        uint nRows, uint nKeys, std::vector<int> repeatSeqValues)
        this->nRows = nRows;
        this->nKeys = nKeys;
        for (uint i = 0; i < nKeys; i++) {
        interval = LbmExecStreamTestBase::getTupleInterval(keyRepeats);

        sortedToUnsortedMap.reset(new uint[interval]);
        for (uint i = 0; i < interval; i++) {
            uint value = 0;
            uint scale = 1;
            // calculate sorted position (backwards)
            // value = key0 * scale_1_to_n + key1 * scale_2_to_n + ...
            for (int j = nKeys - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                uint key = i % keyRepeats[j];
                value += key * scale;
                scale *= keyRepeats[j];
            sortedToUnsortedMap[value] = i;
        current = -1;
        currentRow.reset(new uint[nKeys + 1]);
コード例 #2
ファイル: zmq_util.cpp プロジェクト: jinliangwei/CommTest
// 0 for received nothing
int recv_msg_async(zmq::socket_t &sock, boost::shared_array<uint8_t> &data)
    zmq::message_t msgt;
    int nbytes;
      nbytes = sock.recv(&msgt, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
    }catch(zmq::error_t e){
      return -1;

    if(nbytes == 0){
      if(zmq_errno() == EAGAIN)
	return 0;
	return -1;

    size_t len = msgt.size();    
    uint8_t *dataptr;
      dataptr = new uint8_t[len];
    }catch(std::bad_alloc e){
      return -1;
    memcpy(dataptr,, len);
    return len;
コード例 #3
ファイル: zmq_util.cpp プロジェクト: jinliangwei/CommTest
 * return number of bytes received, negative if error, 0 for received nothing, which should be treated as error
int recv_msg(zmq::socket_t &sock, boost::shared_array<uint8_t> &data)
    zmq::message_t msgt;
    int nbytes;
      nbytes = sock.recv(&msgt);
    }catch(zmq::error_t e){
      //LOG(NOR, stderr, "recv failed: %s\n", e.what());
      return -1;

    if(nbytes == 0) return 0;

    size_t len = msgt.size();    
    uint8_t *dataptr;
      dataptr = new uint8_t[len];
    }catch(std::bad_alloc e){
      //LOG(DBG, stderr, "can not allocate memory!\n");
      return -1;
    memcpy(dataptr,, len);
    return len;
コード例 #4
ファイル: zmq_util.cpp プロジェクト: chonglinsun/quiltdb
   * return number of bytes received, negative if error, 0 for received nothing,
   *  which should be treated as error
  int32_t RecvMsg(zmq::socket_t &sock, boost::shared_array<uint8_t> &data,
      bool *_more){
    zmq::message_t msgt;
    int nbytes;
      nbytes = sock.recv(&msgt);
    }catch(zmq::error_t &e){
      LOG(ERROR) << "RecvMsg error = " << e.what();
      return -1;

    if(nbytes == 0) return 0;

    size_t len = msgt.size();    
    uint8_t *dataptr;
      dataptr = new uint8_t[len];
    }catch(std::bad_alloc &e){
      return -1;
    memcpy(dataptr,, len);

    if(_more != NULL){
      int more_recv;
      size_t s = sizeof(int);
      sock.getsockopt(ZMQ_RCVMORE, &more_recv, &s);
      *_more = (more_recv == 1) ? true : false;
    return len;
コード例 #5
ファイル: AsynchIO.cpp プロジェクト: gregerts/debian-qpid-cpp
void AsynchIO::createBuffers(uint32_t size) {
    // Allocate all the buffer memory at once
    bufferMemory.reset(new char[size*BufferCount]);

