コード例 #1
ファイル: DirectX9.cpp プロジェクト: garrynewman/GWEN
		Gwen::Point DirectX9::MeasureText( Gwen::Font* pFont, const Gwen::UnicodeString & text )
			// If the font doesn't exist, or the font size should be changed
			if ( !pFont->data || fabs( pFont->realsize - pFont->size * Scale() ) > 2 )
				FreeFont( pFont );
				LoadFont( pFont );

			FontData* pFontData = ( FontData* ) pFont->data;
			Gwen::Point size;

			if ( text.empty() )
				RECT rct = {0, 0, 0, 0};
				pFontData->pFont->DrawTextW( NULL, L"W", -1, &rct, DT_CALCRECT, 0 );
				return Gwen::Point( 0, rct.bottom );

			RECT rct = {0, 0, 0, 0};
			pFontData->pFont->DrawTextW( NULL, text.c_str(), -1, &rct, DT_CALCRECT | DT_LEFT | DT_TOP | DT_SINGLELINE, 0 );

			for ( int i = text.length() - 1; i >= 0 && text[i] == L' '; i-- )
				rct.right += pFontData->iSpaceWidth;

			return Gwen::Point( rct.right / Scale(), rct.bottom / Scale() );
コード例 #2
ファイル: TextBoxNumeric.cpp プロジェクト: darkf/gwen
bool TextBoxNumeric::IsTextAllowed( const Gwen::UnicodeString & str, int iPos )
	const UnicodeString & strString = GetText().GetUnicode();

	if ( str.length() == 0 )
	{ return true; }

	for ( size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ )
		if ( str[i] == L'-' )
			// Has to be at the start
			if ( i != 0 || iPos != 0 )
			{ return false; }

			// Can only be one
			if ( std::count( strString.begin(), strString.end(), L'-' ) > 0 )
			{ return false; }


		if ( str[i] == L'0' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'1' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'2' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'3' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'4' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'5' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'6' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'7' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'8' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'9' ) { continue; }

		if ( str[i] == L'.' )
			// Already a fullstop
			if ( std::count( strString.begin(), strString.end(), L'.' ) > 0 )
			{ return false; }


		return false;

	return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: AntTweakBar.cpp プロジェクト: Kelloggs/experiments
	float	dumpRecursive(CProfileIterator* profileIterator, Gwen::Controls::TreeNode* parentNode)
		if (profileIterator->Is_Done())
			return 0.f;

		float accumulated_time=0,parent_time = profileIterator->Is_Root() ? CProfileManager::Get_Time_Since_Reset() : profileIterator->Get_Current_Parent_Total_Time();
		int i;
		int frames_since_reset = CProfileManager::Get_Frame_Count_Since_Reset();
		//printf("Profiling: %s (total running time: %.3f ms) ---\n",	profileIterator->Get_Current_Parent_Name(), parent_time );
		float totalTime = 0.f;

		int numChildren = 0;
		Gwen::UnicodeString txt;
		std::vector<Gwen::Controls::TreeNode*> nodes;

		for (i = 0; !profileIterator->Is_Done(); i++,profileIterator->Next())
			float current_total_time = profileIterator->Get_Current_Total_Time();
			accumulated_time += current_total_time;
			double fraction = parent_time > SIMD_EPSILON ? (current_total_time / parent_time) * 100 : 0.f;
			Gwen::String name(profileIterator->Get_Current_Name());
			Gwen::UnicodeString uname = Gwen::Utility::StringToUnicode(name);

			txt = Gwen::Utility::Format(L"%s (%.2f %%) :: %.3f ms / frame (%d calls)",uname.c_str(), fraction,(current_total_time / (double)frames_since_reset),profileIterator->Get_Current_Total_Calls());
			Gwen::Controls::TreeNode* childNode = (Gwen::Controls::TreeNode*)profileIterator->Get_Current_UserPointer();
			if (!childNode)
					childNode = parentNode->AddNode(L"");
			totalTime += current_total_time;
			//recurse into children
		for (i=0;i<numChildren;i++)
			Gwen::Controls::TreeNode* curNode = nodes[i];

			dumpRecursive(profileIterator, curNode);
		return accumulated_time;

