コード例 #1
ファイル: FboBasicApp.cpp プロジェクト: Gsarault44/Cinder
// Render the color cube into the FBO
void FboBasicApp::renderSceneToFbo()
    // this will restore the old framebuffer binding when we leave this function
    // on non-OpenGL ES platforms, you can just call mFbo->unbindFramebuffer() at the end of the function
    // but this will restore the "screen" FBO on OpenGL ES, and does the right thing on both platforms
    gl::ScopedFramebuffer fbScp( mFbo );
    // clear out the FBO with blue
    gl::clear( Color( 0.25, 0.5f, 1.0f ) );

    // setup the viewport to match the dimensions of the FBO
    gl::ScopedViewport scpVp( ivec2( 0 ), mFbo->getSize() );

    // setup our camera to render the torus scene
    CameraPersp cam( mFbo->getWidth(), mFbo->getHeight(), 60.0f );
    cam.setPerspective( 60, mFbo->getAspectRatio(), 1, 1000 );
    cam.lookAt( vec3( 2.8f, 1.8f, -2.8f ), vec3( 0 ));
    gl::setMatrices( cam );

    // set the modelview matrix to reflect our current rotation
    gl::setModelMatrix( mRotation );

    // render the color cube
    gl::ScopedGlslProg shaderScp( gl::getStockShader( gl::ShaderDef().color() ) );
    gl::color( Color( 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.25f ) );
    gl::drawColorCube( vec3( 0 ), vec3( 2.2f ) );
    gl::color( Color::white() );
コード例 #2
ファイル: SMAA.cpp プロジェクト: ChristophPacher/Cinder
void SMAA::apply( gl::FboRef destination, gl::FboRef source )
	gl::ScopedFramebuffer fbo( destination );
	gl::ScopedViewport viewport( 0, 0, destination->getWidth(), destination->getHeight() );
	gl::ScopedMatrices matrices;
	gl::setMatricesWindow( destination->getSize() );

	// Make sure our source is linearly interpolated.
	GLenum minFilter = source->getFormat().getColorTextureFormat().getMinFilter();
	GLenum magFilter = source->getFormat().getColorTextureFormat().getMagFilter();
	bool filterChanged = ( minFilter != GL_LINEAR || magFilter != GL_LINEAR );
	if( filterChanged ) {
		source->getColorTexture()->setMinFilter( GL_LINEAR );
		source->getColorTexture()->setMagFilter( GL_LINEAR );

	// Perform SMAA anti-aliasing.
	gl::clear( ColorA( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
	draw( source->getColorTexture(), destination->getBounds() );

	// Restore texture parameters.
	if( filterChanged ) {
		source->getColorTexture()->setMinFilter( minFilter );
		source->getColorTexture()->setMagFilter( magFilter );
コード例 #3
ファイル: FaceVFXApp.cpp プロジェクト: OpenAVR/FaceVFX
void FaceOff::updateClone()
    gl::ScopedMatrices mvp;
    gl::ScopedViewport viewport(0, 0, mRenderedOfflineFaceFbo->getWidth(), mRenderedOfflineFaceFbo->getHeight());

    // TODO: merge these two passes w/ MRTs
        gl::ScopedFramebuffer fbo(mRenderedOfflineFaceFbo);
        gl::ScopedGlslProg glsl(gl::getStockShader(gl::ShaderDef().texture()));
        gl::ScopedTextureBind t0(mOfflineFaceTex, 0);
        gl::clear(ColorA::black(), false);

    if (!MOVIE_MODE)
            gl::ScopedFramebuffer fbo(mFaceMaskFbo);
            gl::clear(ColorA::black(), false);

        // TODO: add gl::ScopedMatrices in mClone.update()
        mClone.update(mRenderedOfflineFaceFbo->getColorTexture(), mCapture.texture, mFaceMaskFbo->getColorTexture());
        mHasNewRenderedFace = true;
コード例 #4
// Render our scene into the FBO (a cube)
void FboMultipleRenderTargetsApp::renderSceneToFbo()
	// setup our camera to render our scene
	CameraPersp cam( mFbo->getWidth(), mFbo->getHeight(), 60 );
	cam.setPerspective( 60, mFbo->getAspectRatio(), 1, 1000 );
	cam.lookAt( vec3( 2.8f, 1.8f, -2.8f ), vec3( 0 ) );

