コード例 #1
void makeTree()
  Flu_Tree_Browser::Node* n;

  // set the default leaf icon to be a blue dot
  tree->leaf_icon( &blue_dot );

  tree->label( "Tree Browser Demo" );
  //tree->select_under_mouse( true );

  n = tree->get_root();
  if( n ) n->branch_icons( &computer, &computer );

  //tree->move_only_same_group( true );

  char buf[32];
  for( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
      sprintf( buf, "%d", i );
      tree->add( "/", buf );

  n = tree->add( "/Customizable Icons!" );
  if( n ) n->leaf_icon( &red_dot );
  n = tree->add( "Text Entries!" );
  if( n ) n->leaf_icon( NULL );
  tree->add( "Identical Entries!" );
  tree->add( "Identical Entries!" );
  //n = tree->add( "/widgets!/" );
  n = tree->add_branch( "/widgets!" );
  n->always_open( true );
  //n->branch_icon( NULL );
  tree->add_branch( "two" );
  n = tree->add( "/widgets!/text item" );
  if( n ) n->leaf_icon( &text_doc );
  tree->add( "two/four" );
  n = tree->add( "/folders/six/123", "eight" );
  if( n ) n->leaf_icon( &green_dot );
  tree->add_leaf( "/folders/six/abc/" );
  tree->add( "/folders/six/seven/" );
  tree->add_leaf( "/uuu" );
  tree->add( "/folders/zilch/" );
  n = tree->find( "/folders" );
  if( n ) n->collapse_icons( &arrow_closed, &arrow_open );
  n = tree->add( "/branches/ten/eleven" );
  printf( "Path %s\n", tree->find_path( n ) );
  tree->add( "/two/this\\/that" ); // use the escape character for '/' (have to use \\ since the compiler automatically does escape replacement in strings)
  n = tree->add( "/zoom/" );
  if( n ) n->branch_icons( &cd_drive, &cd_drive );
  tree->add( "zoom", "zurb" );
  tree->add( "zoom", "zoom" );

  tree->open( true );

  // test the depth-first traversal interface
  printf( "----------------\n" );
  n = tree->last();//tree->first();
  while( n )
      printf( "%s\n", n->label() );
      n = n->previous();//n->next();


  Fl_Input *i = new Fl_Input( 0, 0, 100, 20 );
  tree->add( "/input/", i );

  Fl_Choice *c = new Fl_Choice( 0, 0, 100, 20 );
  c->add( "one" );
  c->add( "two" );
  c->add( "three" );
  c->add( "four" );
  c->value( 0 );
  n = tree->add( "/widgets!/choice", c );
  if( n ) n->expand_to_width( true );

  tree->leaf_icon( NULL );

  Fl_Button *b = new Fl_Button( 0, 0, 100, 20, "Button" );
  b->callback( button_callback );
  tree->add( "/widgets!/Button", b, false );
  printf( "Path %s\n", tree->find_path( b ) );

    Fl_Check_Button *c = new Fl_Check_Button( 0, 0, 80, 20, "Check 1" );
    n = tree->add( "/widgets!/Check1", c, false );
    n->auto_label_color( true );
    c = new Fl_Check_Button( 0, 0, 80, 20, "Check 2" );
    n = tree->add( "/widgets!/Check2", c, true );
    n->auto_label_color( true );
    c = new Fl_Check_Button( 0, 0, 80, 20, "Check 3" );
    n = tree->add( "/widgets!/Check3", c, true );
    n->swap_label_and_widget( true );
    n->auto_label_color( true );

    Fl_Round_Button *r = new Fl_Round_Button( 0, 0, 70, 20, "Radio 1" );
    r->type( FL_RADIO_BUTTON );
    n = tree->add( "/widgets!/Radio1", r, false );
    n->auto_label_color( true );
    r = new Fl_Round_Button( 0, 0, 70, 20, "Radio 2" );
    r->type( FL_RADIO_BUTTON );
    n = tree->add( "/widgets!/Radio2", r, false );
    n->auto_label_color( true );
    r = new Fl_Round_Button( 0, 0, 70, 20, "Radio 3" );
    r->type( FL_RADIO_BUTTON );
    n = tree->add( "/widgets!/Radio3", r, false );
    n->auto_label_color( true );
    n->leaf_icon( &red_dot );
    n->icon_at_end( true );

    Fl_Round_Button *r = new Fl_Round_Button( 0, 0, 70, 20, "Radio 1" );
    r->type( FL_RADIO_BUTTON );
    n = tree->add( "/usr/Radio1", r, false );
    n->auto_label_color( true );
    r = new Fl_Round_Button( 0, 0, 70, 20, "Radio 2" );
    r->type( FL_RADIO_BUTTON );
    n->auto_label_color( true );
    n = tree->add( "/usr/Radio2", r, false );
    r = new Fl_Round_Button( 0, 0, 70, 20, "Radio 3" );
    r->type( FL_RADIO_BUTTON );
    n->auto_label_color( true );
    n = tree->add( "/usr/Radio3", r, false );

  tree->add( "/usr/bin/foo" );
  tree->add( "/bin/foo" );
  tree->add( "/usr" );  // this should fail since there is already a branch called "usr"

  // disable the branch icons for this entry
  n = tree->find( "/usr" );
  if( n )
    n->branch_icons( 0, 0 );

  // test the find_next() interface
  printf( "%d\n", tree->find_number( "Identical Entries!" ) );
  n = tree->find( "Identical Entries!" );
  printf( "%d %d\n", n->id(), tree->find_next( "Identical Entries!", n )->id() );
  n = tree->find_next( "Identical Entries!", n );
  printf( "removed: %d\n", tree->remove( n ) );

  //n = tree->find( "bin" );
  //if( n )
  //n->label( "New" );

  // find the absolute path of the node with unique ID = 10
  //printf( "%s\n", tree->find_path( 10 ) );

  // find the choice widget and deactivate it
  n = tree->find( c );
  if( n )
