void CamControl::Show() { if ( m_pCamera == NULL ) { return; } if ( bFirst ) { m_pWindow->set_position( Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER ); m_pWindow->get_position( m_xPos, m_yPos ); bFirst = false; } m_pWindow->move( m_xPos, m_yPos ); Gtk::Main* kit = NULL; kit = Gtk::Main::instance(); // If the level is 0, then it means there is no GTK loop currently // running. This is often seen in applications that are not // written in GTKmm (e.g. MFC). if ( kit->level() == 0 ) { // Start a loop since none are present. kit->run( *m_pWindow ); } else { // There already is a loop, just show the window m_pWindow->show(); } }
virtual bool configure(ResourceFinder &rf) { Time::turboBoost(); //check if the yarp networ is running if (yarp.checkNetwork()==false) { return false; } moduleName = rf.check("name", Value(1), "module name (string)").asString(); setName(moduleName.c_str()); period = rf.check("period", Value(5000), "update period (int)").asInt(); string pname = "/" + moduleName + ":o"; monitorOutput.open(pname.c_str()); picBlocks = rf.findFile(rf.check("pic_blocks", Value(1), "module name (string)").asString()); picBackground = rf.findFile(rf.check("pic_background", Value(1), "module name (string)").asString()); picNumbers = rf.findFile(rf.check("pic_numbers", Value(1), "module name (string)").asString()); graphics = new GraphicsManager(picBackground.c_str(),picBlocks.c_str(),picNumbers.c_str()); m_timer = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &CtrlModule::on_timeout), period); on_timeout(); //start GTK loop gtk_main->run(*graphics); return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Gtk::Main kit (argc, argv); Bras *bras; try { bras = Bras::get(); } catch (std::exception& error) { Gtk::MessageDialog msg(error.what(), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE, true); msg.add_button("Start brasd", Gtk::RESPONSE_RESTART); msg.add_button(GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, Gtk::RESPONSE_CLOSE)->grab_focus(); /* start brasd, and then restart bras-client */ if(msg.run() == Gtk::RESPONSE_RESTART) { /* this is the easy dirty way */ pclose(popen("gksu service brasd start", "r")); execlp("bras-client", "bras-client", NULL); } return 0; /* We have not enter main loop, so don't use Gtk::Main::Quit */ } bras->signal_state_changed.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(on_bras_state_change)); kit.run(); }
int main () { Gtk::Main kit; GLWindow window; window.show_all (); kit.run (window); }
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { Gtk::Main* pKit = Gtk::Main::instance(); if ( pKit == NULL ) { pKit = new Gtk::Main( 0, NULL ); } // Initialize the thread system if( !Glib::thread_supported() ) { Glib::thread_init(); } // Display the camera selection dialog PGRGuid guid[64]; unsigned int size = 64; bool ok = GetCameras( &guid[0], &size ); if ( ok != true || size <= 0 ) { return -1; } // Create the individual windows FlycapWindow* windows = new FlycapWindow[size]; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { bool ret = windows[i].Run( guid[i] ); if ( ret != true ) { for ( int j=0; j < i; j++) { // Clean up all windows that are already created windows[j].Cleanup(); } delete [] windows; return -1; } } // Start the main Gtk event loop pKit->run(); // This point is reached when the last window alive kills the Gtk::Main loop // Perform cleanup on all the windows for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { windows[i].Cleanup(); } delete [] windows; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ Gtk::Main kit (argc, argv); Gtk::Window win; GObjTestTile pl; SimpleViewer viewer(&pl); win.add(viewer); win.set_default_size(640,480); win.show_all(); kit.run(win); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ Gtk::Main kit (argc, argv); Gtk::Window win; GObjTestGrid pl(150000); DThreadViewer viewer(&pl); win.add(viewer); win.set_default_size(640,480); win.show_all(); kit.run(win); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALE_DIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); Glib::ustring tmpdir; Gtk::Main kit (argc, argv); tmpdir = Pixasso::create_tmpdir (); chdir (tmpdir.c_str ()); Pixasso::MainWindow window; kit.run (window); Pixasso::remove_dir (tmpdir); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ Gtk::Main kit (argc, argv); Gtk::Window win; GObjTestTile p1; SimpleViewer viewer(&p1); Rubber rubber(&viewer); iPoint p(20,20); rubber.add_src_sq(p, 3); rubber.add_dst_sq(3); rubber.add_rect(p); rubber.add_line(p); win.add(viewer); win.set_default_size(640,480); win.show_all(); kit.run(win); }
