int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CGAL::Timer timer; // first param is dimension // second param is number of points int dimension = 4; int n = 100; int m = 100; if (argc > 1 && std::string(argv[1])== std::string("-h")) { std::cout<<"usage: "<<argv[0]<<" [dim] [#points] [max coords]\n"; return 1; } if (argc > 1) dimension = atoi(argv[1]); if (argc > 2) n = atoi(argv[2]); if (argc > 3) m = atoi(argv[2]); Delaunay_d T(dimension); std::list<Point_d> L; random_points_in_range(n,dimension,-m,m,L); timer.start(); int i=0; std::list<Point_d>::iterator it; for(it = L.begin(); it!=L.end(); ++it) { T.insert(*it); i++; if (i%10==0) std::cout << i << " points inserted" << std::endl; } timer.stop(); std::cout << "used time for inserts " << timer.time() << std::endl; std::cout << "entering check" << std::endl; timer.reset(); timer.start(); T.is_valid(); timer.stop(); std::cout << "used time for sanity check " << timer.time() << std::endl; std::cout << "entering nearest neighbor location" << std::endl; L.clear(); random_points_in_range(n/10,dimension,-m,m,L); timer.reset(); timer.start(); i = 0; for(it = L.begin(); it!=L.end(); ++it) { T.nearest_neighbor(*it); i++; if (i%10==0) std::cout << i << " points located" << std::endl; } timer.stop(); std::cout << "used time for location " << timer.time() << std::endl; T.print_statistics(); std::cout << "done" << std::endl; return 0; }
int main() { const unsigned int N = 50; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::vector<Point_3> points, queries; Point_3 p; std::ifstream point_stream(""); while(point_stream >> p){ points.push_back(p); } My_point_property_map ppmap(points); Distance tr_dist(ppmap); std::ifstream query_stream(""); while(query_stream >> p ){ queries.push_back(p); } timer.stop(); std::cerr << "reading points took " << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; timer.reset(); timer.start(); Tree tree( boost::counting_iterator<std::size_t>(0), boost::counting_iterator<std::size_t>(points.size()), Splitter(), Traits(ppmap));; timer.stop(); std::cerr << "tree construction took " << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; // Initialize the search structure, and search all N points double d = 0; timer.reset(); timer.start(); for(int i = 0; i < queries.size(); i++){ K_neighbor_search search(tree, queries[i], 50, 0, true, tr_dist); // report the N nearest neighbors and their distance // This should sort all N points by increasing distance from origin for(K_neighbor_search::iterator it = search.begin(); it != search.end(); ++it){ //std::cout << it->first << std::endl; d += get(ppmap,it->first).x(); } } timer.stop(); std::cerr << d << std::endl; std::cerr << queries.size() << " queries in " << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; return 0; }
void time_insertion_and_check(pp_int V, int n, int d, CGAL::Convex_hull_d<R>& C, std::string s, bool check=true) { typedef typename CGAL::Convex_hull_d<R>::chull_has_local_non_convexity chull_has_local_non_convexity; typedef typename CGAL::Convex_hull_d<R>::chull_has_double_coverage chull_has_double_coverage; typedef typename CGAL::Convex_hull_d<R>:: chull_has_center_on_wrong_side_of_hull_facet chull_has_center_on_wrong_side_of_hull_facet; std::cout << " timing of " << s << std::endl; std::vector< CGAL::Point_d<R> > P(n); int i; for(i=0; i<n; ++i) P[i] = CGAL::Point_d<R>(d,V[i],V[i]+d,1); timer.reset(); timer.start(); // float ti = used_time(); for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { C.insert(P[i]); if (i%10==0) std::cout << i << " points inserted" << std::endl; } timer.stop(); double t = timer.time(); timer.reset(); // float t = used_time(ti); (*p_table_file) << s << "\t" << d << " " << n << " " << C.number_of_vertices() << " " << C.number_of_facets() << "\t" << t; C.print_statistics(); std::cout << "used time for inserts " << t << std::endl; C.clear(d); timer.start(); // ti = used_time(); C.initialize(P.begin(),P.end()); timer.stop(); t = timer.time(); timer.reset(); // t = used_time(ti); C.print_statistics(); std::cout << "used time for inserts " << t << std::endl; if (check) { timer.start(); std::cout << "entering check" << std::endl; try { C.is_valid(true); } catch ( chull_has_local_non_convexity ) { std::cerr << "local non-convexity determined\n"; } catch ( chull_has_double_coverage ) { std::cerr << "double coverage determined\n"; } catch ( chull_has_center_on_wrong_side_of_hull_facet ) { std::cerr << "facet center problem determined\n"; } // t = used_time(ti); timer.stop(); t = timer.time(); (*p_table_file) << "\t" << t <<std::endl; std::cout<<"used time for sanity check "<< t <<std::endl<<std::endl; } else { (*p_table_file) << "\t" << "no"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"no check"<<std::endl; } p_table_file->flush(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int N = 100; if( argc > 2 )N = atoi(argv[1]); // number of points CGAL::Timer cost; // timer // Instanciate a random point generator CGAL::Random rng(0); typedef CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_d<T::Point> Random_points_iterator; Random_points_iterator