DaemonConfig::DaemonConfig(std::string config_file, std::string config_defaults_file) { CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetMultiKey(); ini.LoadFile(config_file.c_str()); CSimpleIniA defaultIni; defaultIni.SetMultiKey(); defaultIni.LoadFile(config_defaults_file.c_str()); // Stream will only be in the user override config, never in the defaults CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend values; ini.GetAllValues("daemon", "stream", values); // sort the values into the original load order values.sort(CSimpleIniA::Entry::LoadOrder()); // output all of the items CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for (i = values.begin(); i != values.end(); ++i) { stream_urls.push_back(i->pItem); } country = getString(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "country", "us"); topn = getInt(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "topn", 20); storePlates = getBoolean(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "store_plates", false); imageFolder = getString(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "store_plates_location", "/tmp/"); uploadData = getBoolean(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "upload_data", false); upload_url = getString(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "upload_address", ""); company_id = getString(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "company_id", ""); site_id = getString(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "site_id", ""); pattern = getString(&ini, &defaultIni, "daemon", "pattern", ""); }
vector<string> cConfigItem::getValuesFromConfigFile(CSimpleIniA *ini) { vector<string> list_values; CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend values; if(ini->GetAllValues("general", config_name.c_str(), values)) { CSimpleIni::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i = values.begin(); initBeforeSet(); for (; i != values.end(); ++i) { list_values.push_back(i->pItem); } } return(list_values); }
inline std::map<std::string,std::string> getMap(const std::string& obj) { using namespace std; _guard g(m); map<std::string,std::string> res; CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend keys; ini.GetAllKeys(obj.c_str(), keys); CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for(i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) { const CSimpleIniA::SI_CHAR_T* _key = i->pItem; const CSimpleIniA::SI_CHAR_T* _val = ini.GetValue(obj.c_str(), _key, NULL); res[std::string(_key)] = std::string(_val); } return res; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Load & apply some settings //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MainClient::_loadGameSettings(void) { CSimpleIniA ini; if( ini.LoadFile("settings.ini") < 0 ){ throw "Could not open the settings file!"; } //Input .ini file settings info.debug = ini.GetBoolValue("Settings", "debug"); info.mapfile = ini.GetValue("Settings", "map"); info.demoFile = ini.GetValue("Settings", "demo"); info.demoPlay = ini.GetBoolValue("Settings", "play"); info.demoRecord = ini.GetBoolValue("Settings", "record"); info.texturefile = ini.GetValue("Settings", "textures"); info.fullscreen = ini.GetBoolValue("Window", "fullscreen"); info.window_width = ini.GetLongValue("Window", "width"); info.window_height = ini.GetLongValue("Window", "height"); info.cursorfile = ini.GetValue("Window", "cursor"); info.fpslimit = ini.GetLongValue("Graphics", "fpslimit"); info.frameskip = ini.GetLongValue("Graphics", "frameskip"); /* Load the weapon list */ CSimpleIniA weaponlist; weaponlist.LoadFile("assets/weaponlist.ini"); CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend keys; weaponlist.GetAllKeys("Weapons", keys); //Build Weapon definitions CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for(i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i){ //corresponds to the weapon select menu WeaponList.push_back(weaponlist.GetValue("Weapons", i->pItem)); { //Push back a weapon info object::Weapon::Info winfo; std::string path = WeaponList.back() + "/weapon.ini"; object::Weapon::Info::Load(path.c_str(), &winfo); WeaponInfo.push_back(winfo); } } } //void MainClient::_loadGameSettings(void)
ClassList<std::string> * Ini::keysinsection(std::string sec) { if(!hasSection(sec)) return NULL; CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend keys; ini.GetAllKeys(sec.c_str(), keys); ClassList<std::string> * ret = new ClassList<std::string>(); CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::iterator it; for ( it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++ ) ret->add(std::string(it->pItem)); return ret; }