int main(int argc , char *argv[]) { std::cout << "widget test: WaveView dialog" << std::endl; Gtk::Main kit (argc,argv); Gtk::Window window; Gtk::Button button("Quit"); Gtk::HBox hbox; MidiEditor waveview; // bind button to quit value of kit, by providing pointer to kit. button.signal_clicked().connect( sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun ( quit ), &kit)); hbox.add(waveview); hbox.add(button); window.add(hbox); window.show_all(); kit.run(window); return 0; }
void startup(Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Application> app) { ///To be run at startup GtkSettings *settings; settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); g_object_set (G_OBJECT (settings), "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", FALSE, NULL); Gtk::Main kit; builder = Gtk::Builder::create_from_file(DATADIR "/main.glade"); Gtk::Window *window = 0; builder->get_widget("window1", window); window->set_wmclass("org.gtkmm.examples.application", name); window->maximize(); Gtk::TreeView *listview = 0; builder->get_widget("treeview1", listview); Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> m_refTreeModel; m_refTreeModel = Gtk::ListStore::create(m_columns); listview->set_model(m_refTreeModel); listview->set_search_column(1); Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> list_selection = listview->get_selection(); listview->signal_row_activated().connect(sigc::bind<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> >(sigc::ptr_fun(&on_button_clicked), listview->get_model())); Json::Value json = readFile(getRemoteFile("https://api.4chan.org/boards.json")); Json::Value boards = json["boards"]; for(int i=0;i<boards.size();++i) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(m_refTreeModel->append()); row[m_columns.name] = "/"+boards[i]["board"].asString()+"/"; row[m_columns.longname] = boards[i]["title"].asString(); } listview->set_rules_hint(true); Gtk::Menu *mainmenu = 0; builder->get_widget("menu1", mainmenu); Gtk::MenuToolButton *toolbut = 0; builder->get_widget("toolbutton2", toolbut); toolbut->set_menu(*mainmenu); Gtk::MenuItem *item1 = 0; builder->get_widget("menuitem1", item1); item1->signal_activate().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&nameSettingsDialog)); Gtk::CheckMenuItem *hideimages = 0; builder->get_widget("menuitem2", hideimages); hideimages->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&on_hide_toggled)); Gtk::MenuItem *item3 = 0; builder->get_widget("menuitem3", item3); item3->signal_activate().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&open_thread_in_browser)); Gtk::MenuItem *d_image = 0; builder->get_widget("menuitem5", d_image); d_image->signal_activate().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&saveImageAs)); Gtk::ToolButton *post_but; builder->get_widget("toolbutton8", post_but); post_but->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&on_post_button_toggled)); Gtk::Button *post_but2 = 0; builder->get_widget("button4", post_but2); post_but2->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&on_post_clicked)); kit.run(*window); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { try { run_time rt (argc, argv, i18n); bpo::variables_map vm; std::string gui_file = "gtkmm/dialog.glade"; std::string rsc_file = "gtkmm/dialog.rc"; bpo::options_description opts (_("Utility options")); opts .add_options () ("layout" , bpo::value<std::string>(&gui_file), _("use an alternative GUI layout definition file")) ("resource", bpo::value<std::string>(&rsc_file), _("use an alternative GUI resource file")) ; if (rt.count ("help")) { std::cout << "\n" << opts << "\n"; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (rt.count ("version")) { std::cout << rt.version (); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } bpo::store (bpo::parse_command_line (argc, argv, opts), vm); bpo::notify (vm); Gtk::Main kit (argc, argv); Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> builder = Gtk::Builder::create (); try { run_time rt; Gtk::RC::add_default_file (rt.data_file (run_time::pkg, rsc_file)); builder->add_from_file (rt.data_file (run_time::pkg, gui_file)); } catch (const Glib::Error& e) { std::cerr << e.what () << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } utsushi::gtkmm::dialog *window = 0; builder->get_widget_derived ("scanning-dialog", window); if (window) { Glib::add_exception_handler (&catch_and_return_to_GUI_thread); kit.run (*window); delete window; } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what () << "\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (...) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void ChessView::run(Gtk::Main & app) { InitializeTimer(); on_NewGame(); app.run(*gui); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { LogWrapperType logwrapper(new btg::core::logger::logWrapper); btg::core::crashLog::init(); commandLineArgumentHandler* cla = new commandLineArgumentHandler(GPD->sGUI_CONFIG()); cla->setup(); // Parse command line arguments. if (!cla->parse(argc, argv)) { delete cla; cla = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } // Before doing anything else, check if the user wants to get the // syntax of the configuration file. if (cla->listConfigFileSyntax()) { clientConfiguration non_existing(logwrapper, "non_existing"); std::cout << non_existing.getSyntax() << std::endl; delete cla; cla = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_NORMAL_EXIT; } bool verboseFlag = cla->beVerbose(); Gtk::Main* initMain = new Gtk::Main(&argc, &argv); BTG_NOTICE(logwrapper, "Creating the init window."); initWindow* iw = new initWindow(); iw->show(); // Update init dialog. iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_START); iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_RCONF); // Open the configuration file: std::string config_filename = GPD->sCLI_CONFIG(); if (cla->configFileSet()) { config_filename = cla->configFile(); } std::string errorString; if (!btg::core::os::fileOperation::check(config_filename, errorString, false)) { BTG_FATAL_ERROR(logwrapper, GPD->sGUI_CLIENT(), "Could not open file '" << config_filename << "'"); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } // Open the configuration file: clientConfiguration* config = new clientConfiguration(logwrapper, config_filename); bool const gotConfig = config->read(); bool neverAskFlag = config->getNeverAskQuestions(); clientDynConfig cliDynConf(logwrapper, GPD->sCLI_DYNCONFIG()); lastFiles* lastfiles = new lastFiles(logwrapper, cliDynConf); // Update init dialog. iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_RCONF_DONE); // Update init dialog. // iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_CLA); if (!gotConfig) { BTG_FATAL_ERROR(logwrapper, GPD->sGUI_CLIENT(), "Could not read the config file, '" << GPD->sGUI_CONFIG() << "'. Create one."); delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } // Update init dialog. iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_CLA_DONE); // Update init dialog. iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_TRANSP); // Create a transport to the daemon: btg::core::externalization::Externalization* externalization = 0; messageTransport* transport = 0; transportHelper* transporthelper = new transportHelper(logwrapper, GPD->sGUI_CLIENT(), config, cla); if (!transporthelper->initTransport(externalization, transport)) { errorDialog::showAndDie(transporthelper->getMessages()); delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete transport; transport = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete transporthelper; transporthelper = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } delete transporthelper; transporthelper = 0; // Update init dialog. iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_TRANSP_DONE); guiHandler* guihandler = new guiHandler(logwrapper, externalization, transport, config, lastfiles, verboseFlag, cla->automaticStart(), 0 /* initially null */); std::string