rand_it(D, 1.0, rng); // Generate N random points std::vector<T::Point> points; CGAL::cpp11::copy_n(rand_it, N, std::back_inserter(points)); T t(D); CGAL_assertion(t.empty()); // insert the points in the triangulation cost.reset();cost.start(); std::cout << " Delaunay triangulation of "<<N<<" points in dim "<<D<< std::flush; t.insert(points.begin(), points.end()); std::cout << " done in "<<cost.time()<<" seconds." << std::endl; CGAL_assertion( t.is_valid() ); // insert with special operations in conflict zone and new created cells cost.reset(); std::cout << " adding "<<N<<" other points "<< std::endl; for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) { T::Vertex_handle v; T::Face f(t.current_dimension()); T::Facet ft; T::Full_cell_handle c; T::Locate_type lt; typedef std::vector<T::Full_cell_handle> Full_cells; Full_cells zone, new_full_cells; std::back_insert_iterator<Full_cells> out(zone); c = t.locate(*++rand_it, lt, f, ft, v); // previously inserted vertex v is used as hint for point location (if defined) T::Facet ftc = t.compute_conflict_zone(*rand_it, c, out); std::cout<<i<<" conflict zone of size "<<zone.size()<<" -> "<<std::flush; out = std::back_inserter(new_full_cells); CGAL_assertion( t.is_valid() ); v = t.insert_in_hole(*rand_it, zone.begin(), zone.end(), ftc, out); std::cout<<new_full_cells.size()<<" new cells"<<std::endl; } std::cout << " done in "<<cost.time()<<" seconds." << std::endl; return 0; }
/** * Note that it always return EXIT_SUCCESS if .off file is read successfully. */ int main(void) { Polyhedron mesh; if( !read_to_polyhedron("./data/", mesh) ) { return 1; } typedef std::map<Polyhedron::Facet_const_handle, double> Facet_double_map; Facet_double_map internal_map; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); std::pair<double, double> min_max_sdf = CGAL::sdf_values(mesh, boost::associative_property_map<Facet_double_map>(internal_map) ); std::cout << "minimum sdf: " << min_max_sdf.first << " maximum sdf: " << min_max_sdf.second << std::endl; std::cout << "Calculation time (fast traversal on): *** " << timer.time() << std::endl; timer.reset(); Facet_double_map internal_map_2; min_max_sdf = CGAL::sdf_values<false>(mesh, boost::associative_property_map<Facet_double_map>(internal_map_2) ); std::cout << "minimum sdf: " << min_max_sdf.first << " maximum sdf: " << min_max_sdf.second << std::endl; std::cout << "Calculation time (fast traversal off): *** " << timer.time() << std::endl; timer.reset(); typedef std::map<Polyhedron::Facet_const_handle, std::size_t> Facet_int_map; Facet_int_map internal_segment_map; // calculate SDF values and segment the mesh using default parameters. std::size_t number_of_segments = CGAL::segmentation_via_sdf_values(mesh, boost::associative_property_map<Facet_int_map>(internal_segment_map)); std::cout << "Number of segments: " << number_of_segments << std::endl; std::cout << "Calculation time (fast traversal on): *** " << timer.time() << std::endl; timer.reset(); Facet_int_map internal_segment_map_2; // calculate SDF values and segment the mesh using default parameters. number_of_segments = CGAL::segmentation_via_sdf_values<false>(mesh, boost::associative_property_map<Facet_int_map>(internal_segment_map_2)); std::cout << "Number of segments: " << number_of_segments << std::endl; std::cout << "Calculation time (fast traversal off): *** " << timer.time() << std::endl; }
void insert_constraints_using_spatial_sort(SDG& sdg) { typedef typename Points_container::const_iterator Points_iterator; typedef std::vector<Points_iterator> Indices; typedef std::vector<typename SDG::Vertex_handle> Vertices; Sort_traits_2<K, Points_iterator> sort_traits; Indices indices; indices.reserve(points.size()); for(Points_iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) { indices.push_back(it); } std::random_shuffle(indices.begin(), indices.end()); CGAL::spatial_sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), sort_traits); std::cerr << "Inserting " << points.size() << " points..."; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); Vertices vertices; vertices.resize(points.size()); typename SDG::Vertex_handle hint; for(typename Indices::const_iterator pt_it_it = indices.begin(), end = indices.end(); pt_it_it != end; ++pt_it_it) { typename SDG::Vertex_handle vh = sdg.insert(**pt_it_it, hint); hint = vh; vertices[*pt_it_it - points.begin()] = vh; } timer.stop(); std::cerr << " done (" << timer.time() << "s)\n"; std::cerr << "Inserting " << constraints.size() << " constraints..."; timer.reset(); timer.start(); for(typename Constraints_container::const_iterator cit = constraints.begin(), end = constraints.end(); cit != end; ++cit) { const typename SDG::Vertex_handle& v1 = vertices[cit->first]; const typename SDG::Vertex_handle& v2 = vertices[cit->second]; if(v1 != v2) sdg.insert(v1, v2); } timer.stop(); std::cerr << " done (" << timer.time() << "s)\n"; }
