コード例 #1
//! returns the directory part of a filename, i.e. all until the first
//! slash or backslash, excluding it. If no directory path is prefixed, a '.'
//! is returned.
core::string<c16> CFileSystem::getFileDir(const core::string<c16>& filename) const
	// find last forward or backslash
	s32 lastSlash = filename.findLast('/');
	const s32 lastBackSlash = filename.findLast('\\');
	lastSlash = lastSlash > lastBackSlash ? lastSlash : lastBackSlash;

	if ((u32)lastSlash < filename.size())
		return filename.subString(0, lastSlash);
		return ".";
コード例 #2
//! returns the base part of a filename, i.e. all except for the directory
//! part. If no directory path is prefixed, the full name is returned.
core::string<c16> CFileSystem::getFileBasename(const core::string<c16>& filename, bool keepExtension) const
	// find last forward or backslash
	s32 lastSlash = filename.findLast('/');
	const s32 lastBackSlash = filename.findLast('\\');
	lastSlash = core::max_(lastSlash, lastBackSlash);
	s32 end = 0;
	if (!keepExtension)
		end = filename.findLast('.');
		if (end == -1)
			end = filename.size()-end;

	if ((u32)lastSlash < filename.size())
		return filename.subString(lastSlash+1, filename.size()-lastSlash-1-end);
	else if (end != 0)
		return filename.subString(0, filename.size()-end);
		return filename;