JusticeRegion::JusticeRegion( Clib::ConfigElem& elem, RegionId id ) : Region( elem, id ), guarded_( elem.remove_bool( "Guarded", false ) ), nocombat_( elem.remove_bool( "NoCombat", false ) ), region_name_( elem.rest() ), entertext_( elem.remove_string( "EnterText", "" ) ), leavetext_( elem.remove_string( "LeaveText", "" ) ), enter_script_( elem.remove_string( "EnterScript", "" ) ), leave_script_( elem.remove_string( "LeaveScript", "" ) ) {}
USpell::USpell( Clib::ConfigElem& elem, Plib::Package* pkg ) : pkg_( pkg ), spellid_( elem.remove_ushort( "SPELLID" ) ), name_( elem.remove_string( "NAME" ) ), power_words_( elem.remove_string( "POWERWORDS" ) ), scriptdef_( elem.remove_string( "SCRIPT", "" ), pkg, "scripts/" ) { unsigned short action; if ( elem.remove_prop( "ANIMATION", &action ) ) { if ( UACTION_IS_VALID( action ) ) { action_ = static_cast<UACTION>( action ); } else { elem.throw_error( "Animation is out of range" ); } } else { action_ = ACTION_CAST_SPELL1; } unsigned short circle; if ( elem.remove_prop( "CIRCLE", &circle ) ) { if ( circle < 1 || circle > spellcircles.size() || spellcircles[circle - 1] == NULL ) { ERROR_PRINT << "Error reading spell " << name_ << ": Circle " << circle << " is not defined.\n"; throw std::runtime_error( "Config file error" ); } params_ = spellcircles[circle - 1]->params; } else { params_ = USpellParams( elem ); } std::string reagent_name; while ( elem.remove_prop( "Reagent", &reagent_name ) ) { unsigned int reagent = Items::get_objtype_from_string( reagent_name ); reglist_.push_back( reagent ); } }
UOSkill::UOSkill( const Plib::Package* pkg, Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) : inited( true ), skillid( strtoul( elem.rest(), nullptr, 10 ) ), attributename( elem.remove_string( "Attribute", "" ) ), pAttr( nullptr ), pkg( pkg ) { if ( skillid >= 500 ) elem.throw_error( "SkillID must be < 500" ); if ( !attributename.empty() ) { bool required = false; if ( attributename[0] == '+' ) { required = true; attributename = attributename.substr( 1, std::string::npos ); } pAttr = Mobile::Attribute::FindAttribute( attributename ); if ( !pAttr ) { if ( required ) { elem.throw_error( "Attribute " + attributename + " not found." ); } else { elem.warn( "Attribute " + attributename + " not found." ); } } } }
void read_bannedips_config( bool initial_load ) { if ( !initial_load ) { Core::networkManager.banned_ips.clear(); } if ( !Clib::FileExists( "config/bannedips.cfg" ) ) return; Clib::ConfigFile cf( "config/bannedips.cfg" ); Clib::ConfigElem elem; while ( cf.read( elem ) ) { IPRule CurrentEntry; std::string iptext = elem.remove_string( "IPMatch" ); std::string::size_type delim = iptext.find_first_of( "/" ); if ( delim != std::string::npos ) { std::string ipaddr_str = iptext.substr(0, delim); std::string ipmask_str = iptext.substr(delim + 1); CurrentEntry.ipMatch = inet_addr( ipaddr_str.c_str() ); CurrentEntry.ipMask = inet_addr( ipmask_str.c_str() ); Core::networkManager.banned_ips.push_back( CurrentEntry ); } else { std::string ipmask_str = ""; CurrentEntry.ipMatch = inet_addr( iptext.c_str() ); CurrentEntry.ipMask = inet_addr( ipmask_str.c_str() ); Core::networkManager.banned_ips.push_back( CurrentEntry ); } } }
AuxService::AuxService( const Plib::Package* pkg, Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) : _pkg( pkg ), _scriptdef( elem.remove_string( "SCRIPT" ), _pkg ), _port( elem.remove_ushort( "PORT" ) ) { std::string iptext; while ( elem.remove_prop( "IPMATCH", &iptext ) ) { auto delim = iptext.find_first_of("/"); if (delim != std::string::npos) { std::string ipaddr_str = iptext.substr(0, delim); std::string ipmask_str = iptext.substr(delim + 1); unsigned int ipaddr = inet_addr( ipaddr_str.c_str() ); unsigned int ipmask = inet_addr( ipmask_str.c_str() ); _aux_ip_match.push_back( ipaddr ); _aux_ip_match_mask.push_back( ipmask ); } else { unsigned int ipaddr = inet_addr( iptext.c_str() ); _aux_ip_match.push_back( ipaddr ); _aux_ip_match_mask.push_back( 0xFFffFFffLu ); } } }
