DecodeError HPACKDecodeBuffer::decodeLiteral(folly::fbstring& literal) { literal.clear(); if (remainingBytes_ == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "remainingBytes_ == 0"; return DecodeError::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW; } auto byte = peek(); bool huffman = byte & HPACK::LiteralEncoding::HUFFMAN; // extract the size uint32_t size; DecodeError result = decodeInteger(7, size); if (result != DecodeError::NONE) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not decode literal size"; return result; } if (size > remainingBytes_) { LOG(ERROR) << "size > remainingBytes_ decoding literal size=" << size << " remainingBytes_=" << remainingBytes_; return DecodeError::BUFFER_UNDERFLOW; } if (size > maxLiteralSize_) { LOG(ERROR) << "Literal too large, size=" << size; return DecodeError::LITERAL_TOO_LARGE; } const uint8_t* data; unique_ptr<IOBuf> tmpbuf; // handle the case where the buffer spans multiple buffers if (cursor_.length() >= size) { data =; cursor_.skip(size); } else { // temporary buffer to pull the chunks together tmpbuf = IOBuf::create(size); // pull() will move the cursor cursor_.pull(tmpbuf->writableData(), size); data = tmpbuf->data(); } if (huffman) { huffmanTree_.decode(data, size, literal); } else { literal.append((const char *)data, size); } remainingBytes_ -= size; return DecodeError::NONE; }
void ZkClient::createEphemeral( const folly::fbstring& path, const folly::fbstring& data) { zhandle_t* zhandle = zHandle_.get(); CHECK(nullptr != zhandle) << "zhandle is NULL"; int code = zoo_create( zhandle, path.c_str(),, data.length(), &ZOO_READ_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL, nullptr, 0 ); CHECK(ZOK == code) << "zoo_acreate() failed with error: " << zooErrorCodeToString(code); }
folly::fbstring ZkClient::createEphemeralSequence( const folly::fbstring& path, const folly::fbstring& data) { zhandle_t* zhandle = zHandle_.get(); CHECK(nullptr != zhandle) << "zhandle is NULL"; folly::fbstring newPath; newPath.resize(path.size() * 3); int code = zoo_create( zhandle, path.c_str(),, data.length(), &ZOO_READ_ACL_UNSAFE, ZOO_EPHEMERAL | ZOO_SEQUENCE, (char*), newPath.size() ); CHECK(ZOK == code) << "zoo_acreate() failed with error: " << zooErrorCodeToString(code); return std::move(newPath); }
void ZkClient::connect(const folly::fbstring& serverList) { zhandle_t* zhandle = zookeeper_init( serverList.c_str(), ZkClient::watcherCallback, ZK_TIMEOUT, nullptr, this, 0 ); CHECK(nullptr != zhandle) << "zookeeper_init() failed"; LOG(INFO) << "zhandle created: " << zhandle; zHandle_.reset(zhandle); }
void ZkClient::subscribeDataChanges( const folly::fbstring& path, DataChangeCallback dataChangeCallback) { { toft::Mutex::Locker locker(&dataChangeCallbackMapMutex_); dataChangeCallbackMap_[path] = std::move(dataChangeCallback); } DataChangeCallbackContext* context = new DataChangeCallbackContext(); context->path = path; context->zkClient = this; zhandle_t* zhandle = zHandle_.get(); CHECK(nullptr != zhandle) << "zhandle is NULL"; int returnCode = zoo_aget( zhandle, path.c_str(), 1, ZkClient::dataChangeCallback, context ); CHECK(ZOK == returnCode) << "zoo_aget() failed with error: " << zooErrorCodeToString(returnCode); }
void HPACKCodec::onHeader(const folly::fbstring& name, const folly::fbstring& value) { assert(streamingCb_ != nullptr); decodedSize_.uncompressed += name.size() + value.size() + 2; streamingCb_->onHeader(name, value); }