FailoverWithExptimeRoute::FailoverWithExptimeRoute( RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf>& factory, const folly::dynamic& json) : failoverExptime_(60) { checkLogic(json.isObject(), "FailoverWithExptimeRoute is not object"); std::vector<McrouterRouteHandlePtr> failoverTargets; if (json.count("failover")) { failoverTargets = factory.createList(json["failover"]); } failover_ = FailoverRoute<McrouterRouteHandleIf>(std::move(failoverTargets)); if (json.count("normal")) { normal_ = factory.create(json["normal"]); } if (json.count("failover_exptime")) { checkLogic(json["failover_exptime"].isInt(), "failover_exptime is not integer"); failoverExptime_ = json["failover_exptime"].asInt(); } if (json.count("settings")) { settings_ = FailoverWithExptimeSettings(json["settings"]); } }
McrouterRouteHandlePtr makeFailoverWithExptimeRoute( RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf>& factory, const folly::dynamic& json) { checkLogic(json.isObject(), "FailoverWithExptimeRoute is not an object"); McrouterRouteHandlePtr normal; if (auto jnormal = json.get_ptr("normal")) { normal = factory.create(*jnormal); } std::vector<McrouterRouteHandlePtr> failoverTargets; if (auto jfailover = json.get_ptr("failover")) { failoverTargets = factory.createList(*jfailover); } int32_t failoverExptime = 60; if (auto jexptime = json.get_ptr("failover_exptime")) { checkLogic(jexptime->isInt(), "FailoverWithExptimeRoute: " "failover_exptime is not an integer"); failoverExptime = jexptime->getInt(); } // Check if only one format is being used checkLogic(!(json.count("settings") && // old (json.count("failover_errors") || json.count("failover_tag"))), // new "Use either 'settings' (old format) or 'failover_errors' / 'failover_tag'" ); // new format FailoverErrorsSettings failoverErrors; bool failoverTagging = false; if (auto jfailoverTag = json.get_ptr("failover_tag")) { checkLogic(jfailoverTag->isBool(), "FailoverWithExptime: failover_tag is not bool"); failoverTagging = jfailoverTag->getBool(); } if (auto jfailoverErrors = json.get_ptr("failover_errors")) { failoverErrors = FailoverErrorsSettings(*jfailoverErrors); } // old format if (auto jsettings = json.get_ptr("settings")) { VLOG(1) << "FailoverWithExptime: This config format is deprecated. " "Use 'failover_errors' instead of 'settings'."; auto oldSettings = FailoverWithExptimeSettings(*jsettings); failoverTagging = oldSettings.failoverTagging; failoverErrors = oldSettings.getFailoverErrors(); } return makeFailoverWithExptimeRoute( std::move(normal), std::move(failoverTargets), failoverExptime, std::move(failoverErrors), failoverTagging); }
ProxyConfig::ProxyConfig(proxy_t* proxy, const folly::dynamic& json, std::string configMd5Digest, std::shared_ptr<PoolFactory> poolFactory) : poolFactory_(std::move(poolFactory)), configMd5Digest_(std::move(configMd5Digest)) { McRouteHandleProvider provider(proxy, *proxy->destinationMap, *poolFactory_); RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf> factory(provider); checkLogic(json.isObject(), "Config is not an object"); if (json.count("named_handles")) { checkLogic(json["named_handles"].isArray(), "named_handles is not array"); for (const auto& it : json["named_handles"]) { factory.create(it); } } RouteSelectorMap routeSelectors; auto jRoute = json.get_ptr("route"); auto jRoutes = json.get_ptr("routes"); checkLogic(!jRoute || !jRoutes, "Invalid config: both 'route' and 'routes' are specified"); checkLogic(jRoute || jRoutes, "No route/routes in config"); if (jRoute) { routeSelectors[proxy->getRouterOptions().default_route] = std::make_shared<PrefixSelectorRoute>(factory, *jRoute); } else { // jRoutes checkLogic(jRoutes->isArray() || jRoutes->isObject(), "Config: routes is not array/object"); if (jRoutes->isArray()) { for (const auto& it : *jRoutes) { checkLogic(it.isObject(), "RoutePolicy is not an object"); auto jCurRoute = it.get_ptr("route"); auto jAliases = it.get_ptr("aliases"); checkLogic(jCurRoute, "RoutePolicy: no route"); checkLogic(jAliases, "RoutePolicy: no aliases"); checkLogic(jAliases->isArray(), "RoutePolicy: aliases is not an array"); auto routeSelector = std::make_shared<PrefixSelectorRoute>(factory, *jCurRoute); for (const auto& alias : *jAliases) { checkLogic(alias.isString(), "RoutePolicy: alias is not a string"); routeSelectors[alias.stringPiece()] = routeSelector; } } } else { // object for (const auto& it : jRoutes->items()) { checkLogic(it.first.isString(), "RoutePolicy: alias is not a string"); routeSelectors[it.first.stringPiece()] = std::make_shared<PrefixSelectorRoute>(factory, it.second); } } } asyncLogRoutes_ = provider.releaseAsyncLogRoutes(); proxyRoute_ = std::make_shared<ProxyRoute>(proxy, routeSelectors); serviceInfo_ = std::make_shared<ServiceInfo>(proxy, *this); }