	// bind our framebuffer in a safe way:
	gl::ScopedFramebuffer fboScope( mFbo );

	// clear out both of the attachments of the FBO with black

	// setup the viewport to match the dimensions of the FBO, storing the previous state
	gl::ScopedViewport viewportScope( ivec2( 0 ), mFbo->getSize() );

	// store matrices before updating for CameraPersp
	gl::ScopedMatrices matScope;
	gl::setMatrices( cam );

	// set the modelview matrix to reflect our current rotation
	gl::multModelMatrix( mRotation );

	// render the torus with our multiple-output shader
	gl::ScopedGlslProg glslScope( mGlslMultipleOuts );
	gl::drawCube( vec3( 0 ), vec3( 2.2f ) );
コード例 #5
ファイル: ciApp.cpp プロジェクト: shinabebel/ci_blocks
void ciApp::setup()
	setWindowSize(1280, 720);
	int maxVertUniformsVect;
	glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS, &maxVertUniformsVect);

	mSize = 0;
	mSizePrev = -1;
	mSizeMax = 17;
	mAmplifier = 1.f;

	mExposure = 1.f;
	mGamma = 2.2f;

	printf("max uniform: %i, %i\n", maxVertUniformsVect, mSizeMax);

	mParams = params::InterfaceGl::create(getWindow(), "App parameters", ivec2(250, 300));
	mParams->setPosition(ivec2(20, 250));

	mTexture = gl::Texture::create(loadImage(loadFile(data_path + "demo.png")));
	mFbo = gl::Fbo::create(mTexture->getWidth(), mTexture->getHeight(), gl::Fbo::Format().colorTexture());

	filter = hb::GlslFilter::create(mTexture->getSize());


	spout_receiver = hb::Receiver::create("Spout DX11 Sender");
	//spout_receiver = hbSpoutReceiver::create("KidsLandSea");
	spout_sender = hb::Sender::create("cinder_spout", mFbo->getWidth(), mFbo->getHeight());

#if 0
	auto ctx = audio::Context::master();

	// The InputDeviceNode is platform-specific, so you create it using a special method on the Context:
	mInputDeviceNode = ctx->createInputDeviceNode();

	// By providing an FFT size double that of the window size, we 'zero-pad' the analysis data, which gives
	// an increase in resolution of the resulting spectrum data.
	auto monitorFormat = audio::MonitorSpectralNode::Format().fftSize(2048).windowSize(1024);
	mMonitorSpectralNode = ctx->makeNode(new audio::MonitorSpectralNode(monitorFormat));

	mInputDeviceNode >> mMonitorSpectralNode;

	// InputDeviceNode (and all InputNode subclasses) need to be enabled()'s to process audio. So does the Context:
コード例 #6
void PostProcessingAAApp::render()
	// Bind the Fbo. Automatically unbinds it at the end of this function.
	gl::ScopedFramebuffer fbo( mFboScene );

	// Clear the buffer.
	gl::clear( ColorA( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
	gl::color( Color::white() );

	// Render our scene.
	gl::pushViewport( 0, 0, mFboScene->getWidth(), mFboScene->getHeight() );
	mPistons.draw( mCamera, float( mTime ) );
コード例 #7
ファイル: FXAA.cpp プロジェクト: Ahbee/Cinder
void FXAA::apply( const gl::FboRef &destination, const gl::FboRef &source )
	gl::ScopedFramebuffer fbo( destination );
	gl::ScopedViewport viewport( 0, 0, destination->getWidth(), destination->getHeight() );
	gl::ScopedMatrices matrices;
	gl::setMatricesWindow( destination->getSize(), false );

	// Make sure our source is linearly interpolated.
	GLenum minFilter = source->getFormat().getColorTextureFormat().getMinFilter();
	GLenum magFilter = source->getFormat().getColorTextureFormat().getMagFilter();
	source->getColorTexture()->setMinFilter( GL_LINEAR );
	source->getColorTexture()->setMagFilter( GL_LINEAR );