    // Create the Buffer structs in a vector
    // And push into the buffer queue
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < BufferCount; i++) {
        buffers.push_back(BufferBase(&bufferMemory[i*size], size));
     uint nRows, uint nKeys, std::vector<int> repeatSeqValues)
     this->nKeys = nKeys;
     this->repeatSeqValues = repeatSeqValues;
     interval = LbmExecStreamTestBase::getTupleInterval(repeatSeqValues);
     changeIndexes.reset(new uint[interval]);
     changeIndexes[0] = getValueCount(nRows, interval, 0);
     for (uint i = 1; i < interval; i++) {
         changeIndexes[i] =
             changeIndexes[i - 1] + getValueCount(nRows, interval, i);
     current = 0;
     lastRow = 0;
コード例 #7
void region::read_header()
    header.reset(new char[HEADER_SIZE]);

    std::ifstream fp(path.string().c_str(), std::ios::binary);

    if ( {
      throw std::runtime_error(std::string("file not found (") + path.string() + ")");
    }, HEADER_SIZE);

    if ( {
        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("cannot read header (") + path.string() + ")");
コード例 #8
void Header::write(const M_string& key_vals, boost::shared_array<uint8_t>& buffer, uint32_t& size)
    // Calculate the necessary size
    size = 0;
        M_string::const_iterator it = key_vals.begin();
        M_string::const_iterator end = key_vals.end();
        for (; it != end; ++it)
            const std::string& key = it->first;
            const std::string& value = it->second;

            size += key.length();
            size += value.length();
            size += 1; // = sign
            size += 4; // 4-byte length

    if (size == 0)

    buffer.reset(new uint8_t[size]);
    char* ptr = (char*)buffer.get();

    // Write the data
        M_string::const_iterator it = key_vals.begin();
        M_string::const_iterator end = key_vals.end();
        for (; it != end; ++it)
            const std::string& key = it->first;
            const std::string& value = it->second;

            uint32_t len = key.length() + value.length() + 1;
            SROS_SERIALIZE_PRIMITIVE(ptr, len);
            SROS_SERIALIZE_BUFFER(ptr,, key.length());
            static const char equals = '=';
            SROS_SERIALIZE_PRIMITIVE(ptr, equals);
            SROS_SERIALIZE_BUFFER(ptr,, value.length());

    ROS_ASSERT(ptr == (char*)buffer.get() + size);
コード例 #9
ファイル: TSSLSocket.cpp プロジェクト: ACher/thrift
void TSSLSocketFactory::cleanupOpenSSL() {
  if (!initialized) {
  initialized = false;
コード例 #10
void kpoBaseApp::image_callback (const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::Image> &image)
    unsigned image_width_ = image->getWidth();
    unsigned image_height_ = image->getHeight();

    static unsigned rgb_array_size = 0;
    static boost::shared_array<unsigned char> rgb_array ((unsigned char*)(NULL));

    static unsigned char* rgb_buffer = 0;

    // here we need exact the size of the point cloud for a one-one correspondence!
    if (rgb_array_size < image_width_ * image_height_ * 3)
      rgb_array_size = image_width_ * image_height_ * 3;
      rgb_array.reset (new unsigned char [rgb_array_size]);
      rgb_buffer = rgb_array.get ();
    image->fillRGB (image_width_, image_height_, rgb_buffer, image_width_ * 3);

        QMutexLocker locker (&mtx_);

        openniImage2opencvMat((XnRGB24Pixel*)rgb_buffer, scene_image_, image_height_, image_width_);

        if (need_image_cap) {
            std::cout << "need_image_cap " << need_image_cap << std::endl;
            cv::Mat rgb_image_;
            cv::cvtColor(scene_image_, rgb_image_, CV_BGR2RGB);

            qint64 timestamp = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
            if (timestamp - last_snapshot_time > 30000) {
                last_snapshot_time = timestamp;
                QString filename = QString::fromUtf8("/myshare/autonomous_snapshots/");
                filename += QString::number(timestamp);
                filename += QString::fromUtf8(".png");

                cv::imwrite(filename.toStdString().c_str(), rgb_image_);
                need_image_cap = 0;

