コード例 #1
ファイル: default-saves.cpp プロジェクト: 0xf1sh/scummvm
Common::InSaveFile *DefaultSaveFileManager::openForLoading(const Common::String &filename) {
	// Ensure that the savepath is valid. If not, generate an appropriate error.
	Common::String savePathName = getSavePath();
	if (getError().getCode() != Common::kNoError)
		return 0;

	// recreate FSNode since checkPath may have changed/created the directory
	Common::FSNode savePath(savePathName);

	Common::FSNode file = savePath.getChild(filename);
	if (!file.exists())
		return 0;

	// Open the file for reading
	Common::SeekableReadStream *sf = file.createReadStream();

	return Common::wrapCompressedReadStream(sf);
コード例 #2
 * This test creates a file testbed.out, writes a sample data and confirms if
 * it is same by reading the file again.
TestExitStatus FStests::testWriteFile() {
	const Common::String &path = ConfMan.get("path");
	Common::FSNode gameRoot(path);
	if (!gameRoot.exists()) {
		Testsuite::logPrintf("Couldn't open the game data directory %s", path.c_str());
		 return kTestFailed;

	Common::FSNode fileToWrite = gameRoot.getChild("testbed.out");

	Common::WriteStream *ws = fileToWrite.createWriteStream();

	if (!ws) {
		Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Can't open writable file in game data dir\n");
		 return kTestFailed;

	ws->writeString("ScummVM Rocks!");
	delete ws;

	Common::SeekableReadStream *rs = fileToWrite.createReadStream();
	if (!rs) {
		Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Can't open recently written file testbed.out in game data dir\n");
		 return kTestFailed;
	Common::String readFromFile = rs->readLine();
	delete rs;

	if (readFromFile.equals("ScummVM Rocks!")) {
		// All good
		Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Data written and read correctly\n");
		 return kTestPassed;

	 return kTestFailed;
コード例 #3
bool WagFileParser::parse(const Common::FSNode &node) {
	WagProperty property; // Temporary property used for reading
	Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = NULL; // The file stream

	_parsedOk = false; // We haven't parsed the file yet

	stream = node.createReadStream(); // Open the file
	if (stream) { // Check that opening the file was succesful
		if (checkWagVersion(*stream)) { // Check that WinAGI version string is valid
			// It seems we've got a valid *.wag file so let's parse its properties from the start.
			stream->seek(0); // Rewind the stream
			if (!_propList.empty()) _propList.clear(); // Clear out old properties (If any)

			do { // Parse the properties
				if (property.read(*stream)) { // Read the property and check it was read ok
					_propList.push_back(property); // Add read property to properties list
					debug(4, "WagFileParser::parse: Read property with code %d, type %d, number %d, size %d, data \"%s\"",
						property.getCode(), property.getType(), property.getNumber(), property.getSize(), property.getData());
				} else // Reading failed, let's bail out
			} while (!endOfProperties(*stream)); // Loop until the end of properties

			// File was parsed successfully only if we got to the end of properties
			// and all the properties were read successfully (Also the last).
			_parsedOk = endOfProperties(*stream) && property.readOk();

			if (!_parsedOk) // Error parsing stream
				warning("Error parsing WAG file (%s). WAG file ignored", node.getPath().c_str());
		} else // Invalid WinAGI version string or it couldn't be read
			warning("Invalid WAG file (%s) version or error reading it. WAG file ignored", node.getPath().c_str());
	} else // Couldn't open file
		warning("Couldn't open WAG file (%s). WAG file ignored", node.getPath().c_str());

	delete stream;
	return _parsedOk;
コード例 #4
ファイル: base_package.cpp プロジェクト: Fyre91/scummvm
PackageSet::PackageSet(Common::FSNode file, const Common::String &filename, bool searchSignature) {
	uint32 absoluteOffset = 0;
	_priority = 0;
	bool boundToExe = false;
	Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = file.createReadStream();
	if (!stream) {
	if (searchSignature) {
		uint32 offset;
		if (!findPackageSignature(stream, &offset)) {
			delete stream;
		} else {
			stream->seek(offset, SEEK_SET);
			absoluteOffset = offset;
			boundToExe = true;

