void GscExecutorLogWindow::on_tree_selection_changed() { this->clear_view_widgets(); if (selection->count_selected_rows()) { Gtk::TreeIter iter = selection->get_selected(); Gtk::TreeRow row = *iter; CmdexSyncCommandInfoRefPtr entry = row[col_entry]; Gtk::TextView* output_textview = this->lookup_widget<Gtk::TextView*>("output_textview"); if (output_textview) { Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextBuffer> buffer = output_textview->get_buffer(); if (buffer) { buffer->set_text(app_output_make_valid(entry->std_output)); Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextTag> tag; Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextTagTable> table = buffer->get_tag_table(); if (table) tag = table->lookup("font"); if (!tag) tag = buffer->create_tag("font"); tag->property_family() = "Monospace"; buffer->apply_tag(tag, buffer->begin(), buffer->end()); } } Gtk::Entry* command_entry = this->lookup_widget<Gtk::Entry*>("command_entry"); if (command_entry) { std::string cmd_text = entry->command + " " + entry->parameters; command_entry->set_text(app_output_make_valid(cmd_text)); } Gtk::Button* window_save_current_button = this->lookup_widget<Gtk::Button*>("window_save_current_button"); if (window_save_current_button) window_save_current_button->set_sensitive(true); } }
GscHelpWindow::GscHelpWindow(BaseObjectType* gtkcobj, const app_ui_res_ref_t& ref_ui) : AppUIResWidget<GscHelpWindow, false>(gtkcobj, ref_ui), selection_callback_enabled(true) { // Connect callbacks APP_GTKMM_CONNECT_VIRTUAL(delete_event); // make sure the event handler is called Gtk::Button* window_close_button = 0; APP_UI_RES_AUTO_CONNECT(window_close_button, clicked); // Accelerators Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::AccelGroup> accel_group = this->get_accel_group(); if (window_close_button) { window_close_button->add_accelerator("clicked", accel_group, GDK_Escape, Gdk::ModifierType(0), Gtk::AccelFlags(0)); } // --------------- Make a treeview Gtk::TreeView* treeview = this->lookup_widget<Gtk::TreeView*>("topics_treeview"); if (treeview) { Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord model_columns; int num_tree_cols = 0; // Topic model_columns.add(col_topic); num_tree_cols = app_gtkmm_create_tree_view_column(col_topic, *treeview, "Topic", "Topic"); // create a TreeModel (ListStore) list_store = Gtk::ListStore::create(model_columns); treeview->set_model(list_store); selection = treeview->get_selection(); selection->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &self_type::on_tree_selection_changed) ); } // --------------- Parse help text /* README.txt File Format The whole text is converted to unix newline format before parsing. Sections are separated by 3 newlines (two empty lines). The first line of the section is its header. When splitting the file to sections and headers, any leading or trailing whitespace is removed. If there is a single newline inside a section, it is converted to space to enable correct wrapping. If there are two consequent newlines, they are left as they are, essentially making a paragraph break. */ std::string readme = hz::string_any_to_unix_copy(ReadmeTextResData().get_string()); // split by double-newlines std::vector<std::string> topics; hz::string_split(readme, "\n\n\n", topics, true); // skip empty // add to treeview and textview Gtk::TextView* content = this->lookup_widget<Gtk::TextView*>("content_textview"); if (treeview && content) { Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextBuffer> buffer = content->get_buffer(); buffer->create_mark("Begin", buffer->begin(), true); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < topics.size(); ++i) { std::string topic = hz::string_trim_copy(topics[i]); // The first line of topic is its title std::vector<std::string> topic_split; hz::string_split(topic, "\n\n", topic_split, true, 2); // skip empty, get 2 elements only if (topic_split.size() < 2) { debug_out_warn("app", DBG_FUNC_MSG << "Cannot extract topic title in topic " << i << "\n"); continue; } std::string topic_title = hz::string_trim_copy(topic_split[0]); std::string topic_body = hz::string_trim_copy(topic_split[1]); buffer->create_mark(topic_title, buffer->end(), true); // set topic mark to the end of what's there // add the title and make it bold buffer->insert(buffer->end(), "\n" + topic_title); Gtk::TextIter first = buffer->end(), last = first; first.backward_lines(1); Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextTag> tag = buffer->create_tag(); tag->property_weight() = Pango::WEIGHT_BOLD; tag->property_size_points() = 14; buffer->apply_tag(tag, first, last); // add the rest // single newlines to spaces, to allow proper wrapping. app_pcre_replace("/([^\\n])\\n([^\\n])/", "\\1 \\2", topic_body); buffer->insert(buffer->end(), "\n\n" + topic_body + "\n\n"); // Add to treeview Gtk::TreeRow row = *(list_store->append()); row[col_topic] = topic_title; } } // --------------- // show(); }