std::vector<double> WeightedChHashFuncBase::parseWeights( const folly::dynamic& json, size_t n) { std::vector<double> weights; checkLogic( json.isObject() && json.count("weights"), "WeightedChHashFunc: not an object or no weights"); checkLogic( json["weights"].isArray(), "WeightedChHashFunc: weights is not array"); const auto& jWeights = json["weights"]; LOG_IF(ERROR, jWeights.size() < n) << "WeightedChHashFunc: CONFIG IS BROKEN!!! number of weights (" << jWeights.size() << ") is smaller than number of servers (" << n << "). Missing weights are set to 0.5"; for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(n, jWeights.size()); ++i) { const auto& weight = jWeights[i]; checkLogic(weight.isNumber(), "WeightedChHashFunc: weight is not number"); const auto weightNum = weight.asDouble(); checkLogic( 0 <= weightNum && weightNum <= 1.0, "WeightedChHashFunc: weight must be in range [0, 1.0]"); weights.push_back(weightNum); } weights.resize(n, 0.5); return weights; }
ProxyConfig::ProxyConfig(proxy_t* proxy, const folly::dynamic& json, std::string configMd5Digest, std::shared_ptr<PoolFactory> poolFactory) : poolFactory_(std::move(poolFactory)), configMd5Digest_(std::move(configMd5Digest)) { McRouteHandleProvider provider(proxy, *proxy->destinationMap, *poolFactory_); RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf> factory(provider); checkLogic(json.isObject(), "Config is not an object"); if (json.count("named_handles")) { checkLogic(json["named_handles"].isArray(), "named_handles is not array"); for (const auto& it : json["named_handles"]) { factory.create(it); } } checkLogic(!json.count("route") || !json.count("routes"), "Config ambiguous, has both route and routes"); RouteSelectorMap routeSelectors; if (json.count("route")) { addRouteSelector({ proxy->opts.default_route.str() }, json["route"], factory, routeSelectors); } else if (json.count("routes")) { checkLogic(json["routes"].isArray(), "Config: routes is not array"); for (const auto& it : json["routes"]) { checkLogic(it.isObject(), "RoutePolicy is not object"); checkLogic(it.count("route"), "RoutePolicy has no route"); checkLogic(it.count("aliases"), "RoutePolicy has no aliases"); const auto& aliases = it["aliases"]; checkLogic(aliases.isArray(), "RoutePolicy aliases is not array"); addRouteSelector(aliases, it["route"], factory, routeSelectors); } } else { throw std::logic_error("No route/routes in config"); } asyncLogRoutes_ = provider.releaseAsyncLogRoutes(); proxyRoute_ = std::make_shared<ProxyRoute>(proxy, routeSelectors); serviceInfo_ = std::make_shared<ServiceInfo>(proxy, *this); }
inline void checkStringField( const folly::dynamic& json, folly::StringPiece name, std::string expected) { ASSERT_EQ(1, json.count(name)); ASSERT_TRUE(json[name].isString()); EXPECT_EQ(expected, json[name].asString()); }
inline void checkIntField( const folly::dynamic& json, folly::StringPiece name, Type expected) { ASSERT_EQ(1, json.count(name)); ASSERT_TRUE(json[name].isInt()); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int64_t>(expected), json[name].asInt()); }
RateLimiter::RateLimiter(const folly::dynamic& json) { checkLogic(json.isObject(), "RateLimiter settings json is not an object"); auto now = TokenBucket::defaultClockNow(); if (json.count("gets_rate")) { double rate = asPositiveDouble(json, "gets_rate"); double burst = asPositiveDoubleDefault(json, "gets_burst", rate); getsTb_ = TokenBucket(rate, burst, now); } if (json.count("sets_rate")) { double rate = asPositiveDouble(json, "sets_rate"); double burst = asPositiveDoubleDefault(json, "sets_burst", rate); setsTb_ = TokenBucket(rate, burst, now); } if (json.count("deletes_rate")) { double rate = asPositiveDouble(json, "deletes_rate"); double burst = asPositiveDoubleDefault(json, "deletes_burst", rate); deletesTb_ = TokenBucket(rate, burst, now); } }
