コード例 #1
ファイル: opengl-graphics.cpp プロジェクト: 86400/scummvm
OSystem::TransactionError OpenGLGraphicsManager::endGFXTransaction() {
	assert(_transactionMode == kTransactionActive);

	uint transactionError = OSystem::kTransactionSuccess;

	bool setupNewGameScreen = false;
	if (   _oldState.gameWidth  != _currentState.gameWidth
	    || _oldState.gameHeight != _currentState.gameHeight) {
		setupNewGameScreen = true;

	if (_oldState.gameFormat != _currentState.gameFormat) {
		setupNewGameScreen = true;

	// Check whether the requested format can actually be used.
	Common::List<Graphics::PixelFormat> supportedFormats = getSupportedFormats();
	// In case the requested format is not usable we will fall back to CLUT8.
	if (Common::find(supportedFormats.begin(), supportedFormats.end(), _currentState.gameFormat) == supportedFormats.end()) {
		_currentState.gameFormat = Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8();
		transactionError |= OSystem::kTransactionFormatNotSupported;

	do {
		uint requestedWidth  = _currentState.gameWidth;
		uint requestedHeight = _currentState.gameHeight;
		const uint desiredAspect = getDesiredGameScreenAspect();
		requestedHeight = intToFrac(requestedWidth) / desiredAspect;

		if (!loadVideoMode(requestedWidth, requestedHeight,
		   // HACK: This is really nasty but we don't have any guarantees of
		   // a context existing before, which means we don't know the maximum
		   // supported texture size before this. Thus, we check whether the
		   // requested game resolution is supported over here.
		   || (   _currentState.gameWidth  > (uint)g_context.maxTextureSize
		       || _currentState.gameHeight > (uint)g_context.maxTextureSize)) {
			if (_transactionMode == kTransactionActive) {
				// Try to setup the old state in case its valid and is
				// actually different from the new one.
				if (_oldState.valid && _oldState != _currentState) {
					// Give some hints on what failed to set up.
					if (   _oldState.gameWidth  != _currentState.gameWidth
					    || _oldState.gameHeight != _currentState.gameHeight) {
						transactionError |= OSystem::kTransactionSizeChangeFailed;

					if (_oldState.gameFormat != _currentState.gameFormat) {
						transactionError |= OSystem::kTransactionFormatNotSupported;

					if (_oldState.aspectRatioCorrection != _currentState.aspectRatioCorrection) {
						transactionError |= OSystem::kTransactionAspectRatioFailed;

					if (_oldState.graphicsMode != _currentState.graphicsMode) {
						transactionError |= OSystem::kTransactionModeSwitchFailed;

					if (_oldState.filtering != _currentState.filtering) {
						transactionError |= OSystem::kTransactionFilteringFailed;

					// Roll back to the old state.
					_currentState = _oldState;
					_transactionMode = kTransactionRollback;

					// Try to set up the old state.

			// DON'T use error(), as this tries to bring up the debug
			// console, which WON'T WORK now that we might no have a
			// proper screen.
			warning("OpenGLGraphicsManager::endGFXTransaction: Could not load any graphics mode!");

		// In case we reach this we have a valid state, yay.
		_transactionMode = kTransactionNone;
		_currentState.valid = true;
	} while (_transactionMode == kTransactionRollback);

	if (setupNewGameScreen) {
		delete _gameScreen;
		_gameScreen = nullptr;

		_gameScreen = createSurface(_currentState.gameFormat);
		_gameScreen = createSurface(Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());
		if (_gameScreen->hasPalette()) {
			_gameScreen->setPalette(0, 256, _gamePalette);

		_gameScreen->allocate(_currentState.gameWidth, _currentState.gameHeight);
		// We fill the screen to all black or index 0 for CLUT8.
		if (_currentState.gameFormat.bytesPerPixel == 1) {
		} else {
			_gameScreen->fill(_gameScreen->getSurface()->format.RGBToColor(0, 0, 0));

	// Update our display area and cursor scaling. This makes sure we pick up
	// aspect ratio correction and game screen changes correctly.

