void BackgroundJobs::SearchForVideosWithoutVideoThumbnailsJob::execute()
    const DB::FileNameList images = DB::ImageDB::instance()->images();

    for( const DB::FileName& image : images ) {
        const DB::ImageInfoPtr info = image.info();
        if ( !info->isVideo() )

        // silently ignore videos not (currently) on disk:
        if ( ! info->fileName().exists() )

        const DB::FileName thumbnailName = BackgroundJobs::HandleVideoThumbnailRequestJob::frameName(info->fileName(),9);
        if ( thumbnailName.exists() )

        BackgroundJobs::ReadVideoLengthJob* readVideoLengthJob = new BackgroundJobs::ReadVideoLengthJob(info->fileName(), BackgroundTaskManager::BackgroundVideoPreviewRequest);

        for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
            ExtractOneThumbnailJob* extractJob = new ExtractOneThumbnailJob( info->fileName(), i, BackgroundTaskManager::BackgroundVideoPreviewRequest );

        BackgroundTaskManager::JobManager::instance()->addJob( readVideoLengthJob);
    emit completed();
コード例 #2
void MainWindow::ExternalPopup::populate( DB::ImageInfoPtr current, const DB::FileNameList& imageList )
    _list = imageList;
    _currentInfo = current;
    QAction *action;

    QStringList list = QStringList() << i18n("Current Item") << i18n("All Selected Items") << i18n("Copy and Open");
    for ( int which = 0; which < 3; ++which ) {
        if ( which == 0 && !current )

        const bool multiple = (_list.count() > 1);
        const bool enabled = (which != 1 && _currentInfo ) || (which == 1 && multiple);

        // Submenu
        QMenu *submenu = addMenu( list[which] );

        // Fetch set of offers
        OfferType offers;
        if ( which == 0 )
            offers = appInfos( DB::FileNameList() << current->fileName() );
            offers = appInfos( imageList );

        for ( OfferType::const_iterator offerIt = offers.begin(); offerIt != offers.end(); ++offerIt ) {
            action = submenu->addAction( (*offerIt).first );
            action->setObjectName( (*offerIt).first ); // Notice this is needed to find the application later!
            action->setIcon( KIcon((*offerIt).second) );
            action->setData( which );
            action->setEnabled( enabled );

        // A personal command
        action = submenu->addAction( i18n("Open With...") );
        action->setObjectName( i18n("Open With...") ); // Notice this is needed to find the application later!
        // XXX: action->setIcon( KIcon((*offerIt).second) );
        action->setData( which );
        action->setEnabled( enabled );

        // A personal command
        // XXX: see kdialog.h for simple usage
        action = submenu->addAction( i18n("Your Command Line") );
        action->setObjectName( i18n("Your Command Line") ); // Notice this is needed to find the application later!
        // XXX: action->setIcon( KIcon((*offerIt).second) );
        action->setData( which );
        action->setEnabled( enabled );