2012 pt bins low edges const boost::array<double, 16> ptbins = { { 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120, 160, 210, 260, 320, 400, 500, 600 } }; if (pt < 20) { SFb = (0.938887 + (0.00017124 * 20)) + (-2.76366e-07 * (20 * 20)); //use twice the uncertainty sf_error = 2 * SFb_error[0]; } else if (pt > 800) { SFb = (0.938887 + (0.00017124 * 800)) + (-2.76366e-07 * (800 * 800)); //use twice the uncertainty sf_error = 2 * SFb_error[SFb_error.size() - 1]; } else { SFb = (0.938887 + (0.00017124 * pt)) + (-2.76366e-07 * (pt * pt)); unsigned int ptbin(0); for (unsigned int bin = 0; bin < ptbins.size() + 1; ++bin) { double upperCut = bin + 1 < ptbins.size() ? + 1) : 800.; double lowerCut =; if (pt > lowerCut && pt <= upperCut) { ptbin = bin; break; } } sf_error =; //use twice the uncertainty if outside the 0 to 2.4 eta range if (2.4 < eta && eta <= 2.6) { sf_error = 2 *; } } } else if (MCSampleTag == "Summer11Leg") { // 2011 btag scale factors // const boost::array<double, 14> SFb_error = { { 0.0295675, 0.0295095, 0.0210867, 0.0219349, 0.0227033, 0.0204062, 0.0185857, 0.0256242, 0.0383341, 0.0409675, 0.0420284, 0.0541299, 0.0578761, 0.0655432 } }; //2011 pt bins low edges const boost::array<double, 14> ptbins = { { 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120, 160, 210, 260, 320, 400, 500 } }; if (pt < 30) { SFb = 0.6981 * ((1. + (0.414063 * pt)) / (1. + (0.300155 * 30))); //absolute uncertainty of +/-0.12 sf_error = 0.12; } else if (pt > 670) { SFb = 0.6981 * ((1. + (0.414063 * 670)) / (1. + (0.300155 * 670))); //use twice the uncertainty sf_error = 2 * SFb_error[SFb_error.size() - 1]; } else { SFb = 0.6981 * ((1. + (0.414063 * pt)) / (1. + (0.300155 * pt))); unsigned int ptbin(0); for (unsigned int bin = 0; bin < ptbins.size() + 1; ++bin) { double upperCut = bin + 1 < ptbins.size() ? + 1) : 670.; double lowerCut =; if (pt > lowerCut && pt <= upperCut) { ptbin = bin; break; } } sf_error =; } } SFb += sf_error * BJetSystematic_ * uncertaintyFactor; return SFb; }