bool IcePHP::createStringArray(zval* zv, const Ice::StringSeq& seq) { array_init(zv); for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator p = seq.begin(); p != seq.end(); ++p) { if(add_next_index_stringl(zv, STRCAST(p->c_str()), static_cast<uint>(p->length())) == FAILURE) { return false; } } return true; }
bool IcePy::stringSeqToList(const Ice::StringSeq& seq, PyObject* l) { assert(PyList_Check(l)); for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator p = seq.begin(); p != seq.end(); ++p) { PyObject* str = Py_BuildValue(STRCAST("s"), p->c_str()); if(!str) { Py_DECREF(l); return false; } int status = PyList_Append(l, str); Py_DECREF(str); // Give ownership to the list. if(status < 0) { Py_DECREF(l); return false; } } return true; }
static int communicatorInit(CommunicatorObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* /*kwds*/) { // // The argument options are: // // Ice.initialize() // Ice.initialize(args) // Ice.initialize(initData) // Ice.initialize(configFile) // Ice.initialize(args, initData) // Ice.initialize(args, configFile) // PyObject* arg1 = 0; PyObject* arg2 = 0; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, STRCAST("|OO"), &arg1, &arg2)) { return -1; } PyObject* argList = 0; PyObject* initData = 0; PyObject* configFile = 0; if(arg1 == Py_None) { arg1 = 0; } if(arg2 == Py_None) { arg2 = 0; } PyObject* initDataType = lookupType("Ice.InitializationData"); if(arg1) { if(PyList_Check(arg1)) { argList = arg1; } else if(PyObject_IsInstance(arg1, initDataType)) { initData = arg1; } else if(checkString(arg1)) { configFile = arg1; } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize expects an argument list, Ice.InitializationData or a configuration filename")); return -1; } } if(arg2) { if(PyList_Check(arg2)) { if(argList) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("unexpected list argument to initialize")); return -1; } argList = arg2; } else if(PyObject_IsInstance(arg2, initDataType)) { if(initData) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("unexpected Ice.InitializationData argument to initialize")); return -1; } initData = arg2; } else if(checkString(arg2)) { if(configFile) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("unexpected string argument to initialize")); return -1; } configFile = arg2; } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize expects an argument list, Ice.InitializationData or a configuration filename")); return -1; } } if(initData && configFile) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize accepts either Ice.InitializationData or a configuration filename")); return -1; } Ice::StringSeq seq; if(argList && !listToStringSeq(argList, seq)) { return -1; } Ice::InitializationData data; DispatcherPtr dispatcherWrapper; try { if(initData) { PyObjectHandle properties = getAttr(initData, "properties", false); PyObjectHandle logger = getAttr(initData, "logger", false); PyObjectHandle threadHook = getAttr(initData, "threadHook", false); PyObjectHandle threadStart = getAttr(initData, "threadStart", false); PyObjectHandle threadStop = getAttr(initData, "threadStop", false); PyObjectHandle batchRequestInterceptor = getAttr(initData, "batchRequestInterceptor", false); PyObjectHandle dispatcher = getAttr(initData, "dispatcher", false); if(properties.get()) { // // Get the properties implementation. // PyObjectHandle impl = getAttr(properties.get(), "_impl", false); assert(impl.get()); = getProperties(impl.get()); } if(logger.get()) { data.logger = new LoggerWrapper(logger.get()); } if(threadHook.get() || threadStart.get() || threadStop.get()) { data.threadHook = new ThreadHook(threadHook.get(), threadStart.get(), threadStop.get()); } if(dispatcher.get()) { dispatcherWrapper = new Dispatcher(dispatcher.get()); data.dispatcher = dispatcherWrapper; } if(batchRequestInterceptor.get()) { data.batchRequestInterceptor = new BatchRequestInterceptor(batchRequestInterceptor.get()); } } // // We always supply our own implementation of ValueFactoryManager. // data.valueFactoryManager = new ValueFactoryManager; if(! { = Ice::createProperties(); } if(configFile) {>load(getString(configFile)); } if(argList) { = Ice::createProperties(seq,; } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { setPythonException(ex); return -1; } // // Remaining command line options are passed to the communicator // as an argument vector in case they contain plug-in properties. // int argc = static_cast<int>(seq.size()); char** argv = new char*[argc + 1]; int i = 0; for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator s = seq.begin(); s != seq.end(); ++s, ++i) { argv[i] = strdup(s->c_str()); } argv[argc] = 0; data.compactIdResolver = new IdResolver; Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator; try { AllowThreads allowThreads; if(argList) { communicator = Ice::initialize(argc, argv, data); } else { communicator = Ice::initialize(data); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } delete[] argv; setPythonException(ex); return -1; } // // Replace the contents of the given argument list with the filtered arguments. // if(argList) { PyList_SetSlice(argList, 0, PyList_Size(argList), 0); // Clear the list. for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { PyObjectHandle str = Py_BuildValue(STRCAST("s"), argv[i]); PyList_Append(argList, str.get()); } } for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } delete[] argv; self->communicator = new Ice::CommunicatorPtr(communicator); CommunicatorMap::iterator p = _communicatorMap.find(communicator); if(p != _communicatorMap.end()) { _communicatorMap.erase(p); } _communicatorMap.insert(CommunicatorMap::value_type(communicator, reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(self))); if(dispatcherWrapper) { self->dispatcher = new DispatcherPtr(dispatcherWrapper); dispatcherWrapper->setCommunicator(communicator); } return 0; }
static int communicatorInit(CommunicatorObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* /*kwds*/) { PyObject* argList = 0; PyObject* initData = 0; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, STRCAST("|OO"), &argList, &initData)) { return -1; } if(argList == Py_None) { argList = 0; } if(initData == Py_None) { initData = 0; } PyObject* initDataType = lookupType("Ice.InitializationData"); if(argList && !initData) { if(PyObject_IsInstance(argList, initDataType)) { initData = argList; argList = 0; } else if(!PyList_Check(argList)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize expects an argument list or Ice.InitializationData")); return -1; } } else if(argList && initData) { if(!PyList_Check(argList) || !PyObject_IsInstance(initData, initDataType)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize expects an argument list and Ice.InitializationData")); return -1; } } Ice::StringSeq seq; if(argList && !listToStringSeq(argList, seq)) { return -1; } // // Use the with-args or the without-args version of initialize()? // bool hasArgs = argList != 0; Ice::InitializationData data; if(initData) { PyObjectHandle properties = PyObject_GetAttrString(initData, STRCAST("properties")); PyObjectHandle logger = PyObject_GetAttrString(initData, STRCAST("logger")); PyObjectHandle threadHook = PyObject_GetAttrString(initData, STRCAST("threadHook")); PyObjectHandle batchRequestInterceptor = PyObject_GetAttrString(initData, STRCAST("batchRequestInterceptor")); PyErr_Clear(); // PyObject_GetAttrString sets an error on failure. if(properties.get() && properties.get() != Py_None) { // // Get the properties implementation. // PyObjectHandle impl = PyObject_GetAttrString(properties.get(), STRCAST("_impl")); assert(impl.get()); = getProperties(impl.get()); } if(logger.get() && logger.get() != Py_None) { data.logger = new LoggerWrapper(logger.get()); } if(threadHook.get() && threadHook.get() != Py_None) { data.threadHook = new ThreadHook(threadHook.get()); } if(batchRequestInterceptor.get() && batchRequestInterceptor.get() != Py_None) { data.batchRequestInterceptor = new BatchRequestInterceptor(batchRequestInterceptor.get()); } } // // We always supply our own implementation of ValueFactoryManager. // data.valueFactoryManager = new ValueFactoryManager; try { if(argList) { = Ice::createProperties(seq,; } else if(! { = Ice::createProperties(); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { setPythonException(ex); return -1; } // // Remaining command line options are passed to the communicator // as an argument vector in case they contain plug-in properties. // int argc = static_cast<int>(seq.size()); char** argv = new char*[argc + 1]; int i = 0; for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator s = seq.begin(); s != seq.end(); ++s, ++i) { argv[i] = strdup(s->c_str()); } argv[argc] = 0; data.compactIdResolver = new IdResolver; Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator; try { AllowThreads allowThreads; if(hasArgs) { communicator = Ice::initialize(argc, argv, data); } else { communicator = Ice::initialize(data); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } delete[] argv; setPythonException(ex); return -1; } // // Replace the contents of the given argument list with the filtered arguments. // if(argList) { PyList_SetSlice(argList, 0, PyList_Size(argList), 0); // Clear the list. for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { PyObjectHandle str = Py_BuildValue(STRCAST("s"), argv[i]); PyList_Append(argList, str.get()); } } for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } delete[] argv; self->communicator = new Ice::CommunicatorPtr(communicator); CommunicatorMap::iterator p = _communicatorMap.find(communicator); if(p != _communicatorMap.end()) { _communicatorMap.erase(p); } _communicatorMap.insert(CommunicatorMap::value_type(communicator, reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(self))); return 0; }