	TPackageHeader hdr;
	if (hdr._magic1 != PACKAGE_MAGIC_1 || hdr._magic2 != PACKAGE_MAGIC_2 || hdr._packageVersion > PACKAGE_VERSION) {
		debugC(kWintermuteDebugFileAccess | kWintermuteDebugLog, "  Invalid header in package file '%s'. Ignoring.", filename.c_str());
		delete stream;

	if (hdr._packageVersion != PACKAGE_VERSION) {
		debugC(kWintermuteDebugFileAccess | kWintermuteDebugLog, "  Warning: package file '%s' is outdated.", filename.c_str());
	_priority = hdr._priority;
	// new in v2
	if (hdr._packageVersion == PACKAGE_VERSION) {
		uint32 dirOffset;
		dirOffset = stream->readUint32LE();
		dirOffset += absoluteOffset;
		stream->seek(dirOffset, SEEK_SET);
	assert(hdr._numDirs == 1);
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < hdr._numDirs; i++) {
		BasePackage *pkg = new BasePackage();
		if (!pkg) {
		pkg->_fsnode = file;

		pkg->_boundToExe = boundToExe;

		// read package info
		byte nameLength = stream->readByte();
		char *pkgName = new char[nameLength];
		stream->read(pkgName, nameLength);
		pkg->_name = pkgName;
		pkg->_cd = stream->readByte();
		pkg->_priority = hdr._priority;
		delete[] pkgName;
		pkgName = nullptr;

		if (!hdr._masterIndex) {
			pkg->_cd = 0;    // override CD to fixed disk

		// read file entries
		uint32 numFiles = stream->readUint32LE();

		for (uint32 j = 0; j < numFiles; j++) {
			char *name;
			uint32 offset, length, compLength, flags;/*, timeDate1, timeDate2;*/

			nameLength = stream->readByte();
			name = new char[nameLength];
			stream->read(name, nameLength);

			// v2 - xor name
			if (hdr._packageVersion == PACKAGE_VERSION) {
				for (int k = 0; k < nameLength; k++) {
					((byte *)name)[k] ^= 'D';
			debugC(kWintermuteDebugFileAccess, "Package contains %s", name);

			Common::String upcName = name;
			delete[] name;
			name = nullptr;

			offset = stream->readUint32LE();
			offset += absoluteOffset;
			length = stream->readUint32LE();
			compLength = stream->readUint32LE();
			flags = stream->readUint32LE();

			if (hdr._packageVersion == PACKAGE_VERSION) {
				/* timeDate1 = */ stream->readUint32LE();
				/* timeDate2 = */ stream->readUint32LE();
			_filesIter = _files.find(upcName);
			if (_filesIter == _files.end()) {
				BaseFileEntry *fileEntry = new BaseFileEntry();
				fileEntry->_package = pkg;
				fileEntry->_offset = offset;
				fileEntry->_length = length;
				fileEntry->_compressedLength = compLength;
				fileEntry->_flags = flags;

				_files[upcName] = Common::ArchiveMemberPtr(fileEntry);
			} else {
				// current package has higher priority than the registered
				// TODO: This cast might be a bit ugly.
				BaseFileEntry *filePtr = (BaseFileEntry *) &*(_filesIter->_value);
				if (pkg->_priority > filePtr->_package->_priority) {
					filePtr->_package = pkg;
					filePtr->_offset = offset;
					filePtr->_length = length;
					filePtr->_compressedLength = compLength;
					filePtr->_flags = flags;
	debugC(kWintermuteDebugFileAccess, "  Registered %d files in %d package(s)", _files.size(), _packages.size());

	delete stream;
コード例 #5
ファイル: detection.cpp プロジェクト: michailBs/scummvm
const ADGameDescription *SciMetaEngine::fallbackDetect(const FileMap &allFiles, const Common::FSList &fslist) const {
	bool foundResMap = false;
	bool foundRes000 = false;

	// Set some defaults
	s_fallbackDesc.extra = "";
	s_fallbackDesc.language = Common::EN_ANY;
	s_fallbackDesc.flags = ADGF_NO_FLAGS;
	s_fallbackDesc.platform = Common::kPlatformPC;	// default to PC platform
	s_fallbackDesc.gameid = "sci";
	s_fallbackDesc.guioptions = Common::GUIO_NONE;

	if (allFiles.contains("resource.map") || allFiles.contains("Data1")
	    || allFiles.contains("resmap.001") || allFiles.contains("resmap.001")) {
		foundResMap = true;