UoClientListener::UoClientListener( Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) : port( elem.remove_ushort( "PORT" ) ), aosresist( elem.remove_bool( "AOSRESISTANCES", false ) ), sticky( elem.remove_bool( "KeepClients", false ) ) { CalculateCryptKeys( elem.remove_string( "ENCRYPTION", "none" ), encryption ); }
/// Since the constructor is doing some wrong guessing to tell when an armor is a shield, /// forceShield will force to consider it a shield ArmorDesc::ArmorDesc( u32 objtype, Clib::ConfigElem& elem, const Plib::Package* pkg, bool forceShield ) : EquipDesc( objtype, elem, ARMORDESC, pkg ), ar( elem.remove_ushort( "AR", 0 ) ), zones(), on_hit_script( elem.remove_string( "ONHITSCRIPT", "" ), pkg, "scripts/items/" ) { std::string coverage; while ( elem.remove_prop( "COVERAGE", &coverage ) ) { try { zones.insert( Mobile::zone_name_to_zone( coverage.c_str() ) ); } catch ( std::runtime_error& ) { fmt::Writer tmp; tmp.Format( "Error in Objtype 0x{:X}" ) << objtype; if ( pkg == NULL ) tmp << "config/itemdesc.cfg\n"; else tmp << pkg->dir() << "itemdesc.cfg\n"; ERROR_PRINT << tmp.str(); throw; } } if ( zones.empty() ) { // No 'COVERAGE' entries existed. // default coverage based on object type/layer unsigned short layer = Plib::systemstate.tile[graphic].layer; // special case for shields - they effectively have no coverage. if ( !forceShield && layer != Core::LAYER_HAND1 && layer != Core::LAYER_HAND2 ) { try { zones.insert( Mobile::layer_to_zone( layer ) ); } catch ( std::runtime_error& ) { fmt::Writer tmp; tmp.Format( "Error in Objtype 0x{:X}" ) << objtype; if ( pkg == NULL ) tmp << "config/itemdesc.cfg\n"; else tmp << pkg->dir() << "itemdesc.cfg\n"; ERROR_PRINT << tmp.str(); throw; } } } }
Vital::Vital( const Plib::Package* pkg, Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) : pkg( pkg ), name( elem.rest() ), aliases(), vitalid( 0 ), next( NULL ), get_regenrate_func( FindExportedFunction( elem, pkg, elem.remove_string( "RegenRateFunction" ), 1 ) ), get_maximum_func( FindExportedFunction( elem, pkg, elem.remove_string( "MaximumFunction" ), 1 ) ), underflow_func( NULL ), regen_while_dead( elem.remove_bool( "RegenWhileDead", false ) ) { aliases.push_back( name ); std::string tmp; while ( elem.remove_prop( "Alias", &tmp ) ) aliases.push_back( tmp ); if ( elem.remove_prop( "UnderflowFunction", &tmp ) ) { underflow_func = FindExportedFunction( elem, pkg, tmp, 2 ); } }
void Account::readfrom( Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) { if ( elem.has_prop( "Password" ) ) { std::string temppass = elem.remove_string("Password"); if ( Plib::systemstate.config.retain_cleartext_passwords ) { password_ = temppass; } if ( !Clib::MD5_Encrypt( name_ + temppass, passwordhash_ ) ) //MD5 elem.throw_error( "Failed to encrypt password for " + name_ ); Plib::systemstate.accounts_txt_dirty = true; } else if ( elem.has_prop( "PasswordHash" ) ) { passwordhash_ = elem.remove_string( "PasswordHash" ); } else elem.throw_error( "Failed password reads for account " + name_ ); enabled_ = elem.remove_bool( "ENABLED", true ); banned_ = elem.remove_bool( "BANNED", false ); uo_expansion_ = convert_uo_expansion( elem.remove_string( "UOExpansion", "T2A" ) ); default_privs_.readfrom( elem.remove_string( "DefaultPrivs", "" ) ); std::string cmdaccstr = elem.remove_string( "DefaultCmdLevel", "player" ); Core::CmdLevel* cmdlevel_search = Core::find_cmdlevel( cmdaccstr.c_str( ) ); if ( cmdlevel_search != NULL ) default_cmdlevel_ = cmdlevel_search->cmdlevel; else elem.throw_error( "Didn't understand cmdlevel of '" + cmdaccstr + "'" ); props_.clear(); props_.readProperties( elem ); }