	// Perform FXAA anti-aliasing.
	gl::clear( ColorA( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
	draw( source->getColorTexture(), destination->getBounds() );

	// Restore texture parameters.
	source->getColorTexture()->setMinFilter( minFilter );
	source->getColorTexture()->setMagFilter( magFilter );
コード例 #8
vec4 GpuParrallelReductionApp::findMindMax()
	// init the programs, fbo and texture used for the parrallel reduction
	static gl::FboRef sReductionFbo, sReadFbo;
	static gl::Texture2dRef sReductionTexture0;
	static gl::GlslProgRef sReductionProg, sCopyProg;
	auto startingSize		= mFbo->getSize() / 2;
	if( !sReductionFbo || sReductionFbo->getSize() != startingSize ) {
		sReductionTexture0	= gl::Texture2d::create( startingSize.x, startingSize.y, gl::Texture2d::Format().minFilter( GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST ).magFilter( GL_NEAREST ).mipmap().immutableStorage() );
		sReductionFbo		= gl::Fbo::create( startingSize.x, startingSize.y, gl::Fbo::Format()
											  .attachment( GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, sReductionTexture0 )
											  .disableDepth() );
		sReductionProg		= gl::GlslProg::create( loadAsset( "minMax.vert" ), loadAsset( "minMax.frag" ) );
	// start reduction profiling
	static auto sTimer0 = gl::QueryTimeSwapped::create();
	// attach the main level of the texture
	gl::ScopedFramebuffer scopedFbo( sReductionFbo );
	glFramebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, sReductionTexture0->getId(), 0 );
	// start by blitting the main fbo into the reduction one
	mFbo->blitTo( sReductionFbo, mFbo->getBounds(), sReductionFbo->getBounds(), GL_NEAREST );
	// bind the reduction program and texture and disable blending
	gl::ScopedMatrices scopedMatrices;
	gl::ScopedGlslProg scopedGlsl( sReductionProg );
	gl::ScopedBlend scopedBlend( false );
	gl::ScopedTextureBind scopedTexBind0( sReductionTexture0, 0 );
	sReductionProg->uniform( "uTex0", 0 );
	// iterate trough each mipmap level
	int numMipMaps = gl::Texture2d::requiredMipLevels( startingSize.x, startingSize.y, 0 );
	for( int level = 1;	level < numMipMaps; ++level ) {
		// attach the current mipmap level to the framebuffer and limit texture sampling to the previous level
		glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, level - 1 );
		glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, level - 1 );
		glFramebufferTexture2D( GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, sReductionTexture0->getId(), level );
		// get the current mipmap size and update uniforms
		vec2 size = gl::Texture2d::calcMipLevelSize( level, sReductionFbo->getWidth(), sReductionFbo->getHeight() );
		sReductionProg->uniform( "uInvSize", vec2( 1.0f ) / vec2( size ) );
		// render a fullscreen quad
		gl::ScopedViewport scopedViewport( ivec2( 0 ), size );
		gl::setMatricesWindow( size.x, size.y );
		gl::drawSolidRect( Rectf( vec2( 0.0f ), vec2( size ) ) );
	// stop reduction profiling
	mReductionTime = sTimer0->getElapsedMilliseconds();
	// start readback profiling
	static auto sTimer1 = gl::QueryTimeSwapped::create();
	// read back to the cpu and find the max value
	vec4 max( 0.0f );
	ivec2 readSize = gl::Texture2d::calcMipLevelSize( numMipMaps - 1, startingSize.x, startingSize.y );
	Surface8u surface( readSize.x, readSize.y, true );
	glGetTexImage( sReductionTexture0->getTarget(), numMipMaps - 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surface.getData() );
	auto it = surface.getIter();
	while( it.line() ) { while( it.pixel() ) {
		max = glm::max( max, vec4( it.r(), it.g(), it.b(), it.a() ) );
	} }
	// stop readback profiling
	mReadBackTime = sTimer1->getElapsedMilliseconds();
	return max;