void ListLoader::startTag(const string& name, StringPairList& attribs, bool simple) { if(list->getAbort()) { throw AbortException(); } if(inListing) { if(name == sFile) { const string& n = getAttrib(attribs, sName, 0); if(n.empty()) return; const string& s = getAttrib(attribs, sSize, 1); if(s.empty()) return; const string& h = getAttrib(attribs, sTTH, 2); if(h.empty()) { return; } DirectoryListing::File* f = new DirectoryListing::File(cur, n, Util::toInt64(s), h); cur->files.push_back(f); } else if(name == sDirectory) { const string& n = getAttrib(attribs, sName, 0); if(n.empty()) { throw SimpleXMLException("Directory missing name attribute"); } bool incomp = getAttrib(attribs, sIncomplete, 1) == "1"; DirectoryListing::Directory* d = NULL; if(updating) { for(DirectoryListing::Directory::Iter i = cur->directories.begin(); i != cur->directories.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->getName() == n) { d = *i; if(!d->getComplete()) d->setComplete(!incomp); break; } } } if(d == NULL) { d = new DirectoryListing::Directory(cur, n, false, !incomp); cur->directories.push_back(d); } cur = d; if(simple) { // To handle <Directory Name="..." /> endTag(name, Util::emptyString); } } } else if(name == sFileListing) { const string& b = getAttrib(attribs, sBase, 2); if(b.size() >= 1 && b[0] == '/' && b[b.size()-1] == '/') { base = b; } StringList sl = StringTokenizer<string>(base.substr(1), '/').getTokens(); for(StringIter i = sl.begin(); i != sl.end(); ++i) { DirectoryListing::Directory* d = NULL; for(DirectoryListing::Directory::Iter j = cur->directories.begin(); j != cur->directories.end(); ++j) { if((*j)->getName() == *i) { d = *j; break; } } if(d == NULL) { d = new DirectoryListing::Directory(cur, *i, false, false); cur->directories.push_back(d); } cur = d; } cur->setComplete(true); inListing = true; if(simple) { // To handle <Directory Name="..." /> endTag(name, Util::emptyString); } } }
void ListLoader::startTag(const string& name, StringPairList& attribs, bool simple) { if(inListing) { if(name == sFile) { const string& n = getAttrib(attribs, sName, 0); if(n.empty()) return; const string& s = getAttrib(attribs, sSize, 1); if(s.empty()) return; int64_t size = Util::toInt64(s); const string& h = getAttrib(attribs, sTTH, 2); if(h.empty()) return; TTHValue tth(h); /// @todo verify validity? if(updating) { // just update the current file if it is already there. for(DirectoryListing::File::Iter i = cur->files.begin(), iend = cur->files.end(); i != iend; ++i) { DirectoryListing::File& file = **i; /// @todo comparisons should be case-insensitive but it takes too long - add a cache if(file.getTTH() == tth || file.getName() == n) { file.setName(n); file.setSize(size); file.setTTH(tth); return; } } } DirectoryListing::File* f = new DirectoryListing::File(cur, n, size, tth); string l_ts = ""; if (!m_is_first_check_mediainfo_list){ m_is_first_check_mediainfo_list = true; l_ts = getAttrib(attribs, sTS, 3); m_is_mediainfo_list = !l_ts.empty(); } else if (m_is_mediainfo_list) { l_ts = getAttrib(attribs, sTS, 3); } if (!l_ts.empty()){ f->mediaInfo.video_info = getAttrib(attribs, sMVideo, 3); f->mediaInfo.audio_info = getAttrib(attribs, sMAudio, 3); f->mediaInfo.resolution = getAttrib(attribs, sWH, 3); f->mediaInfo.bitrate = atoi(getAttrib(attribs, sBR, 4).c_str()); } cur->files.push_back(f); } else if(name == sDirectory) { const string& n = getAttrib(attribs, sName, 0); if(n.empty()) { throw SimpleXMLException(_("Directory missing name attribute")); } bool incomp = getAttrib(attribs, sIncomplete, 1) == "1"; DirectoryListing::Directory* d = NULL; if(updating) { for(DirectoryListing::Directory::Iter i = cur->directories.begin(); i != cur->directories.end(); ++i) { /// @todo comparisons should be case-insensitive but it takes too long - add a cache if((*i)->getName() == n) { d = *i; if(!d->getComplete()) d->setComplete(!incomp); break; } } } if(d == NULL) { d = new DirectoryListing::Directory(cur, n, false, !incomp); cur->directories.push_back(d); } cur = d; if(simple) { // To handle <Directory Name="..." /> endTag(name, Util::emptyString); } } } else if(name == sFileListing) { const string& b = getAttrib(attribs, sBase, 2); if(!b.empty() && b[0] == '/' && b[b.size()-1] == '/') { base = b; } StringList sl = StringTokenizer<string>(base.substr(1), '/').getTokens(); for(StringIter i = sl.begin(); i != sl.end(); ++i) { DirectoryListing::Directory* d = NULL; for(DirectoryListing::Directory::Iter j = cur->directories.begin(); j != cur->directories.end(); ++j) { if((*j)->getName() == *i) { d = *j; break; } } if(d == NULL) { d = new DirectoryListing::Directory(cur, *i, false, false); cur->directories.push_back(d); } cur = d; } cur->setComplete(true); inListing = true; if(simple) { // To handle <Directory Name="..." /> endTag(name, Util::emptyString); } } }
void ListLoader::startTag(const string& name, StringPairList& attribs, bool simple) { #ifdef _DEBUG static size_t g_max_attribs_size = 0; if (g_max_attribs_size != attribs.size()) { g_max_attribs_size = attribs.size(); // dcdebug("ListLoader::startTag g_max_attribs_size = %d , attribs.capacity() = %d\n", g_max_attribs_size, attribs.capacity()); } #endif if (ClientManager::isBeforeShutdown()) { throw AbortException("ListLoader::startTag - ClientManager::isBeforeShutdown()"); } if (m_list->getAbort()) { throw AbortException("ListLoader::startTag - " + STRING(ABORT_EM)); } if (m_is_in_listing) { if (name == g_SFile) { dcassert(attribs.size() >= 3); // Иногда есть Shared - 4-тый атрибут. // это тэг от грея. его тоже можно обработать и записать в TS. хотя там 64 битное время const string& l_name = getAttrib(attribs, g_SName, 0); if (l_name.empty()) { dcassert(0); return; } const string& l_s = getAttrib(attribs, g_SSize, 1); if (l_s.empty()) { dcassert(0); return; } const auto l_size = Util::toInt64(l_s); const string& l_h = getAttrib(attribs, g_STTH, 2); if (l_h.empty() || (m_is_own_list == false && l_h.compare(0, 39, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 39) == 0)) { //dcassert(0); return; } const TTHValue l_tth(l_h); /// @todo verify validity? dcassert(l_tth != TTHValue()); if (m_is_updating) { // just update the current file if it is already there. for (auto i = m_cur->m_files.cbegin(); i != m_cur->m_files.cend(); ++i) { auto& file = **i; /// @todo comparisons should be case-insensitive