Account::Account( Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) : active_character( NULL ), characters_(), name_( elem.remove_string( "NAME" ) ), enabled_( true ), banned_( false ), default_cmdlevel_( 0 ) { // If too low, will cause the client to freeze and the console to report // Exception in message handler 0x91: vector for ( int i = 0; i < Plib::systemstate.config.character_slots; i++ ) characters_.push_back( Core::CharacterRef( NULL ) ); readfrom( elem ); }
RealmDescriptor::RealmDescriptor(const std::string& realm_name, const std::string& realm_path, Clib::ConfigElem& elem) : name( realm_name ), file_path( realm_path ), width( elem.remove_ushort( "width" ) ), height( elem.remove_ushort( "height" ) ), uomapid( elem.remove_unsigned( "uomapid", 0 ) ), uodif( elem.remove_bool( "uodif", false ) ), num_map_patches( elem.remove_unsigned( "num_map_patches", 0 ) ), num_static_patches( elem.remove_unsigned( "num_static_patches", 0 ) ), season( elem.remove_unsigned( "season", 1 ) ), mapserver_type( Clib::strlower( elem.remove_string( "mapserver", "memory" ) ) ), grid_width(calc_grid_size(width)), grid_height(calc_grid_size(height)) { }
void read_region_data( Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) { ResourceDef* rd = find_resource_def( elem.rest() ); if ( rd == nullptr ) { ERROR_PRINT << "Error reading RESOURCE.DAT: Unable to find resource type " << elem.rest() << "\n"; throw std::runtime_error( "Data file error" ); } std::string regionname = elem.remove_string( "Name" ); ResourceRegion* rgn = rd->getregion( regionname ); if ( rgn == nullptr ) { ERROR_PRINT << "Error reading RESOURCE.DAT: Unable to find region " << regionname << " in resource " << elem.rest() << "\n"; throw std::runtime_error( "Data file error" ); } rgn->read_data( elem ); }
Attribute::Attribute( const Plib::Package* pkg, Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) : pkg( pkg ), name( elem.rest() ), attrid( 0 ), aliases(), next( NULL ), getintrinsicmod_func( nullptr ), delay_seconds( elem.remove_ushort( "DELAY", 0 ) ), unhides( elem.remove_bool( "UNHIDES", true ) ), disable_core_checks( elem.remove_bool( "DisableCoreChecks", false ) ), default_cap( elem.remove_ushort( "DefaultCap", Core::settingsManager.ssopt.default_attribute_cap ) ), script_( elem.remove_string( "SCRIPT", "" ), pkg, "scripts/skills/" ) { aliases.push_back( name ); std::string tmp; while ( elem.remove_prop( "Alias", &tmp ) ) aliases.push_back( tmp ); if ( elem.remove_prop( "GetIntrinsicModFunction", &tmp ) ) { getintrinsicmod_func = Core::FindExportedFunction( elem, pkg, tmp, 1 ); } }
void read_npc_templates( Plib::Package* pkg ) { std::string filename = GetPackageCfgPath( pkg, "npcdesc.cfg" ); if ( !Clib::FileExists( filename ) ) return; Clib::ConfigFile cf( filename.c_str() ); Clib::ConfigElem elem; while ( cf.read( elem ) ) { if ( elem.type_is( "NpcTemplate" ) ) { // first determine the NPC template name. std::string namebase; const char* rest = elem.rest(); if ( rest != NULL && *rest != '\0' ) { namebase = rest; } else { namebase = elem.remove_string( "TemplateName" ); } std::string descname; if ( pkg != NULL ) { descname = ":" + pkg->name() + ":" + namebase; elem.set_rest( descname.c_str() ); } else descname = namebase; gamestate.npc_template_elems[descname] = NpcTemplateElem( cf, elem ); } } }
