static void createDynamicViewport() { win->subPortByObj(staticVp); FBOBackgroundUnrecPtr fboBckgnd = FBOBackground::create(); fboBckgnd->setFrameBufferObject(spSimpleFBO->fbo()); NodeUnrecPtr root = makeCoredNode<Group>(); root->addChild(dynamicScene); mgr->setRoot(root); dynamicVp = Viewport::create(); dynamicVp->setRoot (rootNode(root)); dynamicVp->setBackground(fboBckgnd); dynamicVp->setCamera (camera); dynamicVp->setSize (0,0, 1,1); mgr->getNavigator()->setViewport(dynamicVp); win->addPort(dynamicVp); mgr->update(); }
// // setup of the image generation stage // static void createAcquisitionStage() { size_t num_ports = win->getMFPort()->size(); if (num_ports == 0) return; UInt32 width = win->getWidth(); UInt32 height = win->getHeight(); Real32 a = Real32(width) / Real32(height); width = UInt32(a*height); Viewport* vp = staticVp; Node* internalRoot = rootNode(mgr->getRoot()); // // Setup the FBO // spSimpleFBO.reset(new SimpleFBO(width, height, true, true, true, false)); //spSimpleFBO->fbo()->setPostProcessOnDeactivate(true); //spSimpleFBO->colorBuffer(0)->setReadBack(true); // // We would like to render the scene but won't detach it from its parent. // The VisitSubTree allows just that. // VisitSubTreeUnrecPtr visitor = VisitSubTree::create(); visitor->setSubTreeRoot(internalRoot); NodeUnrecPtr visit_node = makeNodeFor(visitor); // // The stage object does provide a render target for the frame buffer attachment. // SimpleStage has a camera, a background and the left, right, top, bottom // fields to let you restrict rendering to a sub-rectangle of your FBO, i.e. // they give you a viewport. // SimpleStageUnrecPtr stage = SimpleStage::create(); stage->setRenderTarget(spSimpleFBO->fbo()); stage->setCamera (vp->getCamera()); stage->setBackground (vp->getBackground()); // // Give the stage core a place to live // NodeUnrecPtr stage_node = makeNodeFor(stage); stage_node->addChild(visit_node); // // root // | // +- SimpleStage // | // +- VisitSubTree -> ApplicationScene // NodeUnrecPtr root = makeCoredNode<Group>(); root->addChild(stage_node); // // Give the root node a place to live, i.e. create a passive // viewport and add it to the window. // ViewportUnrecPtr stage_viewport = PassiveViewport::create(); stage_viewport->setRoot (stage_node); stage_viewport->setBackground(vp->getBackground()); stage_viewport->setCamera (vp->getCamera()); win->addPort(stage_viewport); mgr->update(); win->renderNoFinish(mgr->getRenderAction()); win->frameExit(); win->deactivate (); //ImageUnrecPtr col_image = Image::create(); //col_image->set(Image::OSG_RGBA_PF, width, height); //TextureObjChunk* texObj = spSimpleFBO->colorTexObj(0); //texObj->getImage()->subImage(0, 0, 0, width, height, 1, col_image); //col_image->write("d:/my_Test_opensg.png"); win->subPortByObj(stage_viewport); }