initialStatusMessage(""); // Update init dialog. iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_SETUP); // Create a helper to do the initial setup of this client. startupHelper* starthelper = new guiStartupHelper(logwrapper, config, cla, transport, guihandler); if (!starthelper->init()) { errorDialog::showAndDie(starthelper->getMessages()); BTG_FATAL_ERROR(logwrapper, GPD->sGUI_CLIENT(), "Internal error: start up helper not initialized."); delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } setDefaultLogLevel(logwrapper, cla->doDebug(), verboseFlag); // Initialize logging. if (starthelper->execute(startupHelper::op_log) != startupHelper::or_log_success) { BTG_FATAL_ERROR(logwrapper, GPD->sCLI_CLIENT(), "Unable to initialize logging"); delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } if (config->authSet()) { // Auth info is in the config. starthelper->setUser(config->getUserName()); starthelper->setPasswordHash(config->getPasswordHash()); } else { // Ask the user about which username and password to use. if (starthelper->execute(startupHelper::op_auth) != startupHelper::or_auth_success) { BTG_FATAL_ERROR(logwrapper, GPD->sCLI_CLIENT(), "Unable to initialize logging"); delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } } /// Initialize the transport starthelper->execute(startupHelper::op_init); // Handle command line options: if (cla->doList()) { if (starthelper->execute(startupHelper::op_list) == startupHelper::or_list_failture) { errorDialog::showAndDie(starthelper->getMessages()); } // Clean up, before quitting. delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_NORMAL_EXIT; } else if (cla->doAttachFirst()) { // Attach to the first available session. if (starthelper->execute(startupHelper::op_attach_first) == startupHelper::or_attach_first_failture) { errorDialog::showAndDie(starthelper->getMessages()); BTG_FATAL_ERROR(logwrapper, GPD->sGUI_CLIENT(), "Unable to attach to session"); // Clean up, before quitting. delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } initialStatusMessage = "Attached to session."; } else if (cla->doAttach()) { // Attach to a certain session, either specified on the // command line or chosen by the user from a list. startupHelper::operationResult result = starthelper->execute(startupHelper::op_attach); if (result == startupHelper::or_attach_failture) { errorDialog::showAndDie(starthelper->getMessages()); BTG_FATAL_ERROR(logwrapper, GPD->sGUI_CLIENT(), "Unable to attach to session"); } if ((result == startupHelper::or_attach_failture) || (result == startupHelper::or_attach_cancelled)) { // Clean up, before quitting. delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } initialStatusMessage = "Attached to session."; } // Attach to as session. bool executeSetup = false; bool attachToSession = false; t_long sessionToAttachTo = Command::INVALID_SESSION; if ((!cla->doAttach()) && (!cla->doAttachFirst())) { // Not attaching to a session. Show a dialog that lets one // select which session to use or to create a new one. // Get a list of sessions. guihandler->reqGetActiveSessions(); t_longList sessionlist = guihandler->getSessionList(); t_strList sessionsIDs = guihandler->getSessionNames(); sessionDialog* sd = new sessionDialog(sessionlist, sessionsIDs); sd->run(); switch (sd->getResult()) { case sessionDialog::QUIT: { delete sd; sd = 0; // Clean up, before quitting. delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; break; } case sessionDialog::NEW_SESSION: { executeSetup = true; attachToSession = false; // Create a new session. break; } case sessionDialog::SELECTED: { // A session was selected. executeSetup = false; attachToSession = true; sd->getSelectedSession(sessionToAttachTo); break; } } delete sd; sd = 0; } // Only execute setup if we are not attaching to an existing session. if (executeSetup) { if (starthelper->execute(startupHelper::op_setup) == startupHelper::or_setup_failture) { errorDialog::showAndDie(starthelper->getMessages()); // Clean up, before quitting. delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } initialStatusMessage = "Established session."; } if (attachToSession) { std::string errorMessage; guihandler->reqSetupAttach(sessionToAttachTo); if (!guihandler->isAttachDone()) { errorDialog::showAndDie("Unable to attach to session"); BTG_FATAL_ERROR(logwrapper, GPD->sGUI_CLIENT(), "Unable to attach to session"); // Clean up, before quitting. delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete cla; cla = 0; delete iw; iw = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_ERROR_EXIT; } } // If the user requested to open any files, do it. if (cla->inputFilenamesPresent()) { t_strList filelist = cla->getInputFilenames(); t_strListCI iter; for (iter = filelist.begin(); iter != filelist.end(); iter++) { guihandler->reqCreate(*iter); } } // Done using arguments. delete cla; cla = 0; // Done using the start up helper. delete starthelper; starthelper = 0; // Update init dialog. iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_SETUP_DONE); // Update init dialog. iw->updateProgress(initWindow::IEV_END); t_long session = guihandler->session(); std::string str_session = btg::core::convertToString<t_long>(session); // Get some info about the current session, so it can be displayed // to the user. guihandler->reqSessionInfo(); if (guihandler->dht()) { str_session += " D"; } if (guihandler->encryption()) { str_session += " E"; } // Start a thread that takes care of communicating with the daemon. handlerThread* handlerthr = new handlerThread(logwrapper, verboseFlag, guihandler); mainWindow* mainWindow = new class mainWindow(logwrapper, str_session, verboseFlag, neverAskFlag, handlerthr, cliDynConf ); BTG_NOTICE(logwrapper, initialStatusMessage); BTG_NOTICE(logwrapper, "Deleting the init window."); iw->hide(); delete iw; iw = 0; initMain->run(*mainWindow); delete mainWindow; mainWindow = 0; delete handlerthr; handlerthr = 0; // By deleting the gui handler, the transport used is also deleted. delete guihandler; guihandler = 0; delete externalization; externalization = 0; delete initMain; initMain = 0; if (config->modified()) { config->write(); } delete config; config = 0; delete lastfiles; lastfiles = 0; projectDefaults::killInstance(); return BTG_NORMAL_EXIT; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //Objektet der kører alle GUI vinduer Gtk::Main kit (argc,argv); //Et objekt der bruges til at hente referencer til objekter i GUI-vinduet Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> builder = Gtk::Builder::create(); try { //Henter al dataen fra .glade filen med definitioner på vinduet. Tilsvarende en xml fil. builder->add_from_file(".\\Final.glade"); } catch( Glib::FileError e) { std::cout << e.what(); return 1; } catch (Gtk::BuilderError e) { std::cout << e.what(); return 1; } //Henter de to hovedevinduer //pDialog er login vinduet, og mainWindow er selve vinduet builder->get_widget("LogInDialog", pDialog); builder->get_widget("mainWindow", mainWindow); //Hvis der er data i pDialog if(pDialog) { //Log in knap Gtk::Button *pButton = 0; //Henter data i pointers til login knappen, de to tekst elementer og den radioknap der vælger server builder->get_widget("LogIn",pButton); builder->get_widget("usrText", uName); builder->get_widget("pswText",pWord); builder->get_widget("connSwitch",connSwitch); //Sætter radioknappen til falsk connSwitch->set_active(false); if(pButton) { //Binder et signal (event handler) til en funktion. //Her er det det signal at login knappen bliver aktiveret, som aktiverer login funktionen pButton->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&onClick)); } //Åbner loginvinduet. Koden fortsætter først i main funktionen når vinduet bliver lukket eller skjult. kit.run(*pDialog); //Alt herunder køres først når login vinduet er lukket } //Tjekker om vores hjælpeobjekt er forbundet, og om der er data i pointeren til mainWindow if(connection1.Connected() && mainWindow) { builder->get_widget("weekChooser", box); //Fylder data ind i programmet første gang fillText(builder); if(box) { //Her et signal om at ugevægleren er ændret der bliver bundet til en funktion box->signal_changed().connect(sigc::bind<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>>(sigc::ptr_fun(fillText), builder)); } //Åbner mainWindow. kit.run(*mainWindow); //Koden forsætter herefter når mainWindow bliver lukket. } return 0; }