double FittingCurve2d::findClosestElementMidPoint (const ON_NurbsCurve &nurbs, const Eigen::Vector2d &pt, double hint) { // evaluate hint double param = hint; double points[2]; nurbs.Evaluate (param, 0, 2, points); Eigen::Vector2d p (points[0], points[1]); Eigen::Vector2d r = p - pt; double d_shortest_hint = r.squaredNorm (); double d_shortest_elem (DBL_MAX); // evaluate elements std::vector<double> elements = pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2d::getElementVector (nurbs); double seg = 1.0 / (nurbs.Order () - 1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < elements.size () - 1; i++) { double &xi0 = elements[i]; double &xi1 = elements[i + 1]; double dxi = xi1 - xi0; for (unsigned j = 0; j < nurbs.Order (); j++) { double xi = xi0 + (seg * j) * dxi; nurbs.Evaluate (xi, 0, 2, points); p (0) = points[0]; p (1) = points[1]; r = p - pt; double d = r.squaredNorm (); if (d < d_shortest_elem) { d_shortest_elem = d; param = xi; } } } if(d_shortest_hint < d_shortest_elem) return hint; else return param; }
ON_NurbsCurve FittingCurve2d::initNurbsCurve2D (int order, const vector_vec2d &data, int ncps, double radiusF) { if (data.empty ()) printf ("[FittingCurve2d::initNurbsCurve2D] Warning, no boundary parameters available\n"); Eigen::Vector2d mean = NurbsTools::computeMean (data); unsigned s = data.size (); double r (0.0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < s; i++) { Eigen::Vector2d d = data[i] - mean; double sn = d.squaredNorm (); if (sn > r) r = sn; } r = radiusF * sqrt (r); if (ncps < 2 * order) ncps = 2 * order; ON_NurbsCurve nurbs = ON_NurbsCurve (2, false, order, ncps); nurbs.MakePeriodicUniformKnotVector (1.0 / (ncps - order + 1)); double dcv = (2.0 * M_PI) / (ncps - order + 1); Eigen::Vector2d cv; for (int j = 0; j < ncps; j++) { cv (0) = r * sin (dcv * j); cv (1) = r * cos (dcv * j); cv = cv + mean; nurbs.SetCV (j, ON_3dPoint (cv (0), cv (1), 0.0)); } return nurbs; }
unsigned NurbsTools::getClosestPoint (const Eigen::Vector2d &p, const Eigen::Vector2d &dir, const vector_vec2d &data, unsigned &idxcp) { if (data.empty ()) throw std::runtime_error ("[NurbsTools::getClosestPoint(2d)] Data empty.\n"); size_t idx = 0; idxcp = 0; double dist2 (0.0); double dist2cp (DBL_MAX); for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size (); i++) { Eigen::Vector2d v = (data[i] - p); double d2 = v.squaredNorm (); if (d2 < dist2cp) { idxcp = i; dist2cp = d2; } if (d2 == 0.0) return i; v.normalize (); double d1 = (v); if (d1 / d2 > dist2) { idx = i; dist2 = d1 / d2; } } return idx; }
double distance_squared () const { return translation.squaredNorm(); }
bool BeaconBasedPoseEstimator::m_kalmanAutocalibEstimator(LedGroup &leds, double dt) { auto const beaconsSize = m_beacons.size(); // Default measurement variance (for now, factor) per axis. double varianceFactor = 1; auto maxBoxRatio = m_params.boundingBoxFilterRatio; auto minBoxRatio = 1.f / m_params.boundingBoxFilterRatio; auto inBoundsID = std::size_t{0}; // Default to using all the measurements we can auto skipBright = false; { auto totalLeds = leds.size(); auto identified = std::size_t{0}; auto inBoundsBright = std::size_t{0}; auto inBoundsRound = std::size_t{0}; for (auto const &led : leds) { if (!led.identified()) { continue; } identified++; auto id = led.getID(); if (id >= beaconsSize) { continue; } inBoundsID++; if (led.isBright()) { inBoundsBright++; } if (led.getMeasurement().knowBoundingBox) { auto boundingBoxRatio = led.getMeasurement().boundingBox.height / led.getMeasurement().boundingBox.width; if (boundingBoxRatio > minBoxRatio && boundingBoxRatio < maxBoxRatio) { inBoundsRound++; } } } /// If we only see a few beacons, they may be as likely to send us spinning