int main(){ int N = 3; CGAL::Timer cost; std::vector<Point_d> points; Point_d point1(1,3,5); Point_d point2(4,8,10); Point_d point3(2,7,9); Point_d point(1,2,3); points.push_back(point1); points.push_back(point2); points.push_back(point3); K Kernel D Dt(d,Kernel,Kernel); // CGAL_assertion(Dt.empty()); // insert the points in the triangulation cost.reset();cost.start(); std::cout << " Delaunay triangulation of "<<N<<" points in dim "<<d<< std::flush; std::vector<Point_d>::iterator it; for(it = points.begin(); it!= points.end(); ++it){ Dt.insert(*it); } std::list<Simplex_handle> NL = Dt.all_simplices(D::NEAREST); std::cout << " done in "<<cost.time()<<" seconds." << std::endl; CGAL_assertion(Dt.is_valid() ); CGAL_assertion(!Dt.empty()); Vertex_handle v = Dt.nearest_neighbor(point); Simplex_handle s = Dt.simplex(v); std::vector<Point_d> Simplex_vertices; for(int j=0; j<=d; ++j){ Vertex_handle vertex = Dt.vertex_of_simplex(s,j); Simplex_vertices.push_back(Dt.associated_point(vertex)); } std::vector<K::FT> coords; K::Barycentric_coordinates_d BaryCoords; BaryCoords(Simplex_vertices.begin(), Simplex_vertices.end(),point,std::inserter(coords, coords.begin())); std::cout << coords[0] << std::endl; return 0; }
int main() { const int d = 10; // change this in order to experiment const int n = 100000; // change this in order to experiment // generate n random d-dimensional points in [0,1]^d CGAL::Random rd; std::vector<Point_d> points; for (int j =0; j<n; ++j) { std::vector<double> coords; for (int i=0; i<d; ++i) coords.push_back(rd.get_double()); points.push_back (Point_d (d, coords.begin(), coords.end())); } // benchmark all pricing strategies in turn CGAL::Quadratic_program_pricing_strategy strategy[] = { CGAL::QP_CHOOSE_DEFAULT, // QP_PARTIAL_FILTERED_DANTZIG CGAL::QP_DANTZIG, // Dantzig's pivot rule... CGAL::QP_PARTIAL_DANTZIG, // ... with partial pricing CGAL::QP_BLAND, // Bland's pivot rule CGAL::QP_FILTERED_DANTZIG, // Dantzig's filtered pivot rule... CGAL::QP_PARTIAL_FILTERED_DANTZIG // ... with partial pricing }; CGAL::Timer t; for (int i=0; i<6; ++i) { // test strategy i CGAL::Quadratic_program_options options; options.set_pricing_strategy (strategy[i]); t.reset(); t.start(); // is origin in convex hull of the points? (most likely, not) solve_convex_hull_containment_lp (Point_d (d, CGAL::ORIGIN), points.begin(), points.end(), ET(0), options); t.stop(); std::cout << "Time (s) = " << t.time() << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main() { CGAL::Timer t; t.start(); Tr tr; // 3D-Delaunay triangulation C2t3 c2t3 (tr); // 2D-complex in 3D-Delaunay triangulation // defining the surface Surface_3 surface(klein_function, // pointer to function Sphere_3(CGAL::ORIGIN, 2.)); // bounding sphere // Note that "2." above is the *squared* radius of the bounding sphere! // defining meshing criteria CGAL::Surface_mesh_default_criteria_3<Tr> criteria(30., // angular bound 0.1, // radius bound 0.1); // distance bound // meshing surface CGAL::make_surface_mesh(c2t3, surface, criteria, CGAL::Non_manifold_tag()); CGAL::Random rand; t.stop(); std::cout << "Time elapsed for building the mesh: " << t.time() << std::endl; t.reset(); t.start(); int nr = 1000; std::vector<Point_3> points; points.reserve(nr); CGAL::Random_points_on_surface_mesh_3<Point_3, C2t3> g(c2t3); t.stop(); std::cout << "Time elapsed for init Random_points_in_surface_mesh_3: " << t.time() << std::endl; t.reset(); t.start(); CGAL::cpp11::copy_n( g, nr, std::back_inserter(points)); t.stop(); std::cout << "Time elapsed for generating the points: " << t.time() << std::endl; t.reset(); std::cout << "Actual number of facet: " <<c2t3.number_of_facets() << "\n"; int cont = 0; C2t3::Facet_iterator it = c2t3.facets_begin(); for (; it != c2t3.facets_end(); ++it) { Vertex v[4]; int k = 0; for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(j == it->second) continue; v[k] = it->first->vertex(j); k++; } Triangle_3 aux(v[0]->point(), v[1]->point(), v[2]->point()); std::cout << aux.vertex(0).x() << " "<< aux.vertex(0).y() << " "<< aux.vertex(0).z() << "\n"; std::cout << aux.vertex(1).x() << " "<< aux.vertex(1).y() << " "<< aux.vertex(1).z() << "\n"; std::cout << aux.vertex(2).x() << " "<< aux.vertex(2).y() << " "<< aux.vertex(2).z() << "\n"; cont++; } std::cout << "Number of facets counted by me " << cont << '\n'; std::cout << "The generated points are: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) { std::cout << points[i].x() << " " << points[i].y() << " " << points[i].z() << std::endl; } points.clear(); return 0; }
void operator()() const { //------------------------------------------------------- // Data generation : get 4 nearly coplanar points //------------------------------------------------------- Point_creator creator; FT little(1e-10); FT tiny(1e-25); Point p1 = creator(little,1,tiny); Point p2 = creator(1,little,0); Point p3 = creator(-1*little,1,0); Point p4 = creator(1,-1*little,0); Point p5 = creator(0,0,1); Point p6 = creator(0,1,0); std::cerr << "Using points: p1[" << p1 << "]\tp2[" << p2 << "]\tp3[" << p3 << "]\tp4[" << p4 << "]\tp5[" << p5 << "]\tp6[" << p6 << "]\n"; //------------------------------------------------------- // Test correctness //------------------------------------------------------- typename Gt::Construct_weighted_circumcenter_3 circumcenter = Gt().construct_weighted_circumcenter_3_object(); Point center = circumcenter(p1,p2); std::cerr << "\tcircumcenter(p1,p2)=[" << center << "]\n"; center = circumcenter(p1,p3,p6); std::cerr << "\tcircumcenter(p1,p3,p6)=[" << center << "]\n"; center = circumcenter(p1,p2,p5); std::cerr << "\tcircumcenter(p1,p3,p5)=[" << center << "]\n"; // Use positive orientation center = circumcenter(p2,p3,p4,p1); std::cerr << "\tcircumcenter(p2,p3,p4,p1)=[" << center << "]\n"; center = circumcenter(p1,p3,p2,p5); std::cerr << "\tcircumcenter(p1,p3,p2,p5)=[" << center << "]\n"; //------------------------------------------------------- // Test speed //------------------------------------------------------- std::cerr << "Test speed: compute loops of: 999*c(p1,p3,p2,p5) " << "and 1*c(p2,p3,p4,p1)\n"; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); int nb_loop = 0; while ( timer.time() < 0.5 ) { // Compute 1000 fast queries for ( int i = 0 ; i < 999 ; ++i) circumcenter(p1,p3,p2,p5); // Compute 1 exact query circumcenter(p2,p3,p4,p1); ++nb_loop; } timer.stop(); std::cerr << "\t" << nb_loop*1000/timer.time() << " circumcenter computation / second\n"; std::cerr << "Test speed: compute loops of: 999*c(p2,p3,p4,p1) " << "and 1*c(p1,p3,p2,p5)\n"; timer.reset(); timer.start(); nb_loop = 0; while ( timer.time() < 0.5 ) { // Compute 1 exact queries for ( int i = 0 ; i < 999 ; ++i) circumcenter(p2,p3,p4,p1); // Compute 1 fast query circumcenter(p1,p3,p2,p5); ++nb_loop; } timer.stop(); std::cerr << "\t" << nb_loop*1000/timer.time() << " circumcenter computation / second\n"; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::cerr.precision(17); std::ifstream points_file(argv[2]); std::vector<Point> points; std::copy(std::istream_iterator<Point>(points_file), std::istream_iterator<Point>(), std::back_inserter(points)); int gridsize = 10; if(argc>3){ gridsize = boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[3]); } std::cerr << "gridsize = " << gridsize << std::endl; int nb_points=points.size(); std::vector<bool> ray_res(nb_points); std::vector<bool> grid_res(nb_points); //using ray { Polyhedron polyhedron; std::ifstream polyhedron_file(argv[1]); polyhedron_file >> polyhedron; std::cerr << "|V| = " << polyhedron.size_of_vertices() << std::endl; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); CGAL::Point_inside_polyhedron_3<Polyhedron,K> inside_with_ray(polyhedron,0); timer.stop(); std::cerr <<"Using ray"<< std::endl; std::cerr << " Preprocessing took " << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; timer.reset(); int n_inside = 0; timer.start(); for(int k=0;k<nb_points;++k){ ray_res[k]=inside_with_ray(points[k]); if(ray_res[k]){ ++n_inside; } } timer.stop(); std::cerr << " " << n_inside << " points inside " << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << points.size() - n_inside << " points outside " << std::endl; std::cerr << " Queries took " << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; } //using grid { Polyhedron polyhedron; std::ifstream polyhedron_file(argv[1]); polyhedron_file >> polyhedron; std::cerr << "|V| = " << polyhedron.size_of_vertices() << std::endl; CGAL::Timer timer; timer.start(); CGAL::Point_inside_polyhedron_3<Polyhedron,K> inside_with_grid(polyhedron, gridsize); timer.stop(); std::cerr <<"Using grid"<< std::endl; std::cerr << " Preprocessing took " << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; timer.reset(); if(argc>5){ random_points(argv[4],inside_with_grid.bbox() ,boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[5]) ); } int n_inside = 0; timer.start(); for(int k=0;k<nb_points;++k){ grid_res[k]=inside_with_grid(points[k]); if(grid_res[k]){ ++n_inside; } } timer.stop(); std::cerr << " " << n_inside << " points inside " << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << points.size() - n_inside << " points outside " << std::endl; std::cerr << " Queries took " << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; } for(int k=0;k<nb_points;++k){ if(ray_res[k]!=grid_res[k]){ std::cerr << "WARNING: Result is different for point " << k << std::endl; } } //using original code { Polyhedron polyhedron; std::ifstream polyhedron_file(argv[1]); polyhedron_file >> polyhedron; std::cerr << "|V| = " << polyhedron.size_of_vertices() << std::endl; std::cerr <<"Using ray (original code)"<< std::endl; CGAL::Point_inside_polyhedron_3<Polyhedron,K> inside_with_ray(polyhedron,0); CGAL::Timer timer; int n_inside = 0; timer.start(); for(int k=0;k<nb_points;++k) if(inside_with_ray(points[k],true)) ++n_inside; timer.stop(); std::cerr << " " << n_inside << " points inside " << std::endl; std::cerr << " " << points.size() - n_inside << " points outside " << std::endl; std::cerr << " Queries took " << timer.time() << " sec." << std::endl; } return 0; }