std::vector<McrouterRouteHandlePtr> makeShadowRoutes( RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf>& factory, const folly::dynamic& json, proxy_t& proxy, ExtraRouteHandleProviderIf& extraProvider) { checkLogic(json.isObject(), "ShadowRoute should be an object"); const auto jchildren = json.get_ptr("children"); checkLogic(jchildren, "ShadowRoute: children not found"); auto children = factory.createList(*jchildren); if (json.count("shadows")) { children = makeShadowRoutes( factory, json, std::move(children), proxy, extraProvider); } return children; }
OperationSelectorRoute::OperationSelectorRoute( RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf>& factory, const folly::dynamic& json) { if (!json.isObject()) { defaultPolicy_ = factory.create(json); return; } if (json.count("default_policy")) { defaultPolicy_ = factory.create(json["default_policy"]); } operationPolicies_.resize(mc_nops); if (json.count("operation_policies")) { const auto& policies = json["operation_policies"]; checkLogic(policies.isObject(), "OperationSelectorRoute: operation_policies is not object"); std::map<std::string, folly::dynamic> orderedPolicies; for (const auto& it : policies.items()) { checkLogic(it.first.isString(), "OperationSelectorRoute: operation_policies " "key is not a string"); auto key = it.first.asString().toStdString(); orderedPolicies.insert({ key, it.second }); } // order is important here: named handles may not be resolved if we parse // policies in random order for (const auto& it : orderedPolicies) { auto opId = mc_op_from_string(; checkLogic(opId != mc_op_unknown, "Unknown mc operation: {}", it.first); operationPolicies_[opId] = factory.create(it.second); } } }
WeightedCh3HashFunc::WeightedCh3HashFunc(const folly::dynamic& json, size_t n) { checkLogic(json.isObject() && json.count("weights"), "WeightedCh3HashFunc: not an object or no weights"); checkLogic(json["weights"].isArray(), "WeightedCh3HashFunc: weights is not array"); const auto& jWeights = json["weights"]; LOG_IF(ERROR, jWeights.size() < n) << "WeightedCh3HashFunc: CONFIG IS BROKEN!!! number of weights (" << jWeights.size() << ") is smaller than number of servers (" << n << "). Missing weights are set to 0.5"; for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(n, jWeights.size()); ++i) { const auto& weight = jWeights[i]; checkLogic(weight.isNumber(), "WeightedCh3HashFunc: weight is not number"); weights_.push_back(weight.asDouble()); } weights_.resize(n, 0.5); }
McrouterRouteHandlePtr makeOperationSelectorRoute( RouteHandleFactory<McrouterRouteHandleIf>& factory, const folly::dynamic& json) { if (!json.isObject()) { return factory.create(json); } McrouterRouteHandlePtr defaultPolicy; if (json.count("default_policy")) { defaultPolicy = factory.create(json["default_policy"]); } std::vector<McrouterRouteHandlePtr> operationPolicies{mc_nops}; if (auto jOpPolicies = json.get_ptr("operation_policies")) { checkLogic(jOpPolicies->isObject(), "OperationSelectorRoute: operation_policies is not an object"); std::map<std::string, const folly::dynamic*> orderedPolicies; for (auto& it : jOpPolicies->items()) { checkLogic(it.first.isString(), "OperationSelectorRoute: operation_policies' " "key is not a string"); auto key = it.first.stringPiece().str(); orderedPolicies.emplace(std::move(key), &it.second); } // order is important here: named handles may not be resolved if we parse // policies in random order for (const auto& it : orderedPolicies) { auto opId = mc_op_from_string(; checkLogic(opId != mc_op_unknown, "Unknown mc operation: {}", it.first); operationPolicies[opId] = factory.create(*it.second); } return makeOperationSelectorRoute(std::move(operationPolicies), std::move(defaultPolicy)); } return defaultPolicy; }
