コード例 #1
void Model::loadEMI(Common::MemoryReadStream &ms) {
	char name[64];

	int nameLength = ms.readUint32LE();
	assert(nameLength < 64);

	ms.read(name, nameLength);

	// skip over some unkown floats
	ms.seek(48, SEEK_CUR);

	_numMaterials = ms.readUint32LE();
	_materials = new Material*[_numMaterials];
	_materialNames = new char[_numMaterials][32];
	for (int i = 0; i < _numMaterials; i++) {
		nameLength = ms.readUint32LE();
		assert(nameLength < 32);

		ms.read(_materialNames[i], nameLength);
		// I'm not sure what specialty mateials are, but they are handled differently.
		if (memcmp(_materialNames[i], "specialty", 9) == 0) {
			_materials[i] = 0;
		} else {
			loadMaterial(i, 0);
		ms.seek(4, SEEK_CUR);

	ms.seek(4, SEEK_CUR);

コード例 #2
ファイル: saveload.cpp プロジェクト: AlbanBedel/scummvm
bool CGE2Engine::loadGame(int slotNumber) {
	Common::MemoryReadStream *readStream;

	// Open up the savegame file
	Common::String slotName = generateSaveName(slotNumber);
	Common::InSaveFile *saveFile = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading(slotName);

	// Read the data into a data buffer
	int size = saveFile->size();
	byte *dataBuffer = (byte *)malloc(size);
	saveFile->read(dataBuffer, size);
	readStream = new Common::MemoryReadStream(dataBuffer, size, DisposeAfterUse::YES);
	delete saveFile;

	// Check to see if it's a ScummVM savegame or not
	char buffer[kSavegameStrSize + 1];
	readStream->read(buffer, kSavegameStrSize + 1);

	if (strncmp(buffer, kSavegameStr, kSavegameStrSize + 1) != 0) {
		delete readStream;
		return false;
	} else {
		SavegameHeader saveHeader;

		if (!readSavegameHeader(readStream, saveHeader)) {
			delete readStream;
			return false;

		// Delete the thumbnail
		delete saveHeader.thumbnail;


	// Get in the savegame
	syncGame(readStream, nullptr);
	delete readStream;


	return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: console.cpp プロジェクト: moshverhavikk/grim_mouse
bool Console::Cmd_Extract(int argc, const char **argv) {
	if (argc != 5) {
		DebugPrintf("Extract a file from the game's archives\n");
		DebugPrintf("Usage :\n");
		DebugPrintf("extract [room] [node id] [face number] [object type]\n");
		return true;

	// Room names are uppercase
	Common::String room = Common::String(argv[1]);

	uint16 id = atoi(argv[2]);
	uint16 face = atoi(argv[3]);
	DirectorySubEntry::ResourceType type = (DirectorySubEntry::ResourceType) atoi(argv[4]);

	const DirectorySubEntry *desc = _vm->getFileDescription(room.c_str(), id, face, type);

	if (!desc) {
		DebugPrintf("File with room %s, id %d, face %d and type %d does not exist\n", room.c_str(), id, face, type);
		return true;

	Common::MemoryReadStream *s = desc->getData();
	Common::String filename = Common::String::format("node%s_%d_face%d.%d", room.c_str(), id, face, type);
	Common::DumpFile f;

	uint8 *buf = new uint8[s->size()];

	s->read(buf, s->size());
	f.write(buf, s->size());

	delete[] buf;


	delete s;

	DebugPrintf("File '%s' successfully written\n", filename.c_str());

	return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: resource.cpp プロジェクト: AReim1982/scummvm
void PictureResource::loadRaw(byte *source, int size) {
	// Loads a "raw" picture as used in RtZ, LGoP2, Manhole:N&E and Rodney's Funscreen

	Common::MemoryReadStream *sourceS = new Common::MemoryReadStream(source, size);

	_hasPalette = (sourceS->readByte() != 0);
	byte cmdFlags = sourceS->readByte();
	byte pixelFlags = sourceS->readByte();
	byte maskFlags = sourceS->readByte();
	uint16 cmdOffs = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 pixelOffs = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 maskOffs = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 lineSize = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	/*uint16 u = */sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 width = sourceS->readUint16LE();
	uint16 height = sourceS->readUint16LE();

	if (cmdFlags || pixelFlags || maskFlags) {
		warning("PictureResource::loadRaw() Graphic has flags set (%d, %d, %d)", cmdFlags, pixelFlags, maskFlags);

	_paletteColorCount = (cmdOffs - 18) / 3; // 18 = sizeof header

	debug(2, "width = %d; height = %d\n", width, height);

	if (_hasPalette) {
		_picturePalette = new byte[_paletteColorCount * 3];
		sourceS->read(_picturePalette, _paletteColorCount * 3);

