void RemoteMediaStream::AddTrack(FB::JSAPIPtr pTrack) { if("video" == pTrack->GetProperty("kind").convert_cast<std::string>()) { m_videoTracks.push_back(FB::variant(pTrack)); } else if("audio" == pTrack->GetProperty("kind").convert_cast<std::string>()) { m_audioTracks.push_back(FB::variant(pTrack)); } }
// Methods to manage properties on the API FB::variant IDispatchAPI::GetProperty(const std::string& propertyName) { if (!host->isMainThread()) { return host->CallOnMainThread(boost::bind((FB::GetPropertyType)&IDispatchAPI::GetProperty, this, propertyName)); } if (is_JSAPI) { FB::JSAPIPtr tmp = inner.lock(); if (tmp) return tmp->GetProperty(propertyName); else return false; } DISPPARAMS params; params.cArgs = 0; params.cNamedArgs = 0; VARIANT res; EXCEPINFO eInfo; HRESULT hr = E_NOTIMPL; CComQIPtr<IDispatchEx> dispex(m_obj); if (dispex) { hr = dispex->InvokeEx(getIDForName(FB::utf8_to_wstring(propertyName)), LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, ¶ms, &res, &eInfo, NULL); } else { hr = m_obj->Invoke(getIDForName(FB::utf8_to_wstring(propertyName)), IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, ¶ms, &res, NULL, NULL); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return m_browser->getVariant(&res); } else { throw FB::script_error("Could not get property"); } }
// Methods to manage properties on the API FB::variant NPObjectAPI::GetProperty(const std::string& propertyName) { if (m_browser.expired()) return FB::FBVoid(); NpapiBrowserHostPtr browser(getHost()); if (!browser->isMainThread()) { return browser->CallOnMainThread(boost::bind((FB::GetPropertyType)&JSAPI::GetProperty, this, propertyName)); } if (is_JSAPI) { FB::JSAPIPtr tmp = inner.lock(); if (tmp) return tmp->GetProperty(propertyName); else return false; } NPVariant retVal; if (!browser->GetProperty(obj, browser->GetStringIdentifier(propertyName.c_str()), &retVal)) { browser->ReleaseVariantValue(&retVal); throw script_error(propertyName.c_str()); } else { FB::variant ret = browser->getVariant(&retVal); browser->ReleaseVariantValue(&retVal); return ret; } }
// Methods to manage properties on the API FB::variant IDispatchAPI::GetProperty(const std::string& propertyName) { if (m_browser.expired() || m_obj.expired()) return FB::FBVoid(); ActiveXBrowserHostPtr browser(getHost()); if (!browser->isMainThread()) { return browser->CallOnMainThread(boost::bind((FB::GetPropertyType)&IDispatchAPI::GetProperty, this, propertyName)); } if (is_JSAPI) { FB::JSAPIPtr tmp = inner.lock(); if (!tmp) { return false; } return tmp->GetProperty(propertyName); } DISPID dispId = getIDForName(FB::utf8_to_wstring(propertyName)); if (dispId == DISPID_UNKNOWN && propertyName != "toString") { throw FB::script_error("Could not get property"); } // TODO: how can toString == DISPID_UNKNOWN work? DISPPARAMS params; params.cArgs = 0; params.cNamedArgs = 0; HRESULT hr; CComVariant result; CComExcepInfo exceptionInfo; try { CComQIPtr<IDispatchEx> dispatchEx(getIDispatch()); if (dispatchEx) { hr = dispatchEx->InvokeEx(dispId, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, ¶ms, &result, &exceptionInfo, NULL); } else { hr = getIDispatch()->Invoke(dispId, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, ¶ms, &result, &exceptionInfo, NULL); } if (FAILED(hr)) { throw FB::script_error("Could not get property"); } return browser->getVariant(&result); } catch (...) { throw FB::script_error("Could not get property"); } }
FB::variant NPObjectAPI::GetProperty(int idx) { if (m_browser.expired()) return FB::FBVoid(); NpapiBrowserHostPtr browser(getHost()); std::string strIdx(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(idx)); if (is_JSAPI) { FB::JSAPIPtr tmp = inner.lock(); if (tmp) return tmp->GetProperty(idx); } return GetProperty(strIdx); }
FB::variant GCPAPI::RemoveStream(const FB::JSAPIPtr& stream) { GoCast::RtcCenter* pCtr = GoCast::RtcCenter::Instance(); if(false == pCtr->Inited()) { std::string msg = m_htmlId.convert_cast<std::string>(); msg += ": Failed to init RtcCenter singleton"; FBLOG_ERROR_CUSTOM("GCPAPI::RemoveStream", msg); return false; } return pCtr->RemoveStream(m_htmlId.convert_cast<std::string>(), stream->GetProperty("label").convert_cast<std::string>()); }