void runTest() { reset(); if (verbose) printf("%d channel(s) of double array size of %d element(s) (0==scalar), %d iteration(s) per run, %d run(s) (0==forever)\n", channels, arraySize, iterations, runs); vector<string> channelNames; char buf[64]; for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++) { if (arraySize > 0) sprintf(buf, "testArray%d_%d", arraySize, i); else sprintf(buf, "test%d", i); channelNames.push_back(buf); } vector<Channel::shared_pointer> channels; for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = channelNames.begin(); i != channelNames.end(); i++) { TR1::shared_ptr<ChannelRequesterImpl> channelRequesterImpl( new ChannelRequesterImpl() ); Channel::shared_pointer channel = provider->createChannel(*i, channelRequesterImpl); channels.push_back(channel); } bool differentConnectionsWarningIssued = false; string theRemoteAddress; for (vector<Channel::shared_pointer>::iterator i = channels.begin(); i != channels.end(); i++) { Channel::shared_pointer channel = *i; TR1::shared_ptr<ChannelRequesterImpl> channelRequesterImpl = TR1::dynamic_pointer_cast<ChannelRequesterImpl>(channel->getChannelRequester()); if (channelRequesterImpl->waitUntilConnected(5.0)) { string remoteAddress = channel->getRemoteAddress(); if (theRemoteAddress.empty()) { theRemoteAddress = remoteAddress; } else if (theRemoteAddress != remoteAddress) { if (!differentConnectionsWarningIssued) { std::cout << "not all channels are hosted by the same connection: " << theRemoteAddress << " != " << remoteAddress << std::endl; differentConnectionsWarningIssued = true; // we assumes same connection (thread-safety) exit(2); } } TR1::shared_ptr<ChannelMonitorRequesterImpl> getRequesterImpl( new ChannelMonitorRequesterImpl(channel->getChannelName()) ); Monitor::shared_pointer monitor = channel->createMonitor(getRequesterImpl, pvRequest); bool allOK = getRequesterImpl->waitUntilConnected(timeOut); if (!allOK) { std::cout << "[" << channel->getChannelName() << "] failed to get all the monitors" << std::endl; exit(1); } channelMonitorList.push_back(monitor); } else { std::cout << "[" << channel->getChannelName() << "] connection timeout" << std::endl; exit(1); } } if (verbose) std::cout << "all connected" << std::endl; { Lock guard(waitLoopPtrMutex); waitLoopEvent.reset(new Event()); } epicsTimeGetCurrent(&startTime); monitor_all(); waitLoopEvent->wait(); }
void runTest() { reset(); if (verbose) printf("%d channel(s) of double array size of %d element(s) (0==scalar), %d iteration(s) per run, %d run(s) (0==forever)\n", channels, arraySize, iterations, runs); /* StringArray fieldNames; fieldNames.push_back("strategy"); FieldConstPtrArray fields; fields.push_back(getFieldCreate()->createScalar(pvInt)); PVStructure::shared_pointer configuration = getPVDataCreate()->createPVStructure(getFieldCreate()->createStructure(fieldNames, fields)); configuration->getIntField("strategy")->put(bulkMode ? USER_CONTROLED : DELAYED); provider->configure(configuration); */ vector<string> channelNames; char buf[64]; for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++) { if (arraySize > 0) sprintf(buf, "testArray%d_%d", arraySize, i); else sprintf(buf, "test%d", i); channelNames.push_back(buf); } vector<Channel::shared_pointer> channels; for (vector<string>::const_iterator i = channelNames.begin(); i != channelNames.end(); i++) { shared_ptr<ChannelRequesterImpl> channelRequesterImpl( new ChannelRequesterImpl() ); Channel::shared_pointer channel = provider->createChannel(*i, channelRequesterImpl); channels.push_back(channel); } if (bulkMode) provider->flush(); bool differentConnectionsWarningIssued = false; string theRemoteAddress; for (vector<Channel::shared_pointer>::iterator i = channels.begin(); i != channels.end(); i++) { Channel::shared_pointer channel = *i; shared_ptr<ChannelRequesterImpl> channelRequesterImpl = dynamic_pointer_cast<ChannelRequesterImpl>(channel->getChannelRequester()); if (channelRequesterImpl->waitUntilConnected(5.0)) { string remoteAddress = channel->getRemoteAddress(); if (theRemoteAddress.empty()) { theRemoteAddress = remoteAddress; } else if (theRemoteAddress != remoteAddress) { if (!differentConnectionsWarningIssued) { std::cout << "not all channels are hosted by the same connection: " << theRemoteAddress << " != " << remoteAddress << std::endl; differentConnectionsWarningIssued = true; // we assumes same connection (thread-safety) exit(2); } } shared_ptr<ChannelGetRequesterImpl> getRequesterImpl( new ChannelGetRequesterImpl(channel->getChannelName()) ); ChannelGet::shared_pointer channelGet = channel->createChannelGet(getRequesterImpl, pvRequest); if (bulkMode) provider->flush(); bool allOK = getRequesterImpl->waitUntilConnected(timeOut); if (!allOK) { std::cout << "[" << channel->getChannelName() << "] failed to get all the gets" << std::endl; exit(1); } channelGetList.push_back(channelGet); } else { std::cout << "[" << channel->getChannelName() << "] connection timeout" << std::endl; exit(1); } } if (verbose) std::cout << "all connected" << std::endl; { Lock guard(waitLoopPtrMutex); waitLoopEvent.reset(new Event()); } epicsTimeGetCurrent(&startTime); get_all(); waitLoopEvent->wait(); }