	// Something changed, so update the screen change ID.

	// Since transactionError is a ORd list of TransactionErrors this is
	// clearly wrong. But our API is simply broken.
	return (OSystem::TransactionError)transactionError;
コード例 #2
ファイル: video_player.cpp プロジェクト: havlenapetr/Scummvm
void VideoPlayer::processVideoEvents(Common::List<Common::Event> &stopEvents) {
	Common::Event curEvent;
	Common::EventManager *eventMan = g_system->getEventManager();

	// Process events, and skip video if esc is pressed
	while (eventMan->pollEvent(curEvent)) {
		if (curEvent.type == Common::EVENT_RTL || curEvent.type == Common::EVENT_QUIT) {
			_skipVideo = true;

		for (Common::List<Common::Event>::const_iterator iter = stopEvents.begin(); iter != stopEvents.end(); iter++) {
			if (curEvent.type == iter->type) {
				if (iter->type == Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN || iter->type == Common::EVENT_KEYUP) {
					if (curEvent.kbd.keycode == iter->kbd.keycode) {
						_skipVideo = true;
				} else {
					_skipVideo = true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: kscripts.cpp プロジェクト: tobiatesan/scummvm
reg_t kLock(EngineState *s, int argc, reg_t *argv) {
	// NOTE: In SSCI, kLock uses a boolean lock flag, not a lock counter.
	// ScummVM's current counter-based implementation should be better than SSCI
	// at dealing with game scripts that unintentionally lock & unlock the same
	// resource multiple times (e.g. through recursion), but it will introduce
	// memory bugs (resource leaks lasting until the engine is restarted, or
	// destruction of kernel locks that lead to a use-after-free) that are
	// masked by ResourceManager's LRU cache if scripts rely on kLock being
	// idempotent like it was in SSCI.
	// Like SSCI, resource locks are not persisted in save games in ScummVM
	// until GK2, so it is also possible that kLock bugs will appear only after
	// restoring a save game.
	// See also kUnLoad.

	ResourceType type = g_sci->getResMan()->convertResType(argv[0].toUint16());
	if (type == kResourceTypeSound && getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_1_1) {
		type = g_sci->_soundCmd->getSoundResourceType(argv[1].toUint16());

	const ResourceId id(type, argv[1].toUint16());
	const bool lock = argc > 2 ? argv[2].toUint16() : true;

#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
	// SSCI GK2+SCI3 also saves lock states for View, Pic, and Sync resources,
	// but so far it seems like audio resources are the only ones that actually
	// need to be handled
	if (g_sci->_features->hasSci3Audio() && type == kResourceTypeAudio) {
		g_sci->_audio32->lockResource(id, lock);
		return s->r_acc;

	if (getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_1_1 &&
		(type == kResourceTypeAudio36 || type == kResourceTypeSync36)) {
		return s->r_acc;

	if (lock) {
		g_sci->getResMan()->findResource(id, true);
	} else {
		if (getSciVersion() < SCI_VERSION_2 && id.getNumber() == 0xFFFF) {
			// Unlock all resources of the requested type
			Common::List<ResourceId> resources = g_sci->getResMan()->listResources(type);
			Common::List<ResourceId>::iterator itr;
			for (itr = resources.begin(); itr != resources.end(); ++itr) {
				Resource *res = g_sci->getResMan()->testResource(*itr);
				if (res->isLocked())
		} else {
			Resource *which = g_sci->getResMan()->findResource(id, false);

			if (which)
			else {
				if (id.getType() == kResourceTypeInvalid)
				  warning("[resMan] Attempt to unlock resource %i of invalid type %i", id.getNumber(), argv[0].toUint16());
					// Happens in CD games (e.g. LSL6CD) with the message
					// resource. It isn't fatal, and it's usually caused
					// by leftover scripts.
					debugC(kDebugLevelResMan, "[resMan] Attempt to unlock non-existent resource %s", id.toString().c_str());
	return s->r_acc;
コード例 #4
ファイル: actor.cpp プロジェクト: gbraad/residualvm
void Actor::walkTo(const Math::Vector3d &p) {
	if (p == _pos)
		_walking = false;
	else {
		_walking = true;
		_destPos = p;

		if (_constrain) {
			g_grim->getCurrSet()->findClosestSector(p, NULL, &_destPos);