コード例 #11
ファイル: test_mt.cpp プロジェクト: stevegocoding/yart_gpu
void initialise()
	// Initialise the memory pool 
	c_cuda_mem_pool& mem_pool = c_cuda_mem_pool::get_instance(); 
	mem_pool.initialise(256*1024*1024, 256*1024);

	// Device memory 
	g_rands = new c_randoms_chunk(g_size); 

	// Host memory
	h_rands.reset(new float[g_size]);

	// Init CUDA MT
	c_cuda_rng& rng = c_cuda_rng::get_instance();
	bool ret = rng.init(mt_dat_file); 
	ret = rng.seed(1337);
コード例 #12
ファイル: zmq_util.cpp プロジェクト: chonglinsun/quiltdb
  // 0 for received nothing
  int32_t RecvMsgAsync(zmq::socket_t &sock, boost::shared_array<uint8_t> &data,
      bool *_more){
    zmq::message_t msgt;
    int nbytes;
      nbytes = sock.recv(&msgt, ZMQ_DONTWAIT);
    }catch(zmq::error_t &e){
      return -1;

    if(nbytes == 0){
      if(zmq_errno() == EAGAIN)
        return 0;
        return -1;

    size_t len = msgt.size();
    uint8_t *dataptr;
      dataptr = new uint8_t[len];
    }catch(std::bad_alloc &e){
      return -1;
    memcpy(dataptr,, len);

    if(_more != NULL){
      int more_recv;
      size_t s = sizeof(int);
      sock.getsockopt(ZMQ_RCVMORE, &more_recv, &s);
      *_more = (more_recv == 1) ? true : false;

    return len;
コード例 #13
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr ONIGrabber::convertToXYZRGBPointCloud(const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::Image> &image,
  const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::DepthImage> &depth_image) const
  static unsigned rgb_array_size = 0;
  static boost::shared_array<unsigned char> rgb_array(0);
  static unsigned char* rgb_buffer = 0;

  boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> > cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB > ());

  cloud->header.frame_id = rgb_frame_id_;
  cloud->height = depth_height_;
  cloud->width = depth_width_;
  cloud->is_dense = false;

  cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);

  float constant = 1.0f / device_->getImageFocalLength(cloud->width);
  register int centerX = (cloud->width >> 1);
  int centerY = (cloud->height >> 1);

  register const XnDepthPixel* depth_map = depth_image->getDepthMetaData().Data();
  if (depth_image->getWidth() != depth_width_ || depth_image->getHeight() != depth_height_)
    static unsigned buffer_size = 0;
    static boost::shared_array<unsigned short> depth_buffer(0);

    if (buffer_size < depth_width_ * depth_height_)
      buffer_size = depth_width_ * depth_height_;
      depth_buffer.reset(new unsigned short [buffer_size]);

    depth_image->fillDepthImageRaw(depth_width_, depth_height_, depth_buffer.get());
    depth_map = depth_buffer.get();

  // here we need exact the size of the point cloud for a one-one correspondence!
  if (rgb_array_size < image_width_ * image_height_ * 3)
    rgb_array_size = image_width_ * image_height_ * 3;
    rgb_array.reset(new unsigned char [rgb_array_size]);
    rgb_buffer = rgb_array.get();
  image->fillRGB(image_width_, image_height_, rgb_buffer, image_width_ * 3);

  // depth_image already has the desired dimensions, but rgb_msg may be higher res.
  register int color_idx = 0, depth_idx = 0;
  RGBValue color;
  color.Alpha = 0;

  float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

  for (int v = -centerY; v < centerY; ++v)
    for (register int u = -centerX; u < centerX; ++u, color_idx += 3, ++depth_idx)
      pcl::PointXYZRGB& pt = cloud->points[depth_idx];
      /// @todo Different values for these cases
      // Check for invalid measurements
      if (depth_map[depth_idx] == 0 ||
          depth_map[depth_idx] == depth_image->getNoSampleValue() ||
          depth_map[depth_idx] == depth_image->getShadowValue())
        pt.x = pt.y = pt.z = bad_point;
        pt.z = depth_map[depth_idx] * 0.001f;
        pt.x = u * pt.z * constant;
        pt.y = v * pt.z * constant;

