void InterpreterLoop(Core* c) { Console &con=c->con; DFHack::CommandHistory hist; lua::state s=lua::glua::Get(); string curline; con.print("Type quit to exit interactive mode\n"); con.lineedit(">>",curline,hist); while (curline!="quit") { hist.add(curline); try { s.loadstring(curline); s.pcall(); } catch(lua::exception &e) { con.printerr("Error:%s\n",e.what()); c->con.printerr("%s\n",lua::DebugDump(lua::glua::Get()).c_str()); s.settop(0); } con.lineedit(">>",curline,hist); } s.settop(0); }
bool DFHack::Lua::RunCoreQueryLoop(color_ostream &out, lua_State *state, bool (*init)(color_ostream&, lua_State*, void*), void *arg) { if (!lua_checkstack(state, 20)) return false; lua_State *thread; int rv; std::string prompt; std::string histfile; DFHack::CommandHistory hist; std::string histname; { CoreSuspender suspend; int base = lua_gettop(state); if (!init(out, state, arg)) { lua_settop(state, base); return false; } // If not interactive, run without coroutine and bail out if (!out.is_console()) return SafeCall(out, state, lua_gettop(state)-base-1, 0); lua_rawgetp(state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, &DFHACK_QUERY_COROTABLE_TOKEN); lua_pushvalue(state, base+1); lua_remove(state, base+1); thread = Lua::NewCoroutine(state); lua_rawsetp(state, -2, thread); lua_pop(state, 1); rv = resume_query_loop(out, thread, state, lua_gettop(state)-base, prompt, histfile); } Console &con = static_cast<Console&>(out); while (rv == LUA_YIELD) { if (histfile != histname) { if (!histname.empty()) hist.save(histname.c_str()); hist.clear(); histname = histfile; if (!histname.empty()) hist.load(histname.c_str()); } if (prompt.empty()) prompt = ">> "; std::string curline; con.lineedit(prompt,curline,hist); hist.add(curline); { CoreSuspender suspend; lua_pushlstring(state, curline.data(), curline.size()); rv = resume_query_loop(out, thread, state, 1, prompt, histfile); } } if (!histname.empty()) hist.save(histname.c_str()); { CoreSuspender suspend; lua_rawgetp(state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, &DFHACK_QUERY_COROTABLE_TOKEN); lua_pushnil(state); lua_rawsetp(state, -2, thread); lua_pop(state, 1); } return (rv == LUA_OK); }