			Common::List<PathNode *> openList;
			Common::List<PathNode *> closedList;

			PathNode *start = new PathNode;
			start->parent = NULL;
			start->pos = _pos;
			start->dist = 0.f;
			start->cost = 0.f;
			g_grim->getCurrSet()->findClosestSector(_pos, &start->sect, NULL);

			Common::List<Sector *> sectors;
			for (int i = 0; i < g_grim->getCurrSet()->getSectorCount(); ++i) {
				Sector *s = g_grim->getCurrSet()->getSectorBase(i);
				int type = s->getType();
				if ((type == Sector::WalkType || type == Sector::HotType || type == Sector::FunnelType) && s->isVisible()) {

			Sector *endSec = NULL;
			g_grim->getCurrSet()->findClosestSector(_destPos, &endSec, NULL);

			do {
				PathNode *node = NULL;
				float cost = -1.f;
				for (Common::List<PathNode *>::iterator j = openList.begin(); j != openList.end(); ++j) {
					PathNode *n = *j;
					float c = n->dist + n->cost;
					if (cost < 0.f || c < cost) {
						cost = c;
						node = n;
				Sector *sector = node->sect;

				if (sector == endSec) {
					PathNode *n = closedList.back();
					// Don't put the start position in the list, or else
					// the first angle calculated in updateWalk() will be
					// meaningless. The only node without parent is the start
					// one.
					while (n->parent) {
						n = n->parent;


				for (Common::List<Sector *>::iterator i = sectors.begin(); i != sectors.end(); ++i) {
					Sector *s = *i;
					bool inClosed = false;
					for (Common::List<PathNode *>::iterator j = closedList.begin(); j != closedList.end(); ++j) {
						if ((*j)->sect == s) {
							inClosed = true;
					if (inClosed)

					Common::List<Math::Line3d> bridges = sector->getBridgesTo(s);
					if (bridges.empty())
						continue; // The sectors are not adjacent.

					Math::Vector3d closestPoint = s->getClosestPoint(_destPos);
					Math::Vector3d best;
					float bestDist = 1e6f;
					Math::Line3d l(node->pos, closestPoint);
					while (!bridges.empty()) {
						Math::Line3d bridge = bridges.back();
						Math::Vector3d pos;
						const bool useXZ = (g_grim->getGameType() == GType_MONKEY4);
						if (!bridge.intersectLine2d(l, &pos, useXZ)) {
							pos = bridge.middle();
						float dist = (pos - closestPoint).getMagnitude();
						if (dist < bestDist) {
							bestDist = dist;
							best = pos;
					best = handleCollisionTo(node->pos, best);

					PathNode *n = NULL;
					for (Common::List<PathNode *>::iterator j = openList.begin(); j != openList.end(); ++j) {
						if ((*j)->sect == s) {
							n = *j;
					if (n) {
						float newCost = node->cost + (best - node->pos).getMagnitude();
						if (newCost < n->cost) {
							n->cost = newCost;
							n->parent = node;
							n->pos = best;
							n->dist = (n->pos - _destPos).getMagnitude();
					} else {
						n = new PathNode;
						n->parent = node;
						n->sect = s;
						n->pos = best;
						n->dist = (n->pos - _destPos).getMagnitude();
						n->cost = node->cost + (n->pos - node->pos).getMagnitude();
			} while (!openList.empty());

			for (Common::List<PathNode *>::iterator j = closedList.begin(); j != closedList.end(); ++j) {
				delete *j;
			for (Common::List<PathNode *>::iterator j = openList.begin(); j != openList.end(); ++j) {
				delete *j;
