void PaintingBeingsApp::draw() { gl::clear(ColorAf::gray(0.6f)); gl::setViewport(getWindowBounds()); gl::setMatrices(_camera); glMultMatrixf(_arcball.getQuat()); if (_showWireFrame) gl::enableWireframe(); else gl::disableWireframe(); if (_launchAlgoGen) { if (!_showImageBeing) { _image.getTexture().enableAndBind(); gl::draw(_image.getTexture(), _rectangleTextutre); _image.getTexture().unbind(); gl::Texture textureAlgoGen = _algoGen.getBestImage(); textureAlgoGen.enableAndBind(); gl::draw(textureAlgoGen, _rectangleAlgoGen); textureAlgoGen.unbind(); } else { _imageBeing.draw(_algoGen.getBestImage()); } } _params.draw(); }
void GpGpuApp::draw() { // We're going to draw new data onto the "ping" FBO, // using the "pong" FBO's textures as input size_t pong = ( mFboIndex + 1 ) % 2; // Set up OpenGL for data gl::disableDepthRead(); gl::disableDepthWrite(); gl::setViewport( mFbo[ mFboIndex ].getBounds() ); gl::color( ColorAf::white() ); // Draw any new input onto the acceleration texture mFbo[ pong ].bindFramebuffer(); glDrawBuffer( GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2 ); if ( mMouseDown ) { Vec2f fboSize = Vec2f( mFbo[ mFboIndex ].getSize() ); Vec2f winSize = Vec2f( app::getWindowSize() ); gl::setMatricesWindow( fboSize, true ); Vec2f brushSize = Vec2f::one() * mBrushSize * fboSize; Vec2f pos = ( mMouse / winSize ); pos.y = 1.0f - pos.y; pos *= fboSize; mGlslProgGpGpu0->bind(); mGlslProgGpGpu0->uniform( "color", ColorAf( mMouseVelocity.x, 0.0f, 1.0f - mMouseVelocity.y, 1.0f ) ); mGlslProgGpGpu0->uniform( "tex", 0 ); gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mTextureBrush->bind(); gl::drawSolidRect( Rectf( pos - brushSize, pos + brushSize ) ); mTextureBrush->unbind(); gl::disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mGlslProgGpGpu0->unbind(); } mFbo[ pong ].unbindFramebuffer(); // Now let's do an update pass in GLSL mFbo[ mFboIndex ].bindFramebuffer(); gl::setMatricesWindow( mFbo[ mFboIndex ].getSize(), false ); // Bind the "pong" textures to use as input data for ( int32_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { mFbo[ pong ].bindTexture( i, i ); } // Set up shader to read data textures mGlslProgGpGpu1->bind(); mGlslProgGpGpu1->uniform( "offsets", 0 ); mGlslProgGpGpu1->uniform( "velocities", 1 ); mGlslProgGpGpu1->uniform( "acceleration", 2 ); // Draw a rect to process data glDrawBuffers( 3, kColorAttachments ); gl::drawSolidRect( mFbo[ pong ].getBounds() ); // Unbind everything mFbo[ pong ].unbindTexture(); mGlslProgGpGpu1->unbind(); mFbo[ mFboIndex ].unbindFramebuffer(); // Swap FBOs mFboIndex = pong; ///////////////////////////////// // Make sure we have data to work with before we draw geometry if ( mFbo[ mFboIndex ] && mFbo[ mFboIndex ].getTexture( 0 ) && mFbo[ mFboIndex ].getTexture( 1 ) ) { // Set up window for 3D drawing gl::clear( Colorf( 0.5f, 0.45f, 0.4f ) ); gl::setViewport( getWindowBounds() ); gl::setMatrices( mCamera ); gl::enableDepthRead(); gl::enableDepthWrite(); gl::multModelView( mArcball.getQuat() ); gl::color( ColorAf::black() ); // Set up shader to render scene mGlslProgDraw->bind(); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Ax", mLightAmbient ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Ac", mLightAttenuationConstant ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Al", mLightAttenuationLinear ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Aq", mLightAttenuationQuadratic ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Dx", mLightDiffuse ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "eyePoint", mEyePoint ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Ka", mMaterialAmbient ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Kd", mMaterialDiffuse ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Ke", mMaterialEmissive ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Ks", mMaterialSpecular ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "lightPos", mLightPosition ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "n", mLightShine ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "offsets", 0 ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "projection", mCamera.getProjectionMatrix() ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "size", Vec2f( mSize ) ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "Sx", mLightSpecular ); mGlslProgDraw->uniform( "t", (float)getElapsedSeconds() ); // Bind textures to use as input data for ( int32_t i = 0; i <= 2; ++i ) { mFbo[ mFboIndex ].bindTexture( i, i ); } // Draw instanced drawInstanced( mMesh, mSize.x * mSize.y ); // Finished drawing mFbo[ mFboIndex ].unbindTexture(); mGlslProgDraw->unbind(); // Draw textures so we can see what's going on under the hood gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowSize() ); gl::disableDepthRead(); gl::disableDepthWrite(); gl::color( ColorAf::white() ); gl::pushMatrices(); float x = 20.0f; float y = 440.0f; float width = 64.0f; Area srcArea( Vec2i::zero(), mSize ); Rectf destRect( x, y, x + width, y + width ); gl::draw( mFbo[ 0 ].getTexture( 0 ), srcArea, destRect ); destRect.x1 += width; destRect.x2 += width; gl::draw( mFbo[ 1 ].getTexture( 0 ), srcArea, destRect ); destRect.y1 += width; destRect.y2 += width; destRect.x1 = x; destRect.x2 = x + width; gl::draw( mFbo[ 0 ].getTexture( 1 ), srcArea, destRect ); destRect.x1 += width; destRect.x2 += width; gl::draw( mFbo[ 1 ].getTexture( 1 ), srcArea, destRect ); destRect.y1 += width; destRect.y2 += width; destRect.x1 = x; destRect.x2 = x + width; gl::draw( mFbo[ 0 ].getTexture( 2 ), srcArea, destRect ); destRect.x1 += width; destRect.x2 += width; gl::draw( mFbo[ 1 ].getTexture( 2 ), srcArea, destRect ); gl::popMatrices(); } // Draw parameters if ( getElapsedFrames() > 1 ) { // This condition prevents a memory leak mParams->draw(); } }
void VboMeshSampleApp::draw() { // Set up window gl::setViewport( getWindowBounds() ); gl::setMatrices( mCamera ); gl::clear( ColorAf::gray( 0.6f ) ); // Use arcball to rotate model view glMultMatrixf( mArcball.getQuat() ); // Enabled lighting, texture mapping, wireframe if ( mLightEnabled ) { gl::enable( GL_LIGHTING ); } if ( mTextureEnabled && mTexture ) { gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); mTexture.bind(); } if ( mWireframe ) { gl::enableWireframe(); } // Apply scale gl::pushMatrices(); gl::scale( mScale ); // Draw selected mesh switch ( (MeshType)mMeshIndex ) { case MESH_TYPE_CIRCLE: gl::draw( mCircle ); break; case MESH_TYPE_CONE: gl::draw( mCone ); break; case MESH_TYPE_CUBE: gl::draw( mCube ); break; case MESH_TYPE_CUSTOM: gl::draw( mCustom ); break; case MESH_TYPE_CYLINDER: gl::draw( mCylinder ); break; case MESH_TYPE_RING: gl::draw( mRing ); break; case MESH_TYPE_SPHERE: gl::draw( mSphere ); break; case MESH_TYPE_SQUARE: gl::draw( mSquare ); break; } // End scale gl::popMatrices(); // Disable wireframe, texture mapping, lighting if ( mWireframe ) { gl::disableWireframe(); } if ( mTextureEnabled && mTexture ) { mTexture.unbind(); gl::disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); } if ( mLightEnabled ) { gl::disable( GL_LIGHTING ); } // Draw params GUI mParams.draw(); }