/** Callback for the request to update rank of a player. Shows his * rank and score. */ virtual void callback() { auto done = m_done.lock(); // Dialog deleted if (!done) return; // I18N: In the network player dialog, indiciating a network // player has no ranking core::stringw result = _("%s has no ranking yet.", m_name); if (isSuccess()) { int rank = -1; float score = 0.0f; getXMLData()->get("rank", &rank); getXMLData()->get("scores", &score); if (rank > 0) { // I18N: In the network player dialog show rank and // score of a player result = _("%s is number %d in the rankings with a score of %f.", m_name, rank, score); } } *done = true; m_info->setText(result, false); } // callback
void WaitingForOthersScreen::onUpdate(float dt) { const GameSetup *setup = STKHost::get()->getGameSetup(); const std::vector<NetworkPlayerProfile*> &all_profiles = setup->getPlayers(); RaceConfig* config = STKHost::get()->getGameSetup()->getRaceConfig(); core::stringw w; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < all_profiles.size(); i++) { const NetworkPlayerProfile* profile = all_profiles[i]; if (profile == NULL) continue; core::stringw name = profile->getName(); int playerId = profile->getGlobalPlayerId(); const std::string &kart = profile->getKartName(); if (!kart.empty()) name += StringUtils::insertValues(L" (%s)", core::stringw(kart.c_str())); w += name + L" : "; const RaceVote& vote = config->getRaceVote(playerId); if (vote.hasVotedTrack()) { w += vote.getTrackVote().c_str(); } else { w += L"..."; } w += "\n"; } GUIEngine::LabelWidget* lbl = getWidget<GUIEngine::LabelWidget>("lblDetails"); lbl->setText(w.c_str(), true); }
/** Dialog constructor. * \param server_id ID of the server of which to display the info. * \param host_id ID of the host. * \param from_server_creation: true if the dialog shows the data of this * server (i.e. while it is being created). */ ServerInfoDialog::ServerInfoDialog(uint32_t server_id, uint32_t host_id, bool from_server_creation) : ModalDialog(0.8f,0.8f), m_server_id(server_id) , m_host_id(host_id) { Log::info("ServerInfoDialog", "Server id is %d, Host id is %d", server_id, host_id); m_self_destroy = false; m_enter_lobby = false; m_from_server_creation = from_server_creation; loadFromFile("online/server_info_dialog.stkgui"); GUIEngine::LabelWidget *name = getWidget<LabelWidget>("server_name"); assert(name); const Server * server = ServersManager::get()->getServerByID(m_server_id); name->setText(server->getName(),false); core::stringw difficulty = race_manager->getDifficultyName(server->getDifficulty()); GUIEngine::LabelWidget *lbldifficulty = getWidget<LabelWidget>("server_difficulty"); lbldifficulty->setText(difficulty, false); core::stringw mode = RaceManager::getNameOf(server->getRaceMinorMode()); GUIEngine::LabelWidget *gamemode = getWidget<LabelWidget>("server_game_mode"); gamemode->setText(mode, false); m_info_widget = getWidget<LabelWidget>("info"); assert(m_info_widget != NULL); if (m_from_server_creation) m_info_widget->setText(_("Server successfully created. You can now join it."), true); m_options_widget = getWidget<RibbonWidget>("options"); assert(m_options_widget != NULL); m_join_widget = getWidget<IconButtonWidget>("join"); assert(m_join_widget != NULL); m_cancel_widget = getWidget<IconButtonWidget>("cancel"); assert(m_cancel_widget != NULL); m_options_widget->setFocusForPlayer(PLAYER_ID_GAME_MASTER); } // ServerInfoDialog
void AddonsLoading::beforeAddingWidgets() { /* Init the icon here to be able to load a single image*/ m_icon = getWidget<IconButtonWidget> ("icon" ); m_progress = getWidget<ProgressBarWidget>("progress"); m_back_button = getWidget<IconButtonWidget> ("back" ); RibbonWidget* r = getWidget<RibbonWidget>("actions"); RatingBarWidget* rating = getWidget<RatingBarWidget>("rating"); if (m_addon.isInstalled()) { /* only keep the button as "update" if allowed to access the net * and not in error state */ if (m_addon.needsUpdate() && !addons_manager->wasError() && UserConfigParams::m_internet_status==RequestManager::IPERM_ALLOWED) getWidget<IconButtonWidget> ("install")->setLabel( _("Update") ); else r->removeChildNamed("install"); } else { r->removeChildNamed("uninstall"); } getWidget<LabelWidget>("name")->setText(m_addon.getName().c_str(), false); getWidget<BubbleWidget>("description") ->setText(m_addon.getDescription().c_str()); core::stringw revision = _("Version: %d", m_addon.getRevision()); getWidget<LabelWidget>("revision")->setText(revision, false); rating->setRating(m_addon.getRating()); rating->setStarNumber(3); // Display flags for this addon // ============================ std::vector<core::stringw> l; if(UserConfigParams::m_artist_debug_mode) { // In non artist-debug-mode only approved items will be shown anyway, // but give even tester an idea about the status: if (!m_addon.testStatus(Addon::AS_APPROVED)) l.push_back("NOT APPROVED"); // Note that an approved addon should never have alpha, beta, or // RC status - and only one of those should be used if(m_addon.testStatus(Addon::AS_ALPHA)) l.push_back("alpha"); else if(m_addon.testStatus(Addon::AS_BETA)) l.push_back("beta"); else if(m_addon.testStatus(Addon::AS_RC)) l.push_back("RC"); // Don't displat those for now, they're more confusing than helpful for the average player //if(m_addon.testStatus(Addon::AS_BAD_DIM)) // l.push_back("bad-texture"); //if(!m_addon.testStatus(Addon::AS_DFSG)) // l.push_back("non-DFSG"); } if(m_addon.testStatus(Addon::AS_FEATURED)) l.push_back(_("featured")); GUIEngine::LabelWidget *flags = getWidget<LabelWidget>("flags"); if(flags) { core::stringw s1(""); for(unsigned int i=0; i<l.size(); i++) { s1+=l[i]; // if it's not the last item, add a ",". // Don't test for l.size()-1 - since this is unsigned! if(i+1<l.size()) s1+=", "; } flags->setText(s1, false); } // Display the size // ================ int n = m_addon.getSize(); core::stringw unit=""; if(n>1024*1024) { float f = ((int)(n/1024.0f/1024.0f*10.0f+0.5f))/10.0f; char s[32]; sprintf(s, "%.1f", f); unit=_("%s MB", s); } else if(n>1024) { float f = ((int)(n/1024.0f*10.0f+0.5f))/10.0f; char s[32]; sprintf(s, "%.1f", f); unit=_("%s KB", s); } else // Anything smaller just let it be 1 KB unit=_("%s KB", 1); core::stringw size = _("Size: %s", unit.c_str()); getWidget<LabelWidget>("size")->setText(size, false); } // AddonsLoading