visualization_msgs::Marker SatDetector3DMonitor::getMarker(int marker_id, Eigen::Vector4f centroid, Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix){ //------- Compute Principal Componets for Marker publishing //Get the principal components and the quaternion Eigen::Matrix3f evecs; Eigen::Vector3f evals; //pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, evecs, evals); Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3f> es(covariance_matrix); evecs = es.eigenvectors().real(); evals = es.eigenvalues().real(); Eigen::Matrix3f rotation; rotation.row (0) = evecs.col (0); rotation.row (1) = evecs.col (1); rotation.row (2) = rotation.row (0).cross (rotation.row (1)); rotation.transposeInPlace (); Eigen::Quaternion<float> qt (rotation); qt.normalize (); //Publish Marker for cluster visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = base_frame_; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time().now(); marker.ns = "Perception"; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; = marker_id; marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(1); //centroid position marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; marker.pose.position.x = centroid[0]; marker.pose.position.y = centroid[1]; marker.pose.position.z = centroid[2]; marker.pose.orientation.x = qt.x(); marker.pose.orientation.y = qt.y(); marker.pose.orientation.z = qt.z(); marker.pose.orientation.w = qt.w(); //std::cout << "e1: " << evals(0) << " e2: " << evals(1) << " e3: " << evals(2) << std::endl; marker.scale.x = sqrt(evals(0)) * 4; marker.scale.y = sqrt(evals(1)) * 4; marker.scale.z = sqrt(evals(2)) * 4; //give it some color! marker.color.a = 0.75; satToRGB(marker.color.r, marker.color.g, marker.color.b); //std::cout << "marker being published" << std::endl; return marker; }
// returns the local R,t in nd0 that produces nd1 // NOTE: returns a postfix rotation; should return a prefix void transformN2N(Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1> &trans, Eigen::Quaternion<double> &qr, Node &nd0, Node &nd1) { Matrix<double,3,4> tfm; Quaterniond q0,q1; q0 = nd0.qrot; transformW2F(tfm,nd0.trans,q0); trans.head(3) = tfm*nd1.trans; trans(3) = 1.0; q1 = nd1.qrot; qr = q0.inverse()*q1; qr.normalize(); if (qr.w() < 0) qr.coeffs() = -qr.coeffs(); }
Eigen::Quaternion<T> naive_slerp(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& input, const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& target, T amt){ Eigen::Quaternion<T> result; if (amt==T(0)) { return input; } else if (amt==T(1)) { return target; } int bflip = 0; T dot_prod =; T a, b; //clamp dot_prod = (dot_prod < -1) ? -1 : ((dot_prod > 1) ? 1 : dot_prod); // if B is on opposite hemisphere from A, use -B instead if (dot_prod < 0.0) { dot_prod = -dot_prod; bflip = 1; } T cos_angle = acos(dot_prod); if(ABS(cos_angle) > QUAT_EPSILON) { T sine = sin(cos_angle); T inv_sine = 1./sine; a = sin(cos_angle*(1.-amt)) * inv_sine; b = sin(cos_angle*amt) * inv_sine; if (bflip) { b = -b; } } else { // nearly the same; // approximate without trigonometry a = amt; b = 1.-amt; } result.w = a*input.w + b*target.w; result.x = a*input.x + b*target.x; result.y = a*input.y + b*target.y; result.z = a*input.z + b*target.z; result.normalize(); return result; }
IGL_INLINE void igl::two_axis_valuator_fixed_up( const int w, const int h, const double speed, const Eigen::Quaternion<Scalardown_quat> & down_quat, const int down_x, const int down_y, const int mouse_x, const int mouse_y, Eigen::Quaternion<Scalarquat> & quat) { using namespace Eigen; Matrix<Scalarquat,3,1> axis(0,1,0); quat = down_quat * Quaternion<Scalarquat>( AngleAxis<Scalarquat>( PI*((Scalarquat)(mouse_x-down_x))/(Scalarquat)w*speed/2.0, axis.normalized())); quat.normalize(); { Matrix<Scalarquat,3,1> axis(1,0,0); if(axis.norm() != 0) { quat = Quaternion<Scalarquat>( AngleAxis<Scalarquat>( PI*(mouse_y-down_y)/(Scalarquat)h*speed/2.0, axis.normalized())) * quat; quat.normalize(); } } }