      // Fill in color
      color.Red = rgb_buffer[color_idx];
      color.Green = rgb_buffer[color_idx + 1];
      color.Blue = rgb_buffer[color_idx + 2];
      pt.rgb = color.float_value;
  return (cloud);
コード例 #14
ファイル: openni_grabber.cpp プロジェクト: Bardo91/pcl
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::convertToXYZPointCloud (const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::DepthImage>& depth_image) const
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud <pcl::PointXYZ>);

  cloud->height = depth_height_;
  cloud->width = depth_width_;
  cloud->is_dense = false;

  cloud->points.resize (cloud->height * cloud->width);

  register float constant = 1.0f / device_->getDepthFocalLength (depth_width_);

  if (device_->isDepthRegistered ())
    cloud->header.frame_id = rgb_frame_id_;
    cloud->header.frame_id = depth_frame_id_;

  register int centerX = (cloud->width >> 1);
  int centerY = (cloud->height >> 1);

  float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();

  // we have to use Data, since operator[] uses assert -> Debug-mode very slow!
  register const unsigned short* depth_map = depth_image->getDepthMetaData ().Data ();
  if (depth_image->getWidth() != depth_width_ || depth_image->getHeight () != depth_height_)
    static unsigned buffer_size = 0;
    static boost::shared_array<unsigned short> depth_buffer (0);

    if (buffer_size < depth_width_ * depth_height_)
      buffer_size = depth_width_ * depth_height_;
      depth_buffer.reset (new unsigned short [buffer_size]);
    depth_image->fillDepthImageRaw (depth_width_, depth_height_, depth_buffer.get ());
    depth_map = depth_buffer.get ();

  register int depth_idx = 0;
  for (int v = -centerY; v < centerY; ++v)
    for (register int u = -centerX; u < centerX; ++u, ++depth_idx)
      pcl::PointXYZ& pt = cloud->points[depth_idx];
      // Check for invalid measurements
      if (depth_map[depth_idx] == 0 ||
          depth_map[depth_idx] == depth_image->getNoSampleValue () ||
          depth_map[depth_idx] == depth_image->getShadowValue ())
        // not valid
        pt.x = pt.y = pt.z = bad_point;
      pt.z = depth_map[depth_idx] * 0.001f;
      pt.x = static_cast<float> (u) * pt.z * constant;
      pt.y = static_cast<float> (v) * pt.z * constant;
  cloud->sensor_origin_.setZero ();
  cloud->sensor_orientation_.w () = 0.0f;
  cloud->sensor_orientation_.x () = 1.0f;
  cloud->sensor_orientation_.y () = 0.0f;
  cloud->sensor_orientation_.z () = 0.0f;  
  return (cloud);
コード例 #15
 ~raw_buffer() {
コード例 #16
ファイル: openni_grabber.cpp プロジェクト: Bardo91/pcl
template <typename PointT> typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::convertToXYZRGBPointCloud (const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::Image> &image,
                                               const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::DepthImage> &depth_image) const
  static unsigned rgb_array_size = 0;
  static boost::shared_array<unsigned char> rgb_array (0);
  static unsigned char* rgb_buffer = 0;

  boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<PointT> > cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);

  cloud->header.frame_id = rgb_frame_id_;
  cloud->height = std::max (image_height_, depth_height_);
  cloud->width = std::max (image_width_, depth_width_);
  cloud->is_dense = false;

  cloud->points.resize (cloud->height * cloud->width);

  float constant = 1.0f / device_->getImageFocalLength (depth_width_);
  register int centerX = (depth_width_ >> 1);
  int centerY = (depth_height_ >> 1);

  register const XnDepthPixel* depth_map = depth_image->getDepthMetaData ().Data ();
  if (depth_image->getWidth () != depth_width_ || depth_image->getHeight() != depth_height_)
    static unsigned buffer_size = 0;
    static boost::shared_array<unsigned short> depth_buffer (0);

    if (buffer_size < depth_width_ * depth_height_)
      buffer_size = depth_width_ * depth_height_;
      depth_buffer.reset (new unsigned short [buffer_size]);

    depth_image->fillDepthImageRaw (depth_width_, depth_height_, depth_buffer.get ());
    depth_map = depth_buffer.get ();

