_MEMBER_FUNCTION_IMPL(GUIMultiColumnList, getItem) { CEGUI::MultiColumnList * pWindow = sq_getinstance<CEGUI::MultiColumnList *>(pVM); if(!pWindow) { sq_pushbool(pVM, false); return 1; } SQInteger sqiRow; SQInteger sqiColumn; sq_getinteger(pVM, -2, &sqiRow); sq_getinteger(pVM, -1, &sqiColumn); try { CEGUI::MCLGridRef grid_ref(sqiRow, sqiColumn); CEGUI::ListboxItem* pItem = pWindow->getItemAtGridReference(grid_ref); sq_pushstring(pVM, pItem->getText().c_str(), -1); } catch(...) { sq_pushbool(pVM, false); } return 1; }
bool CFileSystemDialogImp::OnItemDblClicked( const CEGUI::EventArgs& e ) {GUCE_TRACE; // Test if this was a left mouse click const CEGUI::MouseEventArgs& eData = static_cast< const CEGUI::MouseEventArgs& >( e ); if ( eData.button == CEGUI::LeftButton ) { // Get some easy access to data CGridViewImp* fsView = static_cast< CGridViewImp* >( GetFileSystemGridView() ); CEGUI::MultiColumnList* fsViewWidget = fsView->GetImplementationWidget(); UInt32 columnIndex = 0; UInt32 rowIndex = 0; if ( fsView->TestForItemHit( eData.position.d_x , eData.position.d_y , columnIndex , rowIndex ) ) { CEGUI::ListboxItem* listItem = fsViewWidget->getItemAtGridReference( CEGUI::MCLGridRef( rowIndex, columnIndex ) ); if ( NULL != listItem ) { if ( listItem->getText() == ".." ) { // ".." means go up one dir m_currentPath = GUCEF::CORE::StripLastSubDir( m_currentPath ); RefreshView(); } else if ( IsItemADirectory( listItem->getText().c_str() ) ) { GUCEF::CORE::AppendToPath( m_currentPath, listItem->getText().c_str() ); RefreshView(); } else if ( IsItemAnArchive( listItem->getText().c_str() ) ) { CString itemName( listItem->getText().c_str() ); CString realName = itemName.CutChars( 3, true ); GUCEF::CORE::AppendToPath( m_currentPath, realName ); RefreshView(); } } } } return true; }
void CServerBrowser::ServerQueryHandler(String strHost, unsigned short usPort, String strQuery, CBitStream * pReply) { // Read the query type char cQueryType; if(!pReply->Read(cQueryType)) return; // Get the server host and port String strHostAndPort("%s:%d", strHost.Get(), usPort); if(cQueryType == 'p') // Ping { // Get the start time from the ping map unsigned long ulStartTime = serverPingStartMap[strHostAndPort]; // Do we have a valid start time? if(ulStartTime > 0) { // Calculate the round trip time unsigned long ulPing = (SharedUtility::GetTime() - ulStartTime); // Set the server ping in the multi column list CEGUI::MultiColumnList * pMultiColumnList = (CEGUI::MultiColumnList *)CServerBrowser::GetSingleton()->m_GUIElements.pServerMultiColumnList; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pMultiColumnList->getRowCount(); i++) { CEGUI::ListboxItem * pHost = pMultiColumnList->getItemAtGridReference(CEGUI::MCLGridRef(i, 1)); if(!strHostAndPort.Compare(pHost->getText().c_str())) { CEGUI::ListboxItem * pPing = pMultiColumnList->getItemAtGridReference(CEGUI::MCLGridRef(i, 3)); if(pPing) { char szTempBuf[64]; pPing->setText(itoa(ulPing, szTempBuf, 10)); pMultiColumnList->invalidate(); break; } } } } } else { // Check if we have a valid stream if(!pReply || cQueryType != 'i') return; // Read the host name String strHostName; int iPlayerCount; int iMaxPlayers; bool bPassworded; pReply->Read(strHostName); pReply->Read(iPlayerCount); pReply->Read(iMaxPlayers); pReply->Read(bPassworded); // Add the server to the multi column list CEGUI::MultiColumnList * pMultiColumnList = (CEGUI::MultiColumnList *)CServerBrowser::GetSingleton()->m_GUIElements.pServerMultiColumnList; unsigned int iRowIndex = pMultiColumnList->addRow(); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem(strHostName.Get()), 0, iRowIndex); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem(strHostAndPort.Get()), 1, iRowIndex); char szPlayerCount[9]; sprintf(szPlayerCount, "%s/%s", iPlayerCount, iMaxPlayers); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem(szPlayerCount), 2, iRowIndex); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem("9999"), 3, iRowIndex); pMultiColumnList->setItem(new ServerBrowserListItem(bPassworded ? "Yes" : "No"), 4, iRowIndex); pMultiColumnList->invalidate(); // Save the current time to the ping map serverPingStartMap[strHostAndPort] = SharedUtility::GetTime(); // Send a ping query to the server CServerBrowser::GetSingleton()->m_pServerQuery->Query(strHost, usPort, "p"); } }