as /// help us keep tracking. #if 0 // Now we decide if we want to cut the variance artificially to // reduce latency in low-beacon situations if (inBoundsID < LOW_BEACON_CUTOFF) { varianceFactor = 0.5; } #endif if (inBoundsID - inBoundsBright > DIM_BEACON_CUTOFF_TO_SKIP_BRIGHTS && m_params.shouldSkipBrightLeds) { skipBright = true; } if (0 == inBoundsID) { m_framesWithoutIdentifiedBlobs++; } else { m_framesWithoutIdentifiedBlobs = 0; } } CameraModel cam; cam.focalLength = m_camParams.focalLength(); cam.principalPoint = cvToVector(m_camParams.principalPoint()); ImagePointMeasurement meas{cam}; kalman::ConstantProcess<kalman::PureVectorState<>> beaconProcess; const auto maxSquaredResidual = m_params.maxResidual * m_params.maxResidual; const auto maxZComponent = m_params.maxZComponent; kalman::predict(m_state, m_model, dt); /// @todo should we be recalculating this for each beacon after each /// correction step? The order we filter them in is rather arbitrary... Eigen::Matrix3d rotate = Eigen::Matrix3d(m_state.getCombinedQuaternion()); auto numBad = std::size_t{0}; auto numGood = std::size_t{0}; for (auto &led : leds) { if (!led.identified()) { continue; } auto id = led.getID(); if (id >= beaconsSize) { continue; } auto &debug = m_beaconDebugData[id]; debug.seen = true; debug.measurement = led.getLocation(); if (skipBright && led.isBright()) { continue; } // Angle of emission checking // If we transform the body-local emission vector, an LED pointed // right at the camera will be -Z. Anything with a 0 or positive z // component is clearly out, and realistically, anything with a z // component over -0.5 is probably fairly oblique. We don't want to // use such beacons since they can easily introduce substantial // error. double zComponent = (rotate * cvToVector(m_beaconEmissionDirection[id])).z(); if (zComponent > 0.) { if (m_params.extraVerbose) { std::cout << "Rejecting an LED at " << led.getLocation() << " claiming ID " << led.getOneBasedID() << std::endl; } /// This means the LED is pointed away from us - so we shouldn't /// be able to see it. led.markMisidentified(); /// @todo This could be a mis-identification, or it could mean /// we're in a totally messed up state. Do we count this against /// ourselves? numBad++; continue; } else if (zComponent > maxZComponent) { /// LED is too askew of the camera to provide reliable data, so /// skip it. continue; } #if 0 if (led.getMeasurement().knowBoundingBox) { /// @todo For right now, if we don't have a bounding box, we're /// assuming it's square enough (and only testing for /// non-squareness on those who actually do have bounding /// boxes). This is very much a temporary situation. auto boundingBoxRatio = led.getMeasurement().boundingBox.height / led.getMeasurement().boundingBox.width; if (boundingBoxRatio < minBoxRatio || boundingBoxRatio > maxBoxRatio) { /// skip non-circular blobs. numBad++; continue; } } #endif auto localVarianceFactor = varianceFactor; auto newIdentificationVariancePenalty = std::pow(2.0, led.novelty()); /// Stick a little bit of process model uncertainty in the beacon, /// if it's meant to have some if (m_beaconFixed[id]) { beaconProcess.setNoiseAutocorrelation(0); } else { beaconProcess.setNoiseAutocorrelation( m_params.beaconProcessNoise); kalman::predict(*(m_beacons[id]), beaconProcess, dt); } meas.setMeasurement( Eigen::Vector2d(led.getLocation().x, led.getLocation().y)); led.markAsUsed(); auto state = kalman::makeAugmentedState(m_state, *(m_beacons[id])); meas.updateFromState(state); Eigen::Vector2d residual = meas.getResidual(state); if (residual.squaredNorm() > maxSquaredResidual) { // probably bad numBad++; localVarianceFactor *= m_params.highResidualVariancePenalty; } else { numGood++; } debug.residual.x = residual.x(); debug.residual.y = residual.y(); auto effectiveVariance = localVarianceFactor * m_params.measurementVarianceScaleFactor * newIdentificationVariancePenalty * (led.isBright() ? BRIGHT_PENALTY : 1.) * m_beaconMeasurementVariance[id] / led.getMeasurement().area; debug.variance = effectiveVariance; meas.setVariance(effectiveVariance); /// Now, do the correction. auto model = kalman::makeAugmentedProcessModel(m_model, beaconProcess); kalman::correct(state, model, meas); m_gotMeasurement = true; } /// Probation: Dealing with ratios of bad to good residuals bool incrementProbation = false; if (0 == m_framesInProbation) { // Let's try to keep a 3:2 ratio of good to bad when not "in // probation" incrementProbation = (numBad * 3 > numGood * 2); } else { // Already in trouble, add a bit of hysteresis and raising the bar // so we don't hop out easily. incrementProbation = numBad * 2 > numGood; if (!incrementProbation) { // OK, we're good again m_framesInProbation = 0; } } if (incrementProbation) { m_framesInProbation++; } /// Frames without measurements: dealing with getting in a bad state if (m_gotMeasurement) { m_framesWithoutUtilizedMeasurements = 0; } else { if (inBoundsID > 0) { /// We had a measurement, we rejected it. The problem may be the /// plank in our own eye, not the speck in our beacon's eye. m_framesWithoutUtilizedMeasurements++; } } /// Output to the OpenCV state types so we can see the reprojection /// debug view. m_rvec = eiQuatToRotVec(m_state.getQuaternion()); cv::eigen2cv(m_state.position().eval(), m_tvec); return true; }
const CPoint3DWORLD CLandmark::_getOptimizedLandmarkIDWA( ) { //ds return vector CPoint3DWORLD vecPointXYZWORLD( Eigen::Vector3d::Zero( ) ); //ds total accumulated depth double dInverseDepthAccumulated = 0.0; //ds loop over all measurements for( const CMeasurementLandmark* pMeasurement: m_vecMeasurements ) { //ds current inverse depth const double dInverseDepth = 1.0/pMeasurement->vecPointXYZLEFT.z( ); //ds add current measurement with depth weight vecPointXYZWORLD += dInverseDepth*pMeasurement->vecPointXYZWORLD; //std::cout << "in camera frame: " << pMeasurement->vecPointXYZ.transpose( ) << std::endl; //std::cout << "adding: " << dInverseDepth << " x " << pMeasurement->vecPointXYZWORLD.transpose( ) << std::endl; //ds accumulate depth dInverseDepthAccumulated += dInverseDepth; } //ds compute average point vecPointXYZWORLD /= dInverseDepthAccumulated; //std::cout << "from: " << vecPointXYZCalibrated.transpose( ) << " to: " << vecPointXYZWORLD.transpose( ) << std::endl; ++uOptimizationsSuccessful; double dSumSquaredErrors = 0.0; //ds loop over all previous measurements again for( const CMeasurementLandmark* pMeasurement: m_vecMeasurements ) { //ds get point into camera (cast to avoid eclipse error..) const CPoint3DHomogenized vecPointXYZLEFT( CMiniVisionToolbox::getHomogeneous( static_cast< CPoint3DCAMERA >( pMeasurement->matTransformationWORLDtoLEFT*vecPointXYZWORLD ) ) ); //ds get projected point const CPoint2DHomogenized vecProjectionHomogeneous( m_matProjectionLEFT*vecPointXYZLEFT ); //ds compute pixel coordinates TODO remove cast const Eigen::Vector2d vecUV = CWrapperOpenCV::getInterDistance( static_cast< Eigen::Vector2d >( vecProjectionHomogeneous.head< 2 >( )/vecProjectionHomogeneous(2) ), pMeasurement->ptUVLEFT ); //ds compute squared error const double dSquaredError( vecUV.squaredNorm( ) ); //ds add up dSumSquaredErrors += dSquaredError; } //ds average the measurement dCurrentAverageSquaredError = dSumSquaredErrors/m_vecMeasurements.size( ); //ds if optimal if( 5.0 > dCurrentAverageSquaredError ) { bIsOptimal = false; } //ds return return vecPointXYZWORLD; }