void Configuration::GetConfigListS(std::string Name, std::map<std::string, std::filesystem::path> &Out, std::string DefaultKeyName) { CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend List; if (!Config) throw CfgNotLoaded; Config->GetAllKeys(Name.c_str(), List); if (!List.size() && DefaultKeyName != "") Config->SetValue(Name.c_str(), DefaultKeyName.c_str(), ""); for (CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::iterator i = List.begin(); i != List.end(); ++i) { if (Config->GetValue(Name.c_str(), i->pItem)) Out[std::string(i->pItem)] = Config->GetValue(Name.c_str(), i->pItem); } }
std::vector<float> getAllFloats(CSimpleIniA* ini, string section, string key) { CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend values; ini->GetAllValues(section.c_str(), key.c_str(), values); // sort the values into the original load order values.sort(CSimpleIniA::Entry::LoadOrder()); std::vector<float> response; // output all of the items CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for (i = values.begin(); i != values.end(); ++i) { response.push_back(atof(i->pItem)); } return response; }
void ZGWServer::createPushSocks() { assert( NULL != zmqContext_ ); CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend keys; ini_.GetAllKeys("backend", keys); CSimpleIni::TNamesDepend::const_iterator iter = keys.begin(); for (; iter != keys.end(); ++iter ) { std::string key = iter->pItem; size_t pos = key.find("push_service_"); if( pos == std::string::npos ) continue; std::string str_type = key.substr(pos + 13); assert( str_type.size() > 0 ); int service_type = atoi(str_type.c_str()); std::string service_endpoint = ini_.GetValue("backend", key.c_str(), ""); if( service_endpoint.size() == 0 ) { LOG_INFO << "类型为: " << service_type << "的进程组未设置地址"; continue; } void* pushSocket = zmq_socket(zmqContext_, ZMQ_PUSH); assert( NULL != pushSocket ); // 注意,PUSH端调用bind,如果PULL端没有connect上来,send调用会阻塞. // 为了让这种情况下send调用不阻塞并直接丢弃消息,需要在send时指定:ZMQ_DONTWAIT. int rc = zmq_bind(pushSocket, service_endpoint.c_str()); assert( rc == 0 ); pushSocks_[service_type] = pushSocket; LOG_INFO << "绑定PUSH Socket成功,类型: " << service_type << ", 地址: " << service_endpoint; } }
int main( int argc, const char** argv ) { daemon_active = true; bool noDaemon = false; bool clockOn = false; std::string logFile; int topn; std::string configFile; std::string country; TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("OpenAlpr Daemon", ' ', Alpr::getVersion()); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> countryCodeArg("c","country","Country code to identify (either us for USA or eu for Europe). Default=us",false, "us" ,"country_code"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> configFileArg("","config","Path to the openalpr.conf file.",false, "" ,"config_file"); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> topNArg("n","topn","Max number of possible plate numbers to return. Default=25",false, 25 ,"topN"); TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> logFileArg("l","log","Log file to write to. Default=" + DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH,false, DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH ,"topN"); TCLAP::SwitchArg daemonOffSwitch("f","foreground","Set this flag for debugging. Disables forking the process as a daemon and runs in the foreground. Default=off", cmd, false); TCLAP::SwitchArg clockSwitch("","clock","Display timing information to log. Default=off", cmd, false); try { cmd.add( countryCodeArg ); cmd.add( topNArg ); cmd.add( configFileArg ); cmd.add( logFileArg ); if (cmd.parse( argc, argv ) == false) { // Error occured while parsing. Exit now. return 1; } country = countryCodeArg.getValue(); configFile = configFileArg.getValue(); logFile = logFileArg.getValue(); topn = topNArg.getValue(); noDaemon = daemonOffSwitch.getValue(); clockOn = clockSwitch.getValue(); } catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e) // catch any exceptions { std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl; return 1; } log4cplus::BasicConfigurator config; config.configure(); if (noDaemon == false) { // Fork off into a separate daemon daemon(0, 0); log4cplus::SharedAppenderPtr myAppender(new log4cplus::RollingFileAppender(logFile)); myAppender->setName("alprd_appender"); // Redirect std out to log file logger = log4cplus::Logger::getInstance(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("alprd")); logger.addAppender(myAppender); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Running OpenALPR daemon in daemon mode."); } else { //log4cplus::SharedAppenderPtr myAppender(new log4cplus::ConsoleAppender()); //myAppender->setName("alprd_appender"); // Redirect std