/** * Executes one custom timestep * @param averageEdgeLength The function to compute the average edge length for a given vertex * @param getOffsetPoint Computes the new location of the given point * @return The results of running the timestep */ stepResults StoneWeatherer::doOneCustomStep( double ( *averageEdgeLength )( const Vertex_handle & v ), Point( *getOffsetPoint )( const Point & p, const VertexData & d, const StoneWeatherer * caller ) ) { CGAL::Timer timestamp; stepResults result; result.secondsTotal = 0.0; timestamp.start(); timestamp.reset(); /** * Maps circumcenters to where they really came from */ map<Point,Point> pointMap; // Generate the correct-resolution offset points vector<Point> newPoints; int n; int i; int j; Vertex_handle vhi; Vertex_handle vhj; double dist2; Point a; Point b; Point c; VertexData d; // Put in midPoints of edges as needed, and flag redundant vertices for ( Cell_iterator it = newDT->finite_cells_begin(); it != newDT->finite_cells_end(); ++it ) { if ( it->info() != AIR ) { for ( n = 0; n < 4; ++n ) { if ( it->neighbor( n )->info() != it->info() || newDT->is_infinite( it->neighbor( n ) ) ) { for ( i = 1; i < 4; ++i ) { Vertex_handle vhi = it->vertex( n ^ i ); for ( j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j ) { Vertex_handle vhj = it->vertex( n ^ j ); // Only check each edge once... if ( vhi < vhj ) { dist2 = ( vhi->point() - vhj->point() ).squared_length(); if ( dist2 > maxSquareDistance( averageEdgeLength, vhi, vhj ) ) { // Don't split non-live edges a = vhi->point(); b = vhj->point(); if ( !live( a.x(), a.y(), a.z() ) && !live( b.x(), b.y(), b.z() ) ) { continue; } // Split edge a = CGAL::ORIGIN + ( ( a - CGAL::ORIGIN ) + ( b - CGAL::ORIGIN ) ) * 0.5; d = VertexData::midPoint( vhi->info(), vhj->info() ); //// If the vertex is shared by both objects, split it //if ( ( d.flag & ROCK ) && ( d.flag & MORE_ROCK ) ) { // VertexData d1; // VertexData d2; // splitVertexData( d, d1, d2 ); // // Point a1 = jitterPoint( a ); // Point a2 = jitterPoint( a ); // // c = getOffsetPoint( a1, d1, this ); // newPoints.push_back( c ); // pointMap.insert( pair<Point,Point>( c, a1 ) ); // c = getOffsetPoint( a2, d2, this ); // newPoints.push_back( c ); // pointMap.insert( pair<Point,Point>( c, a2 ) ); //} //else { c = getOffsetPoint( a, d, this ); newPoints.push_back( c ); pointMap.insert( pair<Point,Point>( c, a ) ); //} } else if ( vhi->info().kill != TOO_CLOSE && dist2 < minSquareDistance( averageEdgeLength, vhi, vhj ) ) { // The higher-address endpoint vhj->info().kill = TOO_CLOSE; } } } } } } } } double bound[ 3 ][ 2 ] = { { 1.0e30, -1.0e30 }, { 1.0e30, -1.0e30 }, { 1.0e30, -1.0e30 } }; // Put in all the border vertices for ( Vertex_iterator it = newDT->finite_vertices_begin(); it != newDT->finite_vertices_end(); ++it ) { if ( it->point().x() < bound[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) { bound[ 0 ][ 0 ] = it->point().x(); } else if ( it->point().x() > bound[ 0 ][ 1 ] ) { bound[ 0 ][ 1 ] = it->point().x(); } if ( it->point().y() < bound[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) { bound[ 1 ][ 0 ] = it->point().y(); } else if ( it->point().y() > bound[ 1 ][ 1 ] ) { bound[ 1 ][ 1 ] = it->point().y(); } if ( it->point().z() < bound[ 2 ][ 0 ] ) { bound[ 2 ][ 0 ] = it->point().z(); } else if ( it->point().z() > bound[ 2 ][ 1 ] ) { bound[ 2 ][ 1 ] = it->point().z(); } if ( !live( it->point().x(), it->point().y(), it->point().z() ) ) { newPoints.push_back( it->point() ); pointMap.insert( pair<Point,Point>( it->point(), it->point() ) ); } else if ( it->info().kill == BORDER ) { VertexData d = it->info(); Point a = it->point(); Point c; //// If the vertex is shared by both objects, split it //if ( ( d.flag & ROCK ) && ( d.flag & MORE_ROCK ) ) { // VertexData d1; // VertexData d2; // splitVertexData( d, d1, d2 ); // // Point a1 = jitterPoint( a ); // Point a2 = jitterPoint( a ); // // c = getOffsetPoint( a1, d1, this ); // newPoints.push_back( c ); // pointMap.insert( pair<Point,Point>( c, a1 ) ); // c = getOffsetPoint( a2, d2, this ); // newPoints.push_back( c ); // pointMap.insert( pair<Point,Point>( c, a2 ) ); //} //else { c = getOffsetPoint( a, d, this ); newPoints.push_back( c ); pointMap.insert( pair<Point,Point>( c, a ) ); //} } } result.secondsTotal += ( result.secondsMotion = timestamp.time() ); timestamp.reset(); // Create the new mesh swapDT(); newDT->clear(); newDT->insert( newPoints.begin(), newPoints.end() ); result.secondsTotal += ( result.secondsCGAL = timestamp.time() ); //secondsTotal += result.secondsCGAL; //secondsCGAL += result.secondsCGAL; timestamp.reset(); // Update the inside-outside flags of new tetrahedrons setContentFlags( result.midPoint, pointMap ); result.midPoint[ 0 ] = ( bound[ 0 ][ 0 ] + bound[ 0 ][ 1 ] ) * 0.5; result.midPoint[ 1 ] = ( bound[ 1 ][ 0 ] + bound[ 1 ][ 1 ] ) * 0.5; result.midPoint[ 2 ] = ( bound[ 2 ][ 0 ] + bound[ 2 ][ 1 ] ) * 0.5; result.secondsTotal += ( result.secondsLabeling = timestamp.time() ); //secondsTotal += result.secondsLabeling; //secondsLabeling += result.secondsLabeling; timestamp.reset(); // Update vertex information setVertexInfo(); result.secondsTotal += ( result.secondsAnalysis = timestamp.time() ); timestamp.reset(); timestamp.stop(); result.numVertices = newDT->number_of_vertices(); result.numTetrahedrons = newDT->number_of_cells(); cumulativeResults.secondsTotal += result.secondsTotal; cumulativeResults.secondsMotion += result.secondsMotion; cumulativeResults.secondsCGAL += result.secondsCGAL; cumulativeResults.secondsLabeling += result.secondsLabeling; cumulativeResults.secondsAnalysis += result.secondsAnalysis; return result; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // We've put the typedefs here as VC7 gives us an ICE if they are global typedefs typedef Nef_polyhedron::SNC_structure SNC_structure; typedef CGAL::visual_hull_creator<SNC_structure> VHC; if(argc!