chat_action::chat_action(Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<Glib::ustring> name, Glib::DateTime time, const Glib::ustring& text): m_label(name, time.to_local(), text) { utils::debug::scope_log log(DBG_LVL_1("gtox"), { name.get_value().raw(), time.format("%c").raw(), text.raw() });; m_username.get_style_context()->add_class("gtox-action-username"); m_username.property_valign() = Gtk::ALIGN_START; m_username_binding = Glib::Binding::bind_property( name, m_username.property_label(), Glib::BINDING_DEFAULT | Glib::BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); show(); add(m_hbox);; m_hbox.add(m_username); m_hbox.add(m_label); property_reveal_child() = false; m_dispatcher.emit([this]() { utils::debug::scope_log log(DBG_LVL_1("gtox"), {}); property_reveal_child() = true; }); }
unsigned int rotor_machine_proxy::encdec_processor(tlv_entry& params, tlv_stream *out_stream, bool do_enc) { unsigned int result = ERR_OK; string data_to_process; tlv_entry data_out; Glib::ustring out; // Has param the proper type? if (params.tag != TAG_STRING) { result = out_stream->write_error_tlv(ERR_SYNTAX_INPUT); } else { Glib::ustring in((char *)params.value.c_str()); if (do_enc) { machine->get_keyboard()->symbols_typed_encrypt(in, out); } else { machine->get_keyboard()->symbols_typed_decrypt(in, out); } data_out.to_string(out.raw()); // Tell client about processing result and write end of result stream marker. result = out_stream->write_success_tlv(data_out); } return result; }
bool KeysStoreDialog::onInputValidation(const Glib::ustring key, Glib::ustring& message) { const static boost::regex e("([\\da-fA-F][\\da-fA-F]:){5}[\\da-fA-F][\\da-fA-F]"); if(key == "") { message = "Input field is empty."; return false; } if(!boost::regex_match(key.raw(), e)) { message = "Input text do not match to the key pattern."; return false; } // Check if key is already in listStore Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> model = treeView->get_model(); Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> listStore = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore>::cast_static(model); for(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = model->children().begin(); iter != model->children().end(); iter++) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; Glib::ustring text; row.get_value<Glib::ustring>(0, text); if(text == key) { message = "Key is already on the list."; return false; } } return true; }
/** \brief A quick function to print out a standard start of extension errors in the log. \param reason A string explaining why this failed Real simple, just put everything into \c error_file. */ void Extension::printFailure (Glib::ustring reason) { error_file << _("Extension \"") << name << _("\" failed to load because "); error_file << reason.raw(); error_file << std::endl; return; }
void OpenPackageBox::onRemoveCallBack(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& it) { const Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *it; if (row) { Glib::ustring package = row[mColumns.mName]; utils::Package::package().removePackage(package.raw()); } }
static bool getDouble(Glib::ustring &str, double *val) { const char *begin = str.raw().c_str(); char *end; double ival = strtod(begin, &end); if (str == end) return false; *val = ival; return true; }
static bool getULong(Glib::ustring &str, unsigned long *val) { const char *begin = str.raw().c_str(); char *end; unsigned long ival = strtoul(begin, &end, 10); if (str == end) return false; *val = ival; return true; }
bool TimeEntry::isValidTime ( Glib::ustring text ) { std::string str(text.raw()); // make sure we only have digits if ( str.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos ) { return false; } return true; }
chat_action::label::label(Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<Glib::ustring> name, Glib::DateTime time, const Glib::ustring& message): widget::label(message), m_name(name), m_time(time) { utils::debug::scope_log log(DBG_LVL_1("gtox"), { name.get_value().raw(), time.format("%c").raw(), message.raw() }); }
void ViCommandMode::add_history(const Glib::ustring &cmd) { if (!m_history.empty()) m_history.pop_front(); m_history.push_front( cmd.raw() ); m_history.push_front( "BOGUS" ); // Hack - the front entry is never shown if (m_history.size() >= 50) // TODO: add config option { m_history.pop_back(); } }
void SDLConfig::on_option_changed() { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator treeIT = _option_selection->get_selected(); if (!treeIT) return; Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(treeIT); Glib::ustring name = row[_columns.col_name]; if (name == _cur_name) return; _cur_name = name; Glib::ustring value = row[_columns.col_value]; _lblOptName->set_text(name); ConfigOption opt = _options[name.raw()]; if (!_opt_menu) _opt_menu = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Menu()); MenuList items = _opt_menu->items(); items.erase(items.begin(), items.end()); _cur_index = -1; int i = 0; for (StringVector::iterator it = opt.possibleValues.begin(); it != opt.possibleValues.end(); it++) { if ((*it) == value.raw()) _cur_index = i; else i++; items.push_back(MenuElem((*it))); } _optOptValues->set_menu(*_opt_menu); _optOptValues->set_history(_cur_index); }
std::vector<std::string> KeysStoreDialog::prepareModel() { this->model.clear(); // Check if key is already in listStore Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> model = treeView->get_model(); Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> listStore = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore>::cast_static(model); for(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = model->children().begin(); iter != model->children().end(); iter++) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; Glib::ustring text; row.get_value<Glib::ustring>(0, text); this->model.push_back(text.raw()); } return this->model; }
bool tiny_string::operator!=(const Glib::ustring& u) const { return *this != u.raw(); }
static void InsertUText(TextRenderer* rndr, const Glib::ustring& insert_str) { rndr->InsertText(insert_str.raw()); }