	_picture = new Graphics::Surface();
	_picture->create(width, height, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());

	decompressImage(source, *_picture, cmdOffs, pixelOffs, maskOffs, lineSize, cmdFlags, pixelFlags, maskFlags);

	delete sourceS;

コード例 #5
ファイル: cge_main.cpp プロジェクト: MaddTheSane/scummvm
bool CGEEngine::loadGame(int slotNumber, SavegameHeader *header, bool tiny) {
	debugC(1, kCGEDebugEngine, "CGEEngine::loadgame(%d, header, %s)", slotNumber, tiny ? "true" : "false");

	Common::MemoryReadStream *readStream;
	SavegameHeader saveHeader;

	if (slotNumber == -1) {
		// Loading the data for the initial game state
		EncryptedStream file = EncryptedStream(this, kSavegame0Name);
		int size = file.size();
		byte *dataBuffer = (byte *)malloc(size);
		file.read(dataBuffer, size);
		readStream = new Common::MemoryReadStream(dataBuffer, size, DisposeAfterUse::YES);

	} else {
		// Open up the savegame file
		Common::String slotName = generateSaveName(slotNumber);
		Common::InSaveFile *saveFile = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading(slotName);

		// Read the data into a data buffer
		int size = saveFile->size();
		byte *dataBuffer = (byte *)malloc(size);
		saveFile->read(dataBuffer, size);
		readStream = new Common::MemoryReadStream(dataBuffer, size, DisposeAfterUse::YES);
		delete saveFile;

	// Check to see if it's a ScummVM savegame or not
	char buffer[kSavegameStrSize + 1];
	readStream->read(buffer, kSavegameStrSize + 1);

	if (strncmp(buffer, savegameStr, kSavegameStrSize + 1) != 0) {
		// It's not, so rewind back to the start

		if (header)
			// Header wanted where none exists, so return false
			return false;
	} else {
		// Found header
		if (!readSavegameHeader(readStream, saveHeader)) {
			delete readStream;
			return false;

		if (header) {
			*header = saveHeader;
			delete readStream;
			return true;

		// Delete the thumbnail
		delete saveHeader.thumbnail;

	// Get in the savegame
	syncGame(readStream, NULL, tiny);

	delete readStream;
	return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: resource.cpp プロジェクト: AReim1982/scummvm
void PictureResource::loadChunked(byte *source, int size) {
	// Loads a "chunked" picture as used in Manhole EGA

	Common::MemoryReadStream *sourceS = new Common::MemoryReadStream(source, size);

	byte cmdFlags = 0, pixelFlags = 0, maskFlags = 0;
	uint16 cmdOffs = 0, pixelOffs = 0, maskOffs = 0;
	uint16 lineSize = 0, width = 0, height = 0;

	sourceS->skip(36); // skip the "Flex" header

	_hasPalette = false;

	while (!sourceS->eos()) {

		uint32 chunkType = sourceS->readUint32BE();
		uint32 chunkSize = sourceS->readUint32BE();

		if (sourceS->eos())

		debug(0, "chunkType = %08X; chunkSize = %d", chunkType, chunkSize);

		if (chunkType == MKTAG('R','e','c','t')) {
			debug(0, "Rect");
			height = sourceS->readUint16BE();
			width = sourceS->readUint16BE();
			debug(0, "width = %d; height = %d", width, height);
		} else if (chunkType == MKTAG('f','M','a','p')) {
			debug(0, "fMap");
			lineSize = sourceS->readUint16BE();
			cmdFlags = sourceS->readByte();
			cmdOffs = sourceS->pos();
			sourceS->skip(chunkSize - 14);
			debug(0, "lineSize = %d; cmdFlags = %d; cmdOffs = %04X", lineSize, cmdFlags, cmdOffs);
		} else if (chunkType == MKTAG('f','L','C','o')) {
			debug(0, "fLCo");
			pixelFlags = sourceS->readByte();
			pixelOffs = sourceS->pos();
			sourceS->skip(chunkSize - 10);
			debug(0, "pixelFlags = %d; pixelOffs = %04X", pixelFlags, pixelOffs);
		} else if (chunkType == MKTAG('f','P','i','x')) {
			debug(0, "fPix");
			maskFlags = sourceS->readByte();
			maskOffs = sourceS->pos();
			sourceS->skip(chunkSize - 10);
			debug(0, "maskFlags = %d; maskOffs = %04X", maskFlags, maskOffs);
		} else if (chunkType == MKTAG('f','G','C','o')) {
			debug(0, "fGCo");
			_hasPalette = true;
			_paletteColorCount = chunkSize / 3;
			_picturePalette = new byte[_paletteColorCount * 3];
			sourceS->read(_picturePalette, _paletteColorCount * 3);
		} else {
			error("PictureResource::loadChunked() Invalid chunk %08X at %08X", chunkType, sourceS->pos());


	if (!cmdOffs || !pixelOffs /*|| !maskOffs*/ || !lineSize || !width || !height) {
		error("PictureResource::loadChunked() Error parsing the picture data, one or more chunks/parameters are missing");

