void ConfigType::ValidateItem(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item) { /* Don't validate abstract items. */ if (item->IsAbstract()) return; Dictionary::Ptr attrs; DebugInfo debugInfo; String type, name; { ObjectLock olock(item); attrs = item->GetProperties(); debugInfo = item->GetDebugInfo(); type = item->GetType(); name = item->GetName(); } std::vector<String> locations; locations.push_back("Object '" + name + "' (Type: '" + type + "') at " + debugInfo.Path + ":" + Convert::ToString(debugInfo.FirstLine)); std::vector<TypeRuleList::Ptr> ruleLists; AddParentRules(ruleLists, GetSelf()); ruleLists.push_back(m_RuleList); ValidateDictionary(attrs, ruleLists, locations); }
bool ServiceGroup::EvaluateObjectRule(const Service::Ptr& service, const ConfigItem::Ptr& group) { String group_name = group->GetName(); CONTEXT("Evaluating rule for group '" + group_name + "'"); Host::Ptr host = service->GetHost(); ScriptFrame frame; if (group->GetScope()) group->GetScope()->CopyTo(frame.Locals); frame.Locals->Set("host", host); frame.Locals->Set("service", service); if (!group->GetFilter()->Evaluate(frame).GetValue().ToBool()) return false; Log(LogDebug, "ServiceGroup") << "Assigning membership for group '" << group_name << "' to service '" << service->GetName() << "'"; Array::Ptr groups = service->GetGroups(); groups->Add(group_name); return true; }
static Dictionary::Ptr GetTargetForTemplate(const ConfigItem::Ptr& item) { Dictionary::Ptr target = new Dictionary(); target->Set("name", item->GetName()); target->Set("type", item->GetType()); return target; }
bool UserGroup::EvaluateObjectRule(const User::Ptr& user, const ConfigItem::Ptr& group) { String group_name = group->GetName(); CONTEXT("Evaluating rule for group '" + group_name + "'"); ScriptFrame frame; if (group->GetScope()) group->GetScope()->CopyTo(frame.Locals); frame.Locals->Set("user", user); if (!group->GetFilter()->Evaluate(frame).GetValue().ToBool()) return false; Log(LogDebug, "UserGroup") << "Assigning membership for group '" << group_name << "' to user '" << user->GetName() << "'"; Array::Ptr groups = user->GetGroups(); groups->Add(group_name); return true; }
bool HostGroup::EvaluateObjectRule(const Host::Ptr& host, const ConfigItem::Ptr& group) { String groupName = group->GetName(); CONTEXT("Evaluating rule for group '" + groupName + "'"); ScriptFrame frame(true); if (group->GetScope()) group->GetScope()->CopyTo(frame.Locals); frame.Locals->Set("host", host); if (!group->GetFilter()->Evaluate(frame).GetValue().ToBool()) return false; Log(LogDebug, "HostGroup") << "Assigning membership for group '" << groupName << "' to host '" << host->GetName() << "'"; Array::Ptr groups = host->GetGroups(); if (groups && !groups->Contains(groupName)) groups->Add(groupName); return true; }