コード例 #4
ファイル: Utility.cpp プロジェクト: charliesome/battlecars
void Gwen::Utility::Strings::Strip( Gwen::UnicodeString& str, const Gwen::UnicodeString& chars )
	Gwen::UnicodeString Source = str;
	str = L"";

	for ( int i =0; i<Source.length(); i++ )
		if ( chars.find( Source[i] ) != Gwen::UnicodeString::npos )

		str += Source[i];
コード例 #5
ファイル: BaseRender.cpp プロジェクト: jjiezheng/lfant
		Gwen::Point Base::MeasureText( Gwen::Font* pFont, const Gwen::UnicodeString & text )
			Gwen::Point p;
			p.x = pFont->size * Scale() * ( float ) text.length() * 0.4;
			p.y = pFont->size * Scale();
			return p;
コード例 #6
ファイル: GDIPlus.cpp プロジェクト: MegaThorx/GWEN
		void GDIPlus::RenderText( gwen::Font* pFont, gwen::Point pos, const gwen::UnicodeString & text )
			Translate( pos.x, pos.y );

			// If the font doesn't exist, or the font size should be changed
			if ( !pFont->data || fabs( pFont->realsize - pFont->size * Scale() ) > 2 )
				FreeFont( pFont );
				LoadFont( pFont );

			Gdiplus::StringFormat strFormat( Gdiplus::StringFormat::GenericDefault() );
			Gdiplus::SolidBrush solidBrush( m_Colour );
			Gdiplus::RectF r( pos.x, pos.y, 1000, 1000 );
			Gdiplus::Font* pGDIFont = ( Gdiplus::Font* ) pFont->data;
			graphics->DrawString( text.c_str(), text.length() + 1, pGDIFont, r, &strFormat, &solidBrush );
コード例 #7
		void OpenGL_DebugFont::RenderText( Gwen::Font* pFont, Gwen::Point pos, const Gwen::UnicodeString& text )
			float fSize = pFont->size * Scale();

			if ( !text.length() )

			Gwen::String converted_string = Gwen::Utility::UnicodeToString( text );

			float yOffset=0.0f;
			for ( int i=0; i<text.length(); i++ )
				wchar_t chr = text[i];
				char ch = converted_string[i];
				float curSpacing = sGwenDebugFontSpacing[ch] * m_fLetterSpacing * fSize * m_fFontScale[0];
				Gwen::Rect r( pos.x + yOffset, pos.y-fSize*0.2f, (fSize * m_fFontScale[0]), fSize * m_fFontScale[1] );

				if ( m_pFontTexture )
					float uv_texcoords[8]={0.,0.,1.,1.};

					if ( ch >= 0 )
						float cx= (ch%16)/16.0;
						float cy= (ch/16)/16.0;
						uv_texcoords[0] = cx;			
						uv_texcoords[1] = cy;
						uv_texcoords[4] = float(cx+1.0f/16.0f);	
						uv_texcoords[5] = float(cy+1.0f/16.0f);

					DrawTexturedRect( m_pFontTexture, r, uv_texcoords[0], uv_texcoords[5], uv_texcoords[4], uv_texcoords[1] );
					DrawFilledRect( r );


コード例 #8
 Gwen::Point Chowdren::MeasureText( Gwen::Font* pFont,
     const Gwen::UnicodeString & text )
     FTSimpleLayout layout;
     FTBBox bbox = layout.BBox(text.c_str());
     FTPoint size = bbox.Upper() - bbox.Lower();
     return Gwen::Point((int)ceil(size.X()), (int)ceil(size.Y()));
コード例 #9
ファイル: Windows.cpp プロジェクト: charliesome/battlecars
bool Gwen::Platform::SetClipboardText( const Gwen::UnicodeString& str )
	if ( !OpenClipboard( NULL ) ) return false;


	// Create a buffer to hold the string
	size_t iDataSize = (str.length()+1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
	HGLOBAL clipbuffer = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_DDESHARE, iDataSize );

	// Copy the string into the buffer
	wchar_t* buffer = (wchar_t*) GlobalLock( clipbuffer );
		wcscpy( buffer, str.c_str() );