out to log file logger = log4cplus::Logger::getInstance(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("alprd")); //logger.addAppender(myAppender); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Running OpenALPR daemon in the foreground."); } CSimpleIniA ini; ini.SetMultiKey(); ini.LoadFile(DAEMON_CONFIG_FILE_PATH.c_str()); std::vector<std::string> stream_urls; CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend values; ini.GetAllValues("daemon", "stream", values); // sort the values into the original load order values.sort(CSimpleIniA::Entry::LoadOrder()); // output all of the items CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for (i = values.begin(); i != values.end(); ++i) { stream_urls.push_back(i->pItem); } if (stream_urls.size() == 0) { LOG4CPLUS_FATAL(logger, "No video streams defined in the configuration."); return 1; } bool storePlates = ini.GetBoolValue("daemon", "store_plates", false); std::string imageFolder = ini.GetValue("daemon", "store_plates_location", "/tmp/"); bool uploadData = ini.GetBoolValue("daemon", "upload_data", false); std::string upload_url = ini.GetValue("daemon", "upload_address", ""); std::string site_id = ini.GetValue("daemon", "site_id", ""); LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Using: " << imageFolder << " for storing valid plate images"); pid_t pid; for (int i = 0; i < stream_urls.size(); i++) { pid = fork(); if (pid == (pid_t) 0) { // This is the child process, kick off the capture data and upload threads CaptureThreadData* tdata = new CaptureThreadData(); tdata->stream_url = stream_urls[i]; tdata->camera_id = i + 1; tdata->config_file = configFile; tdata->output_images = storePlates; tdata->output_image_folder = imageFolder; tdata->country_code = country; tdata->site_id = site_id; tdata->top_n = topn; tdata->clock_on = clockOn; tthread::thread* thread_recognize = new tthread::thread(streamRecognitionThread, (void*) tdata); if (uploadData) { // Kick off the data upload thread UploadThreadData* udata = new UploadThreadData(); udata->upload_url = upload_url; tthread::thread* thread_upload = new tthread::thread(dataUploadThread, (void*) udata ); } break; } // Parent process will continue and spawn more children } while (daemon_active) { usleep(30000); } }
bool snippets( const char * a_pszFile, bool a_bIsUtf8, bool a_bUseMultiKey, bool a_bUseMultiLine ) { // LOADING DATA // load from a data file CSimpleIniA ini(a_bIsUtf8, a_bUseMultiKey, a_bUseMultiLine); SI_Error rc = ini.LoadFile(a_pszFile); if (rc < 0) return false; // load from a string std::string strData; rc = ini.LoadData(strData.c_str(), strData.size()); if (rc < 0) return false; // GETTING SECTIONS AND KEYS // get all sections CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend sections; ini.GetAllSections(sections); // get all keys in a section CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend keys; ini.GetAllKeys("section-name", keys); // GETTING VALUES // get the value of a key const char * pszValue = ini.GetValue("section-name", "key-name", NULL /*default*/); // get the value of a key which may have multiple // values. If bHasMultipleValues is true, then just // one value has been returned bool bHasMultipleValues; pszValue = ini.GetValue("section-name", "key-name", NULL /*default*/, &bHasMultipleValues); // get all values of a key with multiple values CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend values; ini.GetAllValues("section-name", "key-name", values); // sort the values into the original load order #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200 /** STL of VC6 doesn't allow me to specify my own comparator for list::sort() */ values.sort(); #else values.sort(CSimpleIniA::Entry::LoadOrder()); #endif // output all of the items CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::const_iterator i; for (i = values.begin(); i != values.end(); ++i) { printf("key-name = '%s'\n", i->pItem); } // MODIFYING DATA // adding a new section rc = ini.SetValue("new-section", NULL, NULL); if (rc < 0) return false; printf("section: %s\n", rc == SI_INSERTED ? "inserted" : "updated"); // adding a new key ("new-section" will be added // automatically if it doesn't already exist. rc = ini.SetValue("new-section", "new-key", "value"); if (rc < 0) return false; printf("key: %s\n", rc == SI_INSERTED ? "inserted" : "updated"); // changing the value of a key rc = ini.SetValue("section", "key", "updated-value"); if (rc < 0) return false; printf("key: %s\n", rc == SI_INSERTED ? "inserted" : "updated"); // DELETING DATA // deleting a key from a section. Optionally the entire // section may be deleted if it is now