/** * @threadsafety Always. */ void CompatLogger::CheckResultHandler(const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const CheckResult::Ptr &cr) { Host::Ptr host; Service::Ptr service; tie(host, service) = GetHostService(checkable); Dictionary::Ptr vars_after = cr->GetVarsAfter(); long state_after = vars_after->Get("state"); long stateType_after = vars_after->Get("state_type"); long attempt_after = vars_after->Get("attempt"); bool reachable_after = vars_after->Get("reachable"); Dictionary::Ptr vars_before = cr->GetVarsBefore(); if (vars_before) { long state_before = vars_before->Get("state"); long stateType_before = vars_before->Get("state_type"); long attempt_before = vars_before->Get("attempt"); bool reachable_before = vars_before->Get("reachable"); if (state_before == state_after && stateType_before == stateType_after && attempt_before == attempt_after && reachable_before == reachable_after) return; /* Nothing changed, ignore this checkresult. */ } String output; if (cr) output = CompatUtility::GetCheckResultOutput(cr); std::ostringstream msgbuf; if (service) { msgbuf << "SERVICE ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << service->GetShortName() << ";" << Service::StateToString(service->GetState()) << ";" << Service::StateTypeToString(service->GetStateType()) << ";" << attempt_after << ";" << output << "" << ""; } else { String state = Host::StateToString(Host::CalculateState(static_cast<ServiceState>(state_after))); msgbuf << "HOST ALERT: " << host->GetName() << ";" << GetHostStateString(host) << ";" << Host::StateTypeToString(host->GetStateType()) << ";" << attempt_after << ";" << output << "" << ""; } { ObjectLock olock(this); WriteLine(msgbuf.str()); Flush(); } }
void ElasticsearchWriter::AddCheckResult(const Dictionary::Ptr& fields, const Checkable::Ptr& checkable, const CheckResult::Ptr& cr) { String prefix = "check_result."; fields->Set(prefix + "output", cr->GetOutput()); fields->Set(prefix + "check_source", cr->GetCheckSource()); fields->Set(prefix + "exit_status", cr->GetExitStatus()); fields->Set(prefix + "command", cr->GetCommand()); fields->Set(prefix + "state", cr->GetState()); fields->Set(prefix + "vars_before", cr->GetVarsBefore()); fields->Set(prefix + "vars_after", cr->GetVarsAfter()); fields->Set(prefix + "execution_start", FormatTimestamp(cr->GetExecutionStart())); fields->Set(prefix + "execution_end", FormatTimestamp(cr->GetExecutionEnd())); fields->Set(prefix + "schedule_start", FormatTimestamp(cr->GetScheduleStart())); fields->Set(prefix + "schedule_end", FormatTimestamp(cr->GetScheduleEnd())); /* Add extra calculated field. */ fields->Set(prefix + "latency", cr->CalculateLatency()); fields->Set(prefix + "execution_time", cr->CalculateExecutionTime()); if (!GetEnableSendPerfdata()) return; Array::Ptr perfdata = cr->GetPerformanceData(); CheckCommand::Ptr checkCommand = checkable->GetCheckCommand(); if (perfdata) { ObjectLock olock(perfdata); for (const Value& val : perfdata) { PerfdataValue::Ptr pdv; if (val.IsObjectType<PerfdataValue>()) pdv = val; else { try { pdv = PerfdataValue::Parse(val); } catch (const std::exception&) { Log(LogWarning, "ElasticsearchWriter") << "Ignoring invalid perfdata for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' and command '" << checkCommand->GetName() << "' with value: " << val; continue; } } String escapedKey = pdv->GetLabel(); boost::replace_all(escapedKey, " ", "_"); boost::replace_all(escapedKey, ".", "_"); boost::replace_all(escapedKey, "\\", "_"); boost::algorithm::replace_all(escapedKey, "::", "."); String perfdataPrefix = prefix + "perfdata." + escapedKey; fields->Set(perfdataPrefix + ".value", pdv->GetValue()); if (pdv->GetMin()) fields->Set(perfdataPrefix + ".min", pdv->GetMin()); if (pdv->GetMax()) fields->Set(perfdataPrefix + ".max", pdv->GetMax()); if (pdv->GetWarn()) fields->Set(perfdataPrefix + ".warn", pdv->GetWarn()); if (pdv->GetCrit()) fields->Set(perfdataPrefix + ".crit", pdv->GetCrit()); if (!pdv->GetUnit().IsEmpty()) fields->Set(perfdataPrefix + ".unit", pdv->GetUnit()); } } }