	// Place it on the clipboard
	SetClipboardData( CF_UNICODETEXT, clipbuffer );

	return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Text.cpp プロジェクト: r-lyeh/moon9
void SplitWords(const Gwen::UnicodeString &s, wchar_t delim, std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString> &elems) 
	Gwen::UnicodeString str;

	for ( int i=0; i<s.length(); i++ )
		if ( s[i] == L'\n' )
			if ( !str.empty() ) elems.push_back( str );
			elems.push_back( L"\n" );

		if ( s[i] == L' ' )
			str += s[i];
			elems.push_back( str );

		str += s[i];

	if ( !str.empty() ) elems.push_back( str );
コード例 #11
ファイル: BaseRender.cpp プロジェクト: jjiezheng/lfant
		void Base::RenderText( Gwen::Font* pFont, Gwen::Point pos, const Gwen::UnicodeString & text )
		//	std::cout << "tryinta render sum txt '" << Gwen::Utility::UnicodeToString(text) <<"'\n";
			float fSize = pFont->size * Scale();

			for ( float i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ )
				wchar_t chr = text[i];

				if ( chr == ' ' ) { continue; }

				Gwen::Rect r( pos.x + i * fSize * 0.4, pos.y, fSize * 0.4 - 1, fSize );

					This isn't important, it's just me messing around changing the
					shape of the rect based on the letter.. just for fun.
				if ( chr == 'l' || chr == 'i' || chr == '!' || chr == 't' )
					r.w = 1;
				else if ( chr >= 'a' && chr <= 'z' )
					r.y += fSize * 0.5f;
					r.h -= fSize * 0.4f;
				else if ( chr == '.' || chr == ',' )
					r.x += 2;
					r.y += r.h - 2;
					r.w = 2;
					r.h = 2;
				else if ( chr == '\'' || chr == '`'  || chr == '"' )
					r.x += 3;
					r.w = 2;
					r.h = 2;

				if ( chr == 'o' || chr == 'O' || chr == '0' )
				{ DrawLinedRect( r ); }
				//	std::cout << "drawing ur flld rct: " <<r.x<<','<<r.y<<','<<r.w<<','<<r.h<<"\n";
					DrawFilledRect( r );
コード例 #12
ファイル: RichLabel.cpp プロジェクト: darkf/gwen
void RichLabel::SplitLabel( const Gwen::UnicodeString & text, Gwen::Font* pFont, const DividedText & txt, int & x, int & y, int & lineheight )
	Gwen::Utility::Strings::UnicodeList lst;
	Gwen::Utility::Strings::Split( text, U" ", lst, true );

	if ( lst.size() == 0 ) { return; }

	int iSpaceLeft = Width() - x;
	// Does the whole word fit in?
		Gwen::Point StringSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( pFont, text );

		if ( iSpaceLeft > StringSize.x )
			return CreateLabel( text, txt, x, y, lineheight, true );
	// If the first word is bigger than the line, just give up.
		Gwen::Point WordSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( pFont, lst[0] );

		if ( WordSize.x >= iSpaceLeft )
			CreateLabel( lst[0], txt, x, y, lineheight, true );

			if ( lst[0].size() >= text.size() ) { return; }

			Gwen::UnicodeString LeftOver = text.substr( lst[0].size() + 1 );
			return SplitLabel( LeftOver, pFont, txt, x, y, lineheight );
	Gwen::UnicodeString strNewString = U"";

	for ( size_t i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++ )
		Gwen::Point WordSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( pFont, strNewString + lst[i] );

		if ( WordSize.x > iSpaceLeft )
			CreateLabel( strNewString, txt, x, y, lineheight, true );
			x = 0;
			y += lineheight;

		strNewString += lst[i];

	if ( strNewString.size() >= text.size() ) return;
	Gwen::UnicodeString LeftOver = text.substr( strNewString.size() + 1 );
	return SplitLabel( LeftOver, pFont, txt, x, y, lineheight );
コード例 #13
ファイル: DirectX9.cpp プロジェクト: garrynewman/GWEN
		void DirectX9::RenderText( Gwen::Font* pFont, Gwen::Point pos, const Gwen::UnicodeString & text )

			// If the font doesn't exist, or the font size should be changed
			if ( !pFont->data || fabs( pFont->realsize - pFont->size * Scale() ) > 2 )
				FreeFont( pFont );
				LoadFont( pFont );

			FontData* pFontData = ( FontData* ) pFont->data;
			Translate( pos.x, pos.y );
			RECT ClipRect = { pos.x, pos.y, 0, 0 };
			pFontData->pFont->DrawTextW( NULL, text.c_str(), -1, &ClipRect, DT_LEFT | DT_TOP | DT_NOCLIP | DT_SINGLELINE, m_Color );
コード例 #14
        void Chowdren::RenderText( Gwen::Font* pFont, Gwen::Point pos,
            const Gwen::UnicodeString & text )
            if (!init_font())