empty. ini.Delete("section-name", "key-name", true /*delete the section if empty*/); // deleting an entire section and all keys in it ini.Delete("section-name", NULL); // SAVING DATA // save the data to a string rc = ini.Save(strData); if (rc < 0) return false; // save the data back to the file rc = ini.SaveFile(a_pszFile); if (rc < 0) return false; return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: main() // Desc: The application's entry point //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __cdecl main() { CSimpleIniA ini(true, true, true); std::map<std::string, bool> Settings; Utilities u; // Try mounting the game directory; at console startup it's not mounted u.MountGameDirectory(); if (ini.LoadFile("g:\\settings.ini") < 0) { ini.Reset(); std::string IniText( " LaunchCode was created by CLK.\n\n" \ " What can this app do?\n" \ " - Remove console signature checks\n" \ " - Remove RSA signature checks\n" \ " - Set RoL LEDs\n" \ " - Remove profile breakpoints (freezing when viewing some profiles)\n"\ " - Remove XampHeapAllocExplicit breakpoints (some bullshit)\n" \ " - Enable hidden partitions for Xbox 360 Neighborhood\n" \ " - Add additional, customizable partitions to Neighborhood\n" \ " - Set the default account password for PartnerNet accounts\n" \ " - Set the display gamertag\n" \ " - Make the console think you have a gold membership\n" \ " -> Instructions/Limitations:\n" \ " - Account password length must not exceed 11 characters.\n"\ " - Each Neighborhood partition should match the following" \ "criteria, otherwise it will not be mounted:\n" \ " ~ NeighborhoodName must not exceed 35 characters\n" \ " ~ DevicePath must not exceed 61 characters\n" \ " ~ DevicePath must be formatted as so:\n" \ " - \"\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1\\Devikit\"\n" \ " - The following are all valid basic paths:\n" \ " - \\Device\n" \ " - \\Device\\Harddisk0\\SystemPartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition1\n" \ " - \\Device\\Flash\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mu0System\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mu1System\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mass0\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mass1\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mass2\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuSfcSystem\n" \ " - \\Device\\Harddisk\\SystemExtPartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\Harddisk\\SystemAuxPartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuUsb\\Storage\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuUsb\\StorageSystem\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuUsb\\SystemExtPartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuUsb\\SystemAuxPartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuMmc\\Storage\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuMmc\\StorageSystem\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuMmc\\SystemExtPartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuMmc\\SystemAuxPartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\HdDvdRom\n" \ " - \\Device\\HdDvdStorage\n" \ " - \\Device\\HdDvdPlayer\n" \ " - \\Device\\TransferCable\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mass0PartitionFile\\Storage\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mass1PartitionFile\\Storage\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mass0PartitionFile\\StorageSystem\n" \ " - \\Device\\Mass1PartitionFile\\StorageSystem\n" \ " - \\Device\\Harddisk0\\Cache0\n" \ " - \\Device\\Harddisk0\\Cache1\n" \ " - \\Device\\NetworkStorageCache\n" \ " - \\Device\\UpdateStorage\n" \ " - \\Device\\Harddisk0\\TitleURLCachePartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\DeviceAuth\n" \ " - \\Device\\BuiltInMuUsb\\ReservationPartition\n" \ " - \\Device\\LauncherData\n" \ "\n\n\n\nGreets to the following people:\n" \ "gabe_k, Xenon.7 (Xenomega), paul (British dude), rickshaw, skitzo, kiwi, dual\n" \ "yolo." ); std::fstream readme("g:\\readme.txt", std::ios::trunc | std::ios::in | std::ios::out); readme << IniText; readme.close(); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "SetLeds", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "PatchRsaPubCrypt", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "RemoveConsoleSignatureChecks", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "RemovePackageRsaChecks", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "RemoveProfileBreakpoints", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "RemoveXampHeapAllocExplicitBreakpoints", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "SetAsStartupApplication", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "EnableHiddenPartitions", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "EnableExtraNeighborhoodDrives", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "SetGamertag", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "SetGoldMembership", true); ini.SetBoolValue("settings", "EnableXamWatsonOutput", true); ini.SetValue("Network", "AccountCreatePassword", "meth=friend"); ini.SetValue("Network", "OnlineGamertag", "[test]DRUG