but it takes too long - add a cache if (file.getName() == l_name || file.getTTH() == l_tth) { file.setName(l_name); file.setSize(l_size); file.setTTH(l_tth); return; } } } // [+] FlylinkDC std::shared_ptr<CFlyMediaInfo> l_mediaXY; uint32_t l_i_ts = 0; int l_i_hit = 0; string l_hit; #ifdef FLYLINKDC_USE_DIRLIST_FILE_EXT_STAT auto& l_item = DirectoryListing::g_ext_stat[Util::getFileExtWithoutDot(Text::toLower(l_name))]; l_item.m_count++; if (l_size > l_item.m_max_size) l_item.m_max_size = l_size; if (l_size < l_item.m_min_size) l_item.m_min_size = l_size; #endif if (attribs.size() >= 4) // 3 - стандартный DC++, 4 - GreyLinkDC++ { if (attribs.size() == 4 || attribs.size() >= 11) // Хитрый расширенный формат от http://p2p.toom.su/fs/hms/FCYECUWQ7F5A2FABW32UTMCT6MEMI3GPXBZDQCQ/) { const string l_sharedGL = getAttrib(attribs, g_SShared, 4); if (!l_sharedGL.empty()) { const int64_t tmp_ts = _atoi64(l_sharedGL.c_str()) - 116444736000000000L ; if (tmp_ts <= 0L) l_i_ts = 0; else l_i_ts = uint32_t(tmp_ts / 10000000L); } } string l_ts; if (l_i_ts == 0) { l_ts = getAttrib(attribs, g_STS, 3); // TODO проверить attribs.size() >= 4 если = 4 или 3 то TS нет и можно не искать } if (!m_is_first_check_mediainfo_list) { m_is_first_check_mediainfo_list = true; m_is_mediainfo_list = !l_ts.empty(); } if (!l_ts.empty() // Extended tags - exists only FlylinkDC++ or StrongDC++ sqlite or clones || l_i_ts // Грейлинк - время расшаривания ) { if (!l_ts.empty()) { l_i_ts = atoi(l_ts.c_str()); } if (attribs.size() > 4) // TODO - собрать комбинации всех случаев { l_hit = getAttrib(attribs, g_SHit, 3); const std::string& l_audio = getAttrib(attribs, g_SMAudio, 3); const std::string& l_video = getAttrib(attribs, g_SMVideo, 3); if (!l_audio.empty() || !l_video.empty()) { const string& l_br = getAttrib(attribs, g_SBR, 4); l_mediaXY = std::make_shared<CFlyMediaInfo>(getAttrib(attribs, g_SWH, 3), atoi(l_br.c_str()), l_audio, l_video ); } } #if 0 if (attribs.size() > 4) // TODO - собрать комбинации всех случаев { CFlyMediainfoRAW l_media_item; { l_media_item.m_audio = getAttrib(attribs, g_SMAudio, 3); const size_t l_pos = l_media_item.m_audio.find('|', 0); if (l_pos != string::npos && l_pos) { if (l_pos + 2 < l_media_item.m_audio.length()) { l_media_item.m_audio = l_media_item.m_audio.substr(l_pos + 2); } } } l_media_item.m_video = getAttrib(attribs, g_SMVideo, 3); l_hit = getAttrib(attribs, g_SHit, 3); l_media_item.m_WH = getAttrib(attribs, g_SWH, 3); if (!l_media_item.m_audio.empty() || !l_media_item.m_video.empty()) { l_media_item.m_br = getAttrib(attribs, g_SBR, 4); auto& l_find_mi = g_cache_mediainfo[l_media_item]; if (!l_find_mi) { l_find_mi = std::make_shared<CFlyMediaInfo>(l_media_item.m_WH, atoi(l_media_item.m_br.c_str()), l_media_item.m_audio, l_media_item.m_video ); l_mediaXY = l_find_mi; } } } #endif } l_i_hit = l_hit.empty() ? 