  // here we need exact the size of the point cloud for a one-one correspondence!
  if (rgb_array_size < image_width_ * image_height_ * 3)
    rgb_array_size = image_width_ * image_height_ * 3;
    rgb_array.reset (new unsigned char [rgb_array_size]);
    rgb_buffer = rgb_array.get ();
  image->fillRGB (image_width_, image_height_, rgb_buffer, image_width_ * 3);
  float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();

  // set xyz to Nan and rgb to 0 (black)  
  if (image_width_ != depth_width_)
    PointT pt;
    pt.x = pt.y = pt.z = bad_point;
    pt.b = pt.g = pt.r = 0;
    pt.a = 255; // point has no color info -> alpha = max => transparent 
    cloud->points.assign (cloud->points.size (), pt);
  // fill in XYZ values
  unsigned step = cloud->width / depth_width_;
  unsigned skip = cloud->width * step - cloud->width;
  int value_idx = 0;
  int point_idx = 0;
  for (int v = -centerY; v < centerY; ++v, point_idx += skip)
    for (register int u = -centerX; u < centerX; ++u, ++value_idx, point_idx += step)
      PointT& pt = cloud->points[point_idx];
      /// @todo Different values for these cases
      // Check for invalid measurements

      if (depth_map[value_idx] != 0 &&
          depth_map[value_idx] != depth_image->getNoSampleValue () &&
          depth_map[value_idx] != depth_image->getShadowValue ())
        pt.z = depth_map[value_idx] * 0.001f;
        pt.x = static_cast<float> (u) * pt.z * constant;
        pt.y = static_cast<float> (v) * pt.z * constant;
        pt.x = pt.y = pt.z = bad_point;

  // fill in the RGB values
  step = cloud->width / image_width_;
  skip = cloud->width * step - cloud->width;
  value_idx = 0;
  point_idx = 0;
  RGBValue color;
  color.Alpha = 0;

  for (unsigned yIdx = 0; yIdx < image_height_; ++yIdx, point_idx += skip)
    for (unsigned xIdx = 0; xIdx < image_width_; ++xIdx, point_idx += step, value_idx += 3)
      PointT& pt = cloud->points[point_idx];
      color.Red   = rgb_buffer[value_idx];
      color.Green = rgb_buffer[value_idx + 1];
      color.Blue  = rgb_buffer[value_idx + 2];
      pt.rgba = color.long_value;
  cloud->sensor_origin_.setZero ();
  cloud->sensor_orientation_.w () = 0.0;
  cloud->sensor_orientation_.x () = 1.0;
  cloud->sensor_orientation_.y () = 0.0;
  cloud->sensor_orientation_.z () = 0.0;
  return (cloud);
コード例 #17
ファイル: openni_grabber.cpp プロジェクト: Bardo91/pcl
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::convertToEigenPointCloud (const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::Image> &image,
                                              const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::DepthImage> &depth_image) const
  static unsigned rgb_array_size = 0;
  static boost::shared_array<unsigned char> rgb_array (0);
  static unsigned char* rgb_buffer = 0;

  boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<Eigen::MatrixXf> > cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<Eigen::MatrixXf>);