=2) { std::cerr << "Usage: visual_hull file" << std::endl; std::cerr << "For more information read the README file" << std::endl; return 1; } std::ifstream in(argv[1]); NaryInt ni; CGAL::Timer t; Point_3 room_min = read_point(in); Point_3 room_max = read_point(in); int ncameras; in >> ncameras; for(int cam=0; cam<ncameras; ++cam) { Point_3 camera(read_point(in)); int npolygons; in >> npolygons; std::list<std::list<Point_3> > polygon_list; for(int poly=0; poly<npolygons; ++poly) { int npoints; in >> npoints; std::list<Point_3> input_points; for(int pnt=0; pnt<npoints; ++pnt) input_points.push_back(read_point(in)); polygon_list.push_back(input_points); } std::list<std::list<Point_3> >::iterator li; for(li=polygon_list.begin(); li!=polygon_list.end(); ++li) { std::list<Point_3>::iterator pi(li->begin()), pimin(pi), pi_next,pi_prev; for(; pi!=li->end(); ++pi) { if(CGAL::lexicographically_xyz_smaller(*pi,*pimin)) pimin=pi; } pi_next=pi_prev=pimin; ++pi_next; if(pi_next==li->end()) pi_next=li->begin(); if(pi_prev==li->begin()) pi_prev=li->end(); --pi_prev; if(CGAL::orientation(*pi_prev,*pimin,*pi_next,camera) == CGAL::POSITIVE) li->reverse(); } t.start(); Nef_polyhedron N; VHC vhc(room_min, room_max, camera, polygon_list); N.delegate(vhc,true); CGAL_assertion(N.is_valid()); t.stop(); std::cerr << "create view " << t.time() << std::endl; t.reset(); ni.add_polyhedron(N); } Nef_polyhedron result = ni.get_intersection(); QApplication a(argc,argv); CGAL::Qt_widget_Nef_3<Nef_polyhedron>* w = new CGAL::Qt_widget_Nef_3<Nef_polyhedron>(result); a.setMainWidget(w); w->show(); a.exec(); }
int main () { int nb_points_2 = 5000, nb_points_3 = 5000, nb_points_d=10000, small_nb_points_d=3; CGAL::Random random (42); CGAL::Timer cost; std::cout << "Testing Hilbert sort." << std::endl; { std::cout << "Testing 2D: Generating "<<nb_points_2<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_2> v; v.reserve (nb_points_2); CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point_2> gen (1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_2; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point_2> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), K().less_xy_2_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(), K().less_xy_2_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int size=256; // 2^(xd) with x=4 d=2 double box_size = 15.0; // 2^x -1 std::cout << "Testing 2D: Generating "<<size<<" grid points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_2> v; v.reserve(size); CGAL::points_on_square_grid_2 (box_size, (std::size_t)size, std::back_inserter(v), Creator_2() ); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i) assert(CGAL::squared_distance( v[i], v[i+1]) - 4.0 < 0.1 ); std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; } { std::cout << "Testing 2D (middle policy): Generating " <<nb_points_2<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_2> v; v.reserve (nb_points_2); CGAL::Random_points_in_square_2<Point_2> gen (1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_2; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point_2> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort(v.begin(),v.end(), CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), K().less_xy_2_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(), K().less_xy_2_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int size=256; // 2^(xd) double box_size = 15.0; // 2^x -1 with x=4 d=2 std::cout << "Testing 2D (middle policy): Generating " <<size<<" grid points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_2> v; v.reserve(size); CGAL::points_on_square_grid_2 (box_size, (std::size_t)size, std::back_inserter(v), Creator_2() ); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort(v.begin(),v.end(), CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i) { assert(CGAL::squared_distance( v[i], v[i+1]) - 4.0 < 0.1 ); } std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; } { std::cout << "Testing 3D: Generating "<<nb_points_3<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_3> v; v.reserve (nb_points_3); CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_3<Point_3> gen (1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_3; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point_3> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int size=512; // 2^(xd) with x=3 d=3 double box_size = 7.0; // 2^x -1 std::cout << "Testing 3D: Generating "<<size<<" grid points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_3> v; v.reserve(size); CGAL::points_on_cube_grid_3 (box_size, (std::size_t)size, std::back_inserter(v), Creator_3() ); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i) assert(CGAL::squared_distance( v[i], v[i+1]) - 