	_picture = new Graphics::Surface();
	_picture->create(width, height, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8());

	decompressImage(source, *_picture, cmdOffs, pixelOffs, maskOffs, lineSize, cmdFlags, pixelFlags, maskFlags);

	delete sourceS;

コード例 #7
ファイル: costume.cpp プロジェクト: ncrookston/residual
void Costume::loadEMI(Common::MemoryReadStream &ms, Costume *prevCost) {
    Common::List<Component *>components;

    _numChores = ms.readUint32LE();
    _chores = new Chore[_numChores];
    for (int i = 0; i < _numChores; i++) {
        uint32 nameLength;
        Component *prevComponent = NULL;
        nameLength = ms.readUint32LE();
        ms.read(_chores[i]._name, nameLength);
        float length;
        ms.read(&length, 4);
        _chores[i]._length = (int)length;

        _chores[i]._owner = this;
        _chores[i]._numTracks = ms.readUint32LE();
        _chores[i]._tracks = new ChoreTrack[_chores[i]._numTracks];

        for (int k = 0; k < _chores[i]._numTracks; k++) {
            int componentNameLength = ms.readUint32LE();
            assert(componentNameLength < 64);

            char name[64];
            ms.read(name, componentNameLength);

            int parentID = ms.readUint32LE();
            if (parentID == -1 && prevCost) {
                MainModelComponent *mmc;

                // However, only the first item can actually share the
                // node hierarchy with the previous costume, so flag
                // that component so it knows what to do
                if (i == 0)
                    parentID = -2;
                prevComponent = prevCost->_components[0];
                mmc = dynamic_cast<MainModelComponent *>(prevComponent);
                // Make sure that the component is valid
                if (!mmc)
                    prevComponent = NULL;
            // Actually load the appropriate component
            Component *component = loadComponentEMI(parentID < 0 ? NULL : _components[parentID], parentID, name, prevComponent);

            //Component *component = loadComponentEMI(name, parent);


            ChoreTrack &track = _chores[i]._tracks[k];
            track.numKeys = ms.readUint32LE();
            track.keys = new TrackKey[track.numKeys];

            // this is probably wrong
            track.compID = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < track.numKeys; j++) {
                float time, value;
                ms.read(&time, 4);
                ms.read(&value, 4);
                track.keys[j].time = (int)time;
                track.keys[j].value = (int)value;

    _numComponents = components.size();
    _components = new Component *[_numComponents];
    int i = 0;
    for (Common::List<Component *>::iterator it = components.begin(); it != components.end(); ++it, ++i) {
        _components[i] = *it;
        if (!_components[i])
コード例 #8
ファイル: resource_he.cpp プロジェクト: Templier/scummvm-test
int Win32ResExtractor::convertIcons(byte *data, int datasize, byte **cursor, int *w, int *h,
			int *hotspot_x, int *hotspot_y, int *keycolor, byte **pal, int *palSize) {
	Win32CursorIconFileDir dir;
	Win32CursorIconFileDirEntry *entries = NULL;
	uint32 offset;
	uint32 c, d;
	int completed;
	int matched = 0;
	Common::MemoryReadStream *in = new Common::MemoryReadStream(data, datasize);

	if (!in->read(&dir, sizeof(Win32CursorIconFileDir)- sizeof(Win32CursorIconFileDirEntry)))
		goto cleanup;

	if (dir.reserved != 0) {
		error("not an icon or cursor file (reserved non-zero)");
		goto cleanup;
	if (dir.type != 1 && dir.type != 2) {
		error("not an icon or cursor file (wrong type)");
		goto cleanup;

	entries = (Win32CursorIconFileDirEntry *)malloc(dir.count * sizeof(Win32CursorIconFileDirEntry));
	for (c = 0; c < dir.count; c++) {
		if (!in->read(&entries[c], sizeof(Win32CursorIconFileDirEntry)))
			goto cleanup;
		if (entries[c].reserved != 0)
			error("reserved is not zero");

	offset = sizeof(Win32CursorIconFileDir) + (dir.count - 1) * (sizeof(Win32CursorIconFileDirEntry));

	for (completed = 0; completed < dir.count; ) {
		uint32 min_offset = 0x7fffffff;
		int previous = completed;

		for (c = 0; c < dir.count; c++) {
			if (entries[c].dib_offset == offset) {
				Win32BitmapInfoHeader bitmap;
				Win32RGBQuad *palette = NULL;
				uint32 palette_count = 0;
				uint32 image_size, mask_size;
				uint32 width, height;
				byte *image_data = NULL, *mask_data = NULL;
				byte *row = NULL;

