Checkable::Ptr ScheduledDowntime::GetCheckable() const { Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(GetHostName()); if (GetServiceName().IsEmpty()) return host; else return host->GetServiceByShortName(GetServiceName()); }
Value ClusterEvents::SendNotificationsAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint(); if (!endpoint) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'send notification' message from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Invalid endpoint origin (client not allowed)."; return Empty; } Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(params->Get("host")); if (!host) return Empty; Checkable::Ptr checkable; if (params->Contains("service")) checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(params->Get("service")); else checkable = host; if (!checkable) return Empty; if (origin->FromZone && origin->FromZone != Zone::GetLocalZone()) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'send custom notification' message for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Unauthorized access."; return Empty; } CheckResult::Ptr cr; Array::Ptr vperf; if (params->Contains("cr")) { cr = new CheckResult(); Dictionary::Ptr vcr = params->Get("cr"); if (vcr && vcr->Contains("performance_data")) { vperf = vcr->Get("performance_data"); if (vperf) vcr->Remove("performance_data"); Deserialize(cr, vcr, true); } } NotificationType type = static_cast<NotificationType>(static_cast<int>(params->Get("type"))); String author = params->Get("author"); String text = params->Get("text"); Checkable::OnNotificationsRequested(checkable, type, cr, author, text, origin); return Empty; }
void Dependency::OnAllConfigLoaded(void) { ObjectImpl<Dependency>::OnAllConfigLoaded(); Host::Ptr childHost = Host::GetByName(GetChildHostName()); if (childHost) { if (GetChildServiceName().IsEmpty()) { Log(LogDebug, "Dependency") << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' child host '" << GetChildHostName() << "."; m_Child = childHost; } else { Log(LogDebug, "Dependency") << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' child host '" << GetChildHostName() << "' service '" << GetChildServiceName() << "' ."; m_Child = childHost->GetServiceByShortName(GetChildServiceName()); } } if (!m_Child) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Dependency '" + GetName() + "' references a child host/service which doesn't exist.", GetDebugInfo())); m_Child->AddDependency(this); Host::Ptr parentHost = Host::GetByName(GetParentHostName()); if (parentHost) { if (GetParentServiceName().IsEmpty()) { Log(LogDebug, "Dependency") << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' parent host '" << GetParentHostName() << "."; m_Parent = parentHost; } else { Log(LogDebug, "Dependency") << "Dependency '" << GetName() << "' parent host '" << GetParentHostName() << "' service '" << GetParentServiceName() << "' ."; m_Parent = parentHost->GetServiceByShortName(GetParentServiceName()); } } if (!m_Parent) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Dependency '" + GetName() + "' references a parent host/service which doesn't exist.", GetDebugInfo())); m_Parent->AddReverseDependency(this); }
void Downtime::OnAllConfigLoaded(void) { ObjectImpl<Downtime>::OnAllConfigLoaded(); Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(GetHostName()); if (GetServiceName().IsEmpty()) m_Checkable = host; else m_Checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(GetServiceName()); if (!m_Checkable) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Downtime '" + GetName() + "' references a host/service which doesn't exist.", GetDebugInfo())); }
void Notification::OnAllConfigLoaded(void) { ObjectImpl<Notification>::OnAllConfigLoaded(); Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(GetHostName()); if (GetServiceName().IsEmpty()) m_Checkable = host; else m_Checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(GetServiceName()); if (!m_Checkable) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ScriptError("Notification object refers to a host/service which doesn't exist.", GetDebugInfo())); GetCheckable()->RegisterNotification(this); }
Value ClusterEvents::NextCheckChangedAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint(); if (!endpoint) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'next check changed' message from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Invalid endpoint origin (client not allowed)."; return Empty; } Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(params->Get("host")); if (!host) return Empty; Checkable::Ptr checkable; if (params->Contains("service")) checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(params->Get("service")); else checkable = host; if (!checkable) return Empty; if (origin->FromZone && !origin->FromZone->CanAccessObject(checkable)) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'next check changed' message for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Unauthorized access."; return Empty; } double nextCheck = params->Get("next_check"); if (nextCheck < Application::GetStartTime() + 60) return Empty; checkable->SetNextCheck(params->Get("next_check"), false, origin); return Empty; }
