bool solveSparseLinearSystemLQ (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>* A, Eigen::MatrixXd* b, Eigen::MatrixXd* x) { Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> At(A->cols(), A->rows()); Eigen::MatrixXd Atb(A->cols(), b->cols()); At = A->transpose(); Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> AtA = At * (*A); Atb = At * (*b); Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> > solver; solver.compute(AtA); if(!=Eigen::Success) { // decomposition failed std::cout << "decomposition failed\n"; } (*x) = solver.solve(Atb); if(!=Eigen::Success) { std::cout << "solver failed: " << << "\n"; return false; } else { return true; } }
bool StiffnessSolver::SolveSystem(SpMat &K, VX &D, VX &F, int verbose, int &info) { Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver; solver.compute(K); info = 0; if ( != Eigen::Success) { fprintf(stderr, "SolverSystem(Ver.Eigen): Error in Decomposition!\n"); assert(0); return false; } VX Diag = solver.vectorD(); if (verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "---LDLt Decomposition Diagnoal vector D---\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < Diag.size(); i++) { if (Diag[i] < EPS) { fprintf(stderr, " SolveSystem(Ver.Eigen): negative number found on diagonal ...\n"); fprintf(stderr, " d[%d] = %11.4e\n", i, Diag[i]); info--; assert(0); return false; } if (verbose) { fprintf(stdout, "d[%d] = %.5f\n", i, Diag[i]); } } if (info < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Stiffness Matrix is not positive definite: %d negative elements\n", info); fprintf(stderr, "found on decomp diagonal of K.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "The stucture may have mechanism and thus not stable in general\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Please Make sure that all six\n"); fprintf(stderr, "rigid body translations are restrained!\n"); assert(0); return false; } D = solver.solve(F); if ( != Eigen::Success) { fprintf(stderr, "SolverSystem(Ver.Eigen): Error in Solving!\n"); assert(0); return false; } return true; }
Mat solveQurdOpt(SpMat L, SpMat C, VectorXd alpha_star){ // omp_set_num_threads(1); Eigen::setNbThreads(1); cout << "solving quadratic optimization proble .............." << endl; double lambda = 0.000001; SpMat D(L.rows(), L.cols()); D.setIdentity(); SpMat b = alpha_star.sparseView(); SpMat A, alpha; A = L + C + lambda * D; b = C * b; Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<SpMat> solver; cout << "begin to factorize A" << endl; solver.compute(A); if( != Eigen::Success) cout << "decomposition failed" << endl; else cout << "decomposition success" << endl; cout << "begin to solve !" << endl; alpha = solver.solve(b); cout << "solve success" << endl; Mat alpha_mat; eigen2cv(MatrixXd(alpha), alpha_mat); alpha_mat = alpha_mat.t(); alpha_mat = alpha_mat.reshape(0, imgSize.width).t(); alpha_mat = alpha_mat * 0.5 + 0.5; alpha_mat = max(min(alpha_mat, 1), 0); //showSavePicLBDM("alpha", alpha_mat, showImgLBDM, saveImgLBDM); return alpha_mat; }
