コード例 #1
ファイル: roomstruct.cpp プロジェクト: Sledgy/ags
void load_room(const char *files, roomstruct *rstruc, bool gameIsHighRes) {
  Common::Stream *opty; // CHECKME why "opty"??
  room_file_header  rfh;
  int i;

  if (rstruc->scripts != NULL) {
    rstruc->scripts = NULL;

  if (!rstruc->compiled_script_shared)
    delete rstruc->compiled_script;
  rstruc->compiled_script = NULL;
  rstruc->compiled_script_shared = false;

  if (rstruc->num_bscenes > 1) {
    int ff;

    for (ff = 1; ff < rstruc->num_bscenes; ff++) {
      delete rstruc->ebscene[ff];
      rstruc->ebscene[ff] = NULL;

  rstruc->num_bscenes = 1;
  rstruc->bscene_anim_speed = 5;
  memset (&rstruc->objectnames[0][0], 0, MAX_INIT_SPR * MAXOBJNAMELEN);
  memset (&rstruc->objectscriptnames[0][0], 0, MAX_INIT_SPR * MAX_SCRIPT_NAME_LEN);
  memset (&rstruc->regionLightLevel[0], 0, sizeof(short) * MAX_REGIONS);
  memset (&rstruc->regionTintLevel[0], 0, sizeof(int) * MAX_REGIONS);

  for (i = 0; i <= MAX_WALK_AREAS; i++) {
    rstruc->walk_area_zoom2[i] = NOT_VECTOR_SCALED;
    rstruc->walk_area_top[i] = -1;
    rstruc->walk_area_bottom[i] = -1;

  for (i = 0; i < rstruc->numhotspots; i++)
  for (i = 0; i < rstruc->numsprs; i++)

  if (rstruc->roomScripts != NULL) 
	  delete rstruc->roomScripts;
	  rstruc->roomScripts = NULL;
  if (rstruc->hotspotScripts != NULL)
	  for (i = 0; i < rstruc->numhotspots; i++)
		  delete rstruc->hotspotScripts[i];
	  delete[] rstruc->hotspotScripts;
	  rstruc->hotspotScripts = NULL;
  if (rstruc->objectScripts != NULL)
	  for (i = 0; i < rstruc->numsprs; i++)
		  delete rstruc->objectScripts[i];
	  delete[] rstruc->objectScripts;
	  rstruc->objectScripts = NULL;
  if (rstruc->regionScripts != NULL)
	  for (i = 0; i < rstruc->numRegions; i++)
		  delete rstruc->regionScripts[i];
	  delete[] rstruc->regionScripts;
	  rstruc->regionScripts = NULL;

  if (rstruc->localvars != NULL)
    free (rstruc->localvars);
  rstruc->localvars = NULL;
  rstruc->numLocalVars = 0;

  memset(&rstruc->ebpalShared[0], 0, MAX_BSCENE);


  opty = Common::AssetManager::OpenAsset(files);
  if (opty == NULL) {
    char errbuffr[500];
    sprintf(errbuffr,"Load_room: Unable to load the room file '%s'\n"
      "Make sure that you saved the room to the correct folder (it should be\n"
      "in your game's sub-folder of the AGS directory).\n"
      "Also check that the player character's starting room is set correctly.\n",files);
  update_polled_stuff_if_runtime();  // it can take a while to load the file sometimes

  rstruc->wasversion = rfh.version;

  if (load_room_is_version_bad(rstruc))
    delete opty;
    quit("Load_Room: Bad packed file. Either the file requires a newer or older version of\n"
      "this program or the file is corrupt.\n");

  int   thisblock = 0;
  int   bloklen;

  while (thisblock != BLOCKTYPE_EOF) {
    thisblock = opty->ReadByte();

    if (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_EOF)

    bloklen = opty->ReadInt32();
    bloklen += opty->GetPosition();  // make it the new position for after block read

    if (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_MAIN)
      load_main_block(rstruc, files, opty, rfh);
    else if (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_SCRIPT) {
      int   lee;
      int   hh;

      lee = opty->ReadInt32();
      rstruc->scripts = (char *)malloc(lee + 5);
      // MACPORT FIX: swap
      opty->Read(rstruc->scripts, lee);
      rstruc->scripts[lee] = 0;

      for (hh = 0; hh < lee; hh++)
        rstruc->scripts[hh] += passwencstring[hh % 11];
    else if (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_COMPSCRIPT3) {
      rstruc->compiled_script = ccScript::CreateFromStream(opty);
      rstruc->compiled_script_shared = false;
      if (rstruc->compiled_script == NULL)
        quit("Load_room: Script load failed; need newer version?");
    else if ((thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_COMPSCRIPT) || (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_COMPSCRIPT2))
      rstruc->compiled_script = NULL;
      quit("Load_room: old room format. Please upgrade the room.");
    else if (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_OBJECTNAMES) {
      if (opty->ReadByte() != rstruc->numsprs)
        quit("Load_room: inconsistent blocks for object names");

      opty->ReadArray(&rstruc->objectnames[0][0], MAXOBJNAMELEN, rstruc->numsprs);
    else if (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_OBJECTSCRIPTNAMES) {
      if (opty->ReadByte() != rstruc->numsprs)
        quit("Load_room: inconsistent blocks for object script names");

      opty->ReadArray(&rstruc->objectscriptnames[0][0], MAX_SCRIPT_NAME_LEN, rstruc->numsprs);
    else if (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_ANIMBKGRND) {
      int   ct;
      long  fpos;

      rstruc->num_bscenes = opty->ReadByte();
      rstruc->bscene_anim_speed = opty->ReadByte();

      if (rfh.version >= kRoomVersion_255a)
        opty->Read(&rstruc->ebpalShared[0], rstruc->num_bscenes);
        memset (&rstruc->ebpalShared[0], 0, rstruc->num_bscenes);

      fpos = opty->GetPosition();
//        fclose(opty);

      for (ct = 1; ct < rstruc->num_bscenes; ct++) {
//          fpos = load_lzw(files,rstruc->ebscene[ct],rstruc->pal,fpos);
        fpos = load_lzw(opty, rstruc->ebscene[ct], rstruc->bpalettes[ct]);
        rstruc->ebscene[ct] = recalced;
//        opty = Common::AssetManager::OpenAsset(files, "rb");
//        Seek(opty, fpos, SEEK_SET);
    else if (thisblock == BLOCKTYPE_PROPERTIES) {
      // Read custom properties
      if (opty->ReadInt32() != 1)
        quit("LoadRoom: unknown Custom Properties Bitmap *encounreted");

      int errors = 0, gg;

      if (rstruc->roomProps.UnSerialize (opty))
        quit("LoadRoom: error reading custom properties Bitmap *");

      for (gg = 0; gg < rstruc->numhotspots; gg++)
        errors += rstruc->hsProps[gg].UnSerialize (opty);
      for (gg = 0; gg < rstruc->numsprs; gg++)
        errors += rstruc->objProps[gg].UnSerialize (opty);

      if (errors > 0)
        quit("LoadRoom: errors encountered reading custom props");
    else if (thisblock == -1)
      delete opty;
      quit("LoadRoom: unexpected end of file while loading room");
    else {
      char  tempbfr[90];
      sprintf(tempbfr, "LoadRoom: unknown block type %d encountered in '%s'", thisblock, files);

    // The GetPosition call below has caused crashes
    if (opty->GetPosition() != bloklen)
        opty->Seek(Common::kSeekBegin, bloklen);