Item AdjustTimezone::evaluateSingleton(const DynamicContext::Ptr &context) const { enum { /** * The maximum zone offset, @c PT14H, in milli seconds. */ MSecLimit = 14 * 60/*M*/ * 60/*S*/ * 1000/*ms*/ }; const Item arg(m_operands.first()->evaluateSingleton(context)); if(!arg) return Item(); QDateTime dt(<AbstractDateTime>()->toDateTime()); // TODO DT dt.setDateOnly(false); Q_ASSERT(dt.isValid()); DayTimeDuration::Ptr tz; if(m_operands.count() == 2) tz = DayTimeDuration::Ptr(>evaluateSingleton(context).as<DayTimeDuration>()); else tz = context->implicitTimezone(); if(tz) { const MSecondCountProperty tzMSecs = tz->value(); if(tzMSecs % (1000 * 60) != 0) { context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A zone offset must be in the " "range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is " "out of range.") .arg(formatData("-PT14H")) .arg(formatData("PT14H")) .arg(formatData(tz->stringValue())), ReportContext::FODT0003, this); return Item(); } else if(tzMSecs > MSecLimit || tzMSecs < -MSecLimit) { context->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is not a whole number of minutes.") .arg(formatData(tz->stringValue())), ReportContext::FODT0003, this); return Item(); } const SecondCountProperty tzSecs = tzMSecs / 1000; if(dt.timeSpec() == Qt::LocalTime) /* $arg has no time zone. */ { /* "If $arg does not have a timezone component and $timezone is not * the empty sequence, then the result is $arg with $timezone as * the timezone component." */ //dt.setTimeSpec(QDateTime::Spec(QDateTime::OffsetFromUTC, tzSecs)); dt.setUtcOffset(tzSecs); Q_ASSERT(dt.isValid()); return createValue(dt); } else { /* "If $arg has a timezone component and $timezone is not the empty sequence, * then the result is an xs:dateTime value with a timezone component of * $timezone that is equal to $arg." */ dt = dt.toUTC(); dt = dt.addSecs(tzSecs); //dt.setTimeSpec(QDateTime::Spec(QDateTime::OffsetFromUTC, tzSecs)); dt.setUtcOffset(tzSecs); Q_ASSERT(dt.isValid()); return createValue(dt); } } else { /* $timezone is the empty sequence. */ if(dt.timeSpec() == Qt::LocalTime) /* $arg has no time zone. */ { /* "If $arg does not have a timezone component and $timezone is * the empty sequence, then the result is $arg." */ return arg; } else { /* "If $arg has a timezone component and $timezone is the empty sequence, * then the result is the localized value of $arg without its timezone component." */ dt.setTimeSpec(Qt::LocalTime); return createValue(dt); } } }
Item ImplicitTimezoneFN::evaluateSingleton(const DynamicContext::Ptr &context) const { return toItem(context->implicitTimezone()); }