/** * @brief Computes the trackball's rotation, using stored initial and final position vectors. */ void computeRotationAngle (void) { //Given two position vectors, corresponding to the initial and final mouse coordinates, calculate the rotation of the sphere that will keep the mouse always in the initial position. if(initialPosition.norm() > 0) { initialPosition.normalize(); } if(finalPosition.norm() > 0) { finalPosition.normalize(); } //cout << "Initial Position: " << initialPosition.transpose() << " Final Position: " << finalPosition.transpose() << endl << endl; Eigen::Vector3f rotationAxis = initialPosition.cross(finalPosition); if(rotationAxis.norm() != 0) { rotationAxis.normalize(); } float dot =; float rotationAngle = (dot <= 1) ? acos(dot) : 0;//If, by losing floating point precision, the dot product between the initial and final positions is bigger than one, ignore the rotation. Eigen::Quaternion<float> q (Eigen::AngleAxis<float>(rotationAngle,rotationAxis)); quaternion = q * quaternion; quaternion.normalize(); }
void ConP2::setJacobians(std::vector<Node,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Node> > &nodes) { // node references Node &nr = nodes[ndr]; Matrix<double,4,1> &tr = nr.trans; Quaternion<double> &qr = nr.qrot; Node &n1 = nodes[nd1]; Matrix<double,4,1> &t1 = n1.trans; Quaternion<double> &q1 = n1.qrot; // first get the second frame in first frame coords Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> pc = nr.w2n * t1; // Jacobians wrt first frame parameters // translational part of 0p1 wrt translational vars of p0 // this is just -R0' [from 0t1 = R0'(t1 - t0)] J0.block<3,3>(0,0) = -nr.w2n.block<3,3>(0,0); // translational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0 // dR'/dq * [pw - t] Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> pwt; pwt = (t1-tr).head(3); // transform translations // dx Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> dp = nr.dRdx * pwt; // dR'/dq * [pw - t] J0.block<3,1>(0,3) = dp; // dy dp = nr.dRdy * pwt; // dR'/dq * [pw - t] J0.block<3,1>(0,4) = dp; // dz dp = nr.dRdz * pwt; // dR'/dq * [pw - t] J0.block<3,1>(0,5) = dp; // rotational part of 0p1 wrt translation vars of p0 => zero J0.block<3,3>(3,0).setZero(); // rotational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0 // from 0q1 = qpmean * s0' * q0' * q1 // dqdx Eigen::Quaternion<double> qr0, qr1, qrn, qrd; qr1.coeffs() = q1.coeffs(); qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(-qpmean.w(),-qpmean.z(),qpmean.y(),qpmean.x()); // qpmean * ds0'/dx qr0.coeffs() = Vector4d(-qr.x(),-qr.y(),-qr.z(),qr.w()); qr0 = qr0*qr1; // rotate to zero mean qrd = qpmean*qr0; // for normalization check qrn = qrn*qr0; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrd.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J0.block<3,1>(3,3) = qrn.vec(); // dqdy qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(qpmean.z(),-qpmean.w(),-qpmean.x(),qpmean.y()); // qpmean * ds0'/dy qrn = qrn*qr0; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrd.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J0.block<3,1>(3,4) = qrn.vec(); // dqdz qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(-qpmean.y(),qpmean.x(),-qpmean.w(),qpmean.z()); // qpmean * ds0'/dz qrn = qrn*qr0; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrd.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J0.block<3,1>(3,5) = qrn.vec(); // transpose J0t = J0.transpose(); // cout << endl << "J0 " << ndr << endl << J0 << endl; // Jacobians wrt second frame parameters // translational part of 0p1 wrt translational vars of p1 // this is just R0' [from 0t1 = R0'(t1 - t0)] J1.block<3,3>(0,0) = nr.w2n.block<3,3>(0,0); // translational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p1: zero J1.block<3,3>(0,3).setZero(); // rotational part of 0p1 wrt translation vars of p0 => zero J1.block<3,3>(3,0).setZero(); // rotational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0 // from 0q1 = q0'*s1*q1 Eigen::Quaternion<double> qrc; qrc.coeffs() = Vector4d(-qr.x(),-qr.y(),-qr.z(),qr.w()); qrc = qpmean*qrc*qr1; // mean' * qr0' * qr1 qrc.normalize(); // cout << endl << "QRC : " << qrc.coeffs().transpose() << endl; double dq = 1.0e-8; double wdq = 1.0 - dq*dq; qr1.coeffs() = Vector4d(dq,0,0,wdq); // cout << "QRC+x: " << (qrc*qr1).coeffs().transpose() << endl; // cout << "QRdx: " << ((qrc*qr1).coeffs().transpose() - qrc.coeffs().transpose())/dq << endl; // dqdx qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(1,0,0,0); qrn = qrc*qrn; // cout << "J1dx: " << qrn.coeffs().transpose() << endl; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrc.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J1.block<3,1>(3,3) = qrn.vec(); // dqdy qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(0,1,0,0); qrn = qrc*qrn; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrc.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J1.block<3,1>(3,4) = qrn.vec(); // dqdz qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(0,0,1,0); qrn = qrc*qrn; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrc.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J1.block<3,1>(3,5) = qrn.vec(); // transpose J1t = J1.transpose(); // cout << endl << "J1 " << nd1 << endl << J1 << endl; };
void get3DMoments(vector<Point> feature_points, int feat_index, int index) { // for(int i=0; i<feature_points.size(); i++) // ROS_INFO("%d --> %d,%d",i,feature_points[i].x,feature_points[i].y); //ROS_INFO("Getting 3D Moments : %d --> %d,%d", feature_points.size(), width, height); //Extract the indices for the points in the point cloud data pcl::PointIndices point_indices; for(int i=0; i<feature_points.size(); i++) { //ROS_INFO("Feature Index : %d, %d",feature_points[i].x, feature_points[i].y); point_indices.indices.push_back(feature_points[i].y * width + feature_points[i].x); } //ROS_INFO("Computing 3D Centroid : %d",point_indices.indices.size()); Eigen::Vector4f centroid; Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix; // Estimate the XYZ centroid pcl::compute3DCentroid (pcl_in, point_indices, centroid); #ifdef DEBUG ROS_INFO("Centroid %d: %f, %f, %f, %f",index,centroid(0),centroid(1),centroid(2),centroid(3)); #endif //ROS_INFO("Computing Covariance "); //Compute the centroid and the covariance of the points computeCovarianceMatrix(pcl_in, point_indices.indices, centroid, covariance_matrix); //Print the 3D Moments //ROS_INFO("Centroid : %f, %f, %f, %f",centroid(0),centroid(1),centroid(2),centroid(3)); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout<<"Covariance : "<<std::endl<<covariance_matrix <<std::endl; #endif for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { feedback_.features[feat_index].moments[index].mean[i] = centroid(i); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { feedback_.features[feat_index].moments[index].covariance[i*3+j] = covariance_matrix(i,j); } } //Get the principal components and the quaternion Eigen::Matrix3f evecs; Eigen::Vector3f evals; pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, evecs, evals); Eigen::Matrix3f rotation; rotation.row (0) = evecs.col (0); rotation.row (1) = evecs.col (1); //rotation.row (2) = evecs.col (2); rotation.row (2) = rotation.row (0).cross (rotation.row (1)); //rotation.transposeInPlace (); #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "Rotation matrix: " << endl; std::cerr << rotation << endl; std::cout<<"Eigen vals : "<<evals<<std::endl; #endif rotation.transposeInPlace (); Eigen::Quaternion<float> qt (rotation); qt.normalize (); //Publish Marker visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = "/openni_rgb_optical_frame"; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time().now(); marker.ns = "Triangulation"; = index+1; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(5); //centroid position marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; marker.pose.position.x = centroid(0); marker.pose.position.y = centroid(1); marker.pose.position.z = centroid(2); marker.pose.orientation.x = qt.x(); marker.pose.orientation.y = qt.y(); marker.pose.orientation.z = qt.z(); marker.pose.orientation.w = qt.w(); marker.scale.x = sqrt(evals(0)) *2; marker.scale.y = sqrt(evals(1)) *2; marker.scale.z = sqrt(evals(2)) *2; //red marker.color.a = 0.5; marker.color.r = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1); marker.color.g = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1); marker.color.b = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1); object_pose_marker_pub_.publish(marker); }