SwitchStateFields SwitchStateFields::fromFollyDynamic(const folly::dynamic& swJson) { SwitchStateFields switchState; switchState.interfaces = InterfaceMap::fromFollyDynamic( swJson[kInterfaces]); switchState.ports = PortMap::fromFollyDynamic(swJson[kPorts]); switchState.vlans = VlanMap::fromFollyDynamic(swJson[kVlans]); switchState.routeTables = RouteTableMap::fromFollyDynamic( swJson[kRouteTables]); switchState.acls = AclMap::fromFollyDynamic(swJson[kAcls]); if (swJson.count(kSflowCollectors) > 0) { switchState.sFlowCollectors = SflowCollectorMap::fromFollyDynamic( swJson[kSflowCollectors]); } switchState.defaultVlan = VlanID(swJson[kDefaultVlan].asInt()); if (swJson.find(kControlPlane) != swJson.items().end()) { switchState.controlPlane = ControlPlane::fromFollyDynamic( swJson[kControlPlane]); } //TODO verify that created state here is internally consistent t4155406 return switchState; }
McrouterRouteHandlePtr McRouteHandleProvider::makePoolRoute( McRouteHandleFactory& factory, const folly::dynamic& json) { checkLogic(json.isObject() || json.isString(), "PoolRoute should be object or string"); const folly::dynamic* jpool; if (json.isObject()) { jpool = json.get_ptr("pool"); checkLogic(jpool, "PoolRoute: pool not found"); } else { jpool = &json; } auto p = makePool(*jpool); auto pool = std::move(p.first); auto destinations = std::move(p.second); if (json.isObject()) { if (auto maxOutstandingPtr = json.get_ptr("max_outstanding")) { checkLogic(maxOutstandingPtr->isInt(), "PoolRoute {}: max_outstanding is not int", pool->getName()); auto maxOutstanding = maxOutstandingPtr->asInt(); if (maxOutstanding) { for (auto& destination: destinations) { destination = makeOutstandingLimitRoute(std::move(destination), maxOutstanding); } } } } if (json.isObject() && json.count("shadows")) { folly::StringPiece shadowPolicy = "default"; if (auto jshadow_policy = json.get_ptr("shadow_policy")) { checkLogic(jshadow_policy->isString(), "PoolRoute: shadow_policy is not a string"); shadowPolicy = jshadow_policy->stringPiece(); } McrouterShadowData data; for (auto& shadow : json["shadows"]) { checkLogic(shadow.count("target"), "PoolRoute {} shadows: no target for shadow", pool->getName()); auto s = ShadowSettings::create(shadow, proxy_->router()); if (s) { data.emplace_back(factory.create(shadow["target"]), std::move(s)); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < destinations.size(); ++i) { McrouterShadowData destinationShadows; for (const auto& shadowData : data) { if (shadowData.second->startIndex() <= i && i < shadowData.second->endIndex()) { destinationShadows.push_back(shadowData); } } if (!destinationShadows.empty()) { destinationShadows.shrink_to_fit(); destinations[i] = extraProvider_->makeShadow( proxy_, std::move(destinations[i]), std::move(destinationShadows), shadowPolicy); } } } // add weights and override whatever we have in PoolRoute::hash folly::dynamic jhashWithWeights = folly::dynamic::object(); if (pool->getWeights()) { jhashWithWeights = folly::dynamic::object ("hash_func", WeightedCh3HashFunc::type()) ("weights", *pool->getWeights()); } if (json.isObject()) { if (auto jhash = json.get_ptr("hash")) { checkLogic(jhash->isObject() || jhash->isString(), "PoolRoute {}: hash is not object/string", pool->getName()); if (jhash->isString()) { jhashWithWeights["hash_func"] = *jhash; } else { // object for (const auto& it : jhash->items()) { jhashWithWeights[it.first] = it.second; } } } } auto route = makeHashRoute(jhashWithWeights, std::move(destinations)); if (json.isObject()) { if (proxy_->router().opts().destination_rate_limiting) { if (auto jrates = json.get_ptr("rates")) { route = makeRateLimitRoute(std::move(route), RateLimiter(*jrates)); } } if (auto jsplits = json.get_ptr("shard_splits")) { route = makeShardSplitRoute(std::move(route), ShardSplitter(*jsplits)); } } auto asynclogName = pool->getName(); bool needAsynclog = true; if (json.isObject()) { if (auto jasynclog = json.get_ptr("asynclog")) { checkLogic(jasynclog->isBool(), "PoolRoute: asynclog is not bool"); needAsynclog = jasynclog->getBool(); } if (auto jname = json.get_ptr("name")) { checkLogic(jname->isString(), "PoolRoute: name is not a string"); asynclogName = jname->stringPiece().str(); } } if (needAsynclog) { route = createAsynclogRoute(std::move(route), asynclogName); } return route; }