	// Determine if we got a CD version and set the CD flag accordingly, by checking for
	// resource.aud for SCI1.1 CD games, or audio001.002 for SCI1 CD games. We assume that
	// the file should be over 10MB, as it contains all the game speech and is usually
	// around 450MB+. The size check is for some floppy game versions like KQ6 floppy, which
	// also have a small resource.aud file
	if (allFiles.contains("resource.aud") || allFiles.contains("audio001.002")) {
		Common::FSNode file = allFiles.contains("resource.aud") ? allFiles["resource.aud"] :  allFiles["audio001.002"];
		Common::SeekableReadStream *tmpStream = file.createReadStream();
		if (tmpStream->size() > 10 * 1024 * 1024) {
			// We got a CD version, so set the CD flag accordingly
			s_fallbackDesc.flags |= ADGF_CD;
		delete tmpStream;

	if (allFiles.contains("resource.000") || allFiles.contains("resource.001")
		|| allFiles.contains("ressci.000") || allFiles.contains("ressci.001"))
		foundRes000 = true;

	// Data1 contains both map and volume for SCI1.1+ Mac games
	if (allFiles.contains("Data1")) {
		foundResMap = foundRes000 = true;
		 s_fallbackDesc.platform = Common::kPlatformMacintosh;

	// Determine the game platform
	// The existence of any of these files indicates an Amiga game
	if (allFiles.contains("9.pat") || allFiles.contains("spal") ||
		allFiles.contains("patch.005") || allFiles.contains("bank.001"))
			s_fallbackDesc.platform = Common::kPlatformAmiga;

	// The existence of 7.pat or patch.200 indicates a Mac game
	if (allFiles.contains("7.pat") || allFiles.contains("patch.200"))
		s_fallbackDesc.platform = Common::kPlatformMacintosh;

	// The data files for Atari ST versions are the same as their DOS counterparts

	// If these files aren't found, it can't be SCI
	if (!foundResMap && !foundRes000) {
		return 0;

	Common::ScopedPtr<ResourceManager> resMan(new ResourceManager());
	// TODO: Add error handling.

#ifndef ENABLE_SCI32
	// Is SCI32 compiled in? If not, and this is a SCI32 game,
	// stop here
	if (getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_2) {
		return (const ADGameDescription *)&s_fallbackDesc;

	ViewType gameViews = resMan->getViewType();

	// Have we identified the game views? If not, stop here
	// Can't be SCI (or unsupported SCI views). Pinball Creep by sierra also uses resource.map/resource.000 files
	//  but doesnt share sci format at all, if we dont return 0 here we will detect this game as SCI
	if (gameViews == kViewUnknown) {
		return 0;

	// Set the platform to Amiga if the game is using Amiga views
	if (gameViews == kViewAmiga)
		s_fallbackDesc.platform = Common::kPlatformAmiga;

	// Determine the game id
	Common::String sierraGameId = resMan->findSierraGameId();

	// If we don't have a game id, the game is not SCI
	if (sierraGameId.empty()) {
		return 0;

	Common::String gameId = convertSierraGameId(sierraGameId, &s_fallbackDesc.flags, resMan);
	strncpy(s_fallbackGameIdBuf, gameId.c_str(), sizeof(s_fallbackGameIdBuf) - 1);
	s_fallbackGameIdBuf[sizeof(s_fallbackGameIdBuf) - 1] = 0;	// Make sure string is NULL terminated
	s_fallbackDesc.gameid = s_fallbackGameIdBuf;

	// Try to determine the game language
	// Load up text 0 and start looking for "#" characters
	// Non-English versions contain strings like XXXX#YZZZZ
	// Where XXXX is the English string, #Y a separator indicating the language
	// (e.g. #G for German) and ZZZZ is the translated text
	// NOTE: This doesn't work for games which use message instead of text resources
	// (like, for example, Eco Quest 1 and all SCI1.1 games and newer, e.g. Freddy Pharkas).
	// As far as we know, these games store the messages of each language in separate
	// resources, and it's not possible to detect that easily
	// Also look for "%J" which is used in japanese games
	Resource *text = resMan->findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeText, 0), 0);
	uint seeker = 0;
	if (text) {
		while (seeker < text->size) {
			if (text->data[seeker] == '#')  {
				if (seeker + 1 < text->size)
					s_fallbackDesc.language = charToScummVMLanguage(text->data[seeker + 1]);
			if (text->data[seeker] == '%') {
				if ((seeker + 1 < text->size) && (text->data[seeker + 1] == 'J')) {
					s_fallbackDesc.language = charToScummVMLanguage(text->data[seeker + 1]);