Value ClusterEvents::AcknowledgementSetAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint(); if (!endpoint) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'acknowledgement set' message from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Invalid endpoint origin (client not allowed)."; return Empty; } Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(params->Get("host")); if (!host) return Empty; Checkable::Ptr checkable; if (params->Contains("service")) checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(params->Get("service")); else checkable = host; if (!checkable) return Empty; if (origin->FromZone && !origin->FromZone->CanAccessObject(checkable)) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'acknowledgement set' message for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Unauthorized access."; return Empty; } checkable->AcknowledgeProblem(params->Get("author"), params->Get("comment"), static_cast<AcknowledgementType>(static_cast<int>(params->Get("acktype"))), params->Get("notify"), params->Get("persistent"), params->Get("expiry"), origin); return Empty; }
Value ClusterEvents::AcknowledgementClearedAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint(); if (!endpoint) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'acknowledgement cleared' message from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Invalid endpoint origin (client not allowed)."; return Empty; } Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(params->Get("host")); if (!host) return Empty; Checkable::Ptr checkable; if (params->Contains("service")) checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(params->Get("service")); else checkable = host; if (!checkable) return Empty; if (origin->FromZone && !origin->FromZone->CanAccessObject(checkable)) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'acknowledgement cleared' message for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Unauthorized access."; return Empty; } checkable->ClearAcknowledgement(origin); return Empty; }
void CheckResultReader::ProcessCheckResultFile(const String& path) const { CONTEXT("Processing check result file '" + path + "'"); String crfile = String(path.Begin(), path.End() - 3); /* Remove the ".ok" extension. */ std::ifstream fp; fp.exceptions(std::ifstream::badbit);; std::map<String, String> attrs; while (fp.good()) { std::string line; std::getline(fp, line); if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') continue; /* Ignore comments and empty lines. */ size_t pos = line.find_first_of('='); if (pos == std::string::npos) continue; /* Ignore invalid lines. */ String key = line.substr(0, pos); String value = line.substr(pos + 1); attrs[key] = value; } /* Remove the checkresult files. */ if (unlink(path.CStr()) < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("unlink") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno) << boost::errinfo_file_name(path)); if (unlink(crfile.CStr()) < 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(posix_error() << boost::errinfo_api_function("unlink") << boost::errinfo_errno(errno) << boost::errinfo_file_name(crfile)); Checkable::Ptr checkable; Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(attrs["host_name"]); if (!host) { Log(LogWarning, "CheckResultReader") << "Ignoring checkresult file for host '" << attrs["host_name"] << "': Host does not exist."; return; } if (attrs.find("service_description") != attrs.end()) { Service::Ptr service = host->GetServiceByShortName(attrs["service_description"]); if (!service) { Log(LogWarning, "CheckResultReader") << "Ignoring checkresult file for host '" << attrs["host_name"] << "', service '" << attrs["service_description"] << "': Service does not exist."; return; } checkable = service; } else checkable = host; CheckResult::Ptr result = new CheckResult(); String output = CompatUtility::UnEscapeString(attrs["output"]); std::pair<String, Value> co = PluginUtility::ParseCheckOutput(output); result->SetOutput(co.first); result->SetPerformanceData(PluginUtility::SplitPerfdata(co.second)); result->SetState(PluginUtility::ExitStatusToState(Convert::ToLong(attrs["return_code"]))); if (attrs.find("start_time") != attrs.end()) result->SetExecutionStart(Convert::ToDouble(attrs["start_time"])); else result->SetExecutionStart(Utility::GetTime()); if (attrs.find("finish_time") != attrs.end()) result->SetExecutionEnd(Convert::ToDouble(attrs["finish_time"])); else result->SetExecutionEnd(result->GetExecutionStart()); checkable->ProcessCheckResult(result); Log(LogDebug, "CheckResultReader") << "Processed checkresult file for object '" << checkable->GetName() << "'"; /* Reschedule the next check. The side effect of this is that for as long * as we receive check result files for a host/service we won't execute any * active checks. */ checkable->SetNextCheck(Utility::GetTime() + checkable->GetCheckInterval()); }
