void Frame::readPaletteInfo(Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian &stream) { _palette->firstColor = stream.readByte(); _palette->lastColor = stream.readByte(); _palette->flags = stream.readByte(); _palette->speed = stream.readByte(); _palette->frameCount = stream.readUint16(); stream.skip(8); //unknown }
void DECFile::loadPart(Part &part, Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian &dec) { part.layer = dec.readByte() - 1; part.part = dec.readByte(); dec.skip(1); // Unknown part.x = dec.readUint16(); part.y = dec.readUint16(); part.transp = dec.readByte() != 0; }
void LBGraphics::setPalette(uint16 id) { // Old Living Books games use the old CTBL-style palette format while newer // games use the better tPAL format which can store partial palettes. if (_vm->isPreMohawk()) { Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *ctblStream = _vm->wrapStreamEndian(ID_CTBL, id); uint16 colorCount = ctblStream->readUint16(); byte *palette = new byte[colorCount * 3]; for (uint16 i = 0; i < colorCount; i++) { palette[i * 3 + 0] = ctblStream->readByte(); palette[i * 3 + 1] = ctblStream->readByte(); palette[i * 3 + 2] = ctblStream->readByte(); ctblStream->readByte(); } delete ctblStream; _vm->_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(palette, 0, colorCount); delete[] palette; } else { GraphicsManager::setPalette(id); } }
void Frame::renderText(Graphics::ManagedSurface &surface, uint16 spriteID) { uint16 castID = _sprites[spriteID]->_castId; TextCast *textCast = static_cast<TextCast *>(_vm->_currentScore->_casts[castID]); Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *textStream; if (_vm->_currentScore->_movieArchive->hasResource(MKTAG('S','T','X','T'), castID + 1024)) { textStream = _vm->_currentScore->_movieArchive->getResource(MKTAG('S','T','X','T'), castID + 1024); } else { textStream = _vm->getSharedSTXT()->getVal(spriteID + 1024); } /*uint32 unk1 = */ textStream->readUint32(); uint32 strLen = textStream->readUint32(); /*uin32 dataLen = */ textStream->readUint32(); Common::String text; for (uint32 i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { byte ch = textStream->readByte(); if (ch == 0x0d) { ch = '\n'; } text += ch; } uint32 rectLeft = static_cast<TextCast *>(_sprites[spriteID]->_cast)->initialRect.left; uint32 rectTop = static_cast<TextCast *>(_sprites[spriteID]->_cast)->initialRect.top; int x = _sprites[spriteID]->_startPoint.x + rectLeft; int y = _sprites[spriteID]->_startPoint.y + rectTop; int height = _sprites[spriteID]->_height; int width = _sprites[spriteID]->_width; const char *fontName; if (_vm->_currentScore->_fontMap.contains(textCast->fontId)) { fontName = _vm->_currentScore->_fontMap[textCast->fontId].c_str(); } else if ((fontName = _vm->_wm->getFontName(textCast->fontId, textCast->fontSize)) == NULL) { warning("Unknown font id %d, falling back to default", textCast->fontId); fontName = _vm->_wm->getFontName(0, 12); } const Graphics::Font *font = _vm->_wm->getFont(fontName, Graphics::FontManager::kBigGUIFont); font->drawString(&surface, text, x, y, width, 0); if (textCast->borderSize != kSizeNone) { uint16 size = textCast->borderSize; //Indent from borders, measured in d4 x -= 1; y -= 4; height += 4; width += 1; while (size) { surface.frameRect(Common::Rect(x, y, x + height, y + width), 0); x--; y--; height += 2; width += 2; size--; } } if (textCast->gutterSize != kSizeNone) { x -= 1; y -= 4; height += 4; width += 1; uint16 size = textCast->gutterSize; surface.frameRect(Common::Rect(x, y, x + height, y + width), 0); while (size) { surface.drawLine(x + width, y, x + width, y + height, 0); surface.drawLine(x, y + height, x + width, y + height, 0); x++; y++; size--; } } }
void Frame::readSprite(Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian &stream, uint16 offset, uint16 size) { uint16 spritePosition = (offset - 32) / 16; uint16 spriteStart = spritePosition * 16 + 32; uint16 fieldPosition = offset - spriteStart; uint16 finishPosition = fieldPosition + size; Sprite &sprite = *_sprites[spritePosition]; while (fieldPosition < finishPosition) { switch (fieldPosition) { case kSpritePositionUnk1: /*byte x1 = */ stream.readByte(); fieldPosition++; break; case kSpritePositionEnabled: sprite._enabled = (stream.readByte() != 0); fieldPosition++; break; case kSpritePositionUnk2: /*byte x2 = */ stream.readUint16(); fieldPosition += 2; break; case kSpritePositionFlags: sprite._flags = stream.readUint16(); sprite._ink = static_cast<InkType>(sprite._flags & 0x3f); if (sprite._flags & 0x40) sprite._trails = 1; else sprite._trails = 0; fieldPosition += 2; break; case kSpritePositionCastId: sprite._castId = stream.readUint16(); fieldPosition += 2; break; case kSpritePositionY: sprite._startPoint.y = stream.readUint16(); fieldPosition += 2; break; case kSpritePositionX: sprite._startPoint.x = stream.readUint16(); fieldPosition += 2; break; case kSpritePositionWidth: sprite._width = stream.readUint16(); fieldPosition += 2; break; case kSpritePositionHeight: sprite._height = stream.readUint16(); fieldPosition += 2; break; default: //end cycle, go to next sprite channel readSprite(stream, spriteStart + 16, finishPosition - fieldPosition); fieldPosition = finishPosition; break; } } }
void Frame::readMainChannels(Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian &stream, uint16 offset, uint16 size) { uint16 finishPosition = offset + size; while (offset < finishPosition) { switch(offset) { case kScriptIdPosition: _actionId = stream.readByte(); offset++; break; case kSoundType1Position: _soundType1 = stream.readByte(); offset++; break; case kTransFlagsPosition: { uint8 transFlags = stream.readByte(); if (transFlags & 0x80) _transArea = 1; else _transArea = 0; _transDuration = transFlags & 0x7f; offset++; } break; case kTransChunkSizePosition: _transChunkSize = stream.readByte(); offset++; break; case kTempoPosition: _tempo = stream.readByte(); offset++; break; case kTransTypePosition: _transType = static_cast<TransitionType>(stream.readByte()); offset++; break; case kSound1Position: _sound1 = stream.readUint16(); offset+=2; break; case kSkipFrameFlagsPosition: _skipFrameFlag = stream.readByte(); offset++; break; case kBlendPosition: _blend = stream.readByte(); offset++; break; case kSound2Position: _sound2 = stream.readUint16(); offset += 2; break; case kSound2TypePosition: _soundType2 = stream.readByte(); offset += 1; break; case kPaletePosition: if (stream.readUint16()) readPaletteInfo(stream); offset += 16; break; default: offset++; stream.readByte(); debugC(kDebugLoading, "Frame::readMainChannels: Field Position %d, Finish Position %d", offset, finishPosition); break; } } }
Stxt::Stxt(Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian &textStream) { // TODO: Side effects on textStream make this a little hard to understand in context? uint32 unk1 = textStream.readUint32(); uint32 strLen = textStream.readUint32(); uint32 dataLen = textStream.readUint32(); Common::String text; for (uint32 i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { byte ch = textStream.readByte(); if (ch == 0x0d) { ch = '\n'; } text += ch; } debugC(3, kDebugText, "Stxt init: unk1: %d strLen: %d dataLen: %d textlen: %u", unk1, strLen, dataLen, text.size()); if (strLen < 200) debugC(3, kDebugText, "text: '%s'", text.c_str()); uint16 formattingCount = textStream.readUint16(); uint32 prevPos = 0; while (formattingCount) { uint32 formatStartOffset = textStream.readUint32(); uint16 unk1f = textStream.readUint16(); uint16 unk2f = textStream.readUint16(); _fontId = textStream.readUint16(); _textSlant = textStream.readByte(); byte unk3f = textStream.readByte(); _fontSize = textStream.readUint16(); _palinfo1 = textStream.readUint16(); _palinfo2 = textStream.readUint16(); _palinfo3 = textStream.readUint16(); debugC(3, kDebugText, "Stxt init: formattingCount: %u, formatStartOffset: %d, unk1: %d unk2: %d, fontId: %d, textSlant: %d", formattingCount, formatStartOffset, unk1f, unk2f, _fontId, _textSlant); debugC(3, kDebugText, " unk3: %d, fontSize: %d, p0: %x p1: %x p2: %x", unk3f, _fontSize, _palinfo1, _palinfo2, _palinfo3); assert(prevPos <= formatStartOffset); // If this is triggered, we have to implement sorting while (prevPos != formatStartOffset) { char f = text.firstChar(); _ftext += text.firstChar(); text.deleteChar(0); if (f == '\001') // Insert two \001s as a replacement _ftext += '\001'; prevPos++; debugCN(4, kDebugText, "%c", f); } debugCN(4, kDebugText, "*"); _ftext += Common::String::format("\001\015%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", (_fontId >> 8) & 0xff, _fontId & 0xff, _textSlant & 0xff, unk3f & 0xff, (_fontSize >> 8) & 0xff, _fontSize & 0xff, (_palinfo1 >> 8) & 0xff, _palinfo1 & 0xff, (_palinfo2 >> 8) & 0xff, _palinfo2 & 0xff, (_palinfo3 >> 8) & 0xff, _palinfo3 & 0xff); formattingCount--; } debugC(4, kDebugText, "%s", text.c_str()); _ftext += text; }