0 : atoi(l_hit.c_str()); } auto f = new DirectoryListing::File(m_cur, l_name, l_size, l_tth, l_i_hit, l_i_ts, l_mediaXY); m_cur->m_virus_detect.add(l_name, l_size); m_cur->m_files.push_back(f); if (l_size) { if (m_is_own_list)//[+] FlylinkDC++ { f->setFlag(DirectoryListing::FLAG_SHARED_OWN); // TODO - убить FLAG_SHARED_OWN } else { if (ShareManager::isTTHShared(f->getTTH())) { f->setFlag(DirectoryListing::FLAG_SHARED); } else { if (QueueManager::is_queue_tth(f->getTTH())) { f->setFlag(DirectoryListing::FLAG_QUEUE); } // TODO if(l_size >= 100 * 1024 *1024) { if (!CFlyServerConfig::isParasitFile(f->getName())) // TODO - опимизнуть по расширениям { f->setFlag(DirectoryListing::FLAG_NOT_SHARED); const auto l_status_file = CFlylinkDBManager::getInstance()->get_status_file(f->getTTH()); // TODO - унести в отдельную нитку? if (l_status_file & CFlylinkDBManager::PREVIOUSLY_DOWNLOADED) f->setFlag(DirectoryListing::FLAG_DOWNLOAD); if (l_status_file & CFlylinkDBManager::VIRUS_FILE_KNOWN) f->setFlag(DirectoryListing::FLAG_VIRUS_FILE); if (l_status_file & CFlylinkDBManager::PREVIOUSLY_BEEN_IN_SHARE) f->setFlag(DirectoryListing::FLAG_OLD_TTH); } } } }//[+] FlylinkDC++ } } else if (name == g_SDirectory) { string l_file_name = getAttrib(attribs, g_SName, 0); if (l_file_name.empty()) { // throw SimpleXMLException("Directory missing name attribute"); l_file_name = "empty_file_name_" + Util::toString(++m_empty_file_name_counter); } const bool incomp = getAttrib(attribs, sIncomplete, 1) == "1"; DirectoryListing::Directory* d = nullptr; if (m_is_updating) { for (auto i = m_cur->directories.cbegin(); i != m_cur->directories.cend(); ++i) { /// @todo comparisons should be case-insensitive but it takes too long - add a cache if ((*i)->getName() == l_file_name) { d = *i; if (!d->getComplete()) { d->setComplete(!incomp); } break; } } } if (d == nullptr) { d = new DirectoryListing::Directory(m_list, m_cur, l_file_name, false, !incomp, isMediainfoList()); m_cur->directories.push_back(d); } m_cur = d; if (simple) { // To handle <Directory Name="..." /> endTag(name, Util::emptyString); } } } else if (name == sFileListing) { const string& b = getAttrib(attribs, sBase, 2); if (b.size() >= 1 && b[0] == '/' && b[b.size() - 1] == '/') { m_base = b; } if (m_base.size() > 1) // [+]PPA fix for [4](("Version", "1"),("CID", "EDI7OWB6TZWH6X6L2D3INC6ORQSG6RQDJ6AJ5QY"),("Base", "/"),("Generator", "DC++ 0.785")) { const StringTokenizer<string> sl(m_base.substr(1), '/'); for (auto i = sl.getTokens().cbegin(); i != sl.getTokens().cend(); ++i) { DirectoryListing::Directory* d = nullptr; for (auto j = m_cur->directories.cbegin(); j != m_cur->directories.cend(); ++j) { if ((*j)->getName() == *i) { d = *j; break; } } if (d == nullptr) { d = new DirectoryListing::Directory(m_list, m_cur, *i, false, false, isMediainfoList()); m_cur->directories.push_back(d); } m_cur = d; } } m_cur->setComplete(true); // [+] IRainman Delayed loading (dclst support) const string& l_cidStr = getAttrib(attribs, sCID, 2); if (l_cidStr.size() == 39) { const CID l_CID(l_cidStr); if (!l_CID.isZero()) { if (!m_user) { m_user = ClientManager::createUser(l_CID, "", 0); m_list->setHintedUser(HintedUser(m_user, Util::emptyString)); } } } const string& l_getIncludeSelf = getAttrib(attribs, sIncludeSelf, 2); m_list->setIncludeSelf(l_getIncludeSelf == "1"); // [~] IRainman Delayed loading (dclst support) m_is_in_listing = true; if (simple) { // To handle <Directory Name="..." /> endTag(name, Util::emptyString); } } }