コード例 #1
bool ScriptController::executeIfJavaScriptURL(const URL& url, ShouldReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL shouldReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL)
    if (!protocolIsJavaScript(url))
        return false;

    if (!m_frame.page() || !m_frame.document()->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowJavaScriptURLs(m_frame.document()->url(), eventHandlerPosition().m_line))
        return true;

    // We need to hold onto the Frame here because executing script can
    // destroy the frame.
    Ref<Frame> protector(m_frame);
    RefPtr<Document> ownerDocument(m_frame.document());

    const int javascriptSchemeLength = sizeof("javascript:") - 1;

    String decodedURL = decodeURLEscapeSequences(url.string());
    Deprecated::ScriptValue result = executeScript(decodedURL.substring(javascriptSchemeLength));

    // If executing script caused this frame to be removed from the page, we
    // don't want to try to replace its document!
    if (!m_frame.page())
        return true;

    String scriptResult;
    JSDOMWindowShell* shell = windowShell(mainThreadNormalWorld());
    JSC::ExecState* exec = shell->window()->globalExec();
    if (!result.getString(exec, scriptResult))
        return true;

    // FIXME: We should always replace the document, but doing so
    //        synchronously can cause crashes:
    //        http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16782
    if (shouldReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL == ReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL) {
        // We're still in a frame, so there should be a DocumentLoader.
        // DocumentWriter::replaceDocument can cause the DocumentLoader to get deref'ed and possible destroyed,
        // so protect it with a RefPtr.
        if (RefPtr<DocumentLoader> loader = m_frame.document()->loader())
            loader->writer().replaceDocument(scriptResult, ownerDocument.get());
    return true;