	// Fill in "extra" field

	// Is this an EGA version that might have a VGA pendant? Then we want
	// to mark it as such in the "extra" field.
	const bool markAsEGA = (gameViews == kViewEga && s_fallbackDesc.platform != Common::kPlatformAmiga
			&& getSciVersion() > SCI_VERSION_1_EGA_ONLY);

	const bool isDemo = (s_fallbackDesc.flags & ADGF_DEMO);
	const bool isCD = (s_fallbackDesc.flags & ADGF_CD);

	if (!isCD)
		s_fallbackDesc.guioptions |= Common::GUIO_NOSPEECH;

	if (gameId.hasSuffix("sci")) {
		s_fallbackDesc.extra = "SCI";

		// Differentiate EGA versions from the VGA ones, where needed
		if (markAsEGA)
			s_fallbackDesc.extra = "SCI/EGA";

		// Mark as demo.
		// Note: This overwrites the 'EGA' info, if it was previously set.
		if (isDemo)
			s_fallbackDesc.extra = "SCI/Demo";
	} else {
		if (markAsEGA)
			s_fallbackDesc.extra = "EGA";

		// Set "CD" and "Demo" as appropriate.
		// Note: This overwrites the 'EGA' info, if it was previously set.
		if (isDemo && isCD)
			s_fallbackDesc.extra = "CD Demo";
		else if (isDemo)
			s_fallbackDesc.extra = "Demo";
		else if (isCD)
			s_fallbackDesc.extra = "CD";

	return (const ADGameDescription *)&s_fallbackDesc;
コード例 #6
ファイル: savefilemgr.cpp プロジェクト: 33d/scummvm
Common::InSaveFile *Ps2SaveFileManager::openForLoading(const Common::String &filename) {
	Common::FSNode savePath(ConfMan.get("savepath")); // TODO: is this fast?
	Common::SeekableReadStream *sf;

	if (!savePath.exists() || !savePath.isDirectory())
		return NULL;

	// _screen->wantAnim(true);

	if (_getDev(savePath) == MC_DEV) {
	// if (strncmp(savePath.getPath().c_str(), "mc0:", 4) == 0) {
		char path[32];

		// FIXME : hack for indy4 iq-points
		if (filename == "iq-points") {
			sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/indy4/iq-points");
		// FIXME : hack for bs1 saved games
		else if (filename == "SAVEGAME.INF") {
			sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/sword1/SAVEGAME.INF");
		else {
			char temp[32];
			printf("MC : filename = %s\n", filename.c_str());
			strcpy(temp, filename.c_str());

			// mcSplit(temp, game, ext);
			char *game = strdup(strtok(temp, "."));
			char *ext = strdup(strtok(NULL, "*"));
			sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/%s", game); // per game path

			// mcCheck(path); // needed on load ?
			sprintf(path, "mc0:ScummVM/%s/%s.sav", game, ext);


		Common::FSNode file(path);

		if (!file.exists())
			return NULL;

		sf = file.createReadStream();

	} else {
		Common::FSNode file = savePath.getChild(filename);

		if (!file.exists())
			return NULL;

		sf = file.createReadStream();

	// _screen->wantAnim(false);

	return Common::wrapCompressedReadStream(sf);
コード例 #7
ファイル: base_disk_file.cpp プロジェクト: mokerjoke/scummvm
Common::SeekableReadStream *openDiskFile(const Common::String &filename) {
	uint32 prefixSize = 0;
	Common::SeekableReadStream *file = NULL;
	Common::String fixedFilename = filename;

	// Absolute path: TODO: Add specific fallbacks here.
	if (filename.contains(':')) {
		if (filename.hasPrefix("c:\\windows\\fonts\\")) { // East Side Story refers to "c:\windows\fonts\framd.ttf"
			fixedFilename = filename.c_str() + 17;
		} else {
			error("openDiskFile::Absolute path or invalid filename used in %s", filename.c_str());
	// Try directly from SearchMan first
	Common::ArchiveMemberList files;
	SearchMan.listMatchingMembers(files, fixedFilename);

	for (Common::ArchiveMemberList::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) {
		if ((*it)->getName() == filename) {
			file = (*it)->createReadStream();
	// File wasn't found in SearchMan, try to parse the path as a relative path.
	if (!file) {
		Common::FSNode searchNode = getNodeForRelativePath(filename);
		if (searchNode.exists() && !searchNode.isDirectory() && searchNode.isReadable()) {
			file = searchNode.createReadStream();
	if (file) {
		uint32 magic1, magic2;
		magic1 = file->readUint32LE();
		magic2 = file->readUint32LE();