				if (!in->read(&bitmap, sizeof(Win32BitmapInfoHeader)))
					goto local_cleanup;

				if (bitmap.size < sizeof(Win32BitmapInfoHeader)) {
					error("bitmap header is too short");
					goto local_cleanup;
				if (bitmap.compression != 0) {
					error("compressed image data not supported");
					goto local_cleanup;
				if (bitmap.x_pels_per_meter != 0)
					error("x_pels_per_meter field in bitmap should be zero");
				if (bitmap.y_pels_per_meter != 0)
					error("y_pels_per_meter field in bitmap should be zero");
				if (bitmap.clr_important != 0)
					error("clr_important field in bitmap should be zero");
				if (bitmap.planes != 1)
					error("planes field in bitmap should be one");
				if (bitmap.size != sizeof(Win32BitmapInfoHeader)) {
					uint32 skip = bitmap.size - sizeof(Win32BitmapInfoHeader);
					error("skipping %d bytes of extended bitmap header", skip);
					in->seek(skip, SEEK_CUR);
				offset += bitmap.size;

				if (bitmap.clr_used != 0 || bitmap.bit_count < 24) {
					palette_count = (bitmap.clr_used != 0 ? bitmap.clr_used : 1 << bitmap.bit_count);
					palette = (Win32RGBQuad *)malloc(sizeof(Win32RGBQuad) * palette_count);
					if (!in->read(palette, sizeof(Win32RGBQuad) * palette_count))
						goto local_cleanup;
					offset += sizeof(Win32RGBQuad) * palette_count;

				width = bitmap.width;
				height = ABS(bitmap.height)/2;

				image_size = height * ROW_BYTES(width * bitmap.bit_count);
				mask_size = height * ROW_BYTES(width);

				if (entries[c].dib_size	!= bitmap.size + image_size + mask_size + palette_count * sizeof(Win32RGBQuad))
					debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "incorrect total size of bitmap (%d specified; %d real)",
						(int)(bitmap.size + image_size + mask_size + palette_count * sizeof(Win32RGBQuad))

				image_data = (byte *)malloc(image_size);
				if (!in->read(image_data, image_size))
					goto local_cleanup;

				mask_data = (byte *)malloc(mask_size);
				if (!in->read(mask_data, mask_size))
					goto local_cleanup;

				offset += image_size;
				offset += mask_size;

				*hotspot_x = entries[c].hotspot_x;
				*hotspot_y = entries[c].hotspot_y;
				*w = width;
				*h = height;
				*keycolor = 0;
				*cursor = (byte *)malloc(width * height);

				row = (byte *)malloc(width * 4);

				for (d = 0; d < height; d++) {
					uint32 x;
					uint32 y = (bitmap.height < 0 ? d : height - d - 1);
					uint32 imod = y * (image_size / height) * 8 / bitmap.bit_count;
					uint32 mmod = y * (mask_size / height) * 8;

					for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {

						uint32 color = simple_vec(image_data, x + imod, bitmap.bit_count);

						// We set up cursor palette for default cursor, so use it
						if (!simple_vec(mask_data, x + mmod, 1)) {
							if (color) {
								cursor[0][width * d + x] = 254; // white
							} else {
								cursor[0][width * d + x] = 253; // black
						} else {
							cursor[0][width * d + x] = 255; // transparent

						if (bitmap.bit_count <= 16) {
							if (color >= palette_count) {
								error("color out of range in image data");
								goto local_cleanup;
							row[4*x+0] = palette[color].red;
							row[4*x+1] = palette[color].green;
							row[4*x+2] = palette[color].blue;

						} else {
							row[4*x+0] = (color >> 16) & 0xFF;
							row[4*x+1] = (color >>  8) & 0xFF;
							row[4*x+2] = (color >>  0) & 0xFF;
						if (bitmap.bit_count == 32)
							row[4*x+3] = (color >> 24) & 0xFF;
							row[4*x+3] = simple_vec(mask_data, x + mmod, 1) ? 0 : 0xFF;


				if (image_data != NULL) {


				if (image_data != NULL) {
				goto cleanup;
			} else {
				if (entries[c].dib_offset > offset)
					min_offset = MIN(min_offset, entries[c].dib_offset);

		if (previous == completed) {
			if (min_offset < offset) {
				error("offset of bitmap header incorrect (too low)");
				goto cleanup;
			assert(min_offset != 0x7fffffff);
			debugC(DEBUG_RESOURCE, "skipping %d bytes of garbage at %d", min_offset-offset, offset);
			in->seek(min_offset - offset, SEEK_CUR);
			offset = min_offset;

	return matched;


	return -1;