4.0 < 0.1 ); std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; } { std::cout << "Testing 3D (middle policy): Generating "<<nb_points_3<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_3> v; v.reserve (nb_points_3); CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_3<Point_3> gen (1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_3; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point_3> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort(v.begin(),v.end(),CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int size=4096; // 2^(xd) with x=4 d=3 double box_size = 15.0; // 2^x -1 std::cout << "Testing 3D (middle policy): Generating "<<size<<" grid points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_3> v; v.reserve(size); CGAL::points_on_cube_grid_3 (box_size, (std::size_t)size, std::back_inserter(v), Creator_3() ); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort(v.begin(),v.end(),CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i) { assert(CGAL::squared_distance( v[i], v[i+1]) - 4.0 < 0.1 ); } std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; } { std::cout << "Testing Spherical (median policy): Generating "<<nb_points_3<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_3> v; v.reserve (nb_points_3); CGAL::Random_points_on_sphere_3<Point_3> gen (1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_3; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point_3> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort(v.begin(),v.end()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { std::cout << "Testing Spherical (median policy) + given sphere: Generating "<<nb_points_3<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_3> v; v.reserve (nb_points_3); CGAL::Random_points_on_sphere_3<Point_3> gen (2.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_3; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++ + Vector_3(3,5,5)); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point_3> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort_on_sphere(v.begin(),v.end(), 4, CGAL::ORIGIN + Vector_3(3,5,5)); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { std::cout << "Testing Spherical (middle policy): Generating "<<nb_points_3<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_3> v; v.reserve (nb_points_3); CGAL::Random_points_on_sphere_3<Point_3> gen (1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_3; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point_3> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort_on_sphere(v.begin(),v.end(),CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { std::cout << "Testing Spherical (middle policy) + given sphere: Generating "<<nb_points_3<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point_3> v; v.reserve (nb_points_3); CGAL::Random_points_on_sphere_3<Point_3> gen (2.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_3; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++ + Vector_3(3,5,5)); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point_3> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort_on_sphere(v.begin(),v.end(),CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy(), 4, CGAL::ORIGIN + Vector_3(3,5,5)); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(), K().less_xyz_3_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int dim =5; std::cout << "Testing "<<dim<<"D: Generating "<<nb_points_d<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point> v; v.reserve (nb_points_d); CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_d<Point> gen (dim, 1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_d; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end(),CGAL::Hilbert_sort_median_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(),Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int dim = 1000; std::cout << "Testing "<<dim<<"D: Generating "<<nb_points_d<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point> v; v.reserve (nb_points_d); CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_d<Point> gen (dim, 1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_d; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(),Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int dim = 10; std::cout << "Testing "<<dim<<"D (middle policy): Generating "<<nb_points_d<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point> v; v.reserve (nb_points_d); CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_d<Point> gen (dim, 1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_d; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points ... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end(), CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(),Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int dim=5; std::cout << "Testing "<<dim<<"D: Generating "<<small_nb_points_d<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point> v; v.reserve (nb_points_d); CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_d<Point> gen (dim, 1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_d; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(),Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } { int dim=5; int size=32768; // 2^(x.dim) with x=3 double box_size = 7.0; // 2^x -1 std::cout << "Testing "<<dim<<"D: Generating "<<size<<" grid points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point> v(size); CGAL::points_on_cube_grid_d (dim, box_size, (std::size_t)size, v.begin(), Creator_d(dim) ); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.begin()+size); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i) assert(CGAL::squared_distance( v[i], v[i+1]) - 4.0 < 0.1 ); std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; } { int dim=3; int size=32768; // 2^(x.dim) with x=5 double box_size = 31.0; // 2^x -1 std::cout << "Testing "<<dim<<"D (middle policy): Generating "<<size<<" grid points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point> v(size); CGAL::points_on_cube_grid_d (dim, box_size, (std::size_t)size, v.begin(), Creator_d(dim) ); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.begin()+size, CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i) assert(CGAL::squared_distance( v[i], v[i+1]) - 4.0 < 0.1 ); std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; } { int dim=5; int size=32768; // 2^(x.dim) with x=3 double box_size = 7.0; // 2^x -1 std::cout << "Testing "<<dim<<"D (middle policy): Generating "<<size<<" grid points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point> v(size); CGAL::points_on_cube_grid_d (dim, box_size, (std::size_t)size, v.begin(), Creator_d(dim) ); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.begin()+size, CGAL::Hilbert_sort_middle_policy()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; for (int i = 0; i < size-1; ++i) assert(CGAL::squared_distance( v[i], v[i+1]) - 4.0 < 0.1 ); std::cout << "OK." << std::endl; } { int dim = 50; std::cout << "Testing "<<dim<<"D (median policy): Generating "<<nb_points_d<<" random points... " << std::flush; std::vector<Point> v; v.reserve (nb_points_d); CGAL::Random_points_in_cube_d<Point> gen (dim, 1.0, random); for (int i = 0; i < nb_points_d; ++i) v.push_back (*gen++); std::cout << "done." << std::endl; std::vector<Point> v2 (v); std::cout << " Sorting points... " << std::flush; cost.reset();cost.start(); CGAL::hilbert_sort (v.begin(), v.end()); cost.stop(); std::cout << "done in "<<cost.time()<<"seconds." << std::endl; std::cout << " Checking... " << std::flush; std::sort (v.begin(), v.end(), Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); std::sort (v2.begin(), v2.end(),Kd().less_lexicographically_d_object()); assert(v == v2); std::cout << "no points lost." << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main() { CGAL::Timer t; t.start(); // Define functions Function f1(&torus_function); Function f2(&sphere_function<5>); Function f3(&tanglecube_function); Function f4(&heart_function); Function f5(&klein_function); Function f6(&false_knot_function); Function f7(&knot1_function); Function f8(&octic_function); Function_vector v; v.push_back(&f1); //v.push_back(&f2); //v.push_back(&f3); //v.push_back(&f4); //v.push_back(&f5); //v.push_back(&f6); //v.push_back(&f7); //v.push_back(&f8); // Domain (Warning: Sphere_3 constructor uses square radius !) Mesh_domain domain(v, K::Sphere_3(CGAL::ORIGIN, 5.*5.), 1e-6); // Set mesh criteria Facet_criteria facet_criteria(30, 0.2, 0.02); // angle, size, approximation Cell_criteria cell_criteria(2., 0.4); // radius-edge ratio, size Mesh_criteria criteria(facet_criteria, cell_criteria); // Mesh generation C3t3 c3t3 = CGAL::make_mesh_3<C3t3>(domain, criteria, no_exude(), no_perturb()); // Perturbation (maximum cpu time: 10s, targeted dihedral angle: default) CGAL::perturb_mesh_3(c3t3, domain, time_limit = 10); // Exudation CGAL::exude_mesh_3(c3t3,12); CGAL::Random rand; t.stop(); std::cout << "Time elapsed for building the mesh: " << t.time() << std::endl; t.reset(); t.start(); int nr = 1500; std::vector<Point> points; points.reserve(nr); CGAL::Random_points_in_mesh_3<Point, C3t3, FastPolicy> g(c3t3); t.stop(); std::cout << "Time elapsed for init Random_points_in_mesh_3: " << t.time() << std::endl; t.reset(); t.start(); CGAL::cpp11::copy_n( g, nr, std::back_inserter(points)); t.stop(); std::cout << "Time elapsed for generating the points: " << t.time() << std::endl; t.reset(); Tr tr = c3t3.triangulation(); Tetrahedron3 tet; Tr::Finite_cells_iterator it = tr.finite_cells_begin(); for (; it != tr.finite_cells_end(); it++) { if (c3t3.is_in_complex(it)) { tet = tr.tetrahedron(it); break; } } t.start(); std::vector<Point> points_tet; points_tet.reserve(nr); CGAL::Random_points_in_tetrahedron_3<Point> g1(tet); CGAL::cpp11::copy_n(g1, nr, std::back_inserter(points_tet)); t.stop(); std::cout << "Time elapsed for " << nr << " points in one tetrahedron: " << t.time() << std::endl; t.reset(); std::cout << "The generated points are: " << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) { std::cout << points[i].x() << " " << points[i].y() << " " << points[i].z() << std::endl; } points_tet.clear(); points.clear(); v.clear(); return 0; }