int UoToolMain::main() { const std::vector<std::string> binArgs = programArgs(); /********************************************** * show help **********************************************/ if (binArgs.size() == 1) { showHelp(); return 0; // return "okay" } /********************************************** * TODO: rework the following cruft from former uotool.cpp **********************************************/ Clib::ConfigFile cf( "pol.cfg" ); Clib::ConfigElem elem; cf.readraw( elem ); Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root = elem.remove_string( "UoDataFileRoot" ); Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root = Clib::normalized_dir_form( Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root ); unsigned short max_tile = elem.remove_ushort( "MaxTileID", UOBJ_DEFAULT_MAX ); if ( max_tile != UOBJ_DEFAULT_MAX && max_tile != UOBJ_SA_MAX && max_tile != UOBJ_HSA_MAX ) Plib::systemstate.config.max_tile_id = UOBJ_DEFAULT_MAX; else Plib::systemstate.config.max_tile_id = max_tile; std::string argvalue = binArgs[1]; if ( argvalue[0] == '/' || argvalue[0] == ':' ) { Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root = argvalue; if (binArgs.size() < 3) { showHelp(); return 0; } argvalue = binArgs[2]; } std::transform(argvalue.begin(), argvalue.end(), argvalue.begin(), ::tolower); if ( argvalue == "tiledump" ) { return UoTool::tiledump( s_argc, s_argv ); } else if ( argvalue == "vertile" ) { return UoTool::vertile(); } else if ( argvalue == "verlandtile" ) { return UoTool::verlandtile(); } else if ( argvalue == "landtilehist" ) { return UoTool::landtilehist(); } else if ( argvalue == "flagsearch" ) { return UoTool::flagsearch( s_argc, s_argv ); } else if ( argvalue == "landtileflagsearch" ) { return UoTool::landtileflagsearch( s_argc, s_argv ); } else if ( argvalue == "loschange" ) { return UoTool::loschange( s_argc, s_argv ); } else if ( argvalue == "rawdump" ) { return UoTool::rawdump( s_argc, s_argv ); } else if ( argvalue == "ctable" ) { return UoTool::print_ctable(); } else if ( argvalue == "sndlist" ) { return UoTool::print_sndlist(); } else if ( argvalue == "statics" ) { return UoTool::print_statics(); } else if ( argvalue == "verdata" ) { return UoTool::print_verdata_info(); } else if ( argvalue == "multis" ) { return UoTool::print_multis(); } else if ( argvalue == "water" ) { return UoTool::print_water_data(); } else if ( argvalue == "newstatics" ) { return Core::write_pol_static_files( "main" ); } else if ( argvalue == "staticsmax" ) { Core::open_uo_data_files(); Core::staticsmax(); return 0; } else if ( argvalue == "watersearch" ) { return UoTool::water_search(); } else if ( argvalue == "zhist" ) { return UoTool::z_histogram(); } else if ( argvalue == "staticshist" ) { return UoTool::statics_histogram(); } else if ( argvalue == "writedungmap" ) { return UoTool::write_polmap(); } else if ( argvalue == "writekeys" ) { INFO_PRINT << "Keys written to current.key\n"; return 0; } else if ( argvalue == "mapdump" ) { return UoTool::mapdump( s_argc, s_argv ); } else if ( argvalue == "contour" ) { return UoTool::contour(); } else if ( argvalue == "findlandtile" ) { return UoTool::findlandtile( s_argc - 1, s_argv + 1 ); } else if ( argvalue == "findlandtileflags" ) { return UoTool::findlandtileflags( s_argc - 1, s_argv + 1 ); } else if ( argvalue == "findgraphic" ) { return UoTool::findgraphic( s_argc - 1, s_argv + 1 ); } else if ( argvalue == "defragstatics" ) { return UoTool::defragstatics( s_argc - 1, s_argv + 1 ); } else if ( argvalue == "formatdesc" ) { return UoTool::format_description( s_argc - 1, s_argv + 1 ); } else if ( argvalue == "checkmultis" ) { return UoTool::checkmultis(); } showHelp(); return 0; }
// FIXME inefficient. Templates should be read in once, and reused. bool FindNpcTemplate( const char* template_name, Clib::ConfigFile& cf, Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) { try { const Plib::Package* pkg; std::string npctemplate; if ( !Plib::pkgdef_split( template_name, NULL, &pkg, &npctemplate ) ) return false; std::string filename = Plib::GetPackageCfgPath( const_cast<Plib::Package*>( pkg ), "npcdesc.cfg" ); cf.open( filename.c_str() ); while ( cf.read( elem ) ) { if ( !elem.type_is( "NpcTemplate" ) ) continue; std::string orig_rest = elem.rest(); if ( pkg != NULL ) { std::string newrest = ":" + pkg->name() + ":" + npctemplate; elem.set_rest( newrest.c_str() ); } const char* rest = elem.rest(); if ( rest != NULL && *rest != '\0' ) { if ( stricmp( orig_rest.c_str(), npctemplate.c_str() ) == 0 ) return true; } else { std::string tname = elem.remove_string( "TemplateName" ); if ( stricmp( tname.c_str(), npctemplate.c_str() ) == 0 ) return true; } } return false; } catch ( const char* msg ) { ERROR_PRINT << "NPC Creation (" << template_name << ") Failed: " << msg << "\n"; } catch ( std::string& str ) { ERROR_PRINT << "NPC Creation (" << template_name << ") Failed: " << str << "\n"; } // egcs has some trouble realizing 'exception' should catch catch ( std::runtime_error& re ) // runtime_errors, so... { ERROR_PRINT << "NPC Creation (" << template_name << ") Failed: " << re.what() << "\n"; } catch ( std::exception& ex ) { ERROR_PRINT << "NPC Creation (" << template_name << ") Failed: " << ex.what() << "\n"; } #ifndef WIN32 catch ( ... ) { } #endif return false; }
int UoConvertMain::main() { const std::vector<std::string>& binArgs = programArgs(); /********************************************** * show help **********************************************/ if ( binArgs.size() == 1 ) { showHelp(); return 0; // return "okay" } /********************************************** * TODO: rework the following cruft from former uoconvert.cpp **********************************************/ Plib::systemstate.config.max_tile_id = UOBJ_DEFAULT_MAX; // default std::string argvalue = programArgsFindEquals( "uodata=", "" ); if ( !argvalue.empty() ) { Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root = argvalue; Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root = Clib::normalized_dir_form( Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root ); } else { INFO_PRINT << "Reading pol.cfg.\n"; Clib::ConfigFile cf( "pol.cfg" ); Clib::ConfigElem elem; cf.readraw( elem ); Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root = elem.remove_string( "UoDataFileRoot" ); Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root = Clib::normalized_dir_form( Plib::systemstate.config.uo_datafile_root ); unsigned short max_tile = elem.remove_ushort( "MaxTileID", UOBJ_DEFAULT_MAX ); if ( max_tile == UOBJ_DEFAULT_MAX || max_tile == UOBJ_SA_MAX || max_tile == UOBJ_HSA_MAX ) Plib::systemstate.config.max_tile_id = max_tile; } unsigned short max_tile = static_cast<unsigned short>( programArgsFindEquals( "maxtileid=", UOBJ_DEFAULT_MAX, true ) ); if ( max_tile == UOBJ_DEFAULT_MAX || max_tile == UOBJ_SA_MAX || max_tile == UOBJ_HSA_MAX ) Plib::systemstate.config.max_tile_id = max_tile; std::string main_cfg = "uoconvert.cfg"; if ( Clib::FileExists( main_cfg.c_str() ) ) { std::string temp; Clib::ConfigElem elem; INFO_PRINT << "Reading uoconvert.cfg.\n"; Clib::ConfigFile cf_main( main_cfg.c_str() ); while ( cf_main.read( elem ) ) { if ( elem.type_is( "MultiTypes" ) ) { temp = elem.remove_string( "Boats" ); ISTRINGSTREAM is_boats( temp ); std::string graphicnum; while ( is_boats >> graphicnum ) UoConvert::BoatTypes.insert( strtoul( graphicnum.c_str(), NULL, 0 ) ); temp = elem.remove_string( "Houses" ); ISTRINGSTREAM is_houses( temp ); while ( is_houses >> graphicnum ) UoConvert::HouseTypes.insert( strtoul( graphicnum.c_str(), NULL, 0 ) ); temp = elem.remove_string( "Stairs" ); ISTRINGSTREAM is_stairs( temp ); while ( is_stairs >> graphicnum ) UoConvert::StairTypes.insert( strtoul( graphicnum.c_str(), NULL, 0 ) ); } else if ( elem.type_is( "LOSOptions" ) )
void UArmor::readProperties( Clib::ConfigElem& elem ) { base::readProperties( elem ); this->ar_mod(static_cast<s16>( elem.remove_int( "AR_MOD", 0 ) ) ); set_onhitscript( elem.remove_string( "ONHITSCRIPT", "" ) ); }