		bool compressed = false;
		if (magic1 == DCGF_MAGIC && magic2 == COMPRESSED_FILE_MAGIC) {
			compressed = true;

		if (compressed) {
			uint32 dataOffset, compSize, uncompSize;
			dataOffset = file->readUint32LE();
			compSize = file->readUint32LE();
			uncompSize = file->readUint32LE();

			byte *compBuffer = new byte[compSize];
			if (!compBuffer) {
				error("Error allocating memory for compressed file '%s'", filename.c_str());
				delete file;
				return NULL;

			byte *data = new byte[uncompSize];
			if (!data) {
				error("Error allocating buffer for file '%s'", filename.c_str());
				delete[] compBuffer;
				delete file;
				return NULL;
			file->seek(dataOffset + prefixSize, SEEK_SET);
			file->read(compBuffer, compSize);

			if (Common::uncompress(data, (unsigned long *)&uncompSize, compBuffer, compSize) != true) {
				error("Error uncompressing file '%s'", filename.c_str());
				delete[] compBuffer;
				delete file;
				return NULL;

			delete[] compBuffer;
			delete file;
			return new Common::MemoryReadStream(data, uncompSize, DisposeAfterUse::YES);
		} else {
			file->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
			return file;

		return file;

	return NULL;
コード例 #8
ファイル: unzip.cpp プロジェクト: havlenapetr/Scummvm
ZipArchive::ZipArchive(const Common::FSNode &node) {
	SeekableReadStream *stream = node.createReadStream();
	_zipFile = unzOpen(stream);
コード例 #9
bool StyledTTFont::loadFont(const Common::String &fontName, int32 point) {
	Common::String newFontName;
	if (fontName.matchString("*times new roman*", true) || fontName.matchString("*times*", true)) {
		if ((_style & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC)) == (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC))
			newFontName = "timesbi.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_BOLD)
			newFontName = "timesbd.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_ITALIC)
			newFontName = "timesi.ttf";
			newFontName = "times.ttf";

	} else if (fontName.matchString("*courier new*", true) || fontName.matchString("*courier*", true) || fontName.matchString("*ZorkDeath*", true)) {
		if ((_style & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC)) == (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC))
			newFontName = "courbi.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_BOLD)
			newFontName = "courbd.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_ITALIC)
			newFontName = "couri.ttf";
			newFontName = "cour.ttf";

	} else if (fontName.matchString("*century schoolbook*", true)) {
		if ((_style & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC)) == (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC))
			newFontName = "censcbkbi.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_BOLD)
			newFontName = "censcbkbd.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_ITALIC)
			newFontName = "censcbki.ttf";
			newFontName = "censcbk.ttf";

	} else if (fontName.matchString("*garamond*", true)) {
		if ((_style & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC)) == (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC))
			newFontName = "garabi.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_BOLD)
			newFontName = "garabd.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_ITALIC)
			newFontName = "garai.ttf";
			newFontName = "gara.ttf";

	} else if (fontName.matchString("*arial*", true) || fontName.matchString("*ZorkNormal*", true)) {
		if ((_style & (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC)) == (STTF_BOLD | STTF_ITALIC))
			newFontName = "arialbi.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_BOLD)
			newFontName = "arialbd.ttf";
		else if (_style & STTF_ITALIC)
			newFontName = "ariali.ttf";
			newFontName = "arial.ttf";

	} else {
		debug("Could not identify font: %s. Reverting to Arial", fontName.c_str());
		newFontName = "arial.ttf";

	bool sharp = (_style & STTF_SHARP) == STTF_SHARP;

	Common::File *file = _engine->getSearchManager()->openFile(newFontName);