            FTTextureFont* font = get_font(pFont->size);
            if (font) {
			    Translate(pos.x, pos.y);
                FTTextureFont::color = m_Color;
                FTSimpleLayout layout;
                layout.Render(text.c_str(), -1, FTPoint(pos.x, pos.y + font->Ascender()));
コード例 #15
ファイル: BaseRender.cpp プロジェクト: Azon099/networked-iv
		void Base::RenderText( Gwen::Font* pFont, Gwen::Point pos, const Gwen::UnicodeString& text )
			float fSize = pFont->size * Scale();

			for ( float i=0; i<text.length(); i++ )
				wchar_t chr = text[i];

				if ( chr == ' ' ) continue;

				Gwen::Rect r( pos.x + i * fSize * 0.4, pos.y, fSize * 0.4 -1, fSize );

					This isn't important, it's just me messing around changing the
					shape of the rect based on the letter.. just for fun.
				if ( chr == 'l' || chr == 'i' || chr == '!' || chr == 't' )
					r.w = 1;
				else if ( chr >= 'a' && chr <= 'z' )
					r.y += fSize * 0.5f;
					r.h -= fSize * 0.4f;
				else if ( chr == '.' || chr == ',' )
					r.x += 2;
					r.y += r.h - 2;
					r.w = 2;
					r.h = 2;
				else if ( chr == '\'' || chr == '`'  || chr == '"' )
					r.x += 3;
					r.w = 2;
					r.h = 2;

				if ( chr == 'o' || chr == 'O' || chr == '0' )
					DrawLinedRect( r );	
					DrawFilledRect( r );
コード例 #16
ファイル: GDIPlus.cpp プロジェクト: MegaThorx/GWEN
		gwen::Point GDIPlus::MeasureText( gwen::Font* pFont, const gwen::UnicodeString & text )
			gwen::Point p( 1, 1 );

			if ( !pFont->data || fabs( pFont->realsize - pFont->size * Scale() ) > 2 )
				FreeFont( pFont );
				LoadFont( pFont );

			Gdiplus::StringFormat strFormat( Gdiplus::StringFormat::GenericDefault() );
			strFormat.SetFormatFlags( Gdiplus::StringFormatFlagsMeasureTrailingSpaces | strFormat.GetFormatFlags() );
			Gdiplus::SizeF size;
			Gdiplus::Graphics g( m_HWND );
			Gdiplus::Font* pGDIFont = ( Gdiplus::Font* ) pFont->data;
			g.MeasureString( text.c_str(), -1, pGDIFont, Gdiplus::SizeF( 10000, 10000 ), &strFormat, &size );
			return gwen::Point( size.Width + 1, size.Height + 1 );
コード例 #17
		Gwen::Point OpenGL_DebugFont::MeasureText( Gwen::Font* pFont, const Gwen::UnicodeString& text )
			Gwen::Point p;
			float fSize = pFont->size * Scale();

			Gwen::String converted_string = Gwen::Utility::UnicodeToString( text );
			float spacing = 0.0f;

			for ( int i=0; i<text.length(); i++ )
				char ch = converted_string[i];
				spacing += sGwenDebugFontSpacing[ch];

			p.x = spacing*m_fLetterSpacing*fSize * m_fFontScale[0];
			p.y = pFont->size * Scale() * m_fFontScale[1];
			return p;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Text.cpp プロジェクト: jjiezheng/lfant
void Text::SplitWords(const Gwen::UnicodeString &s, std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString> & elems )
	Gwen::UnicodeString str;

	int w = GetParent()->Width() - GetParent()->GetPadding().left-GetParent()->GetPadding().right;
	for ( int i=0; i<(int)s.length(); i++ )
		if ( s[i] == L'\n' )
			if ( !str.empty() ) { elems.push_back( str ); }

			elems.push_back( L"\n" );

		if ( s[i] == L' ' )
			str += s[i];
			elems.push_back( str );

		str += s[i];