DEALER"); // MODIFY THIS LINE TO YOUR DEFAULT GAMERTAG //ini.SetBoolValue("xshell", "WriteCustomBackground", false); //ini.SetValue("xshell", "DevKitBackground", "bg_image_blue.png"); //ini.SetValue("xshell", "TestKitBackground", "bg_image_gray.png"); ini.SetValue("LEDs", "TopLeft", "Inverted"); ini.SetValue("LEDs", "TopRight", "Normal"); ini.SetValue("LEDs", "BottomLeft", "Mix"); ini.SetValue("LEDs", "BottomRight", "Off"); ini.SetValue("NeighborhoodDrive1", "DevicePath", ""); ini.SetValue("NeighborhoodDrive1", "NeighborhoodName", ""); ini.SetValue("NeighborhoodDrive2", "DevicePath", ""); ini.SetValue("NeighborhoodDrive2", "NeighborhoodName", ""); ini.SetValue("NeighborhoodDrive3", "DevicePath", ""); ini.SetValue("NeighborhoodDrive3", "NeighborhoodName", ""); ini.SetValue("NeighborhoodDrive4", "DevicePath", ""); ini.SetValue("NeighborhoodDrive4", "NeighborhoodName", ""); ini.SaveFile("g:\\settings.ini"); ini.LoadFile("g:\\settings.ini"); } CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend keys; ini.GetAllKeys("settings", keys); CSimpleIniA::TNamesDepend::iterator it; for (it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++) { const char *key = ((*it).pItem); bool Enabled = ini.GetBoolValue("settings", key, NULL); Settings[std::string(key)] = Enabled; } keys.clear(); ini.GetAllKeys("Network", keys); NetworkSettings ns; for (it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++) { std::string key((*it).pItem); std::string value = ini.GetValue("Network", key.c_str(), NULL); if (key == "AccountCreatePassword") ns.AccountCreationPassword = value; else if (key == "OnlineGamertag") ns.Gamertag = value; } std::vector<Utilities::Drive> drl; char Section[20] = {0}; for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { keys.clear(); sprintf(Section, "NeighborhoodDrive%d", i); ini.GetAllKeys(Section, keys); Utilities::Drive d; for (it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++) { std::string key = ((*it).pItem); std::string value = ini.GetValue(Section, key.c_str(), NULL); if (key == "NeighborhoodName") d.NeighborhoodName = value; else if(key == "DevicePath") d.Path = value; } if (!d.NeighborhoodName.size() || !d.Path.size()) continue; else drl.push_back(d); } if (Settings[std::string("SetLeds")]) { LEDState TL = LEDState::ORANGE, TR = LEDState::RED, BL = LEDState::ORANGE, BR = LEDState::RED; keys.clear(); ini.GetAllKeys("LEDs", keys); for (it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); it++) { std::string key(((*it).pItem)); std::string value(ini.GetValue("LEDs", key.c_str(), NULL)); LEDState *CurrentLed = nullptr; if (key == "TopLeft") CurrentLed = &TL; else if (key == "TopRight") CurrentLed = &TR; else if (key == "BottomLeft") CurrentLed = &BL; else if (key == "BottomRight") CurrentLed = &BR; if (CurrentLed == nullptr) continue; if (value == "Inverted") *CurrentLed = LEDState::RED; else if (value == "Normal") *CurrentLed = LEDState::GREEN; else if (value == "Mix") *CurrentLed = LEDState::ORANGE; else if (value == "Off") *CurrentLed = LEDState::OFF; } u.SetLeds(TL, TR, BL, BR); } if (Settings[std::string("PatchRsaPubCrypt")]) u.PatchRsaPubCrypt(); if (Settings[std::string("RemoveConsoleSignatureChecks")]) u.RemoveConsoleSignatureChecks(); if (Settings[std::string("RemovePackageRsaChecks")]) u.RemovePackageRsaChecks(); if (Settings[std::string("RemoveProfileBreakpoints")]) u.RemoveProfileBreakpoints(); if (Settings[std::string("RemoveXampHeapAllocExplicitBreakpoints")]) u.RemoveXampHeapAllocExplicitBreakpoints(); if (Settings[std::string("EnableXamWatsonOutput")]) u.EnableXamWatsonOutput(); if (ns.AccountCreationPassword != "") u.SetDefaultAccountPassword(ns.AccountCreationPassword); if (Settings[std::string("SetGamertag")] && ns.Gamertag != "") u.SetGamertag(ns.Gamertag); if (Settings[std::string("SetGoldMembership")]) u.SetGold(); if (Settings[std::string("EnableExtraNeighborhoodDrives")]) u.AddExtraDrives(drl); else if (Settings[std::string("EnableHiddenPartitions")]) u.EnableHiddenDrives(); if (Settings[std::string("SetAsStartupApplication")]) u.EnableApplicationStartup(); u.PatchControllerDisconnect(); // Return to launcher u.LaunchXshell(); }