Value ClusterEvents::CheckResultAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint(); if (!endpoint) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'check result' message from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Invalid endpoint origin (client not allowed)."; return Empty; } CheckResult::Ptr cr; Array::Ptr vperf; if (params->Contains("cr")) { cr = new CheckResult(); Dictionary::Ptr vcr = params->Get("cr"); if (vcr && vcr->Contains("performance_data")) { vperf = vcr->Get("performance_data"); if (vperf) vcr->Remove("performance_data"); Deserialize(cr, vcr, true); } } if (!cr) return Empty; ArrayData rperf; if (vperf) { ObjectLock olock(vperf); for (const Value& vp : vperf) { Value p; if (vp.IsObjectType<Dictionary>()) { PerfdataValue::Ptr val = new PerfdataValue(); Deserialize(val, vp, true); rperf.push_back(val); } else rperf.push_back(vp); } } cr->SetPerformanceData(new Array(std::move(rperf))); Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(params->Get("host")); if (!host) return Empty; Checkable::Ptr checkable; if (params->Contains("service")) checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(params->Get("service")); else checkable = host; if (!checkable) return Empty; if (origin->FromZone && !origin->FromZone->CanAccessObject(checkable) && endpoint != checkable->GetCommandEndpoint()) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'check result' message for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Unauthorized access."; return Empty; } if (!checkable->IsPaused() && Zone::GetLocalZone() == checkable->GetZone() && endpoint == checkable->GetCommandEndpoint()) checkable->ProcessCheckResult(cr); else checkable->ProcessCheckResult(cr, origin); return Empty; }
Value ClusterEvents::NotificationSentToAllUsersAPIHandler(const MessageOrigin::Ptr& origin, const Dictionary::Ptr& params) { Endpoint::Ptr endpoint = origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint(); if (!endpoint) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'sent notification to all users' message from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Invalid endpoint origin (client not allowed)."; return Empty; } Host::Ptr host = Host::GetByName(params->Get("host")); if (!host) return Empty; Checkable::Ptr checkable; if (params->Contains("service")) checkable = host->GetServiceByShortName(params->Get("service")); else checkable = host; if (!checkable) return Empty; if (origin->FromZone && origin->FromZone != Zone::GetLocalZone()) { Log(LogNotice, "ClusterEvents") << "Discarding 'sent notification to all users' message for checkable '" << checkable->GetName() << "' from '" << origin->FromClient->GetIdentity() << "': Unauthorized access."; return Empty; } CheckResult::Ptr cr; Array::Ptr vperf; if (params->Contains("cr")) { cr = new CheckResult(); Dictionary::Ptr vcr = params->Get("cr"); if (vcr && vcr->Contains("performance_data")) { vperf = vcr->Get("performance_data"); if (vperf) vcr->Remove("performance_data"); Deserialize(cr, vcr, true); } } NotificationType type = static_cast<NotificationType>(static_cast<int>(params->Get("type"))); String author = params->Get("author"); String text = params->Get("text"); Notification::Ptr notification = Notification::GetByName(params->Get("notification")); if (!notification) return Empty; Array::Ptr ausers = params->Get("users"); if (!ausers) return Empty; std::set<User::Ptr> users; { ObjectLock olock(ausers); for (const String& auser : ausers) { User::Ptr user = User::GetByName(auser); if (!user) continue; users.insert(user); } } notification->SetLastNotification(params->Get("last_notification")); notification->SetNextNotification(params->Get("next_notification")); notification->SetNotificationNumber(params->Get("notification_number")); notification->SetLastProblemNotification(params->Get("last_problem_notification")); notification->SetNoMoreNotifications(params->Get("no_more_notifications")); ArrayData notifiedProblemUsers; for (const User::Ptr& user : users) { notifiedProblemUsers.push_back(user->GetName()); } notification->SetNotifiedProblemUsers(new Array(std::move(notifiedProblemUsers))); Checkable::OnNotificationSentToAllUsers(notification, checkable, users, type, cr, author, text, origin); return Empty; }