void World::loadExternalSounds(Common::String fname) { Common::File in; in.open(fname); if (!in.isOpen()) { warning("Cannot load sound file <%s>", fname.c_str()); return; } in.close(); Common::MacResManager resMan; resMan.open(fname); Common::MacResIDArray resArray; Common::SeekableReadStream *res; Common::MacResIDArray::const_iterator iter; resArray = resMan.getResIDArray(MKTAG('A','S','N','D')); for (iter = resArray.begin(); iter != resArray.end(); ++iter) { res = resMan.getResource(MKTAG('A','S','N','D'), *iter); addSound(new Sound(resMan.getResName(MKTAG('A','S','N','D'), *iter), res)); } }
bool Player_V5M::loadMusic(const byte *ptr) { Common::MacResManager resource; bool found = false; uint i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(monkeyIslandFileNames); i++) { if (resource.open(monkeyIslandFileNames[i])) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return false; } ptr += 8; // TODO: Decipher the unknown bytes in the header. For now, skip 'em ptr += 28; Common::MacResIDArray idArray = resource.getResIDArray(RES_SND); // Load the three channels and their instruments for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { assert(READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKTAG('C', 'h', 'a', 'n')); uint32 len = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 4); uint32 instrument = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 8); _channel[i]._length = len - 20; _channel[i]._data = ptr + 12; _channel[i]._looped = (READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + len - 8) == MKTAG('L', 'o', 'o', 'p')); _channel[i]._pos = 0; _channel[i]._pitchModifier = 0; _channel[i]._velocity = 0; _channel[i]._remaining = 0; _channel[i]._notesLeft = true; for (uint j = 0; j < idArray.size(); j++) { Common::String name = resource.getResName(RES_SND, idArray[j]); if (instrument == READ_BE_UINT32(name.c_str())) { debug(6, "Player_V5M::loadMusic: Channel %d: Loading instrument '%s'", i, name.c_str()); Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = resource.getResource(RES_SND, idArray[j]); if (!_channel[i].loadInstrument(stream)) { resource.close(); return false; } break; } } ptr += len; } resource.close(); // The last note of each channel is just zeroes. We will adjust this // note so that all the channels end at the same time. uint32 samples[3]; uint32 maxSamples = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { samples[i] = 0; for (uint j = 0; j < _channel[i]._length; j += 4) { samples[i] += durationToSamples(READ_BE_UINT16(&_channel[i]._data[j])); } if (samples[i] > maxSamples) { maxSamples = samples[i]; } } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { _lastNoteSamples[i] = maxSamples - samples[i]; } return true; }
void MacFontManager::loadFonts() { Common::Archive *dat; dat = Common::makeZipArchive("classicmacfonts.dat"); if (!dat) { warning("Could not find classicmacfonts.dat. Falling back to built-in fonts"); _builtInFonts = true; return; } Common::ArchiveMemberList list; dat->listMembers(list); for (Common::ArchiveMemberList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = dat->createReadStreamForMember((*it)->getName()); Common::MacResManager *fontFile = new Common::MacResManager(); if (!fontFile->loadFromMacBinary(*stream)) continue; Common::MacResIDArray fonds = fontFile->getResIDArray(MKTAG('F','O','N','D')); if (fonds.size() > 0) { for (Common::Array<uint16>::iterator iterator = fonds.begin(); iterator != fonds.end(); ++iterator) { Common::SeekableReadStream *fond = fontFile->getResource(MKTAG('F', 'O', 'N', 'D'), *iterator); Common::String familyName = fontFile->getResName(MKTAG('F', 'O', 'N', 'D'), *iterator); Graphics::MacFontFamily *fontFamily = new MacFontFamily(); fontFamily->load(*fond); Common::Array<Graphics::MacFontFamily::AsscEntry> *assoc = fontFamily->getAssocTable(); for (uint i = 0; i < assoc->size(); i++) { debug("size: %d style: %d id: %d", (*assoc)[i]._fontSize, (*assoc)[i]._fontStyle, (*assoc)[i]._fontID); Common::SeekableReadStream *fontstream; MacFont *macfont; Graphics::MacFONTFont *font; fontstream = fontFile->getResource(MKTAG('N', 'F', 'N', 'T'), (*assoc)[i]._fontID); if (!fontstream) fontstream = fontFile->getResource(MKTAG('F', 'O', 'N', 'T'), (*assoc)[i]._fontID); if (!fontstream) { warning("Unknown FontId: %d", (*assoc)[i]._fontID); continue; } font = new Graphics::MacFONTFont; font->loadFont(*fontstream, fontFamily, (*assoc)[i]._fontSize, (*assoc)[i]._fontStyle); delete fontstream; Common::String fontName = Common::String::format("%s-%d-%d", familyName.c_str(), (*assoc)[i]._fontStyle, (*assoc)[i]._fontSize); macfont = new MacFont(_fontNames.getVal(familyName, kMacFontNonStandard), (*assoc)[i]._fontSize, (*assoc)[i]._fontStyle); FontMan.assignFontToName(fontName, font); macfont->setFont(font); _fontRegistry.setVal(fontName, macfont); debug(2, " %s", fontName.c_str()); } delete fond; } } delete fontFile; } _builtInFonts = false; delete dat; }