		//if adding character makes the word bigger than the textbox size
		Gwen::Point p = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), str );
		if ( p.x > w )
			int addSum = GetPadding().left+GetPadding().right;
			//split words
			elems.push_back( str );

	if ( !str.empty() ) { elems.push_back( str ); }
コード例 #19
ファイル: TextBox.cpp プロジェクト: dabroz/gwen-mirror
void TextBox::InsertText( const Gwen::UnicodeString& strInsert )
	// TODO: Make sure fits (implement maxlength)

	if ( HasSelection() )

	if ( m_iCursorPos > TextLength() ) m_iCursorPos = TextLength();

	if ( !IsTextAllowed( strInsert, m_iCursorPos )  )

	UnicodeString str = GetText();
	str.insert( m_iCursorPos, strInsert );
	SetText( str );

	m_iCursorPos += (int) strInsert.size();
	m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;

コード例 #20
ファイル: Utility.cpp プロジェクト: charliesome/battlecars
void Gwen::Utility::Strings::Split( const Gwen::UnicodeString& str, const Gwen::UnicodeString& seperator, Strings::UnicodeList& outbits, bool bLeave )
	int iOffset = 0;
	int iLength = str.length();
	int iSepLen = seperator.length();

	size_t i = str.find( seperator, 0 );
	while ( i != std::wstring::npos )
		outbits.push_back( str.substr( iOffset, i-iOffset ) );
		iOffset = i + iSepLen;

		i = str.find( seperator, iOffset );
		if ( bLeave ) iOffset -= iSepLen;

	outbits.push_back( str.substr( iOffset, iLength-iOffset ) );
コード例 #21
ファイル: Text.cpp プロジェクト: guardian2433/open-sauce
void Text::RefreshSizeWrap()

	for ( TextLines::iterator it = m_Lines.begin(); it != m_Lines.end(); ++it )
		delete *it;

	std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString> words;
	SplitWords( GetText().GetUnicode(), words );
	// Adding a bullshit word to the end simplifies the code below
	// which is anything but simple.
	words.push_back( L"" );

	if ( !GetFont() )
		Debug::AssertCheck( 0, "Text::RefreshSize() - No Font!!\n" );

	Point pFontSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), L" " );
	int w = GetParent()->Width() - GetParent()->GetPadding().left-GetParent()->GetPadding().right; 
	int x = 0, y = 0;
	Gwen::UnicodeString strLine;

	for ( std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString>::iterator it = words.begin(); it != words.end(); ++it )
		bool bFinishLine = false;
		bool bWrapped = false;

		// If this word is a newline - make a newline (we still add it to the text)
		if ( ( *it ).c_str() [0] == L'\n' ) { bFinishLine = true; }

		// Does adding this word drive us over the width?
			strLine += ( *it );
			Gwen::Point p = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), strLine );

			if ( p.x > w ) { bFinishLine = true; bWrapped = true; }

		// If this is the last word then finish the line
		if ( --words.end() == it )
			bFinishLine = true;

		if ( bFinishLine )
			Text* t = new Text( this );
			t->SetFont( GetFont() );
			t->SetTextColor( m_Color );
				t->SetString( strLine.substr( 0, strLine.length() - (*it).length() ) );
				// newline should start with the word that was too big
				strLine = *it;
				t->SetString( strLine.substr( 0, strLine.length()) );
				//new line is empty
			t->SetPos( x, y );
			m_Lines.push_back( t );

			// newline should start with the word that was too big
			// strLine = *it;

			// Position the newline
			y += pFontSize.y;
			x = 0;
			//if ( strLine[0] == L' ' ) x -= pFontSize.x;

	// Size to children height and parent width
	Point childsize = ChildrenSize();
		SetSize( w, childsize.y );

	// Align the text within the parent
	int y_offset = 0;
	for ( TextLines::iterator it = m_Lines.begin(); it != m_Lines.end(); ++it )
		Text* text = *it;
		const Rect & bounds = GetInnerBounds();

		int x = 0;
		int y = 0;

		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::Left )		{ x = bounds.x; }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::Right )	{ x = bounds.x + ( bounds.w - text->Width() ); }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::CenterH )	{ x = bounds.x + ( bounds.w - text->Width() )  * 0.5; }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::Top )		{ y = bounds.y; }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::Bottom )	{ y = bounds.y + ( bounds.h - childsize.y ); }
		if ( m_iAlign & Pos::CenterV )	{ y = bounds.y + ( bounds.h - childsize.y )  * 0.5; }

		text->SetPos( x, y + y_offset );

		y_offset += text->Height();