bool IMEXIntegrator::setRotations() const { const real newtonThreshold = 1.0e-5; //should be able to get this almost exact std::vector<Triplet> triplets; Eigen::SparseMatrix<real> hess(r.numEdges()-2, r.numEdges()-2); VecXe rot =; VecXe grad = VecXe::Zero(r.numEdges()-2); // Assumes edges are clamped bool newtonConverge = false; std::vector<Vec3e> curveBinorm; for (int i=1; i<r.numCPs()-1; i++) { Vec3e tPrev =; Vec3e tNext =; real chi = 1.0 + (; curveBinorm.push_back(2.0*tPrev.cross(tNext)/chi); } int newtonIterations = 0; do { triplets.clear(); calcRotEqs(r, rot, curveBinorm, grad, triplets); real resid = grad.norm(); if (resid < newtonThreshold || newtonIterations > 4) { if (resid > 1.0e-5 * r.numEdges()) { return false; } newtonConverge = true; break; } newtonIterations++; hess.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end()); hess += hessBase; Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<real>> sLDLT; sLDLT.compute(hess); VecXe sol = sLDLT.solve(grad); assert( == Eigen::Success); rot.block(1, 0, r.numEdges()-2, 1) += sol; } while (!newtonConverge); if (newtonConverge) { = rot; } return newtonConverge; }
// The Real Core Function doing the actual mesh processing. bool FilterHarmonicPlugin::applyFilter(QAction * action, MeshDocument & md, RichParameterSet & par, vcg::CallBackPos * cb) { switch(ID(action)) { case FP_SCALAR_HARMONIC_FIELD : { typedef vcg::GridStaticPtr<CMeshO::VertexType, CMeshO::ScalarType> VertexGrid; typedef double CoeffScalar; // TODO, when moving the code to a class make it a template (CoeffScalar = double) typedef CMeshO::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef CMeshO::CoordType CoordType; typedef CMeshO::VertexType VertexType; typedef CMeshO::FaceType FaceType; typedef Eigen::Triplet<CoeffScalar> T; typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<CoeffScalar> SpMat; //sparse matrix type of double CMeshO & m =>cm; vcg::tri::Allocator<CMeshO>::CompactFaceVector(m); vcg::tri::Allocator<CMeshO>::CompactVertexVector(m);>updateDataMask(MeshModel::MM_FACEFACETOPO | MeshModel::MM_VERTMARK); vcg::tri::UpdateBounding<CMeshO>::Box(m); vcg::tri::UpdateTopology<CMeshO>::FaceFace(m); int n = m.VN(); int fn = m.FN(); std::vector<T> coeffs; // coefficients of the system std::map<size_t,CoeffScalar> sums; // row sum of the coefficient SpMat laplaceMat; // the system to be solved laplaceMat.resize(n, n); Log("Generating coefficients.`"); cb(0, "Generating coefficients..."); vcg::tri::UpdateFlags<CMeshO>::FaceClearV(m); // Iterate over the faces for (size_t i = 0; i < m.face.size(); ++i) { CMeshO::FaceType & f = m.face[i]; if (f.IsD()) { assert(int(i) == fn); break; // TODO FIX the indexing of vertices } assert(!f.IsV()); f.SetV(); // Generate coefficients for each edge for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) { CoeffScalar weight; WeightInfo res = ComputeWeight<FaceType, CoeffScalar>(f, idx, weight); switch (res) { case EdgeAlreadyVisited : continue; case Success : break; case BorderEdge : this->errorMessage = "Mesh not closed, cannot compute harmonic field on mesh containing holes or borders"; return false; default: assert(0); } // if (weight < 0) weight = 0; // TODO check if negative weight may be an issue // Add the weight to the coefficients vector for both the vertices of the considered edge size_t v0_idx = vcg::tri::Index(m, f.V0(idx)); size_t v1_idx = vcg::tri::Index(m, f.V1(idx)); coeffs.push_back(T(v0_idx, v1_idx, -weight)); coeffs.push_back(T(v1_idx, v0_idx, -weight)); // Add the weight to the row sum sums[v0_idx] += weight; sums[v1_idx] += weight; } f.SetV(); } // Fill the system matrix Log("Fill the system matrix"); cb(10, "Filling the system matrix..."); laplaceMat.reserve(coeffs.size()); for (std::map<size_t,CoeffScalar>::const_iterator it = sums.begin(); it != sums.end(); ++it) { coeffs.push_back(T(it->first, it->first, it->second)); } laplaceMat.setFromTriplets(coeffs.begin(), coeffs.end()); // Get the two vertices with value set VertexGrid vg; vg.Set(m.vert.begin(), m.vert.end()); vcg::vertex::PointDistanceFunctor<ScalarType> pd; vcg::tri::Tmark<CMeshO, VertexType> mv; mv.SetMesh(&m); mv.UnMarkAll(); CoordType closestP; ScalarType minDist = 0; VertexType * vp0 = vcg::GridClosest(vg, pd, mv, par.getPoint3f("point1"), m.bbox.Diag(), minDist, closestP); VertexType * vp1 = vcg::GridClosest(vg, pd, mv, par.getPoint3f("point2"), m.bbox.Diag(), minDist, closestP); if (vp0 == NULL || vp1 == NULL || vp0 == vp1) { this->errorMessage = "Error occurred for selected points."; return false; } size_t v0_idx = vcg::tri::Index(m, vp0); size_t v1_idx = vcg::tri::Index(m, vp1); // Add penalty factor alpha Log("Setting up the system matrix"); const CoeffScalar alpha = pow(10, 8); Eigen::Matrix<CoeffScalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> b, x; // Unknown and known terms vectors b.setZero(n); b(v0_idx) = alpha * par.getFloat("value1"); b(v1_idx) = alpha * par.getFloat("value2"); laplaceMat.coeffRef(v0_idx, v0_idx) += alpha; laplaceMat.coeffRef(v1_idx, v1_idx) += alpha; // Solve system laplacianMat x = b Log("System matrix decomposition..."); cb(20, "System matrix decomposition..."); Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<CoeffScalar> > solver; // TODO eventually use another solver solver.compute(laplaceMat); if( != Eigen::Success) { // decomposition failed this->errorMessage = "System matrix decomposition failed: "; if ( == Eigen::NumericalIssue) this->errorMessage += "numerical issue."; else if ( == Eigen::NoConvergence) this->errorMessage += "no convergence."; else if ( == Eigen::InvalidInput) this->errorMessage += "invalid input."; return false; } Log("Solving the system..."); cb(85, "Solving the system..."); x = solver.solve(b); if( != Eigen::Success) { // solving failed this->errorMessage = "System solving failed."; return false; } // Colorize bands for the 0-1 interval if (par.getBool("colorize")) { float steps = 20.0f; for (size_t i = 0; int(i) < n; ++i) { bool on = (int)(x[i]*steps)%2 == 1; if (on) { m.vert[i].C() = vcg::Color4b::ColorRamp(0,2,x[i]); } else { m.vert[i].C() = vcg::Color4b::White; } } } // Set field value into vertex quality attribute for (size_t i = 0; int(i) < n; ++i) { m.vert[i].Q() = x[i]; } cb(100, "Done."); return true; } default : assert(0); } return false; }
LaplacianOperator::LaplacianOperator( ObjEntity* mesh,MeshDrawerImpl* drawer ):mState(STATE_CHOOSING_STATIC),OperatorImpl(mesh,drawer) { mVerticesController = new VerticesController(mesh,drawer); assert(mesh != nullptr); clock_t clock_start; clock_start = clock(); mMeshVertexCount = mesh->getVertexCount(); initAdjacentMatrix(); // printMatrix(adjacentMatrix,"adjacentMatrix"); // printMatrix(degreeMatrix,"degreeMatrix"); Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> laplacianOperator; computeLaplacianOperator(laplacianOperator); #ifdef MY_DEBUG ofstream out("debug.txt",ios::app); out << "laplacianOperator:"; for (Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>::InnerIterator it(laplacianOperator,283); it; it++) { out << it.row() << ' '; } out << endl; #endif // MY_DEBUG //printMatrix(laplacianOperator,"laplacianOperator"); Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,3> verInput(mMeshVertexCount,3); for (int i = 0; i < mMeshVertexCount; i++) { Vertex* v = mesh->m_vertexList->at(i); verInput(i,0) = v->x; verInput(i,1) = v->y; verInput(i,2) = v->z; } Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,3> deltaInput = laplacianOperator * verInput; #ifdef MY_DEBUG out << "verInput 283:" << verInput(283,0) << ' ' << verInput(283,1) << ' ' << verInput(283,2) << endl; out << "deltaInput 283:" << deltaInput(283,0) << ' ' << deltaInput(283,1) << ' ' << deltaInput(283,2) << endl; #endif // MY_DEBUG //printMatrix(deltaInput,"deltaInput"); Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> laplacianOperator3D(6*mMeshVertexCount,3*mMeshVertexCount); laplacianOperator3D.reserve(Eigen::VectorXi::Constant(3*mMeshVertexCount,40)); //Eigen::MatrixXd laplacianOperator(laplacianOperator); vector<Vertex*>* meshVertex = mesh->m_vertexList; /* operate laplacianOperator3D */ for (int i = 0; i < mMeshVertexCount; i++) { //printf("%d ",i); /* Generate Matrix A*/ Vertex* v = meshVertex->at(i); vector<Vertex*> vertexInA; vertexInA.push_back(v); vector<int> adjIndex; getAdjVertex(i,adjIndex); for (int j = 0; j < adjIndex.size(); j++) { vertexInA.push_back(meshVertex->at(; } Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,7> matrixA; matrixA.resize(vertexInA.size()*3,7); for (int j = 0; j < vertexInA.size(); j++) { Eigen::Matrix<double,3,7> m; constructMatrix(,m); int r = matrixA.rows(); matrixA.middleRows<3>(j*3) = m; // printMatrix(m,"m"); } Eigen::Matrix<double,7,Eigen::Dynamic> pinvA; /* 当该顶点是孤立的的时候,transposeA*matrixA可能是奇异的,因此pinv就会出现-1.#IND*/ if(adjIndex.size() == 0) { pinvA.resize(7,3); pinvA.setZero(); } else { Eigen::Matrix<double,7,Eigen::Dynamic> transposeA = matrixA.transpose(); pinvA = (transposeA * matrixA).inverse()*transposeA; } #ifdef MY_DEBUG cout << "MatrixA" << endl << matrixA << endl << endl << "PinvA:" << endl; cout << pinvA << endl; ofstream sqare("transposeAmatrixA.txt"); sqare << (transposeA * matrixA) << endl << endl; sqare << (transposeA * matrixA).inverse() << endl; sqare.close(); #endif // MY_DEBUG Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> s = pinvA.row(0); Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> h1 = pinvA.row(1); Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> h2 = pinvA.row(2); Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> h3 = pinvA.row(3); Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> TDeltaX = s*deltaInput(i,0)-h3*deltaInput(i,1)+h2*deltaInput(i,2); Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> TDeltaY = h3*deltaInput(i,0)+s*deltaInput(i,1)-h1*deltaInput(i,2); Eigen::Matrix<double,1,Eigen::Dynamic> TDeltaZ = -h2*deltaInput(i,0)-h1*deltaInput(i,1)+s*deltaInput(i,2); Eigen::Matrix<double,3,Eigen::Dynamic> TDelta; TDelta.resize(3,TDeltaX.cols()); TDelta.row(0) = TDeltaX; TDelta.row(1) = TDeltaY; TDelta.row(2) = TDeltaZ; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int opRow = j*mMeshVertexCount+i; laplacianOperator3D.insert(opRow,i) = j == 0 ? -TDelta(j,0) + laplacianOperator.coeff(i,i) : -TDelta(j,0); laplacianOperator3D.insert(opRow,i+mMeshVertexCount) = j == 1 ? -TDelta(j,1) + laplacianOperator.coeff(i,i) : -TDelta(j,1); laplacianOperator3D.insert(opRow,i+2*mMeshVertexCount) = j == 2 ? -TDelta(j,2) + laplacianOperator.coeff(i,i) : -TDelta(j,2); int curTDeltaCol = 3; for (int a = 0; a < adjIndex.size(); a++) { int adj =; laplacianOperator3D.insert(opRow,adj) = j == 0 ? -TDelta(j,curTDeltaCol++) + laplacianOperator.coeff(i,adj) : -TDelta(j,curTDeltaCol++); laplacianOperator3D.insert(opRow,adj+mMeshVertexCount) = j == 1 ? -TDelta(j,curTDeltaCol++) + laplacianOperator.coeff(i,adj) : -TDelta(j,curTDeltaCol++); laplacianOperator3D.insert(opRow,adj+2*mMeshVertexCount) = j == 2 ? -TDelta(j,curTDeltaCol++) + laplacianOperator.coeff(i,adj) : -TDelta(j,curTDeltaCol++); } } } #ifdef MY_DEBUG ofstream outL3d("laplacianOperator3D.txt"); outL3d << laplacianOperator3D << endl; outL3d.close(); #endif int mMeshVertexCount_X3 = 3*mMeshVertexCount; Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& A_prime = laplacianOperator3D; // printMatrix(laplacianOperator3D,"laplacianOperator3D"); // printMatrix(A_prime,"A_prime"); int offset = 0; for(int j = 0; j < mMeshVertexCount_X3; j+=3) { A_prime.insert(mMeshVertexCount_X3+j,offset) = 1; A_prime.insert(mMeshVertexCount_X3+j+1,offset+mMeshVertexCount) = 1; A_prime.insert(mMeshVertexCount_X3+j+2,offset+2*mMeshVertexCount) = 1; offset++; } Eigen::VectorXd b(mMeshVertexCount_X3*2); b.setZero(); int ret; defoMesh = ObjUtility::createObjEntity("defo.obj",ret); vector<Vertex*>* defoVertex = defoMesh->m_vertexList; int defoSize = defoVertex->size(); int nodefoSize = mMeshVertexCount; for (int j = 0; j < mMeshVertexCount; j++) { b(mMeshVertexCount_X3+3*j) = defoVertex->at(j)->x; b(mMeshVertexCount_X3+3*j+1) = defoVertex->at(j)->y; b(mMeshVertexCount_X3+3*j+2) = defoVertex->at(j)->z; } A_prime.makeCompressed(); Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> A_prime_T = Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>(A_prime.transpose()); Eigen::VectorXd A_prime_T_b = A_prime_T*b; Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> sym = A_prime_T*A_prime; long t = (clock()-clock_start); printf("constructTime:%d\n",t); #ifdef MY_DEBUG ofstream outSym("sym.txt"); outSym << sym << endl; outSym.close(); ofstream outAprimeT("AprimeT.txt"); outAprimeT << A_prime_T << endl; outAprimeT.close(); ofstream outAprime("A_prime.txt"); outAprime << A_prime << endl; outAprime.close(); #endif #ifdef MY_DEBUG Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd > es(sym); ofstream outEigen("eigenvalues.txt",ios::app); outEigen << es.eigenvalues() << endl; outEigen.close(); #endif // MY_DEBUG clock_start = clock(); //Eigen::SimplicialLLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> > solver; Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> > solver; solver.compute(sym); t = (clock()-clock_start); printf("factorizationTime:%d\n",t); clock_start = clock(); // ofstream outLU("LU.txt",ios::app); // outLU << "L:" << endl; // outLU << solver.matrixL() << endl; // outLU << "------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // outLU << "U:" << endl; // outLU << solver.matrixU() << endl; // outLU.close(); if(!= Eigen::Success) { // decomposition failed return; } Eigen::VectorXd v_p = solver.solve(A_prime_T_b); t = (clock()-clock_start); printf("SolveTime:%d\n",t); //printMatrix(v_p,"v_p"); writeToDisk(v_p); if(!= Eigen::Success) { // solving failed return; } // Eigen::VectorXd v_p = A_prime.householderQr().solve(b); // //Eigen::VectorXd v_p = A_prime.jacobiSvd().solve(b); // // // printMatrix(laplacianOperator3D,"laplacianOperator3D"); // printMatrix(A_prime,"A_prime"); // printMatrix(adjacentMatrix,"adjacentMatrix"); // printMatrix(b,"b"); // printMatrix(v_p,"v_p"); // //cout << laplacianOperator; }