  cloud->properties.acquisition_time = depth_image->getTimeStamp ();
  cloud->height = depth_height_;
  cloud->width = depth_width_;
  cloud->is_dense = false;
  // Prepare channels. Default soring order for channels is: rgb x y z
  cloud->channels["rgb"].name = "rgb";
  cloud->channels["x"].name = "x"; cloud->channels["y"].name = "y"; cloud->channels["z"].name = "z";
  cloud->channels["rgb"].offset = 0;
  cloud->channels["x"].offset = 4; cloud->channels["y"].offset = 8; cloud->channels["z"].offset = 12;
  cloud->channels["x"].size = cloud->channels["y"].size = cloud->channels["z"].size = cloud->channels["rgb"].size = 4;
  cloud->channels["rgb"].datatype = 6;
  cloud->channels["x"].datatype = cloud->channels["y"].datatype = cloud->channels["z"].datatype = 7;
  cloud->channels["x"].count = cloud->channels["y"].count = cloud->channels["z"].count = cloud->channels["rgb"].count = 1;

  // Resize the output to width * height * 4Bpp (xyz+rgb)
  cloud->points.resize (cloud->height * cloud->width, 4);

  float constant = 1.0f / device_->getImageFocalLength (cloud->width);
  register int centerX = (cloud->width >> 1);
  int centerY = (cloud->height >> 1);

  register const XnDepthPixel* depth_map = depth_image->getDepthMetaData ().Data ();
  if (depth_image->getWidth () != depth_width_ || depth_image->getHeight() != depth_height_)
    static unsigned buffer_size = 0;
    static boost::shared_array<unsigned short> depth_buffer (0);

    if (buffer_size < depth_width_ * depth_height_)
      buffer_size = depth_width_ * depth_height_;
      depth_buffer.reset (new unsigned short [buffer_size]);

    depth_image->fillDepthImageRaw (depth_width_, depth_height_, depth_buffer.get ());
    depth_map = depth_buffer.get ();

  // here we need exact the size of the point cloud for a one-one correspondence!
  if (rgb_array_size < image_width_ * image_height_ * 3)
    rgb_array_size = image_width_ * image_height_ * 3;
    rgb_array.reset (new unsigned char [rgb_array_size]);
    rgb_buffer = rgb_array.get ();
  image->fillRGB (image_width_, image_height_, rgb_buffer, image_width_ * 3);

  // depth_image already has the desired dimensions, but rgb_msg may be higher res.
  register int color_idx = 0, depth_idx = 0;
  RGBValue color;
  color.Alpha = 0;

  float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN ();

  for (int v = -centerY; v < centerY; ++v)
    for (register int u = -centerX; u < centerX; ++u, color_idx += 3, ++depth_idx)
      /// @todo Different values for these cases
      // Check for invalid measurements
      if (depth_map[depth_idx] == 0 ||
          depth_map[depth_idx] == depth_image->getNoSampleValue () ||
          depth_map[depth_idx] == depth_image->getShadowValue ())
        cloud->points.row (depth_idx).setConstant (bad_point);
        cloud->points (depth_idx, 3) = depth_map[depth_idx] * 0.001f;
        cloud->points (depth_idx, 1) = static_cast<float> (u) * cloud->points (depth_idx, 3) * constant;
        cloud->points (depth_idx, 2) = static_cast<float> (v) * cloud->points (depth_idx, 3) * constant;

      // Fill in color
      color.Red = rgb_buffer[color_idx];
      color.Green = rgb_buffer[color_idx + 1];
      color.Blue = rgb_buffer[color_idx + 2];
      cloud->points (depth_idx, 0) = color.float_value;
  return (cloud);
コード例 #18
ファイル: matlabjk.hpp プロジェクト: spring01/MatPsi_public
void MatlabJK::disable() {
コード例 #19
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr ONIGrabber::convertToXYZIPointCloud(const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::IRImage> &ir_image,
  const boost::shared_ptr<openni_wrapper::DepthImage> &depth_image) const
  boost::shared_ptr<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> > cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI > ());

  cloud->header.frame_id = rgb_frame_id_;
  cloud->height = depth_height_;
  cloud->width = depth_width_;
  cloud->is_dense = false;

  cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);

  float constant = 1.0f / device_->getImageFocalLength(cloud->width);
  register int centerX = (cloud->width >> 1);
  int centerY = (cloud->height >> 1);

  register const XnDepthPixel* depth_map = depth_image->getDepthMetaData().Data();
  register const XnIRPixel* ir_map = ir_image->getMetaData().Data();

  if (depth_image->getWidth() != depth_width_ || depth_image->getHeight() != depth_height_)
    static unsigned buffer_size = 0;
    static boost::shared_array<unsigned short> depth_buffer(0);
    static boost::shared_array<unsigned short> ir_buffer(0);

    if (buffer_size < depth_width_ * depth_height_)
      buffer_size = depth_width_ * depth_height_;
      depth_buffer.reset(new unsigned short [buffer_size]);
      ir_buffer.reset(new unsigned short [buffer_size]);

    depth_image->fillDepthImageRaw(depth_width_, depth_height_, depth_buffer.get());
    depth_map = depth_buffer.get();

    ir_image->fillRaw(depth_width_, depth_height_, ir_buffer.get());
    ir_map = ir_buffer.get ();

  register int depth_idx = 0;
  float bad_point = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();

  for (int v = -centerY; v < centerY; ++v)
    for (register int u = -centerX; u < centerX; ++u, ++depth_idx)
      pcl::PointXYZI& pt = cloud->points[depth_idx];
      /// @todo Different values for these cases
      // Check for invalid measurements
      if (depth_map[depth_idx] == 0 ||
          depth_map[depth_idx] == depth_image->getNoSampleValue() ||
          depth_map[depth_idx] == depth_image->getShadowValue())
        pt.x = pt.y = pt.z = bad_point;
        pt.z = depth_map[depth_idx] * 0.001f;
        pt.x = u * pt.z * constant;
        pt.y = v * pt.z * constant;

      pt.data_c[0] = pt.data_c[1] = pt.data_c[2] = pt.data_c[3] = 0;
      pt.intensity = (float) ir_map[depth_idx];
  return (cloud);
inline bool GetMsgParam(const std::string& netmsgbus_msgcontent, boost::shared_array<char>& msgparam, uint32_t& param_len)
    std::string msgparamstr;
    if (netmsgbus_msgcontent.length() < SENDER_LEN_BYTES)
      return false;
    uint8_t msgsender_len = (uint8_t)netmsgbus_msgcontent[0];
    if (netmsgbus_msgcontent.length() < SENDER_LEN_BYTES + (std::size_t)msgsender_len + MSGKEY_LEN_BYTES)
      return false;
    uint8_t msgkey_len = (uint8_t)(netmsgbus_msgcontent[SENDER_LEN_BYTES + msgsender_len]);
    uint32_t msgparam_offset = SENDER_LEN_BYTES + msgsender_len + MSGKEY_LEN_BYTES + msgkey_len;
    if (netmsgbus_msgcontent.length() <  msgparam_offset + MSGVALUE_LEN_BYTES)
      return false;

    uint32_t netparam_len = *((uint32_t *)&netmsgbus_msgcontent[msgparam_offset]);
    param_len = ntohl(netparam_len);
    if (netmsgbus_msgcontent.length() < msgparam_offset + MSGVALUE_LEN_BYTES + param_len)
      return false;

    msgparam.reset(new char[param_len]);
    memcpy(msgparam.get(), &netmsgbus_msgcontent[msgparam_offset + MSGVALUE_LEN_BYTES], param_len);
    return true;

    //if(GetMsgKey(netmsgbus_msgcontent, msgparam_str, msgparamstr))
    //    assert(msgparamstr.size());
    //    msgparam.reset(new char[msgparamstr.size()]);
    //    memcpy(msgparam.get(),, msgparamstr.size());
    //    param_len = msgparamstr.size();
    //    return true;
    //printf("netmsgbus_msgcontent error, no msgparam found.\n");
    //return false;