bool matchContact(const fc::ecc::public_key& pk, bts::addressbook::wallet_contact* matchedContact) { assert(pk.valid()); auto address_book = bts::get_profile()->get_addressbook(); try { auto c = address_book->get_contact_by_public_key(pk); if(c) { *matchedContact = *c; return true; } else { *matchedContact = bts::addressbook::wallet_contact(); matchedContact->public_key = pk; return false; } } catch (const fc::exception&) { *matchedContact = bts::addressbook::wallet_contact(); matchedContact->public_key = pk; return false; } }
QString toString(const fc::ecc::public_key& pk, TContactTextFormatting contactFormatting, bts::addressbook::contact* matchingContact /*= nullptr*/, bool* isKnownContact /*= nullptr*/) { assert(pk.valid()); auto address_book = bts::get_profile()->get_addressbook(); auto c = address_book->get_contact_by_public_key(pk); if (c) { if(matchingContact != nullptr) *matchingContact = *c; if(isKnownContact != nullptr) *isKnownContact = true; switch(contactFormatting) { case KEYHOTEE_IDENTIFIER: return QString(c->dac_id_string.c_str()); case CONTACT_ALIAS_FULL_NAME: return QString(std::string(c->first_name + " " + c->last_name).c_str()); case FULL_CONTACT_DETAILS: return QString(c->get_display_name().c_str()); default: assert(false); return QString(); } } else { auto profile = bts::get_profile(); /// If no contact found try one of registered identities. std::vector<bts::addressbook::wallet_identity> identities = profile->identities(); for(const auto& identity : identities) { assert(identity.public_key.valid()); if(identity.public_key == pk) { if(matchingContact != nullptr) *matchingContact = identity; if(isKnownContact != nullptr) *isKnownContact = true; switch(contactFormatting) { case KEYHOTEE_IDENTIFIER: return QString::fromStdString(identity.dac_id_string); case CONTACT_ALIAS_FULL_NAME: return QString::fromStdString(std::string(identity.first_name + " " + identity.last_name)); case FULL_CONTACT_DETAILS: return QString::fromStdString(identity.get_display_name()); default: assert(false); return QString(); } break; } } if(matchingContact != nullptr) { *matchingContact = bts::addressbook::wallet_contact(); matchingContact->public_key = pk; } if(isKnownContact != nullptr) *isKnownContact = false; /// If code reached this point the publick key is unknown - lets display it as base58 return QString::fromStdString(pk.to_base58()); } }