	if (!file) {
		Common::SeekableReadStream *themeFile = nullptr;
		if (ConfMan.hasKey("themepath")) {
			Common::FSNode themePath(ConfMan.get("themepath"));
			if (themePath.exists()) {
				Common::FSNode scummModern = themePath.getChild("scummmodern.zip");
				if (scummModern.exists()) {
					themeFile = scummModern.createReadStream();
		if (!themeFile) { // Fallback : Search for ScummModern.zip in SearchMan.
			themeFile = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember("scummmodern.zip");
		if (themeFile) {
			Common::Archive *themeArchive = Common::makeZipArchive(themeFile);
			if (themeArchive->hasFile("FreeSans.ttf")) {
				Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = nullptr;
				stream = themeArchive->createReadStreamForMember("FreeSans.ttf");
				Graphics::Font *_newFont = Graphics::loadTTFFont(*stream, point, 60, (sharp ? Graphics::kTTFRenderModeMonochrome : Graphics::kTTFRenderModeNormal)); // 66 dpi for 640 x 480 on 14" display
				if (_newFont) {
					if (!_font)
						delete _font;
					_font = _newFont;
				if (stream)
					delete stream;
			delete themeArchive;
			themeArchive = nullptr;
	} else {
		Graphics::Font *_newFont = Graphics::loadTTFFont(*file, point, 60, (sharp ? Graphics::kTTFRenderModeMonochrome : Graphics::kTTFRenderModeNormal)); // 66 dpi for 640 x 480 on 14" display
		if (_newFont) {
			if (!_font)
				delete _font;
			_font = _newFont;
		delete file;

	_fntName = fontName;
	_lineHeight = point;

	if (_font)
		return true;
	return false;
コード例 #10
ファイル: cloud.cpp プロジェクト: 86400/scummvm
TestExitStatus CloudTests::testUploading() {

	if (CloudMan.getCurrentStorage() == nullptr) {
		Testsuite::logPrintf("Couldn't find connected Storage\n");
		return kTestFailed;

	Common::String info = "Testing Cloud Storage API upload() method.\n"
		"In this test we'll try to upload a 'test1/file.txt' file.";

	if (Testsuite::handleInteractiveInput(info, "OK", "Skip", kOptionRight)) {
		Testsuite::logPrintf("Info! Skipping test : upload()\n");
		return kTestSkipped;

	if (!ConfParams.isGameDataFound()) {
		Testsuite::logPrintf("Info! Couldn't find the game data, so skipping test : upload()\n");
		return kTestSkipped;

	const Common::String &path = ConfMan.get("path");
	Common::FSDirectory gameRoot(path);
	Common::FSDirectory *directory = gameRoot.getSubDirectory("test1");
	Common::FSNode node = directory->getFSNode().getChild("file.txt");
	delete directory;

	if (CloudMan.getCurrentStorage()->uploadStreamSupported()) {
		if (CloudMan.getCurrentStorage()->upload(
				Common::String(getRemoteTestPath()) + "/testfile.txt",
				new Common::GlobalFunctionCallback<Cloud::Storage::UploadResponse>(&fileUploadedCallback),
				new Common::GlobalFunctionCallback<Networking::ErrorResponse>(&errorCallback)
			) == nullptr) {
			Testsuite::logPrintf("Warning! No Request is returned!\n");
	} else {
		Common::String filepath = node.getPath();
		if (CloudMan.getCurrentStorage()->upload(
				Common::String(getRemoteTestPath()) + "/testfile.txt",
				new Common::GlobalFunctionCallback<Cloud::Storage::UploadResponse>(&fileUploadedCallback),
				new Common::GlobalFunctionCallback<Networking::ErrorResponse>(&errorCallback)
			) == nullptr) {
			Testsuite::logPrintf("Warning! No Request is returned!\n");

	if (!waitForCallbackMore()) return kTestSkipped;

	if (ConfParams.isCloudTestErrorCallbackCalled()) {
		Testsuite::logPrintf("Error callback was called\n");
		return kTestFailed;

	Common::String info2 = "upload() is finished. Do you want to list '/testbed' directory?";

	if (!Testsuite::handleInteractiveInput(info2, "Yes", "No", kOptionRight)) {

		if (CloudMan.listDirectory(
				new Common::GlobalFunctionCallback<Cloud::Storage::FileArrayResponse>(&directoryListedCallback),
				new Common::GlobalFunctionCallback<Networking::ErrorResponse>(&errorCallback)
			) == nullptr) {
			Testsuite::logPrintf("Warning! No Request is returned!\n");

		if (!waitForCallbackMore()) return kTestSkipped;

		if (ConfParams.isCloudTestErrorCallbackCalled()) {
			Testsuite::logPrintf("Error callback was called\n");
			return kTestFailed;

	if (Testsuite::handleInteractiveInput("Was the CloudMan able to upload into 'testbed/testfile.txt' file?", "Yes", "No", kOptionRight)) {
		Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("Error! File was not uploaded!\n");
		return kTestFailed;

	Testsuite::logDetailedPrintf("File was uploaded\n");
	return kTestPassed;