コード例 #22
ファイル: Text.cpp プロジェクト: r-lyeh/moon9
void Text::RefreshSizeWrap()

	for( TextLines::const_iterator it = m_Lines.begin(), end = m_Lines.end(); it != end; ++it )
		Text *t = *it;
		delete t, t = 0;


	std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString> words;
	SplitWords( GetText().GetUnicode(), L' ', words );

	// Adding a bullshit word to the end simplifies the code below
	// which is anything but simple.
	words.push_back( L"" );

	if ( !GetFont() )
		Debug::AssertCheck( 0, "Text::RefreshSize() - No Font!!\n" );

	Point pFontSize = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), L" " );

	int w = GetParent()->Width();
	int x = 0, y = 0;

	Gwen::UnicodeString strLine;

	std::vector<Gwen::UnicodeString>::iterator it = words.begin();
	for ( it; it != words.end(); ++it )
		bool bFinishLine = false;
		bool bWrapped = false;

		// If this word is a newline - make a newline (we still add it to the text)
		if ( (*it).c_str()[0] == L'\n' ) bFinishLine = true;

		// Does adding this word drive us over the width?
			strLine += (*it);
			Gwen::Point p = GetSkin()->GetRender()->MeasureText( GetFont(), strLine );
			if ( p.x > Width() ) { bFinishLine = true; bWrapped = true; }

		// If this is the last word then finish the line
		if ( --words.end() == it )
			bFinishLine = true;

		if ( bFinishLine )
			Text* t = new Text( this );
				t->SetFont( GetFont() );
				t->SetString( strLine.substr( 0, strLine.length() - (*it).length() ) );
				t->SetPos( x, y );
			m_Lines.push_back( t );

			// newline should start with the word that was too big
			strLine = *it;

			// Position the newline
			y += pFontSize.y;
			x = 0;

			//if ( strLine[0] == L' ' ) x -= pFontSize.x;


	// Size to children height and parent width
		Point childsize = ChildrenSize();
		SetSize( w, childsize.y );

コード例 #23
	void	UpdateText(CProfileIterator*  profileIterator, bool idle)
		static bool update=true;
        //		if (!update)
        //			return;
		static int test = 1;
		static double time_since_reset = 0.f;
		if (!idle)
			time_since_reset = CProfileManager::Get_Time_Since_Reset();
		//Gwen::UnicodeString txt = Gwen::Utility::Format( L"FEM Settings  %i fps", test );
            //recompute profiling data, and store profile strings
            char blockTime[128];
            double totalTime = 0;
            int frames_since_reset = CProfileManager::Get_Frame_Count_Since_Reset();
            double parent_time = profileIterator->Is_Root() ? time_since_reset : profileIterator->Get_Current_Parent_Total_Time();
            Gwen::Controls::TreeNode* curParent = m_node;
            double accumulated_time = dumpRecursive(profileIterator,m_node);
            const char* name = profileIterator->Get_Current_Parent_Name();
#ifdef _WIN32
            Gwen::UnicodeString uname = Gwen::Utility::StringToUnicode(name);
            Gwen::UnicodeString txt = Gwen::Utility::Format( L"Profiling: %s total time: %.3f ms, unaccounted %.3f %% :: %.3f ms", uname.c_str(), parent_time ,
                                                            parent_time > SIMD_EPSILON ? ((parent_time - accumulated_time) / parent_time) * 100 : 0.f, parent_time - accumulated_time);
            Gwen::UnicodeString txt = Gwen::Utility::Format( L"Profiling: %s total time: %.3f ms, unaccounted %.3f %% :: %.3f ms", name, parent_time ,
                                                            parent_time > SIMD_EPSILON ? ((parent_time - accumulated_time) / parent_time) * 100 : 0.f, parent_time - accumulated_time);
            //sprintf(blockTime,"--- Profiling: %s (total running time: %.3f ms) ---",	profileIterator->Get_Current_Parent_Name(), parent_time );
			//printf("%s (%.3f %%) :: %.3f ms\n", "Unaccounted:",);
		static int counter=10;
		if (counter)
コード例 #24
ファイル: Utility.cpp プロジェクト: charliesome/battlecars
void Gwen::Utility::Strings::ToUpper( Gwen::UnicodeString& str )
	transform( str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), towupper );