int test_Client(const std::string &host, const unsigned &port) { try { using Motion::SDK::Client; using Motion::SDK::Format; // Open connection to the data server. Client client(host, port); std::cout << "Connected to " << host << ":" << port << std::endl; if (client.waitForData()) { std::size_t sample_count = 0; // Read data samples in a loop. This is a blocking call so // we can simply wait on an open connection until a data // sample comes in. Client::data_type data; while ((sample_count++ < NSample) && client.readData(data)) { if (PortPreview == port) { typedef Format::preview_service_type map_type; map_type preview = Format::Preview(data.begin(), data.end()); if (!preview.empty()) { std::cout << Format::PreviewElement::Name << ": " << preview.size(); for (map_type::iterator itr=preview.begin(); itr!=preview.end(); ++itr) { Format::PreviewElement::data_type q = itr->second.getQuaternion(false); std::cout << " q(" << itr->first << ") = (" << q[0] << ", " << q[1] << ", " << q[2] << ", " << q[3] << ")" << std::endl; } } } if (PortSensor == port) { typedef Format::sensor_service_type map_type; map_type sensor = Format::Sensor(data.begin(), data.end()); if (!sensor.empty()) { std::cout << Format::SensorElement::Name << ": " << sensor.size(); for (map_type::iterator itr=sensor.begin(); itr!=sensor.end(); ++itr) { Format::SensorElement::data_type acc = itr->second.getAccelerometer(); std::cout << " a(" << itr->first << ") = " << acc[0] << " " << acc[1] << " " << acc[2] << std::endl; } } } if (PortRaw == port) { typedef Format::raw_service_type map_type; map_type raw = Format::Raw(data.begin(), data.end()); if (!raw.empty()) { std::cout << Format::RawElement::Name << ": "<< raw.size(); for (map_type::iterator itr=raw.begin(); itr!=raw.end(); ++itr) { Format::RawElement::data_type acc = itr->second.getAccelerometer(); std::cout << " a(" << itr->first << ") = " << acc[0] << " " << acc[1] << " " << acc[2] << std::endl; } } } } } else { std::cout << "No current data available, giving up" << std::endl; } std::string message; if (client.getErrorString(message)) { std::cerr << "Error: " << message << std::endl; } } catch (std::runtime_error &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
int test_Configurable(const std::string &host, const unsigned &port) { try { using Motion::SDK::Client; using Motion::SDK::Format; // Open connection to the data server. Client client(host, port); std::cout << "Connected to " << host << ":" << port << std::endl; // The Configurable data service requires an XML definition of the // requested channel names. { Client::data_type xml_definition; { std::ifstream fin("../../test_data/configurable.xml", std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::in); if (fin.is_open()) { fin.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end); int num_bytes = fin.tellg(); fin.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg); if (num_bytes > 0) { xml_definition.resize(num_bytes); if ([0], num_bytes)) { } else { xml_definition.clear(); } } } } // Make a default definition here, in case we could not find our file. // Access the global quaternion and calibrated accelerometer streams. if (xml_definition.empty()) { std::string xml_string = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" "<configurable>" "<preview><Gq/></preview>" "<sensor><a/></sensor>" "</configurable>"; xml_definition.assign(xml_string.begin(), xml_string.end()); } if (!xml_definition.empty() && client.writeData(xml_definition)) { std::cout << "Sent active channel definition to Configurable service" << std::endl; } } if (client.waitForData()) { std::size_t sample_count = 0; // Read data samples in a loop. This is a blocking call so // we can simply wait on an open connection until a data // sample comes in. Client::data_type data; while ((sample_count++ < NSample) && client.readData(data)) { typedef Format::configurable_service_type map_type; map_type container = Format::Configurable(data.begin(), data.end()); if (!container.empty()) { std::cout << Format::ConfigurableElement::Name << ": " << container.size(); for (map_type::iterator itr=container.begin(); itr!=container.end(); ++itr) { std::cout << " data(" << itr->first << ") = "; for (std::size_t i=0; i<itr->second.size(); i++) { std::cout << itr->second[i] << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; } } std::cout << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "No current data available, giving up" << std::endl; } std::string message; if (client.getErrorString(message)) { std::cerr << "Error: " << message << std::endl; } } catch (std::runtime_error &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
/** Thread function. Make a connection to the remote Host:Port and read Preview data in a loop. */ bool operator()() { using Motion::SDK::Client; using Motion::SDK::Format; try { // Open a connection to the Motion Service Preview stream running // on Host:Port. Client client(Host, Port); std::cout << "Connected to " << Host << ":" << Port << std::endl; bool quit_thread = false; while (!quit_thread) { // Make a check for the quit flag here. { sdl_mutex_lock lock(m_mutex); if (m_quit) { quit_thread = true; } } // Block on this call until a single data sample arrives from the // remote service. Use default time out of 5 seconds. if (client.waitForData()) { // The Client#readData method will time out after 1 second. Then // just go back to the blocking Client#waitForData method to wait // for more incoming data. Client::data_type data; while (!quit_thread && client.readData(data)) { // We have a message from the remote Preview service. Use the // Format::Preview method to create a std::map<integer,Format::PreviewElement> // of all active device connections. std::vector<float> transform; std::vector<float> euler; { // Iterate through Nodes, but just grab the first one. Format::preview_service_type preview = Format::Preview(data.begin(), data.end()); for (Format::preview_service_type::iterator itr=preview.begin(); itr!=preview.end(); ++itr) { transform = itr->second.getMatrix(false); euler = itr->second.getEuler(); break; } } // Copy the new transformation matrix into the mutex protected // state. The drawing thread reads this. { sdl_mutex_lock lock(m_mutex); if (transform.size() == m_transform.size()) { m_transform = transform; } if (euler.size() == m_euler.size()) { m_euler = euler; } if (m_quit) { quit_thread = true; break; } } } } } } catